Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 May 1960, p. 5

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RT BARBIE LIBRARY gt Books About Crusaders THE CONQUESI 0F DEVILS ISLAND by Chanel Penn This moving book is chron icle of he authors experiences in the Salvation Army and his inspired work for the abolition of the Bagne The Bagne was the name given to the penal set tlement in French Guiana and on Devils Island which is small island in the Atlantic off the coast of French Guiana South America This island was dispenses se lfie iicuty 0escapc It was here that Alfred Dryfus was impris= oned in 1395 for alleged trealt son The settlement hadbeen set up to provide cheap labor in Guiana when the abolition of slavery had stripped it of its manpower To provide white slave labor where black had been free con Vlcts were sentenced to trans portation Early in the 1920s Charles Pean was sent to thaBagne by the Salvation Arrnyto help the suffering and hopeless priso and to fight for the abolition of the penal colony He found condition there appalling and forced labor in tropical cli route was taking its toll of the inmates By system known as douhlage anyone condemn ed to less than eight ymrs pen al servitude had to main In ony for therterm sentence to more than Those save years had to remain in the for lifeJn dais way it wa etermined criminals were prevented from returning wasthereforelittle hr no hope of returning to France once transported of his efforts to bring about the dissolutioan the settlement and in 1946 after almost Mo timss work the gradual aband onment of the island took place Charles Pearl was honored by made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for his lrnceasing fight against inhumanity THIRTY YEARSWITK TREE SEENTBH4LION adventuring ln literacyby Frank Lnubacbo The author is noted crusader agairst illiteracy and in this bookhe writesof experiences from 1929 to the present During his lifetime he has travelled airways seaways highways anddlrt roads across continents and oceansIndia Af rica uthAmerica into those are of the world where the underprivileged illiterate iive His life has been people The silent millions who are ill fod and ill can neither read nor write these are the people to whom he has devoted more than 30 years How he want to them and what ermen who work on hhes Intbis bookCharles Pean tells the French Government by being his teaching partly because they happened when he got there he tells here When first started he says they had theiryhaads down His purpose was to bring their heads up by teaching them to read and write He worked out what are now the famous picture word literacy charts and with these and his each one teach onenovement he has served to bring new world to large section of humanity TKEHKINGDOM WITHIN Genevieve Cnuliield This is the story of gallant and indomitablc woman who made her blindness power or good inlhe world Althoughand from infancy she decided when she was 17 that someday she would go to Japan as teacher tn work for international friend ship and understanding Equip ped with teachers training roundtrip ticket and limitless enthusiasm she went to Japan in 1923 and as teacher of Eng she proved herself more than capable of making her way in theworld the She came tolrnbw the Japanese lovejand trust She adopted little girl Haruko and with her founded school for the blind in Bangkok Here she saw the war out and since embarked on anotheradventure the start ing of school in Vietnam manner centurion his lite add work by Leuan Kerr This is the only authorized and full biography of Dr Sir Wilfred Grenfell thcimissionary whose harmr will always be associated with the mission he founded for the physical andspiritual welfare of the people of Labrador and Newfoundland and for the fish mg erous coasts Grenfells life described firom his boyhood in Cheshire to Ills death in the United States in 1940 and much that has never been told of this remarkable anil explorer planner and pub ist is finallyon record Grenfell met with opposition from governments established churches and from unscrupulous traders who exploited the fisheri men This biography tellsof his struggle against them and agaimtpoveriy disease and the harshnessof barren land in subarctic areas It is the story of man who loved adventure nousauom unuon DERBY England GP Alb plying for licence to sell alco holwhlch was granted the man ager of supermarket here said flllinriy women do notllke to be seen going into public house in the middle of day The grant ing of licence would satisfy the needsmof housewifes home without causing her to lose face life Iunior Ballet 60 Coming To Barrie Barrio North Collegiate stage will whisper with the sensitive touch of slippcred feet May 14 at MS pm whenCnnadinn Junior Ballet Company brings troupe of Canadinn stu dent dancers to the city under direction from Erik chnis and Diana Franccy with reper toire including Lcs Sylphidcs El Amor Bruio and Divcttissev ment Playing out of Toronto and making its debut at Eaton And itorium May the company is the first of its kind in Canada Principal aim of artistic direcv or Diana JahlokovaVorps is to give promising student danc ers an opportunity to supplement their classroom training with regular public performances as members oi disciplined corn pany Qualifying students are given free training in stagecrnft makeup and costumes Dnnc ers are recruited initially from the students of School of Class cal Ballet in Toronto and dis llict Company president is Diana anlokovnVorps WILFRISI GRaNsELL gt SATURDAY HIDE ROXY The weirdest little force in the world paralyzes the US of not to mention the rest of the world under the able leadership of Peter Sellers the man who rides The Mouse vthat Roared On this movie alone Sellers chiefs the Dan ny Kaye Alec Guinness leag ue With his themust beau tiful heartwarming little story seen on the screen since Cous teaus ed Balloonlr called The Golden Fish and is from thelhdnds and heart of the same director IMPERIAL Steyerfieeves big part of the violent double feature containing Goliath and the Barbarians and Fury in liaradiso Steve Reeves in case yourhndnt iorgottcn is to the average woman what Mar ilyn Monroe is to the average male Hes Yo lot of man Dawnm The Huronia is back to cater for those who like to watch from behind wind shield Boy on Dolphin stars smoothie Clifton Webb and Italian dish Sophia Loren and Plunder Road is there as Suppol1 albng with color cartoon iOOF HAIL sales Pattendcn annals ARENA Trade in your blades for wheels and roll The circular motion to Tom continucs all year round so as His their mandate social catastrophe to keep the ice skaters in an STUDENT DANCERS SIIOW CHAMLYIGOR Trotsky 192129 The Prophet Unarmed when returned from Moscow in August 1957 told audiences of my glimpse of Russia growing dram strength evidencing increasing tecbnologlcalx and educational prowess of the need to appreci ate this as an accomplished fact of the need to understand and become more knowledgeable about it of the need to strengthen our democratic insti tutions in the face of it some dismissed these views as the enthusiastic bubbling of brainwashed visitor That October Sputnik led them to Wests agonizing reappraisal But this flurry of reappraisal has turned largely upon ourselves We are not now much more know ledgeable about the soviet Union yet the need for understanding the whys and wherefores of that great enigma have if anything increased few months ago Isaac Deuischers book The Prophet Unarmed was published Oxford Univer sity Press 490 pp $775 The author is onetime Communist who in 1932 was the first member ever to be expelled from the Polish party 101 anti Stalinism The book is the second of biographical trilogy on therevoluhionarytleader Trotsky The first Tbe Prophet Armed dealt with his early life and activ ities during the 1917 revolution This volume covers his life and work in the Communist hierarchy from 1921 until his banish merit from tbeSoviet Union in 1929 Manyof the items on which Deutschers nar rative is based are hitherto unknown facts resulting from his contacts and research and material re leased during the recentpostStallnisc thaw And during the unfolding of this modern tragedy Trot to in the sky emerges as one of the towering intellectual figures of revolutionary Russia despitethe calomny heaped upon him by his detractors More important however is the insight given into the machinations debates and workings of the inner circles of the Communist hierarchy the Bol shevik old guard and the Praesidlum than the Politbureau The story shows howand whytlle Communist party achieved its monolithic and apparentlytotalit anion character unsurplng democratic power of the working classes because hbeproletarlat in whose name the revolutionst aocompiisbedliaddlslnbe grated during that revolution and civil war The Bolsheviks lost that support says Denise er not because of any clearcut change in the minds of their erstwhile followers but because of the latters dispersal They knew that their man date to rule the republic hadnot been properly re newed by the working classnot to speak cutthe peasantry But they also knew that they were sur rounded by vacuum that the vacuum could be tilled only slowly over the years and that for the time being nobody could either prolong or invalidate force ma Ieurebad turned them into usurpers and so they refused toconsid themselves as such Lenins will pressed by thelolihburean made it clear that he intended Trotsky and not Stalin as his heir But the prophet unarmed lost the power struggle because of his personal disinterest in power Trotskys struggles with the Pollhbureau over the restoratian at party democracycollectivlzaolon of farming party tutelage in science and the arts rapid industrialization and the theory or sociallsm in one country all were Mintymaking issues still applicable to the Soviet Union today since Stalins death the Twentieth Congress and Deutschers book Trotskys life and work nqw em erge as an important key to understanding th greatforce opposing the western world today Wading through pages and pages or the twisty turns of par17y polltlklngand Marxiaridlalecblcsls no easy job for one had no reic tos dictionary or previdus chapter overy mo three pages Butjlt will prove an interestiugvan nligllbening who 10 use who do Sqtuulay Pay minaaxra WEB SATURDAY KAY l9 THE MUSIC CORNER 31 RAYHOND DANIELS organist and culminate 5t Andrewl Barrio wedding is one of the most solunn and sacred services of the church and the attendant ceremony can be one of the most beautiful Mara factors contri bute to make wedding in drumh lovely rite surrounded by beau ty of thought and aspect Not the least 41 these is the music which in addition to framing the neural ceremony helps to provide the atmosphere suitable to such an occasion Frommuflrstuotes ofthepre service recital to the inst chord the pootlude the thougth your gums are influenced by the music you choose to have performed for them The pur pose of our disamion here is to mist you in this important moire Brides are counselled in the matters of dress floral arrange ments guest lists It is reason able to assume then that they will appreciate few suggestions in the choice of music WHAT MUSIC IS SUITABLE FOR USE AT CHURCH WEDDING We must remember that wedding in church is first ser vice of the church and therefore everything included in that ser vice must be worthy of the wor ship oi Almighty God This im mediately excludes all music of tawdry cheap sentimental and secular nature Church music must have character that sets it apart as lacking unique for theworship of HIESERVICE RECITAL The organ prelude to your Wed ding should lift the thoughts of your guests above the cares of their busy world and prepare them to rejoice with you in the celebration of this loyous festi val Any bride islikely to have the best pmsible music for her wedding it she reilu upon the judgment and experience of the minister and organist If your preferences tend toward cer tain sdmol of composition an ap pmpriatarecital can usually be arranged BRmAL PBOCESSION Elbe music for the procmslon into the chuck should be more than entrance music for the bridal party Its diameter should lead the thoughts of the assembl ed guesu toward the sacred and solemn ceremony to be perform ed at the altar For this reason discerning brides today are re jecting Wagners Bridal Dhorus from the opera bohengrin for its trivial tune and jerky rhythm make it quite unsuitable for use in service of the church The present trend is to the use of IMPERIAL Lost Time Tonight cnunnliu Under the artisan Direction or am sable vnVorps Norm Ilollepiuie Tickets on suitable hymn runs played on the organ in processions style Queen Elizabeth entered Wmhninstcr Abbey while Praisc my soul the King of Heaven wm sung and many brides have fol lowed hcr eramplc You might prefer the stately Lobe den Her ren to which the words Praise to that Lord lhe Almighty the King of Creation are usually sung Dominus Regit life The King ot Love my Shepherd is and Hyfrydol Love Divine all loves excelling are both emm ently stumble The St Anthony Chorale ar ranged by Brahms from theme of Haydn is frequently used in the United States The works of Johann Sebastian Bach abound in superb music Before deciding why not ask the organist to ply dies several ltans for you VOCALSOLOS It is common practice to have friend of the family who is singer or one of the church rol PililllST BACK Raytime Bob Darch and his hooky piano return to To rontos Club 76 Monday to play the authentic old style of music currently experiencing popular revival are wedding In diurdl is not the occmlon to sing sentimental lova songs Becausc have You Tnuy Oil Promise hle Where cr you Walk Handel and Love lhee Grelgt are heard frequently it has been said that such pieca clicnpen wedding as much as would the appearance of gumdiewins bride The solo settings of Ibo Lords Prayer should never be sung This is corporate prayer tobesaidorsungby allpeople These should be reserved for use at the reception if desired atallwhcrathcyarequltoac ficulty Oh Lord Most Holy Paula Angelica Cesar Franck Weds ding Hymn Ptolemy Handel arranged by Walter MacNuti These Whom God Hath Joined Together Adeimo Melecdil My Heart EVer Faithful Bach See What His Love Can Do Batah Psalm XXIII Crimond David Grant arranged by This list is not complete and if you are in doubt concerning the solos of your choice brig consultation with minister and organist will be formd helpful POSTLUDE In choosing the music for the organ postluda you are not lim Jted only to theWVedding March from Mldsummer Nights Dream of Mendelssohn The bril liant morale improvisation of NowThnnkWoAllOurGodhy KargEiert or the pompous Tnlmpet Voluntary in major by Jeremiah Clark would add touch of distinction and make your weddingiust little more than ordinary It is not the purpose ofthese suggestions limit your choice otmusictobeplayedorsunz to few select items but rather to bringvto your attention some new ideas to assist you in ing music worthy of yoln dinginchureb 50 BARRIE SOUTH auntsin ram TONIGHTMON rues ALL cosznow SIEVE REEVE$ nuous PLAYERS TlitAlilE HE BELLET Jillillill Sale Now sden Seahorse 90 5011an lino mahnuamaus wEloAlthSn and BRHEE CAIOI on THE SAME PROGRAM GOLIATH Mso aso¢sosno 950 zso 520 and 825 pm uan Auditorium

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