Steel Shortage Delays Bridge your mentions For Enniha min nu Tele phone PA um The when another to call for the Business Editorial Dept to PA 453 l®o inns again See Nikita 95th YearNo 2i Lin loo nouns rnoMBnnmrro HOME No Voyageurs from Sept Isles Quebec prepare to leave Barrie on their home ward journey through the Trent Canal lsystem and up the St Lawrence One hun dred sailinghours are need QIBARRIE ONTARIGpCANADA nonnon Reuters Prime Minister Macmillan bid for re election today with promise that he willpress efforts to se cure world peace in the present moreconstruetive international climate party platform document is sued by his Conservative party credited Macmillans present ad ministration with having broken the Easthest diplomatic deadA lock and contended that the eas ing on international tensionhad begun with the trip Macmillan mode to Moscow last February The platform document on which the Conservative party will seek further fiveyear term in the general election Oct out lined policy of peace with jus ed by John Lime and John tico and urged voters to back Jr to make the trip This is their first sojourn into Lake Simcoe on the Kauloten Amrd CentrctCi Council Offices Simcoe County Council proper ty committee last night awarded the contract for new council chamber to if Kennedy Construction Co Ltd of Barrie Kennedys had submitted the lowest tender of $294209 Thc compauyhad men on site Moscow Radio Advises Citizens LONDON ReuterslThe pic lure of United States eager to welcome Nikita Khrushchev with Americans from all walks of life anxious to see and liner him was painted for Russian citizens again today Tass the official Soviet news agency in lung New York dis patch similar to two official Rus sian newspaper stories two days before ep ate claims that Americans look to Khrushchevs Visit with hopes for new era in international re lations Meanwhile Moscow radio to day broadcast homey portrait of Nikita Khrushchev as dating grandfather wholoves to vander in the woods with his five grand children It also pictured the premier as an avid reader both of the classics and of modern literature DEPABTS FROM NDRMAL The broadcast representedva considerable departure from nor mal Soviet reticence in matters of Khrushchevs private life The announcer speaking Moscow radios Englishlanguage service beamed to the united Statesexplained that the feature was in response to letters re ceived from Americans interested inknewing more about Khrush mess TIME Bihae Levels Paper Shed chev before his arrival in the US next week Despite his very busy life he is family man it said Nikita Khrushchev has large family His wife Nina PetrovnaV is teacher byprofession and like her husband she has been member of the Communist party since youth and took part in the civil war 15 FIRST WIFE The broadcast did not mention the first Mrs Khrushchevl She is believed to have died before the Second World War and left Khrushchev with five children His subsequent remarriageis be lieved tohava taken place in 1933 His present wife and three of the grownup Khrushchev chil dren will be acdompanying the Soviet premier on his American Visit The broadcast said The Khrushchevs eldest daughter Julia lives andworks in Kiev Another daughter Bada is graduate of both the department of biology and the department of journalism at Moscow University in She is employed in the editorial office of one of the scientific journals in Moscow The Klirushchevsvson Sergei also college graduate is an end gineer and his tieidismachine building msuss HAMILTONTCP spectacular laze levelledn paper shetl and tore through piies of scrap rubber paper at salvage yard early today Fire departurent offr als said an arson squad investigation as been or ered to determine the cause of the fire rnmnnonoucu or River bridge on the Peterborough bypass of the TransCanada ighway has been dalayed by shortage oi steel department Construction of the otonabee highways construction engineer Fraser saidltoday Forte Needed Hone KONG Reutérs Chou SaYS Ghinese Communist Premier Chou Enlai said in Pekingtodaythat the SineIndian border question should he settled peacefully and not by force Chen accnned India of demanding that China recognize the situation created by British his demand imperialism and ofusin force to support snails Gains Capital tough cap tbe tweway PEKING fizeuterslThe stand ing committee of Red Chinas parliament the National Peoples Congress assembled here today to discuss the frontier dispute with India surrounded by wall of official silence Foreign ministry officials told reporters that all they knew about the session was brief announcev mcnt isSued late Thursday night Observers said there were signs that the committee began its de liberations thismorning in the Palace steeped in Compassion tHuai Jenn Tang insidethe high vermillion walls of the former im perial city which now houses the government quarter Scores of cars drove through the gate inlthe Western wall oi the imperial city guarded by armed sentries up to the reds pillared palace with greentiled todayand construction will be gin Monday Some preliminary work such as tree cutting was recently carried out by Pris orsftgmtha cotmtyjaiiméa The building will likely financed from current expandi ture County treasurer Jnhn Coleman tnld last hightsVcom mittee more than $150000 is in aspecialfund which can be used for the building Plans drawn up by Toronto architect Irving Boigon show an airsconditionetl council cham ber and ample offices for the countysclcrk assessor roads engineer and treasurer Coun cils chamber will be an over hanging second flnor about quarter aslargc again as the present chamber To the rear will he smallercommittee room with sliding doors which can herolled back on busy days to enlarge the chamber proper Turn to page three please place of the Peoples Congress lERMANENT aonv body elected by congresstoact on its behalf when congress is not in session ls functions and adopting decrees supervising the Work of the government antlroti ACTOR WITH UN GENEVA APlFilm star Yul Brynner started work today as special consultant for the United Nations commission for refugees foreign states iThecommittee 19552 mom hersbut the fact it is meeting Britons Unvéili Lennon AWBritish scienlt enciesa major cause of chronic tistshave unveiled mocha malnutrition Somme punrosr Mac Pledg roof which is the usual meeting The committeeiis apermanent powers include interpreting laws tying or abrogating treaties with in an enlarged session 1on fMéChciniqu COW FRIDAY SEPTEMBER Macmillan as their spokesmanin ital international negotiations ahead in apcrsonai message Mac millnn sold peace is the su prcme purpose of all policy ll have lived through two world wars and all myflforts are directed to prevent third Events of the last few months give me hope thét we may be moving Into more constructive periodi 0n domestic policy he saidl do not remember any period in mylifetime when the economy has been so sound and the pros perity of our people at home so widely spread The Conservatives pledged to work toward doubling the stan dard of life here in generation Mystery Surrounds Meeting vOi RedChina Peoples Congress mean that important government and party leaders who are not members also were present Observers thought it likely that the standing committee would meet under its usualchalrman veteran Communist Marshal Chu itch and prohnblyheer report on the frontier dispute from Pre mietvChou vEniai InObservers said it was unusual aisleW ushmmi whwmgn advanth first news of such session custom arily comes when it is all eve 1191959 Secure World Peace On international affairs the manifesto itself said As result of our policies the great powers of the world have closer contacts bothpersonal and official than for along time Prolt vlded we use flexibility of method without abandoning firmness of principles of our freedom and re liglous faith humanity is to survive both must thcrelorc learn to livetogether it picdged the government to continue efforts to secure the ending of nuclear tests under ei fectiveeontroi and tomove for ward imbalanced stages toward the abolition of all nuclear weaplt ons and the reduction of the other weapons and armed forces also under inspectio and control cool ENGlISli snack PIZZA BUFFALO NY AP Who says the English love tea The local United Service Organisation stocked up with 1000 teabogs for party mesday night to honor Visit ing English sailors from the frigate Scarborough The sailors ate pizza and cal cov which operates on 21 grass diet and isrclaimed to be 10 times as efficientlas the fam yardheast at producing protein forhumnn consumption The £300th $84001 plant was shown Thursday to newspaper men South London factory Scientists have been working for =severrSJears to perfectthe pro cessaimcd at breaking down ve table matter into components ibre carbohydrates soil and protein The makers believe at used invunderdeveloped par of the world the plant will over come widespread protein def Toplï¬Drawger Gamblers Jailed mermarous of operating mull miliiondol lar betting ring were santenced today to totaliofilo years in prison andiined2ooooo US District Judge Cale Jr Holder sentenced each of thesyn dlcate operators to five years and levied $25000 ï¬nes against each Théy were convicted last month after esi eeks trial ilrferre Haute In of conspiracy to twiifullyfail dog to eg era syndicate The court suspended the prison method is up to 10 times as rich top draWerigamblers convicted The heart of themechained cow is threefeet long electric ally iven rotatihgnshnft which setsoti shoc wavesthrough an encasingvshield water by the use of beatersl Vegetables are fed into the water and composed by the shock wav he into solution and as water paste Thevwater is then extracted and powderwre mains Some eXperts co der the veg etable protein yielded by his UmonsPiedge Labor Support nsrmiik proteinfroma cowor meat protein fro steer annual meeting endédher today withaplédge of trade un sup port ior the Labor Oct general eiec Newtonya cloth gwnrker $200 000 yearold tinny apoiis because chers sentenced were Leo Bookie Sh 63 Chicago Julesiorwlclr 54 Chicagol Philip Fiippy hare 54 Mint apoiis an LssVegas Irwin Goi don me Tamer v46 Detr and Miami Wyatt60 Terrn said po ciaily The Tory patty a1 partyl commer anced antiquated monopi BLACKPOOL England tneuti ersThelrades Union Congress gt party the who moved resolutin urging unions to ensureaLahor etoty teie ison dippus drankgwfe margin exhustedlhd milk supply but none wanted tea Cabinet Quebec Pr emiepr 11 shuffle Reported9 Slight QUEBEC CF Bon Paul Sauve today Was sworn in as pre migrof Quebec after choosing mmunber cabinet largely un changed from that which served under the late premier Maurice Dupiessis Maurice Bellemare 41 Union Nationals member for Cham plain was added to the cabinet as minister without portfolio Mr VEeliemarc has been chirJ party whip llcn Antoine Rivard 60 was given the nttomeygenerals port folio which Mr Duplessis had held personally during his long term of olfiee MrRivard re taincd his transport department portfolio Premier Sauve also retained for the time being the youth and welfare portfolio which he held before Mr Duplessis death POST MAY VANISH rhera were indications that the post solicitorgeneral which Mr Rvard held in addition to the transport department port folio would disappear in the new cabinet Mr Dupiessis had re vived the post in bringing liar Rivard into the cabinet Premier Snuve presented the list of cabinet ministers to Lieu tenantGovernor Onesime Gag non Soon afterwards he and members of the cabinet took the oath or allegiance and the oath of secrecy Mrs Sauve and the three Sauve children watched the swearingin ceremony in the office of Mr Gagnon th islatur build 1137 Mr Sauve at 52 the senior member of the Quebec legislature inlyears of service was named Premier Thursday night few hours after Mr Dupiessts had beenburied in his native lrois Rivieres RECOMME ND snuva Lieutenant Governor Gagnon called on Mr Sauve to take over the premiership after members of the old cabinet and caucus of Union Nationalo party members had signed petition recommend ing Mr Sauvea appointment Not EvenxSmall War With China Nehru IsSure NEW DELHI AP Prime Minister Nehru saidutoday he does not believe Indias dispute with Red China will lead to war not even small one He said India would accept mediation or arbitration of some small territorial disputes along her northern frontiers Bull amnot speaktn of bit ger nuations of inrgeareas being claimed on Chinese maps he told press conference The seriousness of the situa tion is nntthat of the border but of the growth of feeling of as trangement irritation and anger on both sides But Nehru told Parliament Tbmsday that the latestletter from Premier Chou Enlni Communist China added to the gravityuf the borderxulsï¬be cause Red Chinas policy heap by atop become more rigid two shipsl1ieynnwvawal Saturday