Family ShowsInStaï¬Shw if amlllea erogetr There are more lemle in the nation with three and loln chil drenilhan em More And the number aeemeto rm by year lathe last decade the nun is herntlemiliee with three child renundertheegenii increae Iv 10 to 4312000 in year eosa perjoeniatmm 000 in JUMPED an HER CENT During theseme period the number of lalpiii ea with four or more children increased from 1290000 to 3045000 or limit of nearly 59 per eent Meanwhile the number of lain tile with only eneehild dropped 30 per cent from 7400000 in 10 in 7157000 in 1958 is or acket embargo it Y9 Pm red unit that the pflighi New Yorkcoutura deal so well MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Abandonedle Dear Mary unworth am sey ruled from my husband have three children live with my mother in his home Here also my divorced brother lives with his son loe who is the prob on another married sister is here with her daugh md myxyoung unmarried We have enough apnea and p21 vecy not to crowd one anothar But consider 4yearold Joann We thudl Melts in an amp ODS my sieterk him every yet be her hate everybody especially you aims Be All he seems to want actually la his own mother who hantbree other children and elwayn allgbted him He apent blagtlret year with baby sitters the next in manila with my mother then the following year with his own mother aratn 0nnday my brother him playing alone In the Itreet and broughthim back flarezd and higmother seemed re eve tinient but wouumuu EVER nnt only himaelh quarre When hisI mother telephone1i Joe ii andtro eats she 33 degepn times ghen he acta worse than ever Even ings an get home the place is badlam ually with Joe screaming at out of bed from nap haharnt taken myeldar sister trying to maintain discus we are picking on him The day usually ends in big mar oe repeating her words finishing wi not my mnthar cant live like thieanti am ready to move from the house of which am part owner in me but how explain his gen eral behaviofl does he still Prize winning reporter is to ad aoxt week Mary LouWerner 32yearold wtantltate editor of the Wash et1ban uat warger Ironthe Pulitzer local reporting under deadline with mother uphraiding Basidaa youre can understand Joes hostility 01mm or Pulitzer 0M tiltCanadian womens ms club biennial meeting here install Evening Poet will address expected wovdeieg errata iournalisrn award this year for Sol ravonaaua TIME Sothiaincreaaeintheaireoi tamlilea collldnthava come at better time Because of mad lcines conquest ot various in fectious diseases the chancea oi the premature death at either the ether or mother have drop ped considerably in most age categories Stillth possibility of orphan hood remains sizable problem Just what are the thence lame at these children have of answer as mother raada you too DY ViiTIM 0F PAREMI Dear DYI What varyhouse atrneepherei ive cut your letter to the bone thus most at the bed lam deiaila are omitted Joea lroubls ihhee emotionally sink maybe seriously sick as result or the kickedaround experience hes had dont know that haa been physIc booted about though he probe has auilered sly ugly cults and blow But he has been batted beck andiorth from pillar to post by hia eldera instabil ity in aheortleas wnYtrom the mature viewthat is practically guaranteedto wreck his nervous systemValid unsettle his reason Astor his ensral behavior all things eonsi erad its not too had really Punishment or wet tan Ia barbariam it doesnt help the thlids control Such oolnpe tonne develops gradually in se eure relationship to loving ae realms parent who commends andencauragel but doesnt brow beat or bemoan INNER MEANING His yelling tantrum likely were headed in infancy When heeoma haw survived the shattering ten aionyol exiatlnl in motheriess vacuum yalllng in hunger In line nndmnther furious because gt WANrip KNOW THE BEST WAY TOLSAYL You CARR BEZZANTJ Woman Ln before the child 18 mo Mother Child Resents Stand InS chatter is brobab lery oi maternal monomermace his nidltthehirtholthechiidthe chance of the youngeter becom ing anorpban are ltï¬in 1000 in the chaneu were WI out at ybunzater la considerably ieu likely to be orphanedby the premature death of the mother It the mother in only when the child is born the ehanmare mere out 1000 that she will century ago the chance new 577 out oi 1000 it she in 25 atthe birthol the child the chance are only at messy discomfort in lonellnaaal with only hired baby sitter to answer or not ineeaaanl mother is his idol You any ahel surrounded by company an rule When will he learn to play with othor children only when and it he ha been pretension ï¬t°°kn3tfmnl pervisedlitilllly0nyllill apacial school or driller childrenl waa needs any or loel Weilfbe nee pio etion from 4YOUR male or MESH on PLAIN KNIT lowpriced1iirst qualiw aeamlesa mesh or plain knit rations Proportion ed length lor rmooth lit SIP ea to lIIn minimalism Tone Ai00 value Acoileotlonotnewlalldrell at in theiataat lehrlas calml Inu ind was may no ed at me and 1m Sins to to in new at no intruding Slim run woolswool tweeds taffeta andurape your nversionohviniuly His hateremark to your than ltabie mother and older sister dont prove that We is rated on him His feelings lor themare all mixed up with his love teal lugs for hismoiher Whilerlle yearns Tor her he resente her betrayal of his need and para dozieally hates grandma and auntie tor loving him in place of Mom and hateathem alsojust for being womenthetraitor sex that Mom belongs to Haworth cou re through her column not by mail or personal interview Write her in car of th ne epaper at BABY TIME as Welcome Wagon cele hawtheanivaloreaeh newbebyovlthnfxtandly edlerhh heaketol oAR cone for Yoil Kinney betweenSeason aaret Illly tailored Iothard wearing chino cloth ttirn mad with contrasting colors Warm quilted lInIn or onmtortahle wear on windydays Sizes to or in colon and sizes for mu boyeeud girls timely item priced to say powder red sapphire an gt Drlcetl arses inflame rarer Good looking Wines Euy 336mi sz or wt no or oy link peers and oIRLe lhepexdeet garment the In 1r melanoma AT our onnlcni Inï¬nity crawlers Wearing washable enable ahoIIlcler marl slzss tale24 new workfsex reinfomd heelnnd toe to wiry printed cotton boxerahorts Guaranteed 30733110 by hand or china Attractive win on white ground with burly elastic waist Bosnia SALE