AlliBORN TWINS some rm iudy suvmoImw York beams happily at best newlyborn twins The birth oIrAWA toriA background of being mommaa boy con ihutes to emotional disturbances at make forgers lorge Cana dian penitentiary palchologist re sorts The social story oi the iorgers reVeals that in general they are the youngest child or only boy in the family saysMaurleevGauth ier psychologist inthe penitena tiary at Kingston In those cases where this does not apply the history indicates th they were either spoiled or ba led in that childhood Usually too their mothers were described as overprotective and mrtlng unusually great in fluence on the forgertobos IE FATHERS DISTANI iha fathers however were dis tant in their relations with their children or werent around at all due to marital separation illness or other circumstances in short says Mr Gauthier we can say that the fathers were inaccessible He reports on study made last year in the Canadian Journal oi Corrections His study covered the cases of 10 targets at Kings ton pen Between so and 50 all had served at least two iail maroon memo fMommas Forger Jctjl PeydhologiSt of the baby girls occurred aboard TransAuntie air liner 3000 not above New 14 termsprevimuly and had never oommittedany oiiepca but forg Qll His main conclusions Forgery is motivated not by need ior money or because at weak conscience but by inner conflicts that demand lief from tension which in turn accom plished through this type oi crlrm ioal act Describing the 10 subjects oi hls study as compulsive torgerl he said they all hhd done well at schoolwere popular either because of musical talents or athletic abilities and generally ieund lite easy during adoles canoe VARIED OCCUPATIDNB Some were salesmen others store era radio summons and foo ball players Ono started his iorgery career at the peak of his business career Failure in business enterprises provoked thrée others to bouncecheouesrv But none claimed he could have solved hla financial dilficulties in no other way Seven of the 10 were married and all seven were separated Most were involved in an illicit aliair with woman Most oil the iorgers state that Borden Body qu manages 0n canadas Oil OllAWA CP The Border royal commission on energy late today will make public its report on Canadas oil industry Its views and suggestions about proposed crude oil pipeline from Alberta to the Montreal re liner markets arelikely to caplt turethe biggest share oi the io dustrys attention The report is also expected to deal with the export and import oil and possibly malie suggesn none as to where the newlin tiohal Energy Board might fit into Canadas oil picture The energy hoard established by Parliament during its session earlier this year was created broadly along lines proposed by the Borden conunlssionlin an earlier report on Canada natv oral gas situation That report recommended general tightening of control over INGLES PAVING 140 Victoria St Barrie oRIvswAY eARKING LoT SPECIALISTS no work restlessness sane harnesses PA 88995 FAB4427 gt 0515 FIRE Industry Today Canadas base oil mid gas in dustry number oi independent Cana dian oil companies spearheaded by Home Oil recommended be fore the Borden commission that 34000002000 oil pipeline be built from Alberta to Tomato and Montreal The Alberta govern ment backed the proposal Large companieswith United States ties such as Imperial Oil and Sun Oil were opposed totue pipeline idea They argued such pipeline would lead toth gov ernment placing embargoes or quotas on oil imports Possibly the malnvproblem Ihclt ing the oil industry today is world surplus oi oruda Thus there is great interest in what proposals the new Borden report might inoludegaa improving WOHDEC tor Can serves the market adaa rich re and itPLUS 7101403 AIIIODN coining SAflIItIIAY 01 Could Be FINE ioundlands coast The plane was en route to New York the topic oi sexuality was taboo at home says Mr Gauthier They revcr could speak ireeiy about Consequently they pear quite naive over sexual matters and are easily led into complican ted alinlra With women in passing chequesthey telt superior to their victims but guilty feelings caused them to commit iorgery again and fins ally they reached point where they wanted to get caught Yet on release tram on their inability to cope with liie soon drives them toiorgery again Dream Road Brings Hills ToMontreal MONTREAL dream road lrom Montreal to the Laur entlan foothills will be opened Saturday bringing the city closer to its favorite and biggest playgroundl The sixlane termile Lauren tian autoroute has been all completed three or four months ahead oi schedul toll road it runs trims the north side of Montreal island to st Jerome within easy reach at Lsurentian resort townsh sum ruer cottages andsld hills it supersedes the meandering threevlane Laurentlan highway which on summer ahd holiday weekends becamea nightmare at ixalilc The motorist will pay cents at three automatic toll stations along the way Between stations hellthe permitted to travel at 00 miles an hour PROTECTYOUR PONTIAC INVESTMENT mun SERVICE uardian Iairstenaneo caucuses eenwcc pass HKRAMEit MOTORS LIMITED 145 BRADFORD ST mum ms Yirglnla Mayo US ROAD RACEIIS Alan Dinehart Jr so 0301 Taxr mr felt cramI Ice The non womans move to bring bilinhdrop downtheBeokelensdsianIcst tarantme rate apparentlyis mine in the tight money situa tion For the second weektha ornrnent put up iorbid Top Grades ilctive Week with Since theBank at Canadas success amidJlgns oia alight tar slipped uIauIisuai debt two weeks an the rate at intheayerageiw dippedtolflperoeotthioweex thobflkioflowï¬mdeciinedï¬lpeoutm he therataoithe Htruleil matoncquartor thalargut taunt lent owners oooper ccntabovothotflu In mvioluweek was my 1179 the bank rate also pounced thstfthe government will call iorbids on reduced amount From record high at per oi treasury bills again nenlweslr At Ontario iblic Stockyards TORONTO CPlFor es mi week lop grades oi alau ter steers and ysariiogstraded ively at steady prices at the On tariopublic stockyarde Whileiower grades oi st era and boilers traded slowly at lowerprices veal call trade as active at prices 31 higher tor the week Cow bull hog sheep and lamb prices remained steady with last weeks prices but sows dropped fully 50 cents Cattle receipts totalled 700 head less than last week and 400 less than the same week last ye Western cattle receipts were and 233 stock calves both down rent the previous week There were tour loads shipped to the east and no exports made to the museum slaughter cattle Choice steers 2627 flood 74502550 medium 28 2450 common 20m good hellera 2344 with law choice to 2450 medium 212250 common 1021 choice ied yearlings 1550 2750 flood 20 Kood cows 10 1050 medium 1850 1750 enm mon 15504050 canners and cut ters ms good heavy bologna bulls in 1150 common and medium lights 1561MB ct thundredwelght stacker common and med lIun 2014 oclr calves 3150 Calm Good veaiers 118 medium 1730 ï¬camrnen 2346 boners rim non Grade It is heavy cows 15 lights stage is on dressed weight basis Sheep and lambs Good handy weight lambs per hundred weight bimke discounted t1 per hundredweigbt medium lambs soldldownward to to ieeders it 20 sheep sold 410 scoredth to quality FOB mans REPAIR WOBK musiuoms You nouns onion omno lradlord It PHONE PA lMil Replacement cattle Good Are vou tasking THEN rumpusmot Crosley60nstruetlon nARIuss LARorsT soItorRs and inspect their new Bedroom Homes udw under airuetion at Oakley Pork Subdivision Coo DOWN PAYMENTS momma ALSOUNDDE cousrsucrrou SBedroomrliomea with GalAdel oowN PAYMENTS rRomlsIsasoo All Homes epmpleteiy soddedand gradedstorrns and screens supplied smearcame mssnérm IMPERIAL rel SATQ LAST zf oAvs you seepence now MONEY FOR UIIIEM ihe efiect oi this step reduc ing the demand on the ml my available carbonterm inane Is to leave more money available for lendtna to poolow mment borrowers There were other indications at Ira ammnmnroupsoooar Identity no InSleépingBag uomu an trance Ihlnlday identiï¬ed the body at who an oas ailrodent creek She was Mans am ot Montreal The Mandi cation was made by 1s polipeuld An autopsy ad the girl was probably choked with silk stocking then sutiocsled in the has the provincial laboratory said Provhl do on declined to speculate pub on motive The was loved in Mapl Creek kgdytldmo Qua 80 mile welt oildootreal sownum kmury wimp some withiat tunptiog to kill Rooerjohweru Cogmgnwith radar at Sutherland bulimia ex put with the utterwyzenru departmut Wed three bullets and tour camloge cases had ban tired tron pistol given one room police Magistrate Barron ad liourned1 the bearing until Sept medialegal areas7 nmtl an casing of demand on the oases some money available or loans Cash reserve the chartered banks he bull ior theiriending rose in the last week to H043000000 compared with 81000000 in the set Bail liarMan In Murder Charge 0W5 oneness mums KITCHENER CPIBell was set at $2000 cash or $4000 prop erty Thursday in preliminary hearing at an attemvaan GRANADA Theatre Fiscal Showing IonIgIIl Suturde RETURN OF TIIEFLY ALIIGATOR PM ROXY FIRST WiTlLTHE BESTlN aARRIE Last Showing Tonight FridaySaturday um few days of the lilonth The total money supplym trolled by the am of Canada has remaioed relativeh out chanced Standings 311371000 STEPHENS om Bl Ir nanm KIRK DOUGLAS ANTHONY QUINN cARocYNuoNsse rAItLIIoLtIMAN The LAST TRAIN from GUN HILL museumsram Ivonan shows at eso and continuous Soturdoy From 230 pm mAcquoamoamd THREE GREAT sTARs iN ONE or THEGREATEST PERFORMANCES even STARTS roe SIX DAYS moNnAy THRU To SATURDAYy oops RWLDSWWER OIdE ME rm MYERS my sunbeamnorm no eokrcaémiMagn Slipper Ans gnaw The day sassylmmggy Evenilrg5ho 659 and pm Con uou Sdtu day From 130 pm $2 OUDUOD WEEK WAS HIS APPALLING IM A7 77