Q0 ciation for the 195960 season King Edw aim1mm WED AT ST MllRYS mu Ruth Jean Myers daughter at Mr and Mrs Ner cme Myers Collier street he came the bride of Jordan Ab ercrombio Aug 15 The groom is the son of Mrs Robert THE STARS SAY By WRELLITA FOR TOMORROW gt Personal relationships are gov erned by generousinfluences so Sunday should prch to be highly congenial day Those in creative lines will iind inspirno tion at high peak and should come up with some unusually Rood ideas FOR THE BIRTHDAY It tomorrow is your birthday some lino indications in your horoscope tor the next year pre saga goodjob headway and mon etary gains as wellii you take advantage of opportunites which should come your way in mid Decernber Dont become dis couraged over possible obstacles in the meantime but keep plug ging and look aheadi Success will depend upon your alertness and willingness to give your besteven when the going may be slow Personal relationships will be under good aspects for most at the year ahead but just how youll stand with family friends and business associates in Nov ember and February will be lar gely up to you tendency to ward emotionalism during these months could cause triction For the single marriage is possib ility in December May or June or all generous aspects for navel indicated between June and September child born on this daywill no extremely sincere in dealing with others but may often be misunderstood because of lack diplomacy nan DAY AMER TOMORROW You may run into some chub lenging situations on Monday but you can meet all it you lace them with realistic and down toearth attitude Emphasizs good will and tact and dont look for unearned favors FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you aracurrently in cycle where you will have to put forth addi tional eliorts between now and December it you would make the career and monetary progress in dicated between the last month at 1959 and June 1960 December will initiate truly excellent cycle but you will not only have to work little harder than usqu until thenand possibly without recognition but avoid all ex travagance and speculation Domestic and social matters will be under generally good In fluences for most at the year ahead but be caretul that you do not upset the apple cart in No vernber or Eebruary through tamper or over aggressiveness Early 1950 will be excellent tor creative pursuib and it you have an evocation along these lines it might prove remunerativa The period between May and August will be excellent fortravsl and romance child bornon this day will be courageous honorable anden tremer forthright Meet Monday rim meeting oi the King Edward Home and School Asso be held Monday All parents are encouraged to Abelcrumble and the late Mr Abercrombie Monsignur Clair oltlciated at the St Marys Roman Catholic Church core many Les Cowper Studio Thank Offering Planned BY WA Mrs Ilarvey was hostess at her home on Sept to the members at tho Alternoon Aux iliary oi the Womens Missionary Society of Bceton Trinity Unl ted Church tor their regular meeting Mrl Hobby presided and good number oimembers at tended The wosrhip service was con ducted by Mrs GLW Hutchi son Reports were given by tho oilicers lho correspondence was read ny Mrs Wilt gins and Mrs Wildash read the replies of thanks from Mrs Ramsay Mrs Wright Mrs Hutchlson Mrs Dobhs and Mrs Wiggins date and few plans were made for the annual thank nif ering meeting to be held Oct The corresponding secretary Mrs Wiggins will send out in iletatlona to other WhiS socie The study hook on the Carlin bean Area and the Search for Stability by Maurice Dally wasgiven by Mrs Wright Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Harvey isolated by Mrs Hutchian and social hour followed is will come out meetthel7leaching Staff and the new executive There is no better investsneat than children Take good look at themas they pass you on tha street for they are the mak era of the new worldlbsywlil occupy vour parliament run vyour city directyour churches determine tbequallm future homes Perhaps attention now the looks that make men want to stop look and whistle But she matchesth goodllooks with keen mind which she Reafd Livesi oi Th THE LIFE OF SIB ALEXAN nnnusma by Andre use ruls As an accomplished writer at biographies Andre Mounds has given us convincing and living ï¬gure stairAlexander Fleur the discount at penicillin mums um an actor as well so his worii in laboratory Sir Alexander illswas shy mausctbstwhenhsmadchls accidcn discovery of the bactcdnkiller tame was an surprise and concern to him lie was Scotsman and had those qualities which make or ulti mate success capacity or hard work keen mevud perceptivch and patience and determination to go onin spits oi numerous utbscks snd dissp YOUR HEALTH pointsnentaibelitsotthegrut scientistwracked back ground at laboratories and test tubes and Andie Msuxuis has niacincindeddearducmslonsot scientiï¬c material which an bothgmdorstsndsbls and road shin EDUDINLJV William Lindsay Graham Hurlith the most famous professional mys tery man the 30th country coa tnlns some previously unpublish ed pictures and explanations many at Hondinil amour magician was master in the art at showmansz and be was able to prolect his glib tering personality across the tootligbts and hold his audiean spellbound The author takes the reader behind the scenes tolet Nature Repairs Our Body Injuries By anaMAN nmvnnsan am WOULDNT it be wonderlul it we could just pres button and the wrinkles in the lender and all the other dents and scrntlt cbes in the old family car would straighten out by themselves Well your body has lust such builtin repair system and you dont even have to press any button to get it started say you cut your linger FIRST 11 BLEEDS When this bappcnstha wound bleeds little Soon the bleeding stops and in relatively short time scab forms As far as you are concerned that takercare oi the matter But for several more weeks Nature is busy under that scab repairing the damage CELLS lNClIEAHE Cells on each side at tholniury begin to inerease in numbers One cell divi then the new cell divides an an on until the injured area is completely filled in with new tissue Above this area the cells of the skin are going through sim iiar rebuilding process and soon there is an unbroken covering ITS NEWl The scar disappears and sea tha entire injured hrea is as good as new In tact it is new it is this wonderfulJ to repair damage that perm us to recover from ngcldental in juries and even tram major sur gical procedurca AMAZING THING This process in itself is an am azing thing And try as we may thus far we have been unable to detennlne just what gets all the puts tugged use an panelist cells working together to repair the damage But what interests us even more is what stops those cells from multiplying when their work is completed II we could learn this secret we might have very handy weapon to use in our battle against cancer N0 BRAKES For unlike the orderly growth process of annual healthy cells cancer cells grow and grow and grow Nature doesnt Apply the brakes to halt the continuous division at cancer cells its easy to sea howths situa tion soon gets out at hand and the diseased cells smash through normal tissue We have lived with our bodies for good many yalrs naw Yet we know so little about them QUESTION AND ANSWE Mrs My son has had twosevera attacks oi neuralgia which subsided only alter lung seriu of shots Is there any way other than severing the nerves to cure this condition The duc bur doesnt know what causes them Answer This question eviden tly refers to facial neuralgia the cause nt which is unknown Various lreabncnta nre em ployed such as Blszhal cohofinlections our nerve and occasionally otlier medications in unrelieved cases an opera tion maybe required This may be decompression of the nerve er ganglia within the skull or actual cutting of the root of tllenervel The latter is follow edby nurnbnessand loss oi sen sation in the area YOUNG5 DRABERIES nmmms pa BEOADLOOM i2 suntan 511mm lbono PEIom Barrio its gunman SOCIALN mammoth uousedunamhmmmb only preoccupation through success and farm duth in loss JOHN anemones Allan Nevins This is on abridgament on twovolume Study in Pawn published in 1363 and makes more convenient oneyo grubby er the general reader In the nhridgcnuznt much of Each isllors ensw lite sod career has been deleted and the stnss is laid on the birth at the standard on Company Racketellers power and strength was in his ability to create new ideas and systems and be built the comle organization of Standard on into one the most efficient compr nies in America He made him self part at Americas na tional lite and history through his benefactinnsbut he knew that to give unwisely might be worscthannottogivestaiiand his largescale giving was as carefully organized as hialarge scalc business Mr Nevins has written menu mental biography which is well told and unusually complete and the authorized condensation by Dr William Greeniesl upholds his good work St Mays CWL Enjoy Supper Mmmtumpw vent really good tlnnout to the ï¬rst fall meeting Sept at St Marys Catholic Womens League pot luck supper was enlaycdin the auditorhnn prior to devotions in tho chiroh at 730 William Carol social convener had all this tables hegutituily arranged with tall owars Msgr Clair spiritual director and Father Law were guests The bdslness meeting paint eating Mrs Dunsmore began at panwith president Mrs Corbett presiding Pro jects convaner Mrs Saso out lined plans for nonmage sale on Oct andrrnCbrishnas tea on Nov ls Education convener Mrs Coughlinlcautioned all to be watchful childrens reading material It was decid ed tohward prize $5 in grades ll inclqu for the highest marks Plans were discussd tocbarter bus to the regional day of recollection to be held at the Martyrs Shine Midland Sept 16 and toLbenorthern regional meeting at Uptergravs on Oct 15 St Marys CWL feel justly proud to have had Mrs Mc Cann dimer nonresident of the regional and Mrs canons immigration canvenen sheeting was closed with ver iety program planned by Mrs Coleman program convener Wl Ladies Shawn Textile Paintings Crows Womens Evening Circle members and eats met at Mrs Buy New sons home Wednede evenin Mrs Dunsmors opened the meeting with the institute Ode and repeated the Lords Prayer lap unison The Mean meet ing followed Mrs Pratt of Barrie gave demonstration of textile this beingvvery inter thanked Mrs Pratt or being present lenhosteases Mrs Smi Mn Partridge and an Cough erved relrsshmsuil Masons muss swim scours nouns and mews lflfl no Methane Gulrlntdl Exclusive Dealer Barrie Metal nnannvu Products cans mi 84992 Fm mm WI lullnnte hit no can ï¬ndersll III saenswen willhothosemotstuhrtho members During mans makmernberlwiiihalds ingrown Recent guesti oi Kr and Ins doom Pringlc lit Mrs Pun lock Downsvlsw Ontario Mr and Mn AIM uoyer and Bevnrly Worcester umebuotts Mr sud Mrs Gsrla Gerald Earl and daughter Bonnie mun Oriilln hlesday evening Sept the openilig meetinl lot the Fall asset of tho ladieschorus Barrio chapter at tho Barber shop singers was hold at the home oi Mildred Hesketh in the form at pot luck dessert pur ty The claims meets every Tuuday night under the dim don at George McKay Anyone interested in singing should con tact President Glam Pomhut It PA 68867 Clowes WI To Meet FOrSept Clown Wmiens Institute met atths harm ol Mrs Bidweli Sept It was decided not to exhibit at the Fall Fairs letter was read about nmoblic or the lie tardcd Chlldmn It was leit or Mrs Fraser to enquire more about it fine president and ds trlct representative are to at tend the district annual nt0r lull in October shower was arranged or Mr and Mrs Rocker to be held at Edgar Ball Sept 1a lha draw was made or oun Mystery Sisters lbe roll call How Grandma cooked or thrush 50yeors ago was answered by 15 members and threcyisilors The luflw draw was won by Mrs Ray Torrie MrsfFraser read poem on Island tithe Scots meet ing cameto close with lunch servedby the hostess assisted by Mrs Nelson and Mrs Films Shown To Soropï¬mists Members of the Somtimlst Cluhanloyed the summer adven tures of various members dln ing its inlorrnal opening meet ing Thursday night Atter the dinner Jeannette Pratt daughter of Jeanna Pratt gavel several relocation selec tions It was decided to hold bridge and smorgasbord Oct to Iatillhsrrie NorthKCollemnte cafe President sim Mcflregor hnsrecentiy been to Washington attending convtion held by World Coniederation of Organ izatinns of Teaching Profession The aim oi this organization is mutual understanding of Eastern and Western cultures Flora Mc Gregor showed ï¬lm strip at plchsres which came from the United Nations more unsung ssmu HAIR STYLING Emlopdh new Mi gm In In moo Iv SATURDAY 1159 Blind Writer Wins Award UllAWA CPlMsrlorio Me Guillnuttwoduutiouiy up to the bead table at the Canadian WuhanPress Club convention in JillMIRA in the hall applauded vigorously Is lino Prosth with nucleiand no for the best satinc story written by any of the 861 CWPC mm born in not Munhugwtï¬gugl or as she held out her for her daulb tar Mn Mum Kirkpatrick tapwtnducriptimofthuccno the 55yard Vancouver woman smiled with Mention She has been durum shq was dghtysmoldlurtï¬slnsi is you she has been totem Mrs McGquns pflwwmahg Published in The Family Band told bowshe sees the world her hands Until she learned braille in 196 Mrs HnGuflin could ï¬nd nothing ï¬ï¬‚ï¬lflm me three children Funded the DesiBlind law oi Christmasst organizau tion to ocus on th group Canadians Establishsd dots and tape braille limpan which she no editr cat bu um wins lob uni years ago as national militant for the dealvhlind with the cans dian National tutu Blond Fm PA 84661 son souIan roy loan garIsl annoysJs to cUsnioN SQUARES Exoeuentmmminï¬m awn uni Values on to 3595 yd tor Modern patterns drip 84 to Wllm lmv Sole Rog 2495 pr up to use gummy name Fino quail aunt Enghshsatcen niacontinued 149 New Pics WI HoldsMeeting members at New Flu Womens Institute and an visions nut May we in tho home at Mrs Archie Woolen Inn Bert Kenny vicepruned was in the chair Mrs Alec Holey road the Kory Stewart Collect toil call was answered by bringing milling or the Woedunuk book The Fsir committa gave their report The unvenuon in Orilliawns discussed Plans or the iowl supper which is to be bold Oct wmmadonodhwasdoddl ed to purcth turkeys this your rather than having thicken as iormcrb Mrs Min district pka out rem Burris was present and spoke on how well she on ed the Wi iuywlabo liked rearing histories at places ninety sng people and attending abort In Viny read nagrah in was won Smith and Mrs Sy Rawn ell llanili was the winner oi can donated by Mrs this was the grandth meeting the sin grandson than preson were given agiit at potted Aliicon violet First they bndto tall tho year they were married how long their and number of grandchild Wsnloss acted as judges or the llowar show Mrs Fred Vmey won that prize or both dining and living room bou quets Mrs Jack Camerou dining mu bouquet was judg could best andbahsn Cline wns ving room not also received second prize ANDRE DXNCE STUDIO in childrens Militiaduties los mu audio as nature at Principal Isabel Robson on FABRICS roR THE non Custom Ready Made Drapes To YARDS REM NANTS some values up to snaps rn YD Viklrmnreias naarrs dry convenience noose upholstery iillllilcsy 503400