Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1959, p. 3

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Published hr Canadian Newspapers Ltd is Hayfield Street Barrle ontorio non noun SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15 concern Take Heed As Schools Open In the constant battle for greater sarc ty on our highways many Words have beenwrlttenvandspokcn by publicists and experts editorial writersand com mentators But in this field in many others it is not unusual toilind the most effective appeal written by lay man inspired to his literaryeiiort by personal experience finch was the case in letter written to the Elmira New York Advertiser Commenting upon the letter 1th Adver tiser observed It any driver can resist its appeal he has no business with drivers license The letter follows Dear Driver few weeks ago saw little girl struck by car asrshe tried to cross the street saw father race toward her and hold her to him as she struggled in the agony of death aawail the plans that had been made forher dashed and saw theibokot despair that came over his face Icould only offer prayer that such thing mightnever happen again Today my daughter who is years eldstartcd off to school Her cocker spaniel whose name is Scot watched her leave and whirled his belief in the folly oi education Tonight wetalked about school She told me about the girl who sits in front Opinions oi Other Newspapers is room snovn ran LAW Wisrton Echo TAfter reading good deal of emotional blubben ing about Mom Whyto ond Whytelinvcn in the past couple of weeks we perused With good deal of interest the story and editorial comments of the Bowmanville Statesman the weekly news paper of the ubiquitous Mrs Whtyec home town As we expected the story dealt fairly with the recent evacuation of Wbytmaven and presented both sides of the use This lsa peculiarity of weekly papers which are more interested in fairness and accuracy than most of their daily contemporaries Contrary to popular opinion representatives of the Department of Health and Wellare did not conduct Gestapolike raid in the middle of the nightand drag the children wailing and scream ing off to more healthy surroundings Faced with the fact that Mrs Whyte refused to answer to anybody but God for her actions and with the second fact that there was serious ddnger of contagiqu outbreak at Whytehaven the Department moved quickly and surely to re move the children from crowded unsanitary sur roundings MrsWhytewvhosc desire to mother children is only exceeded by her ability to at tract publicity reacted as expected Should restaurant be able to ignore the health inspector no matter how good its food it Should bootlegger be winkednt because he only sells it to people who need drink badly Apparently good woman an admirablejwo man in many ways Mrs Whtye is on her own private channel and refuses to ohey the law The people of the Department of Henlth and Welfare are jnstas deeply concemdd over the fate of children as Mrs Whtye is They have leaned over backwards to be fair to her BntrMomWhyte is not abovethe law Until she prove that she can operate childrens home with the facilitiesranii within the regulations established for the protection of thechildren she should not be permitted to reopen hizr niission WMBERA 1939 Barrie fire brigade was called out to box 45 in front of the store at the corner of Bradford and John streets The alarm rang out but wheuthey got there no one was on hand to direct thcmto the supposed blaze In fact there was no fire at all But travelling south on Bradford st as fast as his little legs would take him was awce boy probably threeyears old The amus ed fire fighters figured he had climbed the one for fivefcet to the box pulled the lever on th heat it in great haste very serious defect was discovere inch might have caused catastrophe atlrince of Wales School The main beam carrying the roof of the new sectionat thatear was found to be sagging for eigh and oneqnarter inches and cracked in two places This Iwasdiscovered of her girl with yellow curls and about the bay across the aislewbo makes faces about the teacher who IsaI eyes in the back of her head about the trees in the school yard and the big girl who does not believe in Santa Claus We talked Bbdllt lot things tremendously vital and unimportant things Now this ovum she is sound asleep with her doll Paddyin her arms Whenher doll gets brokonor her fin ger cut or her head gets bumped can fix them But when she starts across the streetthen MrDriver she is in your hands Much as wish couldits not possible for me to be with her all the time have to work to pay for her home her clothes her education So Mr Driver please help me to look out for her Please drive carefully Please drive slowly post schools and at inter sections And please remember that sometimes children run from behind parked cars Please dont run over my little girl won deepest thanks for whatever you can do for her am Very sincerely yours Father LEAVE HYDRO AS Ottawa Journal Senator Henri Bouifani suggests that Nation al Energy Board be authorized to take over both the Quebec and Ontario liydroElechic Commis sions it is difficult to believe that either Premier Duplesais or Premier lrost would find such change acceptable Onlarlo Hydro though not without its faults has made major contribution over the years in providing needed electric power for industries and private homes in urban and rural areas While it is youngerinstitution HydroQuebeca succes or of the Quebec Streams Commissionseems to doing an excellent job in its planning and administration Had there been any difficulty or conflict be tween Quebec and Ontario there rnmht be some scintillnte of merit toSeuator Eoufiards sugges tion As things are the two provinces have coop erated closely for decades on matters concerning hydroelectric power to mutual satisfaction and advantage This cooperation is most evident as far as Ottawa River power is concerned Division of power rights hm been worked out on continuing and amicable basis Ontario Hydro is one of the leading customers for power generated in Quebec andwith few exceptions power contracts have operated smoothly and efficiently in the case of both of these provincial electric commissions it would seem advisable to leave well enough alone Not only is there abundant cen tralization of governmental Ottawa as things are but the senior government has simply not got the trained engineering and administrative staffs to handle agencies of such dirneusions Certainly National Energy Board should be ready to cooperate with and consult with Quebec and 0ntario Hydro but any attempt to take them over would be retrograde step indeed OLD SINS BEST Petedborough Examiner Someone is busy compiling new list of seven deadly sins to fit the modern world Well just stick to the old ones rmer Years by carpenter when searching for leak in the roof Had it broken it would have dropped through two classrooms lo the basement The beam was composed of tour planks of 2x6 hem lock with carrying capacity of only L400 pounds whereas it should have been able to hold up 14000 said an expertirom Toronto who was brought here in connection with the matter Two new beams were orderedby the hoard With the opening of the fall term Barrie Col legiate Central had the largest attendance first day in its history with total registration of 553 The increase was due to more studeutatn early forms Prince of Wales Schoolhad 47mm TRYING TO warns mi PLANTS min nor rimWrens insert is satisfied that the Roto wssxs news Lciotians BIKENSMITHH Canadian Press stat erkr Laotians aro happy is who have always metpetligir problems with shrug Their favorite saying is who cares Visitors and missionaries have known them as cheerful polite mpeople who have easily reels attempts to make them take life more seriously Who cares they ask To do more work than necessary to keep food in their mouths and roofs over their heads in the rainy season has been considered im polite They have gully ignored the strife and tension that has swirled about their little corm Then communistled rebels started smallscale fight against the government At first the rebel bands were made up of less than adozcnmen and despite ominous reports by the government it was hard to take the situation seriously Laotians continued to tend their rice and opium crops Then rebel activity rose The government said 350m troops from neighboring Communist North Viet Nam invaded It called at weeks end for United Nations troops to help repel the invaders School teachers were given machineguns Paddy fields Were dotted with parachutes as the government dropped arms to its scattered forces And so power politics has an swcred the eternal question of the Laotians Now they all care SUCCESS STORY President Eisenhower relaxed in lordom apartment in Scottish castle catching up on his sleep arid golf after his critical meetings in Bonn Lon donlind Paris Ohservers agreed that Eisen bower riding high in popular sentiment as wartime hero accomplished the chief aim of his visitto iron out the biggest causesof suspicion and mis trust among Western big Although many problernsw mainthaWest is closer toga thar than it has fantastically Shaun Overheard roosterspeakin Why do people argue aboutpr came first the hen or the egg andal ys leav the roaster out or the seams Manner anon Business Manager nuvrnnn 35mm lulu senor gonna suntan aovenunu radium your homes circulation rain er niuv 5mm wants Publisher and lso rammp WItrGeordllStroet Vancouver cmbor at the canom Daily up lllhzfl Asia non rns Canadian eon be an coordilig tothen age sis osti do an pay for long Gen Igovcruments or him uArgeufinas armychiefgdeclaring that 95 per centoffhelermy is behind him Toranzo Moniero made the staternentafter tense night dur headuarter peared ncnr from flieadagogrTh earlybird gets worm to wit The earl worm ts FA vvoma vvears slacks in public to show here independence aaynn woman columnist Theonphemis to ing which President Arturo From di announcedthnt troops were marching ion rniiitary barracks time with more mutual imder stsndlng observers laid vital factor that will give Els enhower stronger stand in his forthcoming adipose of visits with Soviet Premier Khrush chev BORDERLINE DIEle Indias battle with Commu nist China overdisputed bor ders between the two great Asian countries continued While promising to maintain Indias claim to bor der pointstaken overvby Com munist Chinese troops Prime Minister Nehru sought to cool the dispute well below the igni tion point bysaying India will nlways keep the door open to compromise He said India while holding to the general line of the dis puted border is ready to area arbitration by any perv ov minor interpretations of where the line should run No Brrzlwrrn Bank Maj John Dicksee roared out his command to histroops lu the best British paradeground tradition But there was no bite to it As he shouted his men to at tcntion his false teeth popped out cannon ron 9111 The Progressive Conserva itiva party ended years of gt liberal government in Prince Edward Island capturing of the 30 seats in provincial Llllllllllil Newgletlllidlor in Meet IVrouvblel With Shrug Asmi1e signed after the legislature was dissolved Iowans FIRST Prime Minister Diefenbeker rerrdnded Americans that sub sidlarics of foreign companies operating in Canada are ex pected to put Canada iirsf Speaking in Chicago duringa ickvisit in honor of Canada at the PanAmerican Games he said Canada wel comes American dollars in vested in Canadian industrial and resources development But Canadians expected that the business policy of every company operating in Canada no matter who owned or oper ated it would be based on Ca nadiau considerations and be in the best interests of the Cana dian economy and people vsccnve uncovnnnn Cartons rof Salk vaccine enough to inoculate 75000 per sonswas recovered in Mout rcal apartmentaiter an anony mous phone call to police The vaccine was stolen from University of Montreal labor story by three hooded men Po lice snid they think they lmow who took the vaccine ut we have to establish proof Some of the vaccin was loundiu refrigerator All of it was being tested to see if it had deteriorated IMPROVE MARKETS The Bordencomrnission rec ommendedthat international oil companies operating in Canada should seek adequate markets the elec One to be decided by Premierelect Walter Shaw and his cabinet will be soln in Sept 15 or 16 The PG sweep left onlyoue eral govern ment in Canada land where Prenucr Josepha Smallwood was reelected re nine fibers cab cently Fiva of the incl ministerswcre defeated RcelecAtfd were outgoing Pre mier ex Matheson Health Minister DrM Lorne Bonuell and George Maaiey Public works and reis daily by the in North America forCanadieu oil or face restrictions The sismember royalcom rnission on Canadas enery is snurces said Canadas all pro rduction should be 700000 bar year Average pro nation as year was 4560001harrels daily If the companies could reach goal the government shouldnt impose restrictions to ensure construction of an oil pipeline from the west to Montreals richxoil market INDIAN RIMS The Indian army was called in to restorepcace in calcutta after at least 19 persons were killed and more than 170 were injured in CommuuisHed riot ing against the West Bengal state goverpment Later hood lnms took over the demonstra in friendfromvbnyhoéd and as clared there now willbe fwait ing spellj in the military crls While the general headed back to the rebel headuarters gov ernment sources said th resign ation of Anaya appeared imrn where the choral set up rehab Ibarracks but hre aps Anaya declinedcommcnthiter the meeting and said only the presiden would make an an Anaya offl armygenerals whorefused zo Monteros of Along cameo dog and tions Manyof those killed or in jurcd wcre policemen trying to stem the flow of mobs through out the cityp Communists said they were fighting for proper distribution of food supplies and lower aces gt Chcng Gu Lim Chinese studentat University of lVlichiganwentlnto hiding four oaftcr he failed an en gineenng course He stayedih the caves of church eating scgaps left iromchurch social events becans was too ashamed to show his face The 20th anniversary of the start of the Second World War passed quietly in Br th no official ceremonies to mark Sept jwar Hitlers might doctor called for on antine stations to he set up for space travellers returning to earth Heaven knows what deadvgerms ihey could bring hnckfwllh them said DruP Tragic Don Ethridge of Sale 0re puthis hand out window to make traffic signal is hand and of next when Britain declared mamas $53 an dredl have been sold to other main WOULD SUBSIDIZED it is expected that the initial apartmentl service will be op erated by the British European using the Gunter urchin oi the Rotodyne rAl ibtfllthll in the uperuu ent Il nuts are hetllkuly to be economical the service will have tobesubsidizedbytbelom mebtlhlritlsprepmd Eire Transport and N1 Avian backing this new type of amputation and is sponsoring snenerhnantal service between tendon Manchester ondeirm lnghamtobestsrtednlloou the new vertical takeoff Fluorite its certificate of airworthiness IDEABEVOLUTIONABY Thli Fairey Botodyne pinre which Mr Wntldnsoa is new giv ing his full backing is expected to revolutionize sirnachlho Rolodyne is cross betwecuva helicopter and an orthodox let aircraft ltrlses straight up in the air but once airborne flies with the speed of normal jet machine At the end of itsviour hey it can come straight down Vertically and land in small malt requires no runways for take1i unloading MrWar dyne will be so grentm success that it will rival the Viscount the anus airliner of which hun normsn Find Treasures totfyoe piano is given to do because it has falthlu what the Rotodynl canlceoiupllii At the the outset the London termin us otthuervioewiilbethereccnt lyvopened hellport at Endorses that distance lromthe heart of the city in due emuse gxer ballpark will be utabiish 10 TEEI NOISE One of the objectives of the on rum will to tcst the publics reaction to the noise of the Roiodyne The lem of noise has to with but by the limo malt receives its certificate of airworthiness in about year Fancy hope to have reduced its noise considerably But it will still be necessary to educate the public to the extra noise of this new type of plane Eventually London will have permanent holipcrt in closed in location and the present think ing of the Minister of Transport aud Civil Aviation is that it cold be located on the roof in high building on which the fielodyne could land comforts In Backing1 By BILL Examiner Staff Reporter The first spasm of this rambl ing woodlandion mail scale tale last Saturday lacked the three little words To be con tinued and left the readers won daring if the writer had patter ed over and gone to sleep under strawberry plant but to re soomz On the West side growth was even stronger but adelphinium went to six fectnnly andwas topped by Brier rose by six in ches The wide hedge has every thing big tree in the centre with bird house where crested flycatchers have nested for two summers Wild black curranta predominate with raspberries dogwoods hawthorn tree eld erieriy bushes wild grape viu as along the fence rails together with Yes wild cucumber which has fiowers high up in thetrces on the westllike can dies on Christmas tree but they will be pulled down before the seed falls Meantirne they help to make screen across the whole side leaving shady spotsnt any time Perennials have been grand ev er since the early varieties Ragged Robin placed in the bor der because it was short grew to two feet and had to be crut ched up with little twig crut ches which were much used on gt NEW plants this leason Dahlias were good and the perennial Phlox outstandingTho rose pink went to overkfive feet with many large blooms but chimp of the more rare white brought from Aiherley over 50 years ago was lovely also made the five feet nnd with 25 big white 1110mm still substantial There is always was really striking among the other heavy growth of wild black currents and yes TouchMeNot The centre of the lawn has an oval bed of what ltsChivfl that little European andEnglish favoriteer flavoring with tops like slim onion and rose pink some flower in spring which settled to thenutside and made hop dcr inside the field stone ring in silch pleasant surroundings if little wonder that many meals are enjoyed at the old table bought many years back from the late Taylor builder oi many churches and is shade from some angleand the setup seems to be in little world of its own ONE EVENING infMay siter enioying an outdoorumeal look ing up there was aplnmp pars cupine calmly plucking the tender leaves from willow branch about so feet above us He paidnojtteution and we wonderedhow he got down after sleeping therethey will do it even with his sharp clawsA cute baby skunk also rambled in one evening made all the mot ions but had no ammunition and was kept by neighbor as pet for short tilrle Many birds wary of ourcala and in ten are fed from slow roof shrewd blackbirds Gracklcs get there first and one evening we weresurprised to see five of them pow maw and the kids gathered on the roof and raising din Checking on it we found that the bread had been thrown up in slices and they wanted it broken up We on it Labor Bestnclions Nollnswer To InjustiCes Lawyer Claims By JIM PEACOCK Canadian Press sun Writer VANCOUVER or More rsoicallcd restrictive legislation in labor relations will only com poundpresent difficultiesa pro minent Moutreal labor lawyer told the Canadian Bar Associs tio convention Thursday dontneed more legisla tion but rather wider interpret ation and application of ting lawsby the courtsand aimore enlightened notion of natural law to avoid injustice Phil Cut ler in apaper to labor rcletiops section group meeting 1Providiug public opinion is adequatelynware of needs and consequences of collective bar gaining we can trust the courts the judiciary to give the proper check and balance in protecting iudividunlillibertfies in labormau agemcnt relations Mr CutlerLa member Milne national legal advisory board of the Canadians Lnbor Congress said the more restrictive legisla tion in labor relations the fewer small laptonomnua local unions there will be The small localguniens wsra swalloWed by larger localsand small national andinteruational gnnizations which undertaka to iltlgateto death all attacks under the alleged restrictive legisla Xadequate succe The oivillib unions taken over by giant 0rd dllng the hot topic nfa Canadian bill ofrlghfs tossed the problem of putting the CBA on record with positive view of one sort or another book to the assoc lion council and executive coheumrron antes Divorce was described as contagious disease andthe recom cilistion court as partial cure during meeting of the civil just ice section The section which today may come upwith resolutionrecom mending conciliation courts lfor Canada as prior move to di vorce trials heardfrorn Judge Pfaff oftha consolidated domestic relations and concillm tion courts of Los Angeles Colmiy superior Court In another meeting uniform securities legislation across Cam adato protect invfitors from ille gal stock promotion wasiurged by Cgmeron chairman of the Saskatchewan Securities Cona mi ion BIBLETHOUGHT Remember me Marvin the fervor that than beareat unto visit me in tic salui 1094 Salvath includes pardon pastsin graceto holpln time bud eternal and bless

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