Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1959, p. 3

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NEW panama rifle the Mil reccntly acquired by the is being inspect edby Lt Col William Seamark of the RoyalCanndlan School of antry Beside him is across the border gesture us Staff Scr gennt Les White of Alberta explains the use of the sights of the Canadian No rifle with mark sights to Sergeant Brown rzBess IMfimcliodlf atoup Bocks Resolution Infantno wnupu Ao nodnthm maximisation l7y uncarfy unanimous voteap Wonmny Cob Blngboni and ex on inclines elsewhere in Charles Davis of the us Marksmanship Unit Fort Ben ning Georgia The US team has been visiting the RCS of at Camp Borden all week Wooed And Won Thudding of rifle fire echoed over Camp Borden firing range yesterday as the Canadianrine team from the RoynlCanadinn School of Infantry beatthe Am WEATHER TORONTO CWOfficial fore casts issuedby the public weather office at 11 am EDT synopsis Extremelyfine late summer weather prevails over southern lntario this morning and although few showers linv gerin centrélOntario clearing trend will be evident by evening As the Labour Day weekend proI gtessm nearly all of the prov inccrand in particular the lower lakes will experiences gradual return to the very warm humid conditions which have thus far predominated the latter part of the summer Regional forecasts valid until midnight Saturday Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay Haliburton Windsor London Tor onto Hamilton Sunny with few cloudy intervals today and Saturday Warmergand much ore humid Saturday Winds Vsollthvvestls except light ght Kirkland Lake White River fimmins Kspuskasing Sudhury North Bay Cloudy with arfew scattereds owers and possiblya thunderstorm Clearing this even ing Sunny mdearmcr Saturday Westerlywinds15 to light winds Saturday Forecasttemperatnres Lows tonig highs Saturday Windsor 60 eavesiuiafaseessss aaaasaeeesseaaac guson and Reid moon snnvrcu today erican shooters from Fort Ben nin Georgia to win the Brown Bess trophy The Canadian shooters mostly members of the B59 Bialey Com petition mm eked out Win over the Advanced Marksman ship Unit representing the Infantry Centre at Fort Hennmg Georgia 5938 points to 5930 The 12 Americad marksmen arrived in camp Monday and be gan the twoday run of events Wednesdtu The cometition beteen the tics of and the Infantry from Fort Benning has beenvan annual homo and home alfair with the nflu and competitions in each country In Canada the shooters all used the Innghranch 503 while inthc US the shootersuse the 11 Though themeetings are te medcomp lions they are pn marily meant for interchanges of ideas oftheir weapons and the methods of most ns The BrownBess which in the winners trophy isran 18th oen tiny musket mounted on Wal nutlhaseThis isthé tirsttinie the trophy has belonged to the Canadian marksmen VA larg variety of eventswere liste Including the 100 prone nos right up to thede ing 500 yard rim downinwhich the shooters have to totter tatn positionsfire two rounds then runfarther down the field The shooters were visited Freeman Jr theCommanding generalhf the infantry at Fort Banning ponrco drum on has low the nmn er recorded in July as thesteel strike in the United States resulted in thediyetsion of ore carriers from the Lake Sn parlorHamilton run to the Sept ller Quenamntonmmnsmt passagestotalled 1055 norm YOllR EDUCA rte SERVICE PAYS country to be standard forthat proved theCityof Barrio leo biotin for irnpmved braking Bantution is worded as follows Provincial and Federal Leg islation Re Emergencyjraku ofTruch andBuses Whereas were serious bus and truck necldcnts have occuh ed duo lotion allure of brakes ontleayficldStreetHlillntho City of Barrie And whereas such accidents could and do happen on dnncger an ado thereby endangering Inno cent people and causing serious property damage lived that the Government mtgflaw and the Government of Canada be requested to pass legiklation re quiring all trucks and buses over gross vehicle weight of tons to be equipped with brakes hav ing at least two separate means at application and that with each mmoffilflomntlc stopp inggtn theweutoffnillneoftho regular brakingayrtcm be out fldently effective to stop thove hlclo withina proper distance This is the result of an idea Mayor Willard Kindorpreunted after the near disaster when runaway loaded school bus end ed up in the waters of Kempen feldl Bay The traffic committee of Citv councilstudied themntter and brought in the above resolution which was approved with slight change by mouth This resolution was subse quently presented to many mim lcipalities and approved by most councilsThe next step now is to bring thcresolutloo before the Canadian Mayors and Reeves As sociation Convention in 1960 for their endorsement so this safety measure can bemndo effective across the Dominion qtlcanada says Mayor Kinzie Polio outbreaksdfire Scattered 0001 Weather May Ease Areas by CANADIAN runes Scattered outbreaks of polio oontlnue to send new eme ency cues to eastern Canada it als but there was some indies flon Thursday that cooler Sept ember weather is easing the problem in bardhltareas Montreal hospitals reported 15 new cases to bring the years to tal for themes to 619 but ac cording to Dr Gustave Charmt city epidemiologist the tion seems to be at standsti Quebec city reported three deaths Thursday bringing tho death toll for that area to eight total of 54 cases have been re corded this year CORNWALL CNS In Ottawa Suzanne Sauve aged 17 months from Cornwall died in hospital and another child Perry Pickup Ron the same dlshict is under observation as suspected case London 0ntroportad its eighth suspected case when fouryearold boy was admitmd to hospital ciland reported World Uranium Curb Industry In CanadaBy 53 OTTAWA fClCanadas urn ninm induskyishould be pre pared for possible severe produc tion cutbacksin 1963 becauseof world surplus says an econo mists report prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Lim ited 0n grounds of mutual defence interest and economic stability Canada must continue to press for an early decision from the United States on the possibility of postdosz purchases of Cana ssys the report Prepared by Clarkson and Eis findings tend to reinforce concern expressed in the Com at the last session of Par llilhgentulrade Minister Church brieflrby Map General Paul ill said then he is aware of the problems that may arise when Canadas uranium contracts ex pire one time when nuranlum surplus isnnyisaged There is very little indication of firm sales contracts forrlsoa and following years saysthe IMPERIAL SnndayVMidLnight Mon To Web Passages through the Welland Cauliflowerdropped first victim since 1955 has two monthold bby was taken to Ham ilton General Hospital The near epidemic in New foundland appeared to be easing although two boys from St Johns were placed in iron lungs along with it earlier victims The provinces cases this year total on Shrpersons have died VACCINESEORI ihevaccine shortage in Mont real continued to keep vaccina tion clinics operating at restricted levels but Dr Chnrest said the city has edough Salk vaccinato give secondvshoLsto persons un der 20 until Sept Quebec Citys medical officer Dr Berchmans Pequot urged parents toget their children to hospitalas soon as polio symp toms are observed No of the lates victims were young girls who died few hours after ad rnlssion to hospital The death of Suzanne Sguve was the first from polio in Ot tawa this year Seven cases have been reported residen Surplus May report although long pects are good NEED SALES PRESSURE It advises Canada to press for decision and early agreement on control or inspection sys tem Mining and government salesmanshould step up their sales pitches Additionally the indusny should encourage devel opment of reactors fuelled with natural 1118mm opposed to enriched uranium since these offer the best civilian market for term pros Canndas product Canada which tinned outta 500 tons of uranium lastyear worth $275000000 has sales con tracts for about 15000 tons an nually up to 1962 After that however the Clarkson reportex pectothat Us supply will meet demand gt The United Kingdom Euratom Japan and varioussmalier buy are after some hope But the re port says asof now tha Cana dian industry is assured ofs market in rsezrfnr slightly more than half the current output The Council of the City namelyx Manningme comma rflfi Rsrmcrsn rAsr rHoro SERVICE mounavmopnnaub re roam some or men uom Largerj Prints io ed MOTORS cm to FEADFOED 51 sMIr Srunlof so Dnnlpp We um om aunts among Ottawa Share Bio Bingo Prize we friends and old bingo fans aharcdtlle $500 priu last night at 13511318 Lions Club bingo Mrs Jack Campbell of Elmvnle and Tralnor Barrie were tho winncn Both had met on frequent previous occasions at whit in than crow yingat ar ria Arena last night was estim ated at 000 below the ted attendance Arpokesmnn for the club saldha attributed the low attendance throughout the series to the fact there were so many similar games sched uled inthe vicinity it was stated that there were this week seven such affairswithin 20 mile radius of Barrie This was the last bingo game of the series run during the summer by the Barrio Lions Club Proceeds from the games will he devoted to child welfare and community projects Temperature Up For Labor Holiday TORONTO CF The main feature of the Labour my week cnd weather in southern Ontario will be ucontlnued trendtownrd high temperatures and in creased humiditics the weather and sunny on Saturday weak bureau reported today The weather will start out fine disturbance in in eastward from the Dakotas is expected to cause cloudy skies and few showers early Sunday with clear ing later in the day The outlook for Labour Day itself is for hot humid weather with mostly sunny skies but showers in the after noon and evening rresl ZThird SuSpectJ Alliston Ontario Provincial Poi ice found the third member of the gongwho allegedly robbed Duntroon store Wednesday ly ing in avditch Cpl James Freeman Coast Noom Skinner and Coast George only mile from where two othersuspects had been arrested report came in said police this morning that smith was on road They drove out to where he had been seen and Just as they began to look for where he was hiding him he spoke upfrom ditch It was about pm Thursday when he gare himself up He had probably been wandering in circle since he had taken off Smith has been charged with said police robbery with violence along with Erederlck Paul Cook Wing ham and George William Mas 0n20 St Catharines They are all now in Simone County Jail Barrie lllC Prosecutes County Employer The proprietor of Totem Pole GrillpPenetang was fined $50 at Penetang Magistratés Court Thursday fnr failure torrenew the insurance hooltsof his em ployees The Unemployment Insurance Comrrdssionsaidthey had warn ed him on many occasions to Canadian Guards Band ram Reduced to 48 yohwtoeu for the practising in summer holi days which such competitions always lnvolva the personnel turned incurh an astute parlor mane in the only class they were allowed to enterthat they were awarded three cups This was Section open to Elementary and Secondary school bands 1helirst obtnined by the band waswoo with 17 points in the early morning when they played an Agreement lllliston Asianreigned Pay up The fire agreementihetween Alliston and neighbong town ships is under fire Town councillors last night voted to approach the townships to have chdnge made The existing agreement prolt vides that Alliston brigade gbes to fires in adjoining tcnitdrles Cost of the attendance$60 for the first hour 335 for subse quent hoursls charged to tho aner orth Property lfhedoos not PW the town ythe agree ment bills the township Hankin found Richard Smith 20 Wingham In the case of Tossorontioit doesnt Theftownship according to councilorsfalis to pay up and Alliston taxpayers have paid for service to lot of fires outside the town Other Teachers Ready For Onslaught Music teachers in addition to school teachers are readylng themselves for the annual fall onslaught of pupils Most Barrie and district mus lc teachers beiongto the Ontar io Registered Music Teachers Association which provides one perlenced teaching of piano and theory out music other mus ical ins eats and all sub jects related to the art of music with preparation for Conservat ory examinations if desired Local teachers who arevmcm hers ofvtha association include Mrs Inger Aarson Mrs Booth Jessie Bryson Elsie Cloughley Higgins Dorothy Johnston Mrs Maclnnis Sister Mary Lawrence and Ang us Ross Makes UyTurn Hits Other Car Charges are pending following an accident on Highway 93near Craigburst ihilrsday whens motorist pulled out onto the pavement to make Iltum and hit another cor Accordinglto police John Leads Craighuret tarted to make the turn hit driver Bor ace Tudhope Isabella St ry Sound und was knockedoft the road He rammed into the front of house doing $75 damage to the verandahrr while Tudhopcs had $150 His cur received $100 damage pett whatnemcdtobeanmrkeia 391de Collegiatatng second AtthcendofthodeyABonlo learned on its momma man no The allbrassrompeutloos at for vice Imder their new 3mm Jlmes Knight formerly of the moi The Cathedral ilnSchoolBandoanmlllnnialle iirlflcnmolthird the end ofthe day brought out some excellent playingwlth the Oshawa ticgimcntal Brass Band under Lleimnant Francis receata lyvarrived from Knellcr Hall making the highest point of the day Mr Francis is 81m dy maldng plans for his band to compete in the allbrass classes at Xerhrnde Holland when the World Amateur occur in 1962 Midland under Al Hume placedi first it the All IsjfUnder Fire townships have also been slow in meeting thefire bill We got no cooperation from them cdmplalned Councillor Stan Noseworthy He condemn ed the present agreement as poor Mayor Storey disagreed was good one he thought To suggestion tho townships should pay the fire bill and col lcct the money how they liked he replied tho ngTecment already stipulated the townships should pay if the property owner did not We are very fortunate to have thisagrecment he said it took ten to 12 years to come to head Suggested Councillor Alan Lntlmer think some of the members new to Tossorontio township council are not famil iar with the ogreement They have never read it Council agreed to motion that the townships be invited to conclude new agreement under which the town hills them direct for the cost otla fire compiled ntnoon by an Flynn Collier Abltlhl Papcr Algern Steel Aluminium Ltd Alberta on Tr Ashes 36 37 Alice Bk Nov Sea Ben Tel Co Hudson Bay imp Tab on his Con Paper Com Nexus Con nan Kercodniron Marl Mn Cm Investment Filnd 899 Investors Growth industrials down up Golds down 14 otleorge Davies earns pruasmo young honor or pnsoro MollER jfipltradfor St CONSTBUQION TLTD cyniglvmpnoEMEtiT Norton of name intendstn constructes Luca Improvements streets betweenth points herein the mentioned and intend are the onei who are feel the new whiplash OPP and Barrio have not made any strenqu ar rangemch for the weekend gun from the fact there will Coldatrclm rt iloo first WillBM mmfllvcrwnre andwanna 9111 amdypnrtothgharria Collegiate Band Greatest rur prkodnhwuthennunward ing oftboihleleidemorinlm phy for tho most musical per foxmenu to MBIfla hammock AdVlSéSIHeG tcet rm has been 0n tarlo Attmncyu General Kclso Roberts adores tthtario Pro vlnclal Police for Labor Day eekend and traffic violator rains to Detachment it tho City Police Barrio full stalls on duty That ls to say no days off for local police over the week end Actually OPP keep on full staff every summer week end so this weekend is not going to be too different from any oth er But policemlght end up the season with quite catch owing to the fact that unmarked cars will prowl highways and by ways and radar trap signs will be takendown and not replaced until Tuesday This is all in an attempt to make figures like last Labor ays Canadian total of 43 traf fic fatalities and 1951s 52 count things of the pest This year predicts Attorney General Roberts will see dead in Ontario by traffic ac cidents Moneunless police and drivers can change the estab lishedpattcrn TODAYS smut PRICES Crawford andCo Ltd Street at Chpperton New uyl Nonndn Namath interprov Pip moiw cm at iiil Mull Ferguson Muruansnanes aid Asklfl yMntual Accumulating 9237 North American car can Superman Growth nonoum STOCK taxonomic mm Mctnlafiown 23 on up do new yonx srock cxcmn manna Industrlnls up no Ran down 12 Utilities up rive MOST hem mom Conn Deanna Gunnnr Masssy rem Millikan me MahdiSM PAVING seminars DRIVEWAY PARKING LOT

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