Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Apr 1960, p. 5

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ammo cans rm BAR names DAY APRIL 51380 rocking IndustryUrges Change Motor Vehicle lict Called Flop ARCH MaeKENIlE UITAWA CF Canadas trucking industry split between federal and provincial regulatory jurisdiction has proposed whole new federal act The existing Motor Vehicle Transport Act is flopln prao tice although sound in intent the royal commission on transporta tion was told Thursday As pro posed replacement the Canadian Trucking Associations incorpo rated set out Highway Trans port Act of Canada that would continue to exercise federal au thority on transboundary truck ing through provincial regulatory boards it was spelled out in detail Members of the provincial boards would act jointly as federal control agency and this joint transport board would deal with applications for interprovincial trucking service The joint transport board would proceed in manner that Request Govt Hike Tariffs TORONTO CPLThe federal government is to be asked by the Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association to increase tariffs on imported cars and eliminate the duty free status of sutomotlva parts from the British Common wealth 1n brief to be presented at Ottawa the association says Can adas automobile industry cannot survive without tariff protection The association says it believes Canadians are willing to pay for tariff protection If this should Drop Weapons Canada fldvised TORONTO GP Canada should get rid of all its aggres slvs weapons nod allow interna tional inspection to leave no doubt that this has been done Phillipn Deane Toronto dallys Wash gton correspondent said Thursday night Canada would then not be sub jected to attack by Soviet mislt would reduce all bearings of ex traprovincial applications to only one set of hearings for each ap plication and the statute would empower the members of regula tory boards concerned to con sider jointly the evidence and jointly to render their decision NOT IN EFFECT The trucker brief said the pres ent federal act authorizes any board controlling truck rates within province to undertakn rate regulations for services ex tending beyond that province But the fact was that such control is not in effect The brief said that while raii way problems should be reces nised at to transportation policy should not be synonymous with railway policy and the rail ways should not be assigned the role of chosen instruments The brief presents arguments mntending that other earnings by railways should be divorced in computing freight rates Defence To Rest result in increased costs surely it is small price for the jobs of thousands of Canadians The brief states that from 1150 to 1956 the Canadian domestic market increased by 21 per cent from 444000 to 538000 imports rose by only l000 to 89000 Cana dian production for the domestic market advanced 26 per cent from 356000 to 449000 In the three years since then the domestic market has shrunk four per cent to 515000 while production for the domestic mar ket has dropped 12 per cent to in the same period imports rose as per cent to 165000 SACRED COW In speech to the association Thursday Stuart Armour ecelt nomlst for the Steel Company of Canada described mm wealth trade preference as sacred cow that should be led to the slaughterhouse Mr Amour said that last year thanks to Commonwealth prefer ence thera ware imported into Canada duty free from Britain maizeWINNER Bob Olsen Vancouver Prvvincepbotngrapbm won the 1050 National Newspa pu Awards rectum photo spent three years 0095 on the Province before vseLfuugbt photography got him on the photo Itaff POWERFUL SONAR dclcgnics toss confetti to ccic WASmGON AP the brain the CDC convention de cision to help found new CANADIAN Labor Congress leftwins political party Bitter Labor Battle Looms If No Solution By ROBERT RICE Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL CPiWiih some grove misgivings the Canadian Labor Congress pelicd the Seafarers lntcrnntionoi Union and warned the powerful Teamsters Union to get in one within 30 days or be automaticv ally ousted Both unions were houicd on the CDC carpet for raiding other con gress affiliates The SiU was ejcctcd without ceremony for trespassing on the jurisdiction of the National Asso ciation of Marine Engineers The Teamsters 40000mem her brotherhood with allies in the building trades and other unions forced it trial before 1600 CLC delegatesand then was ordered automatically expelled by May 20 if it doesnt abide with the con gress constitution rules against raiding The two movcs promised an erp of uneasiness for Canadian Thursday cxl laborparticularly because the 1150000 trade union movement has decided wholeheartedly to step into direct party politics with new reform party TEAMSTEIISSIU HOOKUPI There were signs of prompt nliiancc being formed between the Teamsters on the highways and the Seafarers on the seawal and Great Lakes Once outside the congress both unions loco organizational attacks from CLC unions There were fears of bitter civil war within Canadas labor movement if the branches are not healed quickly The 10000 member SIU in volved in conciliation hassle with the lake carriers over higher wages and other demands were expelled without any debatebe cause the union failed to appeal against CLC suspension order during the convention But the Teamsters fottnd guilty of raiding members of the siles Mr Deane told meeting sponsored by the Toronto branch of the United Nations Association of Canada Professor ltchaught as sistant professor of history at the University of Toronto said Can ada should sack to get rid par ticularly of its conventional arms and should look for independence in foreign relations tie said this policy should be pursued not to create an isola tionist neutrallst state but in or der to advance true international lsm which Canada cannot ad vance as satellite of the United States Mr Deane said he did not think Canada should waste money on the Bomarc dont think we should even have fighters he said We should make very certain there are no aggressive weapons much better way of spend ing money would be to make shelters for the population and to start stockpiling the seeds for an industrial regeneration should Brotherhood oi Baiiway Clerks in lhe CPR new merchandising service at Vancouver brought their light to the convention floor after five days of behindthe scencs talks CLC officers tried to avert convention floor battle in the hope of achieving compromise on the Vancouver situation in union parlance raid takes place when on union signs up members of another union in the hope of getting majority and thus winning bargaining rights Frank Hall of the railway clerks accused the Teamsters of moving into his territory at the Vancouver freight service about 70000 vehicles valued at more than $0800000 Automotive parts imported from the United Kingdom were valued at about 30000000 He said Canada had increased its imports of British motor ve hicles by 184 per cent in two years and the value of imported navy has developed long range sonar equipmcutused for de tecting submarines and under water obiectsthat is around 18 times as powerfuias it had in the Second World War the Sen ate armed services committee was told Thursday by ViceAd miral Wallace Beaklcy dep British parts by 42 per cent uty chief of naval operations US Committee Approves Lending Canada Submarine For Training WASHINGTON APiThe Sen ate armed services committee today approved legislation to lend Canada submarine fmm the 115 Reserve Fleet Canada now has no sub marines and RearAdmiral Ar thur Taylor said the Cona diana are most anxious to have submarine fleet of their own eventually But spokesman at naval new integrated shipping service all world war time that combines railway highway and water facilities REJECT COMPBOMISE The Teamsters who represent truck drivers across Canada maintaineri their right to repre sent the CPR Workersabout 450 headquarters Ottawa said Can Praise Criticism do has no plans at the present time to acquire submarine fleet of her own although she has nucleus of submarine tralned personnel He said tha US craft is wanted totraln antisubmarine ships based on the west coast Two British submarines on loan from the Royal Navy now are based at Halifax They also are used for antisub training As part of the agreement con cerning the British submarines the Canadian navy provided the equivalent of three submarine crews for submarine training and duty with the British navy This was done to replace the British crews manning the subs loaned By DAVE MclNTOSH deterrent power attack an interview be devised POSSIBLE THREAT vciopment of such weapon Canadian Press Staff Writer OliAWA CHDefence Min ister Pearkcs says all defence lor the Soviets as well as the West may rest aventuuily on Deterrent power is the means to deliver an overwhehning nu clear counter stroke in event of Mr Pearkes of late has been dwelling on the theme that the means of retaliation is the only real defence of the West and he brought up the subject again in Though Mr Pcarkea didnt say so he apparently was hinting that Canada will eventually re tire from the air defence busi ness altogether except perhaps for helping the United States with development of countermissile system if an effective one can Mr Pearkes said bombers ea pabie of launching missiles 1000 miles from their targets might be serious threat some five years from nowthough there were no firm intelligence reports to indi cate that Russia was pushing de With Retaliation retaliatory capacity will not be confined to intercontinental bailisc tic missilesbased in the US Other countries were develop ing means of retaliation and the American Polaris missile might be carried in nonAmerican sub marines Mr Pearkes has strongly sup ported the Us defence depart ment plan to cut the Bomorc antiA alrcroft missile program in favor of more funds for long range retaliatory missiles such as the Atlas Titan and Minuteman DETERRENT POWER He said in the Commons March We must maintain not so much our defence as our deter rent power We base everything on the hope that we can deter an nemy from going to war There is no defence at the present time against the missile once it has been launched There fore wemust do everything we can to prevent missiles being launched and this means we must let the Russians know that if they once start war they will be met by such tremendous counterattack such retaliation that the loss to their own country would be so great that it would In Mental Report TORONTO tCP Ecportaof progress in research to prevent mental retardation were coupled Thursday with criticism of pres enteday medical care report on the research being done at new paychlatrics insti tute at London 0nt was given at Hamilton conference of the Ontario Association for Retarded Children Criticism of mental care was made in an article by Dr Baker of Toronto in the Canadian Me a1 Association Journal He said Ontario mental altogetherand rejected CLC compromise that would have re stored the workers to the BBC The proposal also guaranteed congress protection for the Team sters brotherhood if and when cther jurisdictional disputes arose betwccn rail and road transport if the protection is of the some type as in the past we can not accept it said Casey Bonds Canadian director of the Teamsters Mr Hall contended the railway employees in the new merchan dising service were freight hand lers and express workersthat to Canada but the indirectreault has been the building up of small group of highlytrained submarine personnel should Can ada ever decide to acquire her own underwater fleet Admiral Taylor told the com mittea that the proposed loan of the Burrfish US submarine built in 1043 would mark the be ginning of Canadas longrange plans for building its own fleet of submarines CLOWES On the other hand he said the British have abandoned the long range Blue Streak rocket because of the vulnerability of its fixed bases to missile attack bomb ber on the ground would be just as vulnerable Missile launching bombers might require new manned in terceptor as countermeasure But no interceptor with sufficient range now was under develop ment since cancellation last year of the American F408 The Cana dian Arrow interceptor also can celled last year would have had much too short range he said be suiciderfor them to attempt War IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING ViOLENCE iN THE GRAND CANYON definitely unwept unhooored and unknown Dr Baker said CITES PROGRESS Health Minister Dymond also agreed there was long way to go in solving Canadas mental health problem but said some progress is being made He urged persons within travelling distance of an Ontario Hospital to visit it not out of curiosity but out of interest for the patients in the last 10 years 13 new men tal hospitals with 6561 beds have been set up in Canada together PM Vows Ottawa To PayThird Cost Of New Bridge Over River OTTAWA tCPlPrimc Minis ter Dielenbaker promised Thurs day the federai government will pay onethird of the cost of new 2500000 bridge across the Ottawa River between Ottawa and Hull Que He made the statement to gathering of Ontario and Quebec decided to meet again later for work out costsharlng formula after firm cost estimate has been received Tentative esti mates have placed the cast at 512500000 Target date for completion is 1067 the year of Canadas cen ten but Mr Walker said all provincial government officials and the mayors of Ottawa and Hull After meeting them privat ely for two hours Public Works Minister Walker sold the first concrete steps towards building the sixlane bridge had been made The group agreed provincial and municipal governments con corned should share the cost but While Cat PM Away Mice Commons Play By KEN KELLY OTTAWA CEOWhile the cats away the mice will play Perhaps it was pbst holiday exuberance as much as the ab sence of Prime Minister Dlefcn baker en route to the London conference of nwealth prime ministers that ied the Commons down byroads of de bate during most of Thursday Or maybe some of the opening guns of Quebecs June22 elec tion were being fired at the same time as there was scattered fir ing in anticipation of provincial elections in Saskatchewan and British Columbia The business at hand was seri ous enougha government meas ure to extend the life of the TransCanada Highway Act by three years to Dec 31 1063 and to raise the maximum federal contributlon totha provinces for building the road to 00000000 from $350000000 Eventually the measure re ceived approval in principle by vote of 122 to ACTING PM The lit in began soberly enough with Finance Minister Fleming informing Opposition Leader Pearson that he is acting prime minister and that Justice Minister Fulton is acting external affairs minister while Mr Dicfen baker is in London and External Affairs Minister Green is in laten bul attending NATO meeting After that the infighting began on the TransCanada Highway Deputy Speaker Jacques Flynn sought to choke off references to Quebecs nonparticipation in the parties hoped the bridge would be opened well in advance of that The interprovinciai Bridge is one of two carrying the heavy load of downtown traffic between Ottawa and Hull The Chaudierc Bridge upstream from the Far linment Buildings was recently modernized and widened although its approaches are nar mcn his union represents across Canada He told the 1000 delegates at the convention that the Van couver workers were part of nationwide group of railway cm ploycesaii covered under one set of contracts The only issue here isis the constitution to prevail he said Are we to live by the law of patients receive $2 day less for their care than prisoners in fed eral pcnitentlnrics Other criticism and reports of progress came Thursday in inter views in Toronto of Ontario Health Minister Dymond and Dr Moorehouse medical super intendent at the Ontario Hospital New Toronto row highway program but Quebcc Liberal members succeeded in getting in some remarks on the subject Azeliua Denis LMontrcai St Denis urged Works Minister Walker to find out from Quebec Premier Barrette the particular objections of the Union Nationals government to the act He suggested the Union Na tionaie wasnt interested in par ticipatingbccnuse the act was fathered by Liberal government in Ottawa Now that more friendly relations prevailed with the accession of Progressive Conservative government Mr Barrette might be willing to en ter highway agreement Mr Walker describing Mr Denis as the Bob Hope of the order or the law of the jungle MENTAL HEALm WEEK The remarks carry special sig nificance this week because it is Mental Health Week in Canada Dr Baker quoted figures from the Dominion Bureau of Statis tics to show the comparative costs of daily care at several in stitutions $1511 for general hospital $854 for tuberculosis sanitorium $577 for conval escent hospital $566 for federal penitentiary and only $869 for mental hospital He said atcarridorlike mental hospital he visited was crowded with 144 chronic male patients suffering from all kinds of men tal problems including schizov phrenics and manicdepressives The ward was staffed by shifts of tbetween two andfive attend an Commons declined to have any part in reading the mind of Mr Barretta for the benefit of the Liberals in the Commons and the Liberal opposition in the Quebec election campaign Both Mr Walker and William Payne tFC Coast Capilano drew bend on BCs Social Credit government and its High ways Minister Gagiardi Mr Walker said the BC gov ernment has taken all the credit for building the Trans Canada Highway in that province Mr Payne made similar statements The minister then tangledwilh CCF House Lender llazen Argue who said Mr Walker refused to rooms three showers two urin als four wash basins for 144 pa tients In contrast local municipal housing bylaw requires one flush toilet for every 10 adults Patients who could he reha billtated if given proper treat There were only two hdtbd with five training schools and hospitals for the retarded and 65 mental health clinics At Hamilton Dr Koegier of Kitchener told the Ontario Asa sociation for Retarded Children that research into causes and possible prevention of mental re tardation has begun at the Lon don Psychiatrics Research Instl tutc AIDS MOTHERS He said the institute opened in February by the Ontario health department was particularly in terested in the prevention of mem fai retardation by special medical care for expectant mothers The institute first of its kind in Canada servesila southwest ern Ontario counties west of Brantford Delegates represent about 6000 members of the association in 03 Ontario communities The associ ation operates 06 schools pro vides recreation and sheltered workshops and gives parent guid ance in aiding some 150000 men tally retarded persons in Ontario meet Saskatchewans CCE min isters to talk about extending the highway agreement ment remain in aucha ward in ADMISSION 500 DANCING rvsnr strunonr 1001 lllill COLLIER Joan FRIDAYMusic By The Rhythmoires Modem SATURDA¥Music by Tom Pattenden Orobestra old time and modern No Stochalor Jenna Permitted BARRIE SOUTH LAST on THE FAST GUNS Oinemascopa dodr Mahonou AUSPICES 10001 PA Hm TONIGHT gMON gs runs ALL coLoafsiIow gt crooner IN an GLEN om ALWAYS colon canroots Miss Delva MayJohn Mills of Barrie Della May and Evellyn Blake of Scarborough spent Eas fir weekend at Sawyervaie Qua Mr and Mrs Vie May and Mrs Sampson spent Easter Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sampson at One Station Mr and Mrs Fdank Craw ford of Orillia Mr and Mrs Sommers and family Mrs Horne of Crown Hill spent Easter with Mr and Mrs Cairns Ronald and Linda Som mers remained for weeks holiday Mrs Sid Skinner Robert and Albert of Camp Bordon spent Easter holidays with her father Donkey IOOF BINGO Proceeds to CRT Inndt Monday May P1Vf $19000 Jackson 1001 HALL COLLIER ST Mr Pearkes said the westa littlcencugh choice he ouch be obletodie

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