Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1960, p. 1

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7Mr KLirirrst9lnruns OUR TELEPHONE or Want Ads THE pm PA mu The telephone number Its all row the all new Dent PAJGsfl 96th YearNo1 l4 After firehose barrage tee felled demonstrators rance to House subcommit of the demonstrators many of POLICEMEN none illISCO DEMON to break up crowd of sacking entv unAmericsn hearing in the San Francisco city hall Friday police moved in with club and dragged some activities STRATORS them youlig college students out of the building to waiting patrol wagons were injured including two policeman in the melee Six persons For Summit Showdown ONTARlOfCANADA SATURDAY MAY 14 l960 per €9pr4 Page BAR us SPYBASES RUSS WARN CANADA NEWMARKET GP Mrs Helen Scdore of Keswick testi fied Friday that shartold motor ist accused of failing to remain at the scene of an accident that she thought he had hit child Calvin Coolidge Preston 35 of normlay is being tried before judge and jury in connection with the April in traffic deattl of 19 monthold Chesloy Keller 15 find France Center In Bid To Avert Split PAiilS Reuters United States and French officials are conferring in bid to overcome Western eveoisummit rift on disarmament diplomatic source said today Eifortsto achieve Allied unity on disarmament at the NATO foreign ministersI conference in Istanbul early this month were hampered by the inability of the Frenchand Americans to agree over the priority ofcontroiing the maans of launching one ear missiles the source added The French believe this control should be introduced at the start of EastWest disarmament But the Americans are reported re garding it impracticable to put supervisors right away on the thousands of alriields missile launching sites military depots andshlpstlmtwould in effect cd Representatives at the five Western powers concerned with disarmamentthe United States France Britain Canada and ltaly were to have met here suffocated while rescu qua Passenger Testifies She Told Man She Thought Child Struck The little boy was struck and killed by car as he pushed his stroller along road in nearby Holland Landing north of Tor onto Mrs Sedoro and her fathcr William Harry Luff oi Brantford said they weraln Prestons car the night of the fatality Mr Luff said they were givcn lift after their car broke down on tha high way Mrs Scdoro said she gave her warning to Preston after seeing on the road what she took to be child right after feeling the car hump something in Holland Land Ill REMOVED CART Mr Luff sald Prcston continued obwn the road quarter oi mile stoppcd nnd removed crumpled cart that had been dragging under the car Ho said he pleaded with tho driver to go back but Preston rciuscd and when they later period cautioned them with Mums the word Mrs Scdoro said aha did not report the accident because she was in hystorlcs for two days aft erwards and was too shocked to think All could see was tha childs face Mr Luff andlVirs Sadore both tcstiiiicd there was fog on the run FOUR ENTOMBED MEMPHIS Tenn AP Afl lootdeep ditch collapsed with roanliriday entombing four con struction workers under tons of dirt and rubble Three of the men worked tofree them BON EARL ROWE so On Friday Commons Applaud lion Earl Rowe 86 orrswa CPlrl Hon Earl Rowe PCDuifarinsimcoa re celved solid round of applause in the Commons Friday on his oath birthday Mr Bowa farmer and bus iness executive was first elected to the Commonslin 1025 He has been mcmbcr continuously except for 19 when he left to hand the 0ntario Conservative Mm MoGrcgor tPCnYoll mbcr without in as can The front door was broken tsrruption silica 1m Claim Territory At LONPON AHThe Russians today condoned anada against permitting Unit states spy planes to fly from Canadian bases Moscow radio broadcast to North America said Canada willingly and unquestionably had put Its territory at the dis posal of tho US Air Force and the gentlemen oi the us do fancs department and the intelli thinsclvos at home there What happens next is matter for the Canadian govern ments conscience to decide sold the Englishlanguage brood cast As everybody knows Canada has not yet dared to disobey its partner The fate of world peaca do pends in no small measure on tile lessons which tho Canadian gov ernment and tho governments oi the other countries where us bases are located draw fromrthc incident of the spy piano This was the first diroctmen tion of Canada in Russian blasts in the last week about the Ameri can spy piano External Affairs TESS ROBBED NEW YORK APiAlgor Hiss contralVfigura in two Communist espionage trials told police he found his Greenwich village apartmont ransacked and inor ponsiva jewelry missing last on day linolesnuqrridny 55 rapidh bookswerstbrown aroun apartment and drawers of bmeaustara opened Disposal Minister Green has reiterated several times in the House of Commons that while 112 highfly ing lots of the type allot down do occasionally operate from tho United States over Canada they do not fly from Canadian air spaca to other countries The only flying over Canada are on gaged In lcgitimoto wcathcr and radéoactiyity research Green ills Ia Fisherman Is Lost Presumed Drowned roar HOPE or Erncst Mills 30 of Bridgcnorth iisllari man was lost in the Otonnbco River and presumed drowned early today noar Bonsfort Bridge 25 miles northeast of Port Hope Mills was fishing for plckcrelgt with companion shoril after the season opened at midnight The boat turned over and Mills was lost His companion made his way to shora and notified pollco Corporal Lyle Erskine Cobourg detachment OPP loft today for Bensiort to start dragging opora tlons Mills leaves wife and four children Pilgrims lire Upset lifter Biavingllain LISBON Portugal APThou sands of pilgrims loft the shrine oi Fatima Fflday night disap pointed that the Roman Catholic Church remained silent on what is reported to have been the final By JOHN HlGllToVWEE Khrushchev holds the initiative merits did not conclusively define revelation oi the Virgin Mary to glariythreo shepherds oi Fatima in Th pilgrims spent of hours in prayer braving rain and icy winds to take part incclebratlons that began with candiolight pro ccsaion Thursda night Most antfo patedthattho church would disclose the final message said to have ibecn passed on to three shepherd chili dran at Fatima Maydsflm One of the thrce still is living and is sis in AmericanSoviet relations bower in abittcr err lie and make Bagpipes peace with Premier Khrushchev His llyushm 18 airliner set manner hurling verbal love Allied diplomats speculated But the meeting was cancelled PARIS APlrmkita Kbrush and to great dcgrcethe key his position They left him point Thursday to settle this difference down at Vorly Field four hours the first summit conference lilithat Khrushchev and Eisenhower without any statedreason The and 45 minutesafter he took off five years would be wrecked in might have private talk prior source said the issue now was av flew into Paris today for to the success of the conference ing the finger of accusation at and present the Western heads summit showdown with President French and American diplomats the 115 and cioming for himself of government with united pol ha am from Moscow The weather here five minutes to the Monday morning opening being discussed by the 115 and was sunny and brisk but the attiV Minutes after his arrival here of the Big Four summit sessions France directly tude of the Westem summit del Khrushchev made an obvious egations was gloomy slap atthe United States when he Khrushchev ev was told the airport crowd over IS Eisenhower an the spy plane cri agree that he confronts Eisen anearnest effort to end tensions lcy for Mondays summit talks smiling as he stepped down from microphone that certain mili the plane to be greeted by Deplt uty Premier Roger Frey 10th piece band and company of troops formal Khrushcth got here almost 24 hours ahead of Eisenhower and Prime Minister Macmillan West Germanys Chancellor Adenauor arrived an hour before Khrush chev Adenauer willjoin US British farewel planned to make before setting out paid the Soviet premier cessfu military honors PARENTS 1N Ian PoliceArrest 20 Children tary interests are trying to con tinue the cold war We hope they will not be suc Speaking of the summit confer ence he listedesprlmary objec tives disarmamentand liquida tion of the remnants of the last war He wanted to see treaty of peace with both Germanys and improvement of relations be and French leaders in Ween East and wash oneVday Western summit consul tations Sunday Eisenhower who leaves Washington by airtonight oancelled without explanationa AVID LISTENERS Westemdiplomats hung on his airport words with avidinterest hoping for some strong indication nt he had on how the summit leaders will are in their talks ments instances of US HAVANA AHFidel Castro says Cuban coast guard boat Washington had no immediate fired on or Unitedmstates sab marine 65 miles nor east Ha vana eight days ago He accused NAVAL BASE American warships of operating without lights near the coast in violation of international agree Castro Says warships In Area US naval headquarters in comment on Castros charges The us has been operating the big Guantanamo naval base in southeast Cuba under perpetual treaty since 1903 The baseis capable of handling the largest oi III midnight tGIEVlSionSlleedl American surface ships and the Castro disclosed that the coast fastest v11 Ms guard vessel opened up on the sub with machineguns about 10 putinto Guantanamo to carry pm May off Metanzas man the base Leaves are taken Khrushchevs brief arrival com 11 sgyganmaavguflgdlfingdsfi outside Cuba since the isiapl marine for about so miles but the latter sped north swiftly with 55M Permmel her lights outV The Cuban premier Us Navy vessels being sighted near Cubas coast Administered between May and 11 Castro also charged that the cruiser Norfolk violated Cubas territorial waters by mm policeman revived heart attack ing inside the threemile limit Many military sea transports on leéve the 7000 Americans who self was placed out oibounds to lied nine Revives Victim its POM CREDIT Ont CPiA victim by mouth to mouth ré suscitation Friday night while ay run CANADIAN mgr The flood threatin northeast ern Ontario shifted from the sudden Timmlns area Friday and centred on the little railway town oi Foleyet E5 miles to the south west Foleyets 650 residents are sep arated from the flooding waters of Lake Ivanhoe by creaking 40yearold dam In an uncensing battle since last Wednesday 20 men from the department oi lands and forests have plied more than 150 tons of sandbags against the wooden structure They have last managed to hold their own against the lake seven feet above normal But the situation is critical dam pier is reported becoming undermined iirnmins residents began to re lax Friday as tho surging Mat tagaml River began to drop steadily from its ninefectabove normal peak FEAR THREE DROWNEI In the wake of the floods the first reports of drownings came Friday night ThrceVmen are be lieved lost Vilio Jokinen 50 dia appeared in the swirling Vermil lion Rver 25 rnlles southwest of Sudbury Friday night Paper mill workers Rene Looymana and Charles Saunders are believ ed to have drownedln the Abl tibi River 40 miles north of Cochrane They were on flood patrol in small boat The roughly 1500 residents ava cuated from the Timmins suburb of Mountioy Townshlp are still unable to return to their flooded homes Some so isolated families are receiving food by RCAF heli Diet Impressed pmrhut officials are puzzled anun in Carmelita convent at aboutllow to feed sone V300 stranded cattle Damage is estimated at $2000 0wDave Lalonde who has been running the Timmtna flood con trol centre says the cleanup will be big job Premier Frost has declared Tlmmins disaster area and has promised the province will match disaster relief funds dollar for dollar Murdo Martin CCF MP for Timmlns said Acting Prime Minister Green hadtoid him the federal government would take immediate action to aid the area when it receives formal request from the Ontario government Reports that members Vof marooned family five miles north of Tlmmlno were suffering from typhoid fever have been denied Dr Templeton who exam ltiiied them said they had stomach it in the mist of the province the weeklong rains and spring run off has sent rivers over their banks and left hundreds of per sons homeless At Field northwest of North Bay ToWnship Reeve Alfred Mur Coimbra Recent reports from the Vat ican say the secret is in the hands of the lilclygutghunol VLthe Vati can an rave cd oi the Popes decision Woman Identified in CarfTruckCrash MABERLY CPiTho woman victim of tartruck crash last Tucsday was identified Friday night by police as Elizabeth La flcsh 40 Police said she is be lisved to be from Edmonton The woman died Tuesday in headon crash that also claimed the life of Frank Wolch so of Oshawa driver of the car An inquest will be held at Perth Monday night Trooper Kills Bovi litterSpeedy Chase aurasw AP mu trooper shot and killed freeing At London Parley ray reported more than half his youth Friday sue cs chase GP ad John Asked if he thought the confar townfloaded by the Sturgeon at high speed through busy Diegldgaklgr healied Sigrhaomc to ones would lead to more liberal River Some of the residents of grants inguhmbgn Cheekmwagm todayasninst file demnlinn ended Friday ni ht with agree Alphonaus Tilley 39 collapsed do more convinced than ever of South Africa policy he replied the CommunltYDl 750 09110115 Kcnneth Stauienbarger 20 their parents under emergency aggcgftgogvfgggzfiegfldfigo mont on conflict with Dowty in is home in this town is miles thg mysterious strength of the That cant say it is in the living in Bleeding Cars on died soon afterhe was brlrught regulations imposed March 80 was saw to have urgmizedime Equipment of Canada Limited West of Toronto As the priest ad Commonwealth field Di Prophe°Y Siding Emergflflcpfi hospital The In raid at Harrlsmith police children demonsuationVheno The contract calls for fivecent ministered the rites Constable Obviously trnpresred by pro But Mr Louw southrAfrlcns lnPemhroke the upper Ottawa trooper who fir the shot was hour increase and ob clussifi William Brown be on resuscita ceedln in the cabinet room at external affairs minister will be River wnsles feet above normal Stanley Poqundeck tfiifignlzlfidfyrligllta veg 133 2°fil¥°ffgy catioris but no checkloif tion 10 Doéyning Street the prime able to convey to his government Fridayihiriy five families at Police said Paquadeck lave rm marked summon or pm mlq Rh minister flaw backtopttawa his thevery strong feelings of tho FortCoulognc about so miiet chpsswhenhs becamesuspicioug usa era as JOHANNESBURG CWPolice them to the cars big crowd WALKOUT ENDS priest was still giving the lost here arrested more than 20 chli gathered in the road jeerlng flti AJAX CPlA walkout by 150 mg of um nomnn Catholic dren white and Negro who the police who ordered them to memhers of the Intcthlflnfil As Church demonstrated outside the city hall disperse soclation oi Machinists CDC mm gt London mission completed Commonwealth countriesand the east of Pembroke have been ofItho youths actions Vhear the lglaigllslmwllilcdli 31533533523 New 591 White mm in statement at the airport necessity of upholding one oftbe forced from their homes large shopping plant than moan South African mm in SWanr 50 before boarding an RCAF Comet fundamental principles oi the Negroes Sinceihe broclammm of car driveniby white man and let be saidhe hopes future Com CfimmonweaViitbIthaVVequality of the state of emergency Marcth fig 836 $3339 $3333 rill llllldwrgrislrt £35351 be Iriéciidgy ngEonwcaltlt cont 3mm in mi Win lance persistedndayin Northern He Asses ihatVlIa would like ference ended Friday night witha 750 miles northwest of Durban Rh TRENTON Ame five summon more than mu asi nal cont renccs to be held communique leaving unsolved the Ne 95 We 259 planes are searching in gnodlaiter itrbad taken off onarnormal cc ii has three tlnéesas many 30 reinforced police patrols and var weather for Beaver Allth 21km flight away from Londgln but rgost dilfmmaigi Sould oiI raiso 50 VB 35 en mil law missing with four persons 312on The pilot said than he was pro $2figfl$ggfangmm Fm gtifeeéomnfofiifig AV away Iver eel Mayor Alec Coflhe as ore N110 célcc isdfeurer mg in the Hudson Bay area since ceedingon course from Povungni mérwmkér the acumen sevém Brlmhinéwspmfl pm VWAWA OPPHEEW mum ling him to use all the powers at 3352532 if vléaissfié Tmlsiw at Hudm owed remarkable degree of ii that if South Africa becomes district have swelled further thoflooding wet his disposal to secure the release pauce RCAF officials Friday night my 531 l9 1183 unity on the toughest question1 républlc she will notbe ralt ltivor forcing auVestimatpdV 150 families fro tboirbomcs or their mothers and fathers identified three persons as Fred F9igt 95 11mm due SouthAfricn race policies admitted the Commonwealth at nearby Points Gntlneatl so families kayo evacuated their at manage without Ealmlllll 0de DeLeew the pilot Mrs Tom mm Ha add he fact that we unload changes her racial homes and the risingwator may forca another so out ineme tlfs letter of appeal said Diggers in $392313 EMS Nottine wiioofths Wheeler Air dThg why Peal 3m wera able to some to such doe policies adding that the younger children Congo Many Rhodesian Whites neg59 manage m1 Ml baythyfi wefilldlhp ce med Pl nanlmm tritium Prime gt Vi as From mm nan hirer mm ignéii°rgpsgg has mums12w tihtiiirittii°i$i iii°i$slfifiilr were amplifiesillicit nuns notb5° Identities milioiiriifiirufinfliifi ZimdtgiiiiiillmniiiFifi Commonwoai laxsteamy AffisfiiflgfidS VV driven in police cars to hendquur and thus contributingto pressures The plane was last heard from three HCAFairclaftfromiran éuliarly national South Africans racial situation Canddawes cautioned in Moacovvrrsdlo broadcast swat ViarsforAquoatlonlng As pollcolcd fromVAfrican nationalists when the pilotradiocd tlu2craita ton jolnadrin the hunt problems wadhcussedV drift into bloody rovobitlon swim Vpianuu fly mm

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