oeths bencth mm um and like whetethn truck Awlde pavedqoedwv run mm European hone lg need to an mm at At or music tram loud amen the in and article Peon 1er lull Mimi tenable race track in the heart oi 3M ammunm dlY there Avmarqneelorrgiraugnd voiceggis onetwothree acrobatic permanence occupie teur end 1i rue ENEEdi one corner oi the park nuneomennee re Ihortennd othera In everyday If Chm 3mg 312ng clothce helInIhe daily exercile multist rince they came to power mmflwï¬ï¬w lnfliWï¬We thought it wu rl colour to have such huge Nenrhy older folk glide grade piace in the centre oi the cityi itully Will the EHBISGUC turtles piece oigembling for movement oi traditional Chine foreigners he told thir corre exhelrcleeach enraged tall chi flu spondentn rue arm BEHIND mar mi neutrino grandstand and ONE OF MANY CHANGEI the ciubhmise besideIt with It These early morulnz phyeicaimu clock tower un rtnnd re jerk at Peoplel Park are on rnindm at what used to be 01 many WW 51ml 0n the terraced stand where Milli memhcrl need to cheer their am they wok mm cmmLclen home airedoudwhlte elo hm any 10 yea no declares in Chinese charac Chm cammunm autumn ten Launch the technical and manned um mum cultural revolution to speed on race track that it tanner on Mamie In Mr Ffflducllv train from Shanghala nowvan inhed International buainesa nndI iorlde another slogan prol WIN FREE usedtobe thrwnmmm1hislsafldd WVWameiieunutu mnmmymu Jodievettequ Thetap mereluhhouueovboonelm hunt otMao lredunz the Communist it tends at the houeiuz en exhithIon depicting the etruule agaith the reac tionnry troop at Quernoy and other oiishore islands occupied by Chineeemtiooeiiet area in addition to photographs and colored picture at Communiet gunnerl shelling the lainnds the exhibit include cephrred Am erican rubberelrcrnit dinghy nod otherztrophiee Another part ot the clubhouse has been tonverted into lame lending library with Chinese rd iorelznhooh including large relection oi Western technical work At one end at the library large colored plctuure Stalin 62 instead in Dublin to eoorna bintine oi noerletweln deiemp nnd yoothhfl need and enthus jlum in Itteek he youoa winav en Kiliay of Third mark Ind Mulhnll Jumbovenue given the whomIliad Bet ween thenrlnthe lnride poet will be Fetkirkr young ren etoilon Whitmnt inside rlahi iodl Mqtherwellr two goalneon in iorwerdl St John nnd Quinn at centre and IIqu leit vaenuoi Celtic theteem cup thin retain his pilce at centre hail flanked by Cumqu oi ileum and McCenn of Mother well The back are ionoer no ternationala Grant Hibernian henu alongside other prophets at conunnnlarn Marx Bone and Lenin Similar rtralte oi lChine Communist enderr tu cludlnx Men and Premier Chou Enlnl decorate well at the op poelte end of the room Plvctunuban ed dammit math Plath IreJIha to er our quell lerl Halogen and Celtic thehia twohotolnzowi have been eIim looted Mothetweli Muted lie nuen to to clotii their section at the competition and Kurt todrie RArh Imuilgl ï¬rst to on qunrterllnels lieerte need draw with StirlinrAlbioan their next game to edvnnce to the next liege im the cup of which they nrenow the holderlt ltiooh like either Motllorweil or Heart tor the final unleqn they rhould meet at an earlier stage contlnulno their march toward their third ruceessive English PONTIAC LAU ENTIAN PETERBOROUGH IS FT BOAT JOHNSON 35 HP MOTOR WECO BOAT TRAILER The above are all one mile NATURAL GAS CENTRE at the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXH BITION Henson MOTORS 16 Autos EVERYUSED CAR ij BEEWITCHING BUYS SPECIAL Lieum WARRANTY mum in no wane on Like new 14 rem i8 we New For I960 OilFired New 1960 Itylinll Buy this smart Siaster bea ter now its rnctical combination Cm be used or hen nï¬ and cooking Features large cooking top Gleaming White porcelain enamel ï¬nish nddso smart bright look to your kitcheol Heats quickly nod We no economical New elllclent on assures good circulation at warm air tormointain oven temperature outthehouaei 50000 arm Home 50 dVWserooms VP224 200 GaLca aci as Oilrankfogzeox 39 ilan Term MuBeArrIuged ï¬lltown mullet uncured WITH FULL wAaRANTvlwéRE HONEYCOMBEDWITH HUNDREIDS OF BEEOOTIFUL FULL WARRANTYCARI BEWILDERINGPRICESIVHEREAREJUSTAFEW 1955fjrokn 1554 roan Blue undwhlte owner SPEC At 2195s HILLMAN gen and White use puma Mileaï¬e ONE earth was soon AND CLEAN As is 1955 awn AND wmIE boo in nonuuonr thigh 51 unmourn en nN epoch from New