CHIEF MIXED UP Find Indians In Dark About Govt Projects OHAIVAICPIA parliament ary committee established one main point in iivehour sitting Wednesday Indians alien do not know what government is doing in matters involving their land and livelihood The joint Senate Commons committee on Indian aKnirs re ceived delegation from Ojibway Indians olthe Ahitibi band in northwestern Quebec Iirst of sev eral dclegations scheduled to ap pear this session Examples of the misunder standings which took much of the committees time to iron out were The hand did not know that money fromits own reserve iund was used to purchase land for the site at its village The bandvthought conserva tion program charge of st for each beaver pelt sold still was being exoctcd although it had not been charged since 1946 ADMITS CONFUSION The confusion led Chief Thomas Rankin to remark got mecd in these things Chief Rankin presented brief on behalf of the 750 members of his band living at Amos 300 miles northwest of Montreal Philjp OGuish presentedanother on behalf of about to band mem bers living near La Sarre about 70 mile west of Amos Chief Ranklns brieI called or government aid to build 30 houses on the macro village site near Amos ll ltI Jones director oithe Indian altairs department told the committee the land was pur chased by the department acting on the request at the bandand that band iunds were used Chid Bankidsoid he had not known bandrescrvc funds were used ltlr Jones said the band coun cil Chlei Rankin included had signed aresolution authorizing the department to do so FUR HANDLING CHARGES As or the iur conservation program Mr Jones said thEonly furhandling charges lot the hand were $1 per pelt royalty and sales commission charge of live to six per cent charged by Que bec provincebuyer at all Quelt bcc beaver peltsand lower cent in and shipping charge by the federal govern ment Im still not satisiicdff Chief Rankin replied He said one trap per recently collected $3 pelt although theywcre worthsio All the Indians get stuck like that gt Mervyn Hardie IMackenzic Rivcr said the charges listed by Mr Jones seemed high NatingChiof Rankin had said Indians were not given com IlntiCombines Amendments Would Combat Misleading lids OlIAWA CF Substantial changes in the governments unti cnmbines amendments may no pear when the legislation is re introduced in Parliament shortly The amending bill was beIore the Commons for much of the 1959 session before being with drawn by Justice Minister Fulton shortlyhelore prorogation to give the business community chance to makcits views known The amendments were aimed at clarification of the law on combines mergers and monopol ics but they also would have combatth lossleader selling and misleading price advertising It is understood that the justice department now has fat tile of letters and briefs from business leaders and organizations law yers and consumer groups indi cating mixed reaction to the proposed amendments COMING UP SOON It is expected the amending bill will be introduced for first read ingearly next week There are strong indications that comparison of the new bill with the 1959 original may reveal significant alterations deletions and perhaps some additions The amendments promise to provide one of the major debates of the session In national television speech Jan 21 Opposition Leader Pearson said the Liberals will strongly oppose than The smallbusiness provisions of the 1959 bill were designed chiefly to prevent unfair price competition The amendments would have outlawed the aover tising oi phoney regular prices when goods are put on sale LOSSLEADERS PROVISION provision would have given manufacturers the right to refuse to sell their products to retailers who persistently use them as loss leadersitems sold below cost to attractcustomers into store in the hope of selling them more profitable lines This would have been done in such way that the manufac turer could not be accused of re tail price maintenance Also tightened by the 1959 bill were the provisions making it illegal or merchant to sell goods at prices unreasonably low with detrimental etiect on his competitors London Collision Kills Injures LONDON Ont CF Two London men were killed and three other persons injured Wed nesday night in twocar collis ion in downtown section of the city Dead are Carey George Nlclrer son 25 and Ronald Douglas Rosevoar passengers in small Europeanmake car 31s BATHROOM SET WITH CHROM PLATED FITTINGS SET INCLUDES 15 18 Vitreous China basin with centre set faucet Jen plug chain and stopper trap Vitreous china close coupled toilet with seat ft steel enamelled recess bath with tuh filler and waste and overflow chain and plug wnrre SET comrnnrn COLOUR SETS AVAILABLE PINKS GREEN TURQUOISE 49 95 AND suN TAN Price Complete CALI HEATING DEPT snow Room Arm STOCK 2ND noon SUPPLIES BUILDING plete accounting tor their furs but just cheque tor tho that amount he said full statement should be supplied Mr Jones said complete state1 meals were supplin to district asked for them 1Chuich Backs Birth Control Scotlands temperance and more als committee saysbirth control attempt to control his environ ment mitted to the Church of Scotlands general assembly later this month says Wearing of spectacles or or tiï¬cinl dentures are not said to be against noture They are evidence of mans skill in pre serving nature it can logically be maintained that contraception ls but further step in mans attempt to control his environment Man Killed Hurt In CarTruck Crash OAKVILLE One man Wednesday when carand tractortrailer collided at the ins terscction of highways and 25 in nearby Palermo Dead is Mungo Nixon 86 oi nearby Milton one of two occu pants oi the car Iohn Clugstah 61 also of Milton is in critical condition Truck driver Daniel hlclntyrc 37 oi Woodbridge was treated for head cuts SayChéssman Died SAN FRANCISLO APlCart Chessman went to his death San Quentin gas chamber Mon day without IIamiIIr the real red lighthandit to protect yonrold daughter from under world re ris the executed mans lawyer George Davis said Wednesday Davis quoted Chessman as say ing he wanted at all costs to pro tect the daughter of his ilrst marriage He said the convicted sex bandit was ajraid to name the person really guilty of the crimes or which he died because the governor and attorneygoa agents but thélndinnsscldom published today by the Church oi lhcrcport which will be sub was killed and two were injured To Guard Daughter Top Price Support ï¬mEemwnum Paid FirstButter mAWA Toe govern ment is paying the top price sup port or 64 cents pound onlv on the top classiï¬cation at ï¬rst gradc butter agriculture Minis ter Harkness indicated Wednef day in the Commons He said 63 cents pound sup port price is paid ior ï¬rstgrade butter scoring N92 and 6t mots on ï¬rstgrade scoring 4093 Both 4093 and 3992 snore its grade butter were supported at St cents pound lasryear SPECIAL CHEESE Milk irom theLarzacvbreed of sheep is traditionally used in production at French Rocqueiort cheese is but further step in mans FABRICS Pay eral might not listen to him vowsch laws emu rimuéél N53 CANADA um raroks ovca mm Yorrsu new MERRY MAY Televisio CoSts High Advertiser TORONTO GP Wil liams pmident Proctor and Gamble Company at Canada Lim ited said Wednesday that not enough money is being put into advertising in Canada He told the Association of Cana dian Advertisers that although too little was beingspent there are some areas where we are spending too mum My company is Investing very major partof its largoad vertising budget in television yet T0 EvERY CUSTOMER roan aurora cllSiltlJllS RE INSTALLED AT NO EXTRA cOST Have your suite covered later if you wish butorder now and be assured otyour FIRE FOAM CUSIIIONS Otter Expires May 31 NEW SPRINo Have our consultant call and give you free estimate Take 24 months to um alum thunk Canadian television costs are for too high He said one way to improve the cost ioclor would be increasing competition by second and even third stations in each major city am convinced that competi tion will end the long refusal to look iacts in the face and restore economic realism to the business of producing TV shows and prielt in time hIrWilldrns added Fairfax Ill Cone Chicago ad vertising agency executive sug are sunr arcovonrn IIIIIIIIIE gated the Is need It creativ ity in ndvutislng He said newspaper and maga zine radio television outdoor and ever advertis ing all are due to become gooddralmorethougbtlul and much more selective Speaking on the ethics in ad vertlsing Dr Bulyn Davies or Torontos Yorkmlnisler Baptist Church said something oi the phoMy the deceptive and the raise has spilled over into the realm ot advertising CHURCHILL WEBB CARSON CITY Nev tAP Pamela Churchill former daugh terlnlaw of Sir Winston Church ill and Broadway showman Le land Hoyward 51 were married here Waterway StreetCars Crash 51 Hurt lit Intersection TORONTO CF Fiityooe persons were injured and one of them had to have loot ampu tated when two crowded street car collided Wednesday at the intersection of King and Bathurst streets John llluir 55 had his IllIt loot amputated alter the impact of the collision nearly tore it nit Firemen worked half an hour with acetylene torches toireo him while five ambulanceSand three police cars made trips to hospital taking to persons ior treatment TIIPIIOtsTEIIINoSPECIALI LIMITED OFFER Free gPickup and Delivery COMPLETE STYLING IF you WISH YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE Arcnmr maroon TENT IIvIIIIIII 34 Boyfield St SHOPPING HOURS MoN TUES THURS SAT 915 mm to 530 pm WEDNESDAY To 12 NOON WashersDrier FRIDAY OPEN TILL9 pm PA 664378 SHOPIN RERSONf WRITE 0R Partners In TimeSaving Let VIKING Imperial 11oundry equipment take the work nd worry out of your Wasbday Enlaythe luxury of controlled wasti ing just as you require it automatically flick of thefinger tireselects washandrinse temperatures washing andspm speeds washer and rinse times even automatic bleach injectitm It as simple as that and time cycle Filtered Bill ness tion Both washer with suds saver acidresisting titani 44 high With the electric dryer you Washer wool on Price each washer wane some as Model WEoBbut without suds aver VEATDN Price each Dryer noon EATON amount select the temperature rtes yourclothes to sort fluffy freSh while germicidal ozone lamp stands guard for extra protec and dryer have gleaming white um porcelain topsBoth about 28x27 deep 36995 Other I960 VIKING Imperial Automatic laundry equip menl available Automatic Washers moan wean Model weer Model weer Automatic Electric Dryers Model DBOE Imperial Imperial III FindNew LaundryaboyLeIsu I950 Equipmean Enron Price Each 30995 27995 23995 Each Each Each 19995 Each I69S95 re mth VIKIN EATON can Bonnie Banner1