Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Sep 1959, p. 2

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Flt1ces For 55 minutes last night Bar lmproved nadboleterod by curb eat in and storm more 10 may 91 to hailid it distaoceovertho anamhnveroovedelowly edttnpublic It was adraw butbythewddtiveyearsBar mdtyiathersweotlntocom dostroetnwilibnvn Iotliiytlii Crescent and Anna Skeet mince or the whole to explain terent appearace debate and deiandtheir liveyear Aithmh mat otthlonltiool was still the res street improvemmt program at returdtosepedfia com me who must aepedniyneetiag broadcutovar were more general Alderman WWLWlimfl year at CKBBMeregttbenum listener Franklin Honey pointing out mum at Mahler telephoned questions many at thatcitlreos could to con pointedont Mr Gigs Ire which were answered during the eideroble expense hnorovioa mum out properties no meeting their hornet and properties uk mm what in vunentlwm ed what in betas done to keep or were not lei71 carried out tie pnhllcvlninnnad on street workwhiah might Iiiect them Doorstodoor calla are ma replied Alderman Cooke who ad dedthat circuit letter is now behig used when mrblog is plan ned meeting had also been held to explain part at the pro grom to Anaodall merchants he must be tint approved by the city which aromaticliven Mama gt aim rtreots most popullr with questioner wen Botbyali Ratebaym and councillors tossed more brickbats than ku dos auction questioner dwarib bitande program hearing the bruntof the attack was Public Works Oralrmnn Lester Cooke hacked by Comp broiler Walter Gigs and Director Public Works Ken Stirling Mayor Willard Kinzle ack grounded the discussion by do said and had been well receiv ofrlblogh Bangeaspmtsvar axpfl ed smwcnsce another provemenls were hurriedly con ms 03 structed No paving except or Mr also replyinltntwo ow tho main street had been carried fin out in Barrie tor years ho hum mil be pom out log out down as quickly nopoo sible butthat it was primarily BEGAN IN 1951 winter lob when workmen In 1957 Mayor Kinda recalled were more tree to do such work council had decided all existing Ar to uniiormity he laid street streets would have to be much gt signs installediby raubdividero Ponde LOCAL AND GENERAL Problem oment cans earthmore than 70000 cubic Stayner Canadian Club holk yards at it weighing nearly as its iirst tmDeetlng otstheukseasoxrlll Sept untroon pe erw many tons Speciiications tor the contract he Walter Bowker managing ed merely require the soil to be itor oi the Journal of the Roy dumped on the site according to al Ardntecturai Institute of Can direction of town oiiicers To pile nda the soil anywhere would raise mm WAY huge ariiiicial hill Councillors mulled over using Dwellers Mine 33 varie at least in air the earth as ill for prolectspn and minty mu orgown with mg the river book now being corned highvvay being widened and Ck away 1mm Va straightened on Highway 11 311° 09 ml gt to the CNR Hamilton crossing 5° the earth flu be PEd fir and the oneline traiilc by the as the move said can be used Onlha District Congrats we met wark at the Bum ii the townacquires front aid student Barbara Constable to man emu in Anmdale Euw loader or truck ot 114 Mary fitreet has been this morning an unusual display Wear mm ML at Northern Lights was novelty 51 awarded by MW witbiiashiog white iormations out 9de We no color which at times covered sity studies over the next tour we sky complete but mm dis years Her award is among 12 appeared such scholarships granted this year to children and wards oi employers noouitonts and de ceased employees Alderman iired Smith who rapped the terrible modition ot Anne Street north oi the on bridge was told thatthe city planned to call tender ior con tractor to do that particular tab This was procedure said At derman Cooke that would be no ed more ottBII in oavcrll colon ratepayers were advised to mntnct their alderman or citybaii tor are or action on portion tar problems rasonrn The big question was hoeever about riority of work to he done Warts Chairman Cooke ex plained that city streets were divided into three categories Tertiaryvrtreete carry almost exclusively traiiic of residents of the particular area Secondary streets load to more heavily tra velledrontea suchu downtown thoroughiarel In both cases he said deal lon on which ones are to be our loud is based on both lay and administrative opinion The pattern ot arterial streets is not yet resolved SAYS SOON when it is and MrCooke couldonly lay soon tho pic iurowill become more clear Barrie Planning board lscur rcntlyconsidering recommend ad of arterial streets sub mitt by their consultants Pro ject Planners it is based on hands and spokes layout Also the Department of High ways will be making study to determine the originand destin ation of Barrie trait awaited by council Than council will maloelto decision in the time both olden men and the critics have had chance to getin theirawn cents worth Doing yeom on service takinx calls and bringing in the ques tionswere Barrie Junior Cham son on poor associmon mamas North Simone Association or the delegates attending from throughout Ontario and their ismiiics Lcit to right are Martin secretary Toronto Morris Darby vieeiprcsident Waverley George Van Sickle president Brantiord George Suitel exomltive Mountain Ontario Eugcnc Lemon ex ecutive Stouiivllie Exam iner Photo Executives oi the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association were pictured on thcir trip through Simcoe County early this week The trip was arranged by the Council iAw Dirty Alliston has problem lot of other townsincluding Barrie vould like to have The team is extending its sew ago system by constnlcting 17 ncrc lagoon system The town fathers plan to excavate ser iesoi holcs iive ieet deep and totalling about 17 acres Tenders have been called or the work Bank at iliontrcal credit of $65 000 is arranged pending issue of that amount of debentures and approval of the Ontario Muni cipal Board Last night Reeve Ross Wil liams pointed out nobody has thought of where to dump all the Give Notice Park Plans Barrie has given formal not ice in the latest issue Canada Gazette oi its plans to construct toria Hospltol from Chris ter Barrimmanoger at Walk ero Store nosrrrsr Board chalrnian John Mitcbinson receives wheel chair tor Royal Vic Givé Wheeléhdif To RVH Board One of the busiest places totractora and described the day is the second floor at growth at the company which building on downtown Dunlap was founded bytwn Scotsmeigin Strepbtho new floorot Walk Hamilton more than loo years ere which was oiiiclnliy open ago The retail division was edthiaweek byracting mayor founded by the late Sir James AldermanLestel Cooke Woods And another result oi the Théntorc was open ionshow same ceremony patients in Roy only iorsh hourand ahatl Wed atVictorla Hospital are being nesday evening Atter theopen wheeled through corridors on house about 150 guestsenjoyed new wheelchair deluxe mm stali any at the Canadian del quiet and comiortoble it was presented to RVH board chairman Jobo Mitchinsoa by grower manager Chris Bot Wewanted to do something to express ourteeliog of com munity spirif explains Mr Botter Alderman Cookehad similar thought when he mnde his speech betore cuttingvthe ribbon leading up to the second floor He drew comparison between WAS DREW ALDEIIMAN John Addison former oriilt lia alderman died early this week in Gravenhuret He had served on the town council in tho mldthirties Mpsnunl OPEN The Southsimcoe Museum is now officially open with small display intended as samploot future plans The museum is located in Alliston town park so urns constran Aliiston town council last night intervievicd two applicants tor the post of police constable The town is to have third officer to augment the present force BACK CONSERVATION Reevejoss Williamswili be Aiiistons representative at the inaugural meeting at the Notta wasaga Conservation Authority in Barrie September Town council has passed motion in structing him to vote in iavor THE WED MAYOR Legion Ii MERLE FEETDST Barrie SoEd Club last night called general meeting to de termine the interest of members in the club The meeting It the YMCA building Owcn Street consisted oivtour people for the City stated that plans specifications and description of the site at the west side at Kempeoielt Bay at the placing till to form punk beach and small boat harbor have been deposited in Ottawa and in the office of the District Regis WANT TRANSPORTATION Creemnre is greatly in need of some kind of public transportat ion editoriaiizes the Creemore the vatcrirontpark at Kempén felt Bay between Bayiield Dock and Allandale Much of the in itial till has been dumped al ready in the bay and the city has provided ZWspace car parking lot at the foot 11 Mary street The plan includes park beach and small boats harbor in the city The announcement is required under the Navigable Waters Protection Aer As of Sept 29 the City will apply to the Min trar ior Simcoe County at Bar rie list Planning Board Report The Alliston Planning Board is to be asked to report on its achievements to date uCouncil ior Mitchell last night ask ed Mayor Storey at town council meeting what the board Star this week The newspaper urges the Chamber of Commerce to induce one of thetransport companies to give some kind at bus service to the village BOOSTS SAFETY Attorney General Kelso Rob erts has telegraphed Allistoo council urging them to do all pos sibie to reduce road accidents and iatclities in the municipality next weekendtho weekend His Worshipils board member Deputy Reeve Darlingnoted Creemore Planning Board had produced zoning plan within three months of inauguration Why couldth not be donein Allision We sbouid at least have started will begladJo appoint you to my place on the planning Reeve as Williams said board replied Mayor Storey Bradford had called in consul tant to produce zoning bylaw gt Labor Day Mnyor Storey oi Ailiston has received promotion let ter arrived tor him the other day written by Buenos Aires fan Coached in elegant languages using some of the longest words in the dictionary twhats it mean asked puzzled owned iora last night the epistle invit ed donation at $10 It was addressedtotha Lord Mayor of Allistnn Visrroas ro noranv Visitors at the regular meet Moorhouse and Jaycees Popp Doug Chick and Greenough Honorcoard GreetSMajor ber oi Cornmerce Pruident Doug Pram Georgia thegrowth ot Wolkersand the growth of the city Public 39 Works chairman Alderman Cori problems ot growing city and he has more discerning eye for trade patterns than many meoobonttown in Barrie Mr Batter welcoming guests which included local customers asweli in other Walkers man agers and personnel from the blind oitice at the company in troduced Blakcney Woods vicepresident oi Gordon Mac CookaJias bprne many ot the State Farm ntnnnwnnns POLICYgives not home protection colorful honor guard was assembled on parade square at the Royal Canadian School of rIniantry rip Camp Borden Thursday to greet visit ing Major General Paul Fred man Jr Commanding Generbl or the n5 Infantry at Fot Bending Georgiaf Major General Freeman rived at the ECAF Station in th morning and was whisked to th parade square for his greeiin and to begin his one day tour of the school He also visited the rifle ranges to cheeron his 115 Marksmanship team in its competition against the Can difnp rifle team fromthe 535 Freeman who nreturned to Georgia this morning was es carted about the camp by Col PeterR Eingharn Director at the School of Infantry gt White at Mons Range he chat ted briefly with some of his shooters The visit to the range was tollnwed l1y the preaEntation at the icers iness VofBrown Bess to the Canadian marks WSITOR Miss Ortqu ingofthe Barrie Rotary Club on Choice of inyearoid Joyce Thursday were BiflLutch Tor Hull ofViiiowdale visitor to onto Don Lapp Oriiilar the town as Miss Oriliia caused Willred Taylor Toronto Cec no little coattovérsy this past Grosskurth Weston The club week Many residents said the is once again meeting It D0011 istcr of Public Works for appro vol of the construction prolect provided no protests areraised was doing its néas dopcllrtiul it the AllzlsIton oar can manage wi out am 1109 cgimmgdmfiflm someone with experienceof that by interested parties and then 915 23 type of work xiifiend With construction 01 are hMayork Storey extendevd ihis notice signed by ty an li an anger ave Clerk Straughan and Boys The Mayor oliered to aslrrtlle list of consultants that long flue Shim we Eon one at Community House Seagram and Rowe Solicitors planning board to meet council he told Reeve Williams Mimis W110 W9 was gunman FLOORS AMP lit1531 15 LWS Floors have been reiinished Club rules torthe contesthow in preparation the reopen ever the Willowdale Miss Oriliia mg of Exmvale public school wasnnDWEdm keel her ml and the concrete floor in the in non camr giris basement is be re Alliston town Icouncil has ior macad maily petitioned the Department oi Highways for $8900 The am aunt iaa grant expected under the Highwayslrnprovement Act for riey spent on town streets up to August this year kay and Co Ltd of which Walkers is the retail division Mr Woods thanked the con osurrs osroni samré planes enst llil llEYWilllTll 143 spam or aannn FILE3992 mas AIrEIt CRASH LISTQWEL GP Oscar Dip poi 71 of nearby Kurbrviiie died Thursday night following car triick collision on Highway Hilrsion Victim Of Progress ilsiioad Subsrdy Is Reduced Progress has caught upwith Alliston Last night townco cit agreed to passva bylaw ting out newngreement With the Department of Highways un der which only 75 per cent sub sidy is received for maintenance of Highway 89 through the town Previous subsidy of 100 per cent was applicable to townsjoi less than 1500 population iigura which Aiiiston passed two years population was listed $1903 in the currentmunicipal yearbook Consequently the nitrate was no longer applicable The town has about mile of provincial highway through th main shopping tre rin turn Victoria King and Yongestreets will quarter paidhy thetown streets are oiticialiyJisted as connecting links The province will continuerto bear the toll cost of capital expenditureaon connecting links in the town on reYou Looking For hathxtra Room Ernplnyerswltli jsnnotg to 247 people You will be interested in BLLISTON COUPLE PICTURED lN SCOTLAND or van Pitcher Aihston gtinVEdinburgihV rung picture right met Canadian publisher are irom vie Drr 1ony Thomson during the joint wachna aodVMrs Wachna oft enLion or the British and Windso norfro msoanrs Medical Associations Jean Pitcher and Pitcher District Engineer on wrote to point out Ailistons Photo by Tiio Scotsman Cadian Homes nowluoder Con onawlypei Guanine accident and sickness insnranco rtirmn and corners TAX multitudes ISO PlUMBtNGHEATINO acct LT 84 tumor 51 wron WW PA 83770 wmmtr wow AiiHo encompletclysodde supoli Close all schoolssod shopping

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