LA Recently the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra fulfilled an engagement atptven Bound Arena Not more than 400 persons et tended was perhaps but about the late great trombonist bandleaderwas not presentto witnes this turnout Mus icinns like actors perform but before big crowds Home of theoriginei members of great Dorsey orchestra are still withflIis band which is now directed by Warren Covington The music is still in Tommy Dorsey style much of it arranged by Tommy in the years before his sudden death The Owen Sound sunTimes got nos tallcabout thisafialr the small crowd that is The editorial writer spoke of us old ccdgers in our flairties and forties wondering what the younger gener ation expectedin dance band these days what about the old codgers in their fifties who recall theurommyDort soy days even more so The arena commission whichstaged the Dorsey engagement were told that the price of $125 per person was too steep Nonsense Ilhe current crop oi youngsters mostly can well afford that It was only quarter more than is charge no at nearby dance pavilion which in usually packed and there is no compar isoninthemusim It is apparent that for the moment at least the days of the big hands are numbered As matter of fact there arent many big dancebands still opern stingK Small combos are the rage whe ther its rock roll or jazz or even thing resernblingrtraditionai dance is= llheres financial reason of course be cause the overhead is not as great fora five or sixntan group When we hear the noise of some molt dern groups we yearn for the good old During the prerwar years thelwar years and even short postwar period dance musiewas the best when Thy groups headed by Jimmy and Duke Ellington saucepan cs was Harry James Charlie Saint Woody Herman in Brown stanxlienton Blu Domyyfllenn Miller Guy lambstrio Barron Artiejsbaw Sammy Kaye and Kay Kyser to name some And that wasnt the conipleterlists ihose perhaps were the better known but many will recall as well Mitch Ayres Phil Harris OszleNeison yes Ricksys gamer Gene Krupa Bey McKinley Glenn Grey Wayne King Ben Bernie and Ray Noble There was enough demand for good music to sustain all of these great dance orchestras There were dancing fads new sounds new beats but the big bands did nt rise or fall with the fads They simply were capable of playing them all and while the big hands had distinctive tou ches in sound or featured soloists or types of music they co one desired The younger generation may not be lieve it but good band could 30 iron dreamy foxtrot to rousing jitterbug jump to waltz to thumbs to blues to Johnnylong uld play all that any charleeton and even to Jazz seemingly without effort As far as dancing was concerned you might not like all the numbers they played but there was sel dom any doubt about the fact that it was good music Perhaps the reluctance ofthe teenage ers today to patronize the big bandsthat do come along is natural rebellion against us greybearda who try to convince them that the good old days did have something worthwhile If they had only given the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra chance at Owen Sound they would have cmhe away impressed at least linot con vlnced It was reel swinging band The SunTimes concluded but we doubt that low of the current crop even bothered to read the editorial IndiasShvWomenSliocked As Others DeiyProhibition By human DEVI Canadian mus Correspondent BOMBAY CPllndias tradi flonallyshynndllwablding women have been shocked by re cent official disclosures that mi its libiumi on we mores in hugger of states That Women can and ticipate in bootlegging and illicit distillation on considerable scalels smoothing Hindu sodety cannot even stomach But that 3311 monothei case found importing the finest convert milk bottles gt corneas TRADE as emu giers agents One bsndled noon rupees fencourasins quor every day receiv social works who lvlï¬siied the ing aconunission of lo per cent village repor nov In one month she earned moré by method adopted by the village bootlegging than her father could women hurrellllled ll 0013 10 For The Exile Lennon dimmed cm dens isn adieu Rotary clubs and indeed Morlanelrom an over the world who pay vlsit to old lmdmare golngtofindsllo tary Housed Friendshipmdy and welllag for them in mm Rigbi in in heart of Londons 2Weei Endaon Portmnn8qnare inst Bahr treei mngnl 11 cent residence formerly used byiba Royal Netherlands go ernment as residulce for its ambassador to the United King dom has lust blossomed crib underthstvlille The Rotary Horne of Friendship The eslnblishment ol illls grandirae meeting place for Rotarinns lrom all over the world is line result of an idea brought to reality by the Rotar ions olrliktrici No 113 of Rolary lnteniatinuaL Sponsored and promoled by the members of the clubs in the london district iheï¬otsry House of Friendship assures all Rotations no mailer from whenceiihey come oi warm welcome assurance of goodfood comfort and Rotary companionship in an atmosphere of lath centurydignily and charm PM CIMSS AMENITIES Once the idea was broached ibe officers of District No 113 began the search for suitable building in which to establish its House of Friendship They 10th it in this splendid slruo ture on Penman Square and so curing possession went lo work to remodelit to suit the require ments boy had lnmlnd tomake it magnet for Roiarinns visit lngLondon Built in the late mu century and located in fashionable section of London the house in itself is charming wornen was Gandhi style methods to druukard sbands scotch whiskice into Bombeyin fend brothers in one village in the Vldarbhs region of central indie women undertook atbreo day hungerflrlkerksni to do College girls have been arrested household we er corn in number of states for working Del their men to give up illicit pom liquorLTbe resuitls described as secret By samba osvsnoN munch mp Britain was reported Sunday to have warned clubs videdareaeockiaiiionng maindlning room decorated and smaller dialogsm writable for mini pshrlilics lnubillimnm and anq and asecond richly 1mm ioimgo endsbiiiiardroont FREE MEMBERSHIP There is regular auge mcnt for membership as lb Rotary House of Friendship All members of Dirirlctmdlotary automatically become members Olher Rotarlans item clubs in His British isles can bo comc members for an annual ice of iwo gulaees Butovec seas Rotnrlans from any oounlt gray ctéisldexvtilre Eliglib isles ve pr ego seaming honorary members enduring its privileges on arrival free at any membership fee They are as weicomo as the flowers in May There are also provisions lor lifc memberships and cor porate memberships The lat ter is in plan whereby any Brit ish Rotary Club can enroll all ils members as members of the Rotary House Rotary House of Friendshipin London is new going concern it is at the service of every Ro inrlan who carries with him his membership card in Rotary ln ternational and alsohls wile his family and friends So to all Canadian Relations who are coming to London my advice is bring your membership card With you and noisy the epitome of Rotary fellowship in this wonderful house created for your benefit INTERPRETING THE NEWS Threatenvvelo Proposal Spain Join NATO jecied his nomination as ambassador in 1951 beam bis proNazi background during per cent of the men giving up yam their drinks But there has been Nam women social workers the war President Eisenhow sink lmrnediately after Caslieliae seems to be the harsh Milly any moveto bring Spain into ihe numbér of social welfare one Newspapers DISTOETINQ HISTORY PortArihurNewi Chronicle flre tendency of modern reducers to readjust wellirnown sunlam ire ons to accepiodand conventional patternsis bit startling The movieproducar knows better than did Sir Walter Scott what actually happened tohis hero Ivariioe Aploturlrod yerslon oi lLorna Doe not merely introducesCharla ii at slime on he was in his grave but presents distorted View ofibeMerryMonerchInstanceloissorthlld be cited endlessly Puamc View on muons Fort William TimesJournal An announcement in any Canadian municipalï¬ ityzsyearssgothntsnewmiilion sndahali dollar building wasbeing started was big news That amount at monaybougbt lot of building Odd is linowhow years has changed the value of million dollars To wit Fort William starts construction new composite high school to cost million and shalland the public so oepts the news without trace of excitement This despite the fact that ï¬re public is going to pay for the building SEPTEMIBEE 1539 Manyrumounhadbean circulated in lows Uainp orden0ne bad it thatthewaior bad beenpoisoned oran attempt madeto vsllpli do so and that the culprit was caught and sent to Toronto other report was that one two or three spies take your choice had been appra headed and that one two or three takesyour cboicclrrhadvbeenshot And so it gees and probably willdo so until people censa using thelrlmagination in wartime out hose bobby ia was across between ï¬rst alien and non canted one to fire first andlbe perfume muds bounced John bishop age 74 progressing favorab inbospiial following an accident wheahe sutfered fraounedhip end Paragrapliica at ii it B1 1n scented wan Pa sirhis us General Manager onwan 13 anusair so pour News of Former Years The color was similar one Hayï¬eldSireet was ENDLESS ARGUMENT Finandel Times Testifying More the Senate finance comrit tee Jamos Coyne governor of the Bank of Canada stated that wages bed goneup more than prices He suggested however that the argus men would beendless between those who said that higher wages cause higher prices and those who said that the demand for higher wages is provoked by higher prices in short what came first the chicken nrlheeggi HUMANS ARE NOTAN Washington star Human beingsyaiterail are not ants and they cannot be treated as such for very long by even the most powerful distatorsbip The Mao regimes unes do violence tothe nahlre of man manin this case man in Chinarefuses to acquiesce in the crime that thus so griev ously degrade anddebase him egardless oftha dehumanizers ln Peiping the Chinese peoplaln sist upon retaining theirhumanity and their at titude serves as further assurance thattotslltaru ianism despite its temporaryvitorieswlll nev er quite be able to conquer man souianywbere ward Cole was they had an accid golng south on lager 1535 vmg tree Hi at when is auunoj 31 vBsyiieid at Grove when receding car out out to pass tirewagon in front of him and he failed to clear the wagon which lost three wheels horse had to be destroyedhbaving one leg brok en Ed McMahon lot Buffalo was charged Wasaga Beach items of interest included high praise from Reeve Splcher oi Sunnidaie and Reefve Tuner of Fine in Chief of Police Dow oi Wasaga Beach and Constable George Price They had put stop to rowdylsm enforced the bylazs and yet did not make Sunday School out revenue from court lines enriched lite township treasury by nearly smear Police patrolled stretchme New Wasagato the township boun dsry hue and not easingleiraiiic accidentwas reported nicest be if Fate were to decree that he live hislife over Old Sorehead said protest to the high ewve Mnn saints at Brothers Weddin Eeadline It is assum is understoodvtha th ow iceb aker made by Russi more atriclently than ial clitnh lice Police say that woman from WINNIIIEG emThomas resort The collection In iicensafees and gsniznflonsin ths country are studying the situation with view to lskmg rmnediaif measures will visit suspected villages to wean away the of fenders lumllvo tempta Officials of tbaalldndia Social Welfare Board propose to submit an uptoedate report on the ar tent and mthods of female de ilance of prohibition regulotions Fisharwemen sr hombey have been adopting ingenious tec iics to detest the prohibition po outlying oshlng vlilsges have been regul ly smuggling coun try liquer smelly brew made fromrotten vegetables and fruits ln bicycle tires cleverly wound round their bodies agar bus liywes baited at prohible died post outside Bombay city All the sengerspihe majority of whom were iisberwornen were asked to get out The policefelmd that all appeared to be in snedvanced state of pregnancy Then oneof them fainted ll llcit brew drenched her body Examination showed that each one of these pregnan women carried two gallons ur uilcit liquor in cycle tubes wrapped round their stomachs Eindu women also archadopt In Top Shape Scott has faithin his candle boughtlt on years ago baul wood and farmlands in it and tbissunrmer drovelii to mm and pads The Scoits purchased the Ford roadsisr loatheir honey moon trip in 38 years and 65000 miles has required only minor tleniicm ut new bushings in the steeringmndebanged the grease monies Mrs Scott said Durinthe 3500 mllohill in Vancouver MrScott endhis son Bob averaged 50 miles van hour ohopenbigbhys and close to that figure rup and down the gredésnf ibeCansdian Rockies Thennginavkeptbumming the Nz SeiTo launch Eirploraiion and the shafts Boll men were thrown and the In Antarctic Duringj5ummger WELLINGTON NZ Reuters Tbe New Zesinndgovernmeni ls getting ready to launch new exploration in the Antsrcilod ing the summer season starting near the years end Recruiting may Jo teams of scientistssurveyors and cllrnbersidcarry out NewZea lands ro am of land and en eirplerati The Rose Dependency Research Immmitteehes drawnuptbo pro gram The newly formed Aniam tie divrsion do the department of scientific and ind arch will carry out During tire astihree seasons man Seott are in 960 and again will join all ed States in manning the Ballett Station This lesson the government beiptbe Victoria University expeditionto complete its studies undertaken last year the ice freevvalley system of tbeIWrigbt Victoria dry yalley area Two scientists from the soil horse will make fundamental study of soil processes probableaddliion to the pro gram willbetheinstallation of radar to observe tlie aurora out $4090 square miles have en coveredb the Newleslsnd ansAirtialctilfo diqu or may the lands and VictoriaUniversliy prayeoted soon nonWhites unhyelmotor assembly in try widen the labor to color director from employing 90pebcent gain in the realm of wife beating which the village main used in delight in after Somevsmaller powers in the 15 tsldng the heady country liquor The nights no longer echo to the fcriee of beaten women mesmm Roadster is Sun crosses Rockies Hregstood up andthe only re placement neededwsaabrake liningwhich Mr Scotl obtainedl Iromï¬nsiore of old parts kept in re Vancouver base friends Almost as enjoyable the scenery said Mr Scottwas the interest that other motorists showed labia car One fdlow got little mad because wouldnt trade it for his 1953 Oldsmobile lfis car was froni Texas anyway and would have bad topsy duty on it The Scotis at their nlg tent and carried little extra gear They had three spare tires tbe 1926 modellsstill obtaim is from manufacturerbut had to put air lnibeir tires only For Winnipeg Zoo WlNNlPEG CPiWlnnipeg Assinlboine Park Zoo wanted on humane society oili cisi ob ed byycaicbiugmeneal the city its supervr or torthe one ciaty slipped noes over the youngrjemale =coyoie chicken farm of Leslie Shah over to zoo officialss lugs Ross Murra said was coyotedheyfd rIGreater Winnip BarNeor fillifllfli iii3 bly plants ferrous bowelids majorautomobile makers may be Vihjur he said re and more wbi have can squeezed out in one plantmoro ibanbali he roduclionworkera aracolore Ill other ment by North Atlantic Pact nation North Atlantic Treaty or gsnizoiion including have threatened to veto any fort mnl proposal for Spains enhy The issue lately has become very much alive Generalissimo Francos dlclalt iorial regime rece fly won mem bership of ha0 anlzn on European Economic lion Now th are despread re ports that Franco backed by French President Cbarles da Gnulle the For otherialiied major bid to defensive nlllance VISITS LONDON Spnnisb foreign minister Fer nando Maria Castialla arrived in London this weekend for con ferencegwith Eisenhower Mon tieliais understood to be hrmgmg personal message to the president from Franco The talk whichwas arranged with out Britains us State SecretsryChrish Eerter Tbere issome fnibe visit of Castiella here Britain re gt ills non It was muzzled and handed humane society uz first stariedJast year arrival the British Labor Party issued statement saying that to admit Spain in NATO would be betrayal of Spanish democrats and would provide ready weapon ior NATOs opponents Beavers ReSiocked To North one srovx LOOKOUT on or More than 400 beavers are being livenupped in three diiferent part of restocking program Tbey are being flown into Northwestern Ontarios nearby Big Trout Lnkearea which had its beaver population almost wiped out in years ago by an outbreak of disease The area was found to be free of contaminationlast year and 200 beavers were livetrapped in the Need Lindsay and Kepub kaslng districts and ï¬ansplsnled When the lands and forestsde pertinent und out that the lransplen beaver bad estab lished themselves successfully in lheir new environment they stepped up tbeprogram parts of Ontario this sunAmer as