is particularly raolt No are most bowlï¬s alleys dark statictilled hit roans adiolniog taverns which no selirespecting woman would be likely to cuter tlodays bowling alleys are some are with pastel walls audit lisdirect ll aodeiounta an com ortnble cushioned benches tram which the kids can cheer for team woman admits Ianr Mom and the girlsth taken up bowling in big way no thetsoneoitheblxmsom tortheebanse For many at the estimated seven million women bowlers in the United States what to wear for their ievorite sport is some thing at aprohlem Notlght skirts are near im possiblatobowiioaswelias bang unattractive tram spec tstnrs viewpoint Ni skirts are almost as bad W51 CHOOSE CAREFULLY The niaim woman in partial lnr hu to choose bowling wear carettu for maximum ï¬gure flattery as well as for condort whumdallging this active not too spo Wise eholce classic shortr YOUNG routs FAVORITE unionism sweaters or knit tops teamed with permanently pleated skirts an liked by young talk The younger woman avers this bowling outfit too was shirtwaist dress is just right or special bowling dates it youre blueeyed brunette ictum yourself in mint green gout baadto loot getting those Itstires andmmsm with match tog green For on blondss how about hyacinth lus satsoii by hyacinth accessories bail and shout Western Women Are In Clover Says Indonesian Press Attache VANCOUVER iCPMatrimo nially speaking Western women an in clover says slim in donaslan woman who is her coun trys press attache at the ln donesian embassy ln0ttaws Miss Sudlatlwaa here to arrange the Indonesian exhibit at the Pselilo National Exhibition The big cause among her countrywomen ls amendment oi the marriage laws site said in an interview Since Indonesias lode on dance in 1945 women have ad the vote and equal rights and op portunities But because the rnaiority oi the people thereare Moslems men are still permitted to have tour wives This is Moslem law We would not want to change the law because we wouldnt want to change our religion snort PROTECTION We just want to give protec tion to the unowira the less aducated of our cox We want marriage laws that will preventa man from ta second wife without the mi Beige whité woo by LanvinCastllln Tb iii eight pore wooi fabric fortahle in this at hreasted styling wi titrnm ht double HT and com wiios permission And we want law that will stop man irom having more wives than he can support Miss Sudiati said she herseli would not consider being one at severalwhee but than my fiance wouldnt consider having more wives than me Sha was reterring toa member of the indonesian foreign oiilce whom she will marry when sbe fotltlrua to her homeland next university graduate she de scribes hersall as one at the lucky ones because in the days beiore her countrys independence there were few educated lndanesian girls She does not thinkot hareeli as woman with career it sounds so harsh and inde debt may be poor housan but am quite prepared to learn how to be good oae iry An Examiner Want Ad boomPa ewe tainsprotain this idcreases LuxURIoUs beige mink pocketsnon each side slice tronr slug wears Chantilly Lace lrmity Chapel Camp nor wu the scene of the ceremony August 22 which united in mar riage anti Ashes daughter at Md Kerrs hlviglylsoo on once orpor os cph Norman Doucct The bride ls the son Mrs By reln and the late James Douect Rev Captain ii MIcDoneld ot ilciated leen in murrlasssbyhsr la ther Harry Livingston the bride Win sown oi Chantilly lace Seed pearls and lrodescent se gulns accentuated tliailtted bo ice ihe full skirt was oi tiers of lace and not over satin Mlss Livingstons tingentl veil oi tulle illusion net id from Queen Annaheaddress trimmlt ed with seed pearls She carried cascade bouquet ot red sweet heart roses Maid oi honor Mina Maxine Beach wore blue flowered or gonzo dress with blue satin merbund She carrieda cascade oi pink roses Bridesmaid Mlss Carole Turnbull wore aoideuti caidrcss in and carried Use Peanut Butter years is indeed tenacious one By IDA BAILEY ALLEN Peanut butter has many un usual culinary possibilities re marked to the Chelt combines especially well with various vegv stables As peanut butter com their nutritive value And as children like tharflavor of peanut butter they happily eat vegetables with which it is combined Very sensible idea Ma dame trained the Chefilor todays project in tho testkitchen suggest we work out three my usual recipesusing peanut butter with stables trash VBE Measurements are level root or P°anut hotter Cream Eaucei For cold cooked broccoli sreon beansor asparagus or heat and servo on cooked cabbage dropped Swlss chard carrots or other vegetables Gradually blend tI pt dai sour cream with V1 cup small or crunchy peanut butterlltcld in tbsp prepared horserath is salt Vs tsp cpper on icrdonjuica dishes 11 Peanut butter Point in salad bowl combine ts could vinegar it salad oil tsp salt and Ya tsp pepper Add hot small ced cooked potatoes Cool Before iorlr thinsliced crisp celery remnants in with simlisr bounuet Flower girl Miss Lynne McCauley cousin of the bride wore yellow organza dress and carried basket of bronze and yellow murns Ilhe an was Gerald Simmons and the ushers were Hector Carter and Scott Mono ihe organist was ion Guer gis Ansus lliobridas mother hire Llw inglton received her guests at the Medical Corps mens can con la nchampagpa ripple crepe dress She wore corsage oi yel low rosee WOI endure George brown received or thejroom Mra Brown wore blue nylon sheath and matching coat and cottage oi red roses The brides great grandmother Mrs Angus Bola staynar attended the wedding Quinttown guests catne horn Brantiord Coltioswood5tavner Barrie For the woddins trip to New brunswick the bride choose travelling sheath turquoise silkwlth matchlns coat The newlyweds will reside in Angus liner of the Old West who ruled some at the rattler tovzns and was one ca lightera TREASURE YOUR LOVE by Leona mipsch Liese Ann decided tochanxe her personality to interest the schools star athleta and invoivv ed barrel in some Intricate and un ed compilations twins to everybody YOUR DATING DAYS by Paul Landis Not brand aowboolt but Popular car ontba probems oi tilting reunion engagement andrmsmage TEE PROUD CiONB by WillrechOormick Mr McCormick writer at ControiChil Canadian Music helps to develop nessot mind crkordination oi muscle and the loiportsnt ale mantot lite called rhythm it your diild is not stu music he should be given the anco to acquire lifetime oi enjoyment inyour search for the right teacher seek out thabest one availableThis principle applies or the beginner as wall as the advanced student The import ance at good beginning cannot be ovarvemnhaslzed since the childs first lessons color his at titude to music study and lay the inundation or his whole lu ture development The old idea that secondrate teacher is good enough ionthe first law ode your in has begun see that he bombs support oi welldeflated practiceuoutine Fill hollowed tomatoes Oil goodsized cupcake pans put 11 ts water bleach Place tomato inoach pan Bake 25 min in hot oven 400 degrees Note Servevthls on toast luncheon entree garnish with crisp bacon rouonnow shadows leiilcd or Hot Consomms Baked Tcnderlzcd Ham Shoes Bukodstutiad Tomatoes Alabama edit 83353 with Engaged Berries Hotgor lcedeuftea gt Tea Milk GHEFS PUMTOEEOBRIEN Duat lrosawFrenchdfles with Wit him it° on go or as age stir in it smalldiced sweet gear pepper and tbsp minced Gite ll mid to butter iii main with potatoes or tmtil color Scoop lent the centres 1m over mand dotthem with butter Robutthomuiflne in the Well tgtntll the butter melts and theniill the cents with your or mannalade and serve no 14 chopped greeoooion and 1V ediced cools hamm Blend it mwonnalse into 13 smooth or crunch butterflies into his min co ahitbns Heat imm verb water omit dripo medium tomato top oisach spoon ut man PART TIME Milli HELP For driving Dairy Queen Scooter Must hav lit aodElood geierencea High school student ring it oillac Toilcndal Pork regular hour tprelerably broken into two or three shorter per iods an undisturbed room tuned instrument and parental supervision scent NOTES itev carbon ennui as re turned to ltlelchurch in Winnl peg after spending months vacation with in mother Mrs George Smith at their cottage Mrand Mrs milslton Caldwell Petcrbor ough1pent the weekend at the the lettarsmother ulteroilltiaiorsaakat chewan spent lastvwealt Willi Mr and Mrs ElwoodJeane Ivy Mrs Mary Mater spent week With friends attire lake nev as and fondly Ivy have raturnod otter Vholl daring at the inks Mrs Glands lianting and Brenda and Mrs HarryBaker Ivy spent laxtweak at cob BOATINGMTomParsons ttdsboobtallshowtanttha film WNW NW to keep your boat and meter in good running audition how to pilot and handle your boat and rnah some at your gear authors 10 roanins by Lee Priestley Not daion ï¬ction but rcsl lstic It for girls this concerns toyeanod laurie Mason and her brother who spend vaca tion at Sundand Missile Reuse Adventist and romenee THE QUESTIONS nus ASK by MarjorilVliter and La Vitrayu book to help girls develop poise this deals with such sub iects as beauty cm getting aloogwith the iamily making and keeping friends being good hostess and considering the tutu Early Studies Mush Teachers Both parentsmust cooperate with the ohlidetoschet to the utmost of their abiliw Enthus insticstlpportlniercst in the childs lessons and appreciation ior practice well done will pay largo dividends ouu mad will depend his ralular ab tendenco at lessons Lack oi pracxtilol lis tin poorest or gs essoo an means thathe needs extra in struction from his teacher Lot your child hear the best in recorded and broadcast mun inule is larselv developed by what he hem steady diet at cheap music will certainly de velop the wrong kind oi taste The Canadian Federations Music Teachers Association pro vides guide to teacher selec tion Every member at this as sociation is qualified teacher who has not high muslcnirtend ï¬aan up by snexomioioz Aï¬mmnlBï¬ngs Hemline Hastie rents imam and Paris battle oi the baseline comes out in the on with publicatidn the Eut pleturoa tot tell fashions sispresented hero by loading designers Hep vary ell the was from Dior mwithoimeacap ahock mothers to Lavinsbottomotthe colt sedate skirts Silhouettes range irom slim tithes forrdaytime suits and drew sea to tunic effects tairly bulky meta and some odd shapes do evening sluit Jackets seoeraibv are longaruund the waistline is just about where the waist is Do dresses it is usually fitted or hel ted 0n suitthe semislack The seasons lavorlte color is black but tit re are brown gray bci Molina uailyogoytgtgrlecd an my area re es illavorod matgorlels Bra aoit with canvas callous slightly hairy auxlaces velvet and lame ms or daytime aromatic brocadea tor cult tuba site for Sublet or evening the bsiiooniog sleeves dealsnor Julos Crsnay BicolFiorr Car glam139M tuntc artisans Historic dot the best to and District As sociation ior Retarded Chlldre will take part in provincowlda ublla education and iuod His Will Abe racent meeting the local association formed oonhsl campaign committee consisting oturs titan Gable Jim Low and Walter Cook to head the program to be held from Nov ll to Tvio of the corrimi tee the lacLehman and the number iour regional campaign chairman will spend the Boot cam rose coordinate til it The ladies at Ed er Worn Institute met at home Mrs ti ilayssphup is The mern answered the roll call with tht llkaubout this month motto fYou dont iind him you make it I0 OWINNI toss we sat oab Ltd nosrfsat 745 NIL Ex lat Bull and was given by Mrs album down Mrs Sheardown won the non test given by Howell Arrangementswaro made or thutaanual flower show to be held at the school Sept 11 mi Rattle will Judge the lowers Delegates were appointed to attend the classes in renovating eeeei son 10mm rou ions syn Isle ll Maple Mn smacsimvs passion on the Court 110 pan 410 pm Sun 14 andtlol not who nations