napalm AND Hosanna AROUND runs rm Losses annex CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS LESS NOISE THERE City traffic committee is study ing request lromChamber of Commerce that railway trains passing through Barrie should reduce noise from horns There have been complaints from tour int and visitors states the Chamber WANTS nazonmo Department of Planning and Development has asked City Council to reconsider zoning of property nearilligbwny too to commercial on the grounds it would reduce available indust rial land which is not plentltul in Barrie Proposal was to erect hotel or motel there PLAN NEW CHURCH Jehovahs Witnesses arc to erect church on Eccles Street wage former Hodges Dairy WANTS LICENCE BACK Fife taxi operator whose licence was revoked recently by Barrie City Council has applied to have his licence given back to him Whatever have dime wrong feel have paid for he wrote to council The Traffic Committee is considering his re application GIYI N0 SIGNS Jessie Campbell on behall oi coe County Womens lnstit utes wrote to Barrie City Coun cil urging erection of signs point ing to the museum on Worsley Street Council has replied that his unable to erect them CAtN HOOD METER City council has granted per mission to the xray clinic at ll Clapperton Street to hood park ing meter in front of the premi ses the first Thursday of each month This is the clinics busy day when clients come from aoross the county other clinics have similar privilege T0 SPEAK TOGETHER Barrles City Status committee and the Simcoe County negotiatv ing committee have announced agreement on one itemthat when they have agreements to announce each body will an nounce the greement simultan eously BACK TO SCHOOL Barrie Fire Chief Rely Irwin has been authorized to send one operator and three volunteer firemen to the Ontario Fire Col lege September 2125 DELAY ADJOURNMENT Fortha ï¬rst time anyone pre sent could remember Barrio City Council last night defeated motion to adjourn Most alder man still bad business to trash act when it was put by Alder man Edson Wice at ibis pm jCouncll accepted the lame mob ion four minutes later MEAL NMFREE Alderman Morrow chair man oitha City Finance com mittee last night reminded his fellow councilman they each on Wlll Pave Shanty Bay Read my Bay Road is to pav ed Barrie City Council last nightweast direct motion thntthe paving be done fa view of commitmentsmade by past council acomplained Alderman Edaon Wice dont think we should only on direct my Jib iavored committee lady anddsï¬tioa by council on gt Barrie Board of Words is to we have some older people who ed $175cost of meal at the civic dinner last week suns non mason Alderman Lester Cooke last night donned the mayoral chain for the first time He was acting mayor in the absence of lllayor Willard Kinzio INSPECT PROBLEM City Traffic Committee is to view th east side of Toronto Street to see if it can ease prob lems of residents driving out on to the street ENFORCE ankw Warning to truck operators Barrie police are to enforce the bylaw prohibitingspilling debris from trucks onto city streets TO DISCUSS PROGRAM Barrie city council is to hold special meeting September 11 to discuss land assembly program with representatives oi the Min istry of Planning and Develop ment srumr NEWaLErrlJh Barrie City Council is to study the leasability of newsletter to the public three times year srunlous ones of the group are already in the lib rary cracking open books cobwebs from estimate costs oi removal oi decayed tree at Orchard Drive and St Vincent Street Remov al will facilitate snow plowing nndtraffic safety WANTS SIGNS ITOO Alderman Fred Churchill is urging city council to erect signs at crosswalka lie says the white lines fade away ONLY WflENbï¬EflgEg We me name City Council hut night my mum Sta Wm be 5de agreed to the recommendation to attend council meetings only of Bmie Planning Band that when the committee chairman aumew church Wm be or city manager feels they are wired to have cm yam needed Several are usually spa each in me there frequently are asked mm nmhlng But the recommendation spgrk eat off another lively as Sidewzllklttxagngwï¬xisnatalled and Mametmen opposed the unani me Low Improvgmenc proposal Alderman Fred Smith Act on the north side DICtImbel moved an amendment which land Street and the east side of William Street would have rejected it Sometimesmur churches are little crowded he asserted lithiais that is somethlngwe should be verytbankiul for am quite sure if new business Wants Curlew game to town and there wasnot For Eark Dme too much parking space this inks council would be bending back Bï¬drglargse ï¬fgmahg in wards to get this business in Kempenlelt Park which should He said churches were used nt go on He hasgiven notice only one and half hours per he will put mob at the next week city council meeting to enforce tenet flflm the Flaming midnight curlew in the park board Quoting the department and Kempenfclt Drive ofï¬glladfllgmm ftilgllfioplnent one ï¬dgï¬fï¬gaflgggr 513515 apaeefor each to seats was baalt trouble with people in cars on gunï¬tan swam W93 51 the drive in the hot weather cm um had gncreuexlwgn like to sit out in the park £19392 Pï¬gï¬tgegvkédxï¬y 01 Wt going on all over the eateblislrzd that one space peg ally remarked alderman 325 seats was notsulficlent Marsellus lust Ilka And stated the department Jarvis Street The average Ontario family consists of four statistical per served that churches in the district were providing more cethan tho bylaw required zlwhy dont wavleavc salt is then asked Alderman Smith Declared Alderman binaries Wilson The new churches are providing adequate parking space without compulsion it is that element of compulsion that feel is objectilmnble and there said he was hopeful money would be received from the Pro vinolal Government to compen sate Barrie for subsidies lost as result of going to city star The suburban roadscomm slan could make1 grant to is cost at the work Alderman Arthur Morrow called Premier Frostl new meat that Barrletvoumno Jose In New Class DURING COFFEE BREAK their minds are left to right Margaret Morgan Tomato Maureen Harrington Hawke stoue standing Gail Mediat Churcht Parking Sparks Debate is some element of discrimina tion too if you start to require that is putting tax on that particu lar use of land Why should not the City of Barrie be required to provide space for parking for the people who go to Queens Park to watch softball dont think Barrie Arena provides the necessary olLstleet parking don see thiscouneil comg plainlng about that He referred to movietheatres in the downtown area andas serted council would put them out of business if they had to provide parking space each so many teats The same applied to stores We are plating out sectio oi the population and setting high stander he said We should not force them to do it Alderman Roy Marseilua took the argument one step itirther We are talking about new hospital and they havent got parking space now lartloe hos pital we get he declared When bui ng new hospital ibinkyoushould put space for every so many beds ActingMayor Alderman Lester Cooke dscrlbed has weak attempt to correct parking problem The real problem was in the congested areas be suggested viscouï¬mss mas LONDON ReutersViscount ess Samuel wyearoldiwife of one of Eritelns leading Jews died at their home here Sunday nightalter along illness it was learned Monday night The con pic was married for 82 years and had three sons and sdaughter Viscount Samuel was the first British high comiasloner to Palestin group otsixnunlag stud ents one atrontmlngl guitar loungcd in the softly lit pastel living room singing softly un aware of tho rainfalling out side their windows Thirlu hillin Hall in Barrie the sirh home for the nextthree years and tho pert young students were mlklnfl lhemselves as comfortable as possible for the next day they would begin their intensive scheduk heavy in classes wardroom duty and devotion to their work Thirtytwo teenagers just out oi Ontario high schools had or rived at the Royal Victoria Hospital residence last week and had spent their first few days getting accustomed tothe new surroundings in whichrthey would live and work until they went out to hospitals as pr ciclists or to universities to take up post graduate work The girls from as far away as South Porcupine and as close as Churchill all had the nine tin Wiiiowdale Joyce Walker Stayner Joan Lloston Willow alslstanding Joyce Bam brlckToronto Wonders lit Hole in It What us is dam with section misslng This is ques tion Blake Street residents could be asking themselves after lty council agred to recamme da tlon last night that Louis Bruno must built up retaining wall in front of hisproperty to keep out storm water Because right in the middle of the wall is gap to let people walk up to the apartment block The wall is less than the 15 inches above road level required Stroud Woman Hits Phone Pole Stroud woman driver snapped telephone pole olf Monday when her car went out of control on Burton Avenue Anni Kell so Streud had damage to her cars rear end bumper trunk and two left windows andthere was also damage to street sign and mail bo Barrle City Police said the road was slippery causing the car to go out of control There were no charges laid and no injuries to the driver ICEBREAKER SAILS MOSCOWMP the 1am ton Soviet atom icahreaker Lenin sailed today omits first cruise Tass news agency re ported The 44000 horsepower vessel was launched Saturday at tbedadmiralty lhipynrd in Lenin gra nnchnrhocx we will they off any lien reuons for taking up their vacations Dianne Polling of Orlllia summed up the feeling its challenge réwurdlng life both for rselvesand for our community The students picked th Roy al Victoria for variety of renomlzut the most prevalent was that mailer hospital at fords more personal attention and the girls let chance to become better negotiated Their day begins at am and maybe clsnu and in atruct on no pun they erach to race around the Then city shop gab or whatever else girls do while on the loose But at prn it is time to hit the books for three hours and at 1030 pm lights out The entire school lsmade up of 82 nurses in training len the tint year 30 in the second and 20 in the but LOUNGlNG are these lassles They are re hlle they have the time Christine Dought Orti Dam With ii HAKING BED III In Inl portant part of inlaid and thou Itndenl nurses are get Ann Bell Elmvala Marilyn ting the knock at turning down Todd Churchill the patiefl commandmentpat ommannm lent quickly ran to nnn Evelyn Jackson betray Carol don Bail MPH Gilchrist Ath erley Donalda Shaver South Porcupine lie on the floor Diane Poll log Oriilla Sandra Shier orlllia Theresa Bolsvsrt Gor WATCHINGTHEIR navonrrn my random gonna noeroa Milton by the city illlding bylaw Abd the Rev Lighthourn also on Blake Street has to meet the same requirements dont see whyit has to be raised said Mr Bruno last night toclty council There is stairway in the middle ant see what goodit would He added there was already retaining wallwhicb he had built without being asked to by the city build inspector lherewas ditch before the property And adjoining prop erty owners had had no trouble in 15 years despite lack of 15 inch finished grade Have you had any trouble with water in your basement apartments asked Alderman Frank Hersey have had no trouble except for condensation and humidity replied Mr Bruno George liuvies norm as no CONFIBUCTION ID Jeanna us We assumed cans inhuman Morons ones Oar Div gainmoraine ST0VE ANOTHER Iroa DEALI IThemap you IMFEIIAI Essp sEItvIEE torFA EFFICIE HELPFULS Alwns loos 10 in