$11 showtime 7BHelpZWonféd Fenlale WAITRESSES FULL 0R PART TIME Good oondatlona pay top nuoruu tupplted Ind laundered APPLY UNITED CIGAR STORES LTD Dunlop Sin Barrie WANTED hill on onuom Am rdth Woman to 3n lotDehWeno do it Emma worL HVMQ wee hm WHOLESALE calaloguo at an Nominal altinlch dr Illa you can raauy armhole at homo Earn exrtuent pmflu roll lng direct In your Mutual Sand for your tree wholotal catalogu now Morgatroyn Co Dept 11 Agtncourt opt THAI 7DErn loyment Wagted wru CABS run chlldren in In PA N351 home nut end m4 am in with Junior matricula tloo nflthrwioï¬ in Iglflnsgg n1 3231 Harbour 1Doil annulus married Woman unl verrlly education rtqutru Inter eating mmuncraltve polllton Sell lng olerlral pmlllnn Apply Box Barrie itxamlnrr Dlll wolllAN deslrro ht housekeep duties with anu ts or are of el my woman In iJlrrlo Willing to sloop in Apply Box 51 Barrio naminur 7DIlil YOUNG Woman desires down town oinco position Completely quali fled in rhortanno typlnr credit management and mu office rour uae Able to nrnole complete set or books and rccordt Sovcn yurl experience three yell at otuco mm or Plcuse IpPlv Box Barrie Examiner micBill For Sale FILL GRAVEL TOP SOlL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Innovating and Grading Watt neuvcry Crushed Limestone DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna strut Mm WitEEIEINGmb Lullucv co Cedar Ave mcnmood mu New and Used hamper and Plumbing supplier PLUMBING SPECIAL All mailman now and guaranteed Sininluss steel Sinks rla is null douol $3500 Comploto ollot with rent $1650 Vpnlty postal grade 3756 back To 5150 Inen Paueot rapa so cap or Plpo and ilttlmzu anti Inch oll Pipe and Fillings Toilet gnatr $450 arc ROOM SPECIAIS New PUWDOd GIS X3 $425 Tempered Herdhoard 4x0 32 Ceiling Squares um and 2e pcl ltn fi lot so per 250 rt roll 141 Electric wre slaw 2x4 oc er ornpleto line or hoonnr hinterlalr No 2m lh Asphalt Shingles soso per room PHONE AY sustz sav t1 Newsprinff SCRATCH PADS For Sale vCllt To Any Sim 26 PER LB Orders Accepted At THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS OFFICE ltlnott Jones Used Furnituié K79 DUNLDP ST WEST We buy and aell Antique and Good Modeln Pumishlnz WANTED on China oniblul Starlan vrr etc PHONE PA 56261 rztr NEWSPAPER MATs sue 22x13 Ideal for hen houru attics Carnal etc per leer insulator 2sc PER pom Applyrho Barrie Examiner aarrle Ontario omtt ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAYS ECONOMICALLY RENT TENTS CAW COTS COLEMAN STOVE italBBS Tm aARLlIIE mug and AWNING ITEMfield Street PA 66437 mun FURNACE OIL BURNER PLACE YOURfORDEï¬ NOW CLEANING ANDSERVICING undergrowth rerldao damagas your hcntin equipmonu TELEPHONEBARRIE PA66531 SlMCQEDlSTRICT QOP VH BBHBMTILS ifnlflff omit itllinf Phone PA about 51 on orly lldy roman DIN Victim Ixnliv Linn Paulo int Maul PA Inn rcoclrm Drona et 10 Cook nus oath an 35 urn Phone PA sou oIIl run any Gnvlly roma do than run old Victori ot PA can moaolooan Ion PhonolA pIou wuunto Macblno not Chinoo fluidl and ehaln so elepoon lelo autumn no Pbpno PA ml olhu imammnam Run 1219 Ind um DWG 300 Silk Dunun it veneer PA that oIII MANI ulcYcLl go undo in England Now on non to Blah st Phone PA Muir nu all unihing of 1aparuuenth befonktut P11 Po raving coun on 311 lIl BUIID WATS HATER Tb ll used exceiinnl condition ould bo converted to Phone H2 HIM or Catlin 51 An 81 43 TINA CAMERON 135 Mulcmer st Barriexrlcltet donated by un portl Thetn Now poortag Gulttvera rravela and At with the Army PM Adding china stonorolto Dlolatlng Machine lold Tented tired guarantee fern stir 192 mvs BlmJhSu writer MODIRN Varlety Stan Restuuh ant and kitchen equipmoat and noclt room IbulVlnl urvlnl an km of 11000 to it Priced to clear roman tho property ltrerro co Ltd Phone or appvly on premises at solo moor St Toronto Phone BR Iml ant tor Mr nllly 5712 Wanted to Buy CEDAR POSTS Anehon root Foru tort WRITE MIGHlVJN Jr Box In Durham ontarlo PHONE ALLAN PARK 1322 lulu101mb 10 form Supplies iOALivestdck for Sale RAM or Grey Percheron mares Phone to ollnuslnx Luck lVAavil GODD BWES tor rale Lot Con innlslll nod Mcsnen Thornton IoA GRADE uohsnm cow with our wccln old Phone Mn itelloiv ImI stroud lASti Mist bodl with or Viihm board Cla Irll PA TIA14H et 18C Boarders worded ENG MINI Boll at At an Analtn at norm PA mac at noon lIclIlx noon ANT nnAut for outaoniy clean home an loam on Bradioed PA on ghoul All noun oiau bit ha 133 tunic Wil lODH noun lnilAbll for it loss to downtown Poon PAmmn law164 MES BUIAN CO 31 Word Panla rlc It donaloo mantra Now an Clpone ICl non AND noAltn nullle for working nun in 38 entelt Drlv or DEF my one PA Mm lacloll l9 Legals inthe mailer of tho Pipe Lines Act 1950 And in tho matter of the AP lice uon by the commu in mop any or Ieave to tonalruct nu transmission in Itne trom Complnyl no error etatlon In the smn ronceulon ol the Township ol Ves ra to the Intoneeuon or burn and old fourth lino in tho rownrnlp or Essa danc or us roller NOTICE or HEARING The Ontario hiel hoard hereby appolntr Thursday the Inn septemhor lots at l0 cl In tho lorenoon hartorn in Sav in Time at tho Band our door 190 Bay SL Toronto Ontario or he hearing or above Appllca llnlu and all pcrlonr lntererted therein an ion or the An nation In or imported Ind mrther punt IllI obtained at the office or the Club or tho biunlclpllltlu thruth which tho proposed Ilno qu pore the Ap hunt the Solid ton for the pplltlrlt Itlrura ztmmormn Heywooo and vlue III Richmond St West Tab onto Ontario ur thIr hoard Dated at Toronto thu NIntlr boy or September 59 oNrAiuo PUT1 BOARD ll cltozlizlt chairman WiNGiELDER VlceChlinnlrl lblhi lOColmplemenls your DiON DEALER Phone Elmvale 752R6 We have good used md new tor are harvest and blowers One and Gnu lurvutcr and turns blower Complcta for hay and corn Ono good used ulon cuittnl bola Inc John Deere carn kindaEMT with loader 4nd international corn hlnoer both years old All in good condition and reasonably priced FRANCIS MOREAU ANTEN MILLS Iocltadrrhrs COCKSEUM FARM EQUIPMENT SPECIAL sAu Power tokeorr Combines lrom 31110 sP commnu reg $7163 sple $5800 sP swathem rosv Suï¬sm ussa Tractor model lilo reg $2750 Sale $2250 Imam PA was lOClï¬OIHTTHJ Icons chlakul Wm Iuron roll excellent condltlon Phone PA ll9397 1001143 CAESAR 112 Victoria st Alllston none 524 Ticket donated by Impe al Theatre Now showing Guutvers Trzvcis also fAt War Wlth tho Army loo11 lODSeed and Feed HAY FOR SALE standing Allow grind mc hair or payment by ay Apply Woods shanty nay Phone PA 34951 Ion1m lOEPoultry Chicks STARTED DEKALB PULLETS AND CHICKS are available out to enaolo us to host ï¬lilyour re atlemenu orders should no place In advance If we oaa assist on our oultry prob lenu feel free carer write Humms POULTRY FARM stroud Phono Stroud nos17525 Auction Sula SAT SEPT 12 Auction 5an or high ciao Cattle Pigs Farm Machinery ror lred Vanrlro at Lot Con Nut warua Township No ruenlo an owner Ia glvlalz up arming owing to ill health 5an at pm aoarp Ierry Coughlln Aucunnecz Sudbury Gir 59 Dairy Queen TORONTO crHAnaospaull 23 your old redhead from the Sudbury district was named the Canadian National Exhibitious Dalry Queen for 1959 Wednesday night Anne who was born and lives on her fathers dairy farm at Warren 73 miles east otVSud bury hit thé top in her third at tempt at the crown Second was Ruby School of Arnprior representing Renfrew County and tied for third were Oxford Countys Barbara Logan of Woodstock and Frailch Cun Iliugham of Shelburas queen of Dutlarin County Each finalist could take pure bred call of her own choice and Anne chose anAyrshire to add to her fathers herd of in on the farms macros of dairy pasture Her top prize is twoweek trip to England where sho spent seven years at school in Buck inghamshirc Anne who says she milked night and day for days practis ing for the competition intends tostay outhe farm and work Only ill have to ï¬nd some one to do the milking while Im in England Leavel Trddition For Installation OTTAWA CPl Two depare tum from tradition each further underlining Canadas independ ence within the historic frama work pf Commonwealth lira will be part of MaiGeri George Voniers installation next mes day as Canadas 19th governor Eeneral detailed program Issued to day shows that for the first time the national hymn Canada will he played at thernd of the color ful ceremony to be held in the Senate chamber Ofï¬cials sold they find no record that it has been played at previous installa tions In addition ch Vanlers first proclamation as the Queens Ca nadian representative will make no mention of instructlons re ceived by hlmfrom the sover eign The proclamation as in the past will call attention to the fact hehastokon olflce and will com nd the government to continue in office 1000 INVITED More than 1000 persuns have been invited to the installation scheduled to start at 11 3111 EDT and to be televised nationally However because Parliament is not in session it is not expected that all will attend the hourlong ceremony The new governorgcncrals first proclamation will be signed in front of the assembly Gen Voniers new personal seal may not be ready for the ceremony ill which case he will use tem porary seal of two concentric cir cles and his initials GovernorGcnaraiMassey first Canadian to hold the office rm tires the moment Gen Vanier is installed and issch his proclama tion There in no other handing over ceremony GOES TO PORT HOPE By that time Mr Massey will have left the capital by train for his family residence at Batter wood ilousc near Port Hope lie is to lcavo Ottawa an hour before the installation of the new gover norgeneral 0n the eve of his departure Mr Massey will be guest of honor at government dinner for loo guests Gen Vnaier 71yearold law yorvsolclierdlplomot and Mme Vanier will arrive in Ottawa Mon day from their Montreal home They will be accompanied hy State Secretary Courtemancho and Mrs Couriemonwe Priests llid Dtiver Buried Under Sand TORONTO CPA motorist was saved from being buried alive under halfton oi sand when two Roman Catholic priests rushed to his old Wednesday William VonOesen 49 lost con trol of hisvchicle whul ho col lided with ono driven by Rev Michael Barranieqki 43 of St Marys Seminary His cur hit loaded dump truck The trucks driver Father Barroniccki and his companion Father Bachtalowski dug Mr VonOeson free with their hands llir VonOescn and truck driver William Watson of Brampton Rear Enginc Chrvairs Feoluré lis Chevrolet UnVeils Wee Car DETROIT AP Chevrolet officially joined the small cul battle today withdetails on its new Corvair ï¬rst American car with the eng in the rear Ford unveiled its small Falcon aweek ago To come in Novem bar is Chryslers Véliuut The Corvair will go on sale Oct the Falcon Oct The Corvair has anaircooled sixtoylinder engine made mostly of aluminum and mounted in what up to now alwayshas been the trunk compartment on Amer ican cars The location is the same as in the German Volks wagen and French Renault sales lenders among foreign cars The Corvuir will be built at first only in four daor sedan models These will weigh 2975 lmds They will beds feet long ut feet shotrer than the 1959 Chevrolet four feet three inches high and five feet seven inches wide The car will have about 90 horsepowar twodoor model will he offered early next year ll Financial Erasmus in and and bought told1nd arranged Commermal and residential monoyr loaned on existing mortgages Barrio Mortu gags Co PA sasnt llIzsu 162 Personal cAlt LEAVING for st John New Brunswick Sept passengers Phone creemore gt loam 18 Room and Buald NURSING HOME vacancy tor convalescent or old Nurhlnl can THE FIVE MAPLES HILL THOBNTON PHONE Ivy rarz litMs nonm AND ooaroavauahle can rel Reasonanla ntu PA was 13Hour lSAéRooms for Rent BOAT moron and Trailer PM tography ulpmont Gun Cabinet and Garry Aboard the In It liliinFurd Stock Phonu mo ME on good engine tltrn 1i aal au Motorolalv wlt Itrnonth war unty on new luhe ownor osntcfl minimum torrent CeuttoL Phone PA can After run runNislIlzn Bedroooi Downtown Linena lugpllcd Gentleman preferred mo ouon prlvllegc no Itemilca only one PA lllo alter laAM BELIEVE Ifl Oil Hi Can ultra iHAdiold IoAruIs nor sales on Probe or Ullw discordun investigation of the wére treated for minor injuries Like the other two new com pact cars the Corvair will have unitized body unepicce unit rather than body shell bolted to frame American Motors Rambler also uses this type of construction Ed Cole Chevrolets general manager told national press previéwvthat the Corvair will get 25 to 40 per cent hotter gasoline mileage than the standard Chev rolet sixcylihder model For its Falcon Ford claimed 50 per cent better mileage than any current production car and also claimed up to 30 miles to gallon of regular gas Cole made no specific miles pergallon claim WEIGHT IN REAR He said the overall weight disA hibulioll of 80 per cent in the rear and 40 per cent in the front almost an exact reversal from fronbéngine carywill give ex cellent traction in mud snow or ice along with lighttouch stoor ing Cale said Chevrolet expects to sell 300000 Corvairs in19Wulld indicated he expects Corvair sales will not reduce Chovrolet Rockets Bodysplit WASHINGTON APlThe Seu ate rockéls committee Wedn day night cudedln bitter partisan UnitedAuto Workers Union it also may marklhewiudup of the committees nearly three year hunt for wrongdoing in labor and management Senator John up Mass blastedthe UAW as monumental mirluae sand filled the car burying its Visitors from Golllugwood Ind Slaylet Ipent Sunday with Mr Ind Mn Tom McGllL Dice Boer who hu oper ated number audPlAnlng Mm factory hero for the put your sold this business out lug tho past week to lek Btu of Alllsion NEW YORK TRIP May your correspondmt for Everett Add few word in inv orofVudaDlnneywbollcon templating winning free trial New York sponsored by Barrie murmur 4r lto was blue for the week Hr Ind Mn Jim Email of Tomb are spending two woeka vacation with Mr and Mn Grace Mr Ind lin Dnuglujgld Guy and Linda enjoyed motor tour for low days lut week clog for no Manual ro home Vil Ottawa and Algonquin Park David Jack lan patient in the Royal Victoria Euplul Barrie Mrs Earl Scott of Orlllla is spending obout alx week with her niece Mn Malt Bell Ind iamlly while her daughter Jeanne Pengcllyto touring in Readers of The Enmlncrof Europe Everett and distrch ore naked at this time to review their pub scriptlun or beau sllll why not suit your friends subscription to The Exnrnlner You will be greatly helping Vania Dinney in winning her point for the free trip In New York Verdn Dinney will be canvass lugberu shortly so lets get bo hlud her in her Achievement PURCHASES LOT Harry Jenkins bu purchased building lot here and expects to build in the very near future Sorry to report MnMorgor ct Jenkins is not well and we all wish her speedy recovery Hour Mr and Mrs Chris Burns Col loan and Vera oi Churchill vis ited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wilson Elliott Mr and Mn Bonny lot Barrie called on Charla Comp bell recently Mrs Brimsch and Harry Moore have returned home tram Royal Victoria Bospltol Barrie much improved in health RECENTLY MARRIED Congratulations to Walter Hes calnp dud Gleuya Jones who were married in Holly United Church on Saturday FROM VIRGINIA Mrs Saliér of Virginia USA is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Wenle Mr and Mrs Harrison of Toronto were also weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs WeiIla SYMPATHY OF COMMUNITY Sympathy of the district is ex tended to the relatives of the late Beuben Bloxham who passed away suddenly at Royal Victor ia Hospital Barrie School commenced Sept with invin principal and Miss Beverly Sproule again in chargeof primary room Grad es and it are being transported to 13A inaisfil in little boy he gin their schoolcareers LEFROY Mr and Mrs Russ Sheldon of Lelroy celebrated theirfiiticth anniversary Aug as guests of their family at the Clear Lake collage of their daughter Mrs Legge Mr and Mrs Rae Law and two daughters of London spent most of last week with Mr and Mrs William lugram Mrs Dollery was week held MJ and Mrs Ian Jack of Tor lTlclerman likes To Bap Leaders TORONTO CP Aid Philip Givens doesnt like the idea of not being able to deride Premier Frost or Prime Minister John Diefenhakur if he wants to section of the citys revised procedural manual says no mem ber of council shall speak respectfully of either Also eluded are allmembers of the Royal Family the GovernorGell eral and the lieutenant governor Said Ald Givens if we cant criticize Frost for not allowing us to fluoridatc our water supply thenits the first step towards banana repuin Whns to say whether crl cism of decision is disrespect ful As far as im concerned theyre fair game They arees sentiolly politicians and should not be given immunity The new codeiof oo ductwus presented to hoprd of control WednesdayAid leeps him would attempt to have references to thepremierland prlrn minis end visitor with her sister Mrs Sheila Bell catennintd num ber of young friend in the gar den of bar hmna MondAy owning Everyone enjoyed this com and marshmallow roast and dancing under the slnrl Mn Williams of Fort William visiting Mr and Mn Jim Elliott it ll our doom hopo in tho balmy on that Mn Bud Martinmu awhnuiutha New York Trip 00th upon lured by no Examiner Rud en of tbil column In asked to sin our contestant enry pmlblo support Subscrip Ilona lrom former roaltlentl of the are now living chewhen would help our contestant Mar and Martin by simply sanding their Inhlcrlleon to The Barrie Examiner clronlr tloa deporlmrni saying that they would like tho pain for their Iuhlcrlptian credited to Mn Bud Mlllull Mr and Mrs LucuNoble Carol and Marjorie of ioronio spent Sunday with Mn Mervyn Noble Mrs Celia Longean and baby of Toronto are guests of Mr and Mrs Ted Jufferman for two weeks Mrs Allard spent three days InToronto last week Ronold Kelly spent last week in Tomato and spent day at thesxhihlooo Mr and Mrs Gordon Sheldon and family spent the long week end at their cottage at Clear Lake Mr and Mrs William Kelly and Ronald attended the Con stable retmlou held At Orr Lake SECOND LINE FLOS BELLEVILLE VISIT Mr and Mrs Robert Martin motored to Belleville on Friday and attended the wedding of Miss Rosemary Slack formerly of Craighurst and boys motored to Toronto on Saturday evening and remained until Sunday evening visiting triends Misses Korea Linda and Mar lon Johngton were on holiday with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Kennedy at Min eslng last week OUT OF HOSPITAL The friendsond neighbours of Mr Harvey Johnston brewery pleased that he is well enough to come home from the Royal vic lorio Hospital last week We are sorry to report that Mr Matthew Schiller is on the sick list His friends hope for speedy recov Ery shower was held in the school last week for our very popular young couple Miss Jo anne McGrath and Mr Beverly Rawson who were married on August 29 Our congratulations andlbest wishes go with this young couple in their married life RECENT VISITORS Visitors this past week with Mr and Mrs Wesley Johns tan were Mrs Richard Peart of Toronto for few days Mrand Mrs RossKennedy and girlp of Barrie Mr and Mrs Juliu stonianii family of Wyevale Mr and Mrs Bert Reynolds and family of Wyebridge Mr and Mrs Kennedy and family of Mlnesing Mr and Mrs Ed McGrady and children of Eden vale Mrlond Mrs Percy Laird nnd Linda were weekend visitors with Gertle and Mel Goddard Mr and Mrs raudon of Mir onstone more Sunday visitors with their daughter and son lpw Mr and Mrs Don Thump son Garnet irishwas also tior there Mr and Mrs Johnston THORNTON Mn Willim Hunk hu rï¬ turned from holiday with friend at Mldbtlm Mr and Mn Dun and inmliyof Glnll Manitoba left for home Monday Ifur months holiday with on Mr undlhlin Itlctlded wedding piece at North Biy Saturdaï¬ Mm Earl anlnlhlln wu the winner of basket Of 11 ceriu at tho iobllw cooking taboo It Barrio readily Mr lndMll Horny London of Clifford wore weekend gum oerlMuw Ind xlc Mr and Mrs Finklllencr Exeter spent the woek Atfhok ronl home BALL GAME In Ipitc of tho heat good md turned out for the bull games in the park Monday Thornton champions won am the allster of tho leaguo and wore presrntod with the our from Ivy 14014 The girls am following Knock receive the trophy from Thornton LOL The senior baseball team fllst oflho playoffs Thatan loot to Alllaton Tuesday that Thornton park Sunday guostu with Mrs Denny were Mr and Mn Flanoy oi Deirult Mr and Mn Etl Dar ney of Toronto Mr and Mn Cecil Denny and family Mr and Mrs John Denny and tom lly of Fallport Beach and Mr Id Mn Dan McFadden Barrio TomNIllIM Ken Cnmplln of Buffalo calla on Mr and Mrs Wollmn recently Mr and Mrs Joalt Keogh and family oi Toronto spent Sunday with tho formcrs parents Mr and Mrs Keogh Bill Emlgu ha returned to Orangevfllo when ho to on tho staff of tho Orangevllla HUI School or the third term Miss Helen Dainty01hr room is spending month at the home of her parentI Mfr and Mrs Bans Delany Mr and Mrs Hub Sinclair and fomlb Attendcd tbowe ding in Montreal of their son ilugh on Saturday last Hugh with the RCN At Halifax Vote for Min Betty Wab tiling your favorite mutant ihr thevJNcw York City Tour content sponsored by who nnrrlo Examiner Simm County daily newpaper Betty ix vorymucb tntoruh ed in apart much In tonal Illa bowllnlr It the Im to lawn bowling whore lilo I00 is doing good Job You on help to land her ol tilll trlpto Now York by giv lag her your nnbacrlpilon well renewals to 11 Bolt ric Examiner Back to school Tuesday morningrwon observed by tho writer with keen inure Tb usual hot September weather the children although not tho some as of yore lust anothem generotion yet much tho ranlei The girls dressed in them crispy clean dressfl the boys ln clean top shirts hair all slicker buck and all with happy 995 Everyone wasnt happy Ono little fellow Johnny wall just returning from the corner when he had parted with his little slow ten whowas starting her firot day at school asked Ana you starting to school Johnny He answered with small tour in the eyes No1 but Kathy 15 So at least onellltle boy li four finds the first day of very dull and loucly The staff of the publicoehool includes Principal Mrs Emigh Mrs Poltu Miss SA Caddel and Midtaal Benton Miss Sheila Caddéll who LIMCOE COUNTY NEWS not stranger in Tottenbam is back oh the teaching statf of the public school he taught two years prior to going to Teochers College and two years on the Barrie teaching staii Michael Keaton of Tuvalu the new member of the staff in making his homo with Mr and Mrs Dick Courtney This Mr Bostons first school