idiom ram iChildién By Using Fingers By NANCY CLEAVEB thins clavchabellouahtiniaraor sndtbeylearaagreotdeal by pewderedformtohenuxedwith using their fingers llyou have water as needed or it can be ever watched the little lots in made from the following baod baadenlt ictfvitles such an fin ger painting ursery you will have we two to of sun mmugbt in various flour one cup of salt amp tea rpooalnlof slum Add enough water so that it can be worked Kindergarten youngsters are easily with the fingers but do Interior the time in the day not add so much that it will be when th cao work with li cene In older school dren takereal pride in objects they make from clay Blunt scissors colored paper or scrapbook and old magazines and paste gives pupil the chance to build silhouettes posters or complie acrnp book The older boys and girls agar wag tonrtitymthelr band pa ma espec ially masks and merionettu often when boy or girl wants to continue handersftactlvlty at home which has beenenioled at school mother objects its loo messylor more of ten on the grounds that the met erisl in too expensive But busy children re happy children if they are making things at home parents know they are at getting into mis chief eisew ere Most kitchen floors and tables can be cover ed with newspapers before the bandaraft project begins Then when it is ended the news paper can be carefully gathered up and put in the garbage This saves lot of cleaning and it is good training for to leave his place of work spick and span Wearing an apron or smock saves clothes mother will find that her husbands old shirts cut all way down the sleeves and but tonned at the childs back make an excellent coversill The following recipesvall use materials found in most homes By taking an interest in making this material she will notonly save lot of money she will also reduce the nerve strain of living with child who complains iva nothing to col Tar arias Say 37 anagrams FDR roMonsow Keep your mind onlmparlanl matters now and sidestep frivol ity In both personal and business relationships be cooperative un derstanding and tolerant Those engaged in creative and scientific lines wlll be governed by excepj tiooally Beneroua influences FOB TEEFIRIHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that sticky Keep it moist by wrap plngltinadampcloth or Inku paper Pasta To one cup of flour fradunlly add cold water until is the right consistency Add one teaspoon of giycerino to help keep it sweet or buy boxof pow ered paste used to apply wall paper Mix alittle at time as pended in In empty cold cream or Pspler Muhe The popier mache objects may take several days to dry but they nregrent fun to make icnr newspapers Into small pieces and soak in tub of hot water over night Pour all the water andtsqueeso nnd wring out as much water as pos sible from the remaining pulp Then use large strainer or sieve to remove any excess wat er Next add generous quantities of paste to this pulp mixture Stir thoroughly with spoon Add coloring matter now or color the finished product with poster palnt Model with the fin gers as if the material was plas tlcene base such as jar for avase with papier macho covering or childs round cereal box or salt box us foundation for pig Vads ntnewspaper with wire to stiffen it can form the body of doll or mnrloncttc Masks can he modelled over the outside of large mixing bowl but remember to apply grease first so the mask can be easily removed when dry Clip these recipes for future re ferenee You will only want to use one of them at timel Keep them in large envelope or file or scrapbook large Beginners should use ran consume mass Canadian women leperally will be drain to please no this fallsnd the men should be happy too survey of fall fash ions by Vzibe CanadianjiPress shows the feminine tools is stressed with the more extreme stylesalmost out at the is trim menu style with predominance of flaring lines at the shoulder and collar and hub that parody mans bowi ers and derbles will be seen among the fall offerin of womens clothiera in Cans But in dresses tbs waistline will be natural skirts full and shirt waist dreascsrara expected to continue in popularityalthough the mannlsh touch will occur here and than BROWN vFAVORED Brown seems toba themaln colorfollowed by variety of smoky Pastel shades in shoes the fashion experts think the needle toe will con tinuelln popularity but an alter nntive oval too is expected to en ter the field in fashion conscious Montreal few changes are looked for Women will he extrafeminine for evenings and quite masculine during daytime was the opinion of one manufacturer Montreal manufacturers will lean IV strolme anatmnl we often accented by 921 ragga led by are browns Mlb¢l£ur napck and wow gin smoky elfeefsMaterials will ya less bulk than last year and will remain soft rough with firmer looseknit Many tweeds are expected For evening dresses brocade liars matured Drum will our tlnue ankle or shorter Coau will follow the neat mas cullns line of Hilts Torooto fashion experts say fall clothes will be notably wear nble lhoalientb dress is to be popular but the ahlrtwslat dres ses will also be frequent skirts generally few inches below the knee lot of costume dresses will feetureaepprnts iaekets The waistline it expected to be natural andbrown seems to the favorite Icoloi in Toronto pissz clothes thesports car influence willbe seenin hooded sweaters jackets and Hudson panchos In lure evarythtng from seal skiu to lynx can be expected but mlnkremains the favorite trim One Toronto expert thinks silver foxwill again enioy popularity Hï¬ndfrurkey Experiments To Reduce Production Costs VANCOUVER CP Doreen Cooper is conducting expcrimcnts on turkeys and hops aimed at reducing the producers costs Rcsenrcb by Miss Cooper 1950 graduate of the University of British Columbia here is being coaductcd under supervision of Professor Jacob Blelychnirmon oi the poultry department She has also worked with the Canadian government pathology laboratory and at the Houghton poultry research centre near Cambridge University in Eng land engthctilng of the turkey hatching season will give more poults per breeding which willin crcase the farmers output she sold in an interview This in turn would reduce pro duction cost which would be highly desirable from both pro ducer and consumer viewpoints FAVORITE TURKEY Experiments have been con ducted since inst September with the broadbrcasted bronze mar ket favorite Since March some 3500 pouits have been hatched and used for nutritional experiments The flock whatever financial gains you have been able to net since the be ginning of the year itwouid be well to consolidate new and start thinking of the future since the aspectsexcept for brief period in late Octoberwill not again stimulate monetary interests un til Decemher good trend be ginning then however will last until May at least Personal matters willnccupy the celestial spotlight during most of the 12 months ahead so it will be up to you to capitalize on in fluences which can strengthen ties with family and friends and win the favor of superiors Ur controlled emotions and outbursts of temper cnuld offset these good influnces however so be alert eapeciaily during September and March Good news late in December should wind up this year with happy note and early 1960 wlllbe excellent for those in creative lines Aebiidbornonthiadaywill be intelligent ambitious and en dowed with weakness of jus tice lTurkish Appreciate Canada OllAWA CP It probably was inevitable Around the 0b laws general it al dark haired Keriman Palistel grad uate nurse who cameito Canada from Turkey six months ago is nicknamed Turkish Delightffl Keriman told An repoiter she gt has noticed many differences be Prices Start tween life iniurkeyand in Can ada particularly in pay and sta tun alignIa isstill attached to the nursing ther orefaw am of her II vs land For 12hour day as head nurse in sshbed hospital at Mkarashe said she was paid the equivalentof 359 month im sessions of gt Canadian newspap so much mn terial thatshe saves her reading for herde off Keriman says she was accustomed to much smaller nevispapers in Turkey Canadian vmen ab said are handsome and chairman But her carts alobeinillrkeyshe is hoping to help Gnllp Allen rolession and enterlt she noun EirigerIlip Start you New Washer so sailingschool Clothes Low As pimp Jand sodneomm be Furtrlmmed dresses are ma also expected to be popular and coats will have deep lapels wldc hatefneginn stresses high in brown and green in shoes manufacturers expect the oval too will compete with the needle shape Vancouver also expects the mannlsh tweedy look in coats and suits Wesocoast designers favor slim dresses featuring many knits in annual colors and on or lines Vancouver will follow the trend to brocade in evening dresses with full feminine skirts dou hie needle toe is expected in shoes In beta the west coast will see small pllibox shapes with black velvet favorite material vouNes DRAPERIEs naapaams snowman Is DUNLOP princes Phone pa asses emu INo FAST Now on IMPLICITY Required Alcoholism Urges msediescomsto smithehldllmlli is lof abutunme But one wonders wbelher doesnt also remove thamotiva for exercising more selfdiscipline for many persons who are be nomlnx alcoholics Youandlmeyrecnllthatlme la wheothenotioowidclyprcvalled canset beamlent be hope to overcome it dely prevalent notion help othersvto besmore kind and considerate of the aloe bolls who feels blmselfbeyond the pale of selbdladpllne and to encourage the establishment of more psychiatric centers for help DONT MISS THIS EXCEPTIONALVALUEI BIGover 13 cu FT 10 FI that being overweight was chiefly glandular in cause Now we know this has been shattered by med ical science as lm suspiclous of theotttouted notion that overweight eat too rn because of emo tional frustration and instability This notion solves the consciences of many obese persons who know they eat too much Recently in an address at Belle vua Hospital NY Dr Albert LaVerne Associate Prof of average of 19 years at sobriety further said am most the 250000 had tried medlan paydiletric and other treatment unmeassz ully More ioinlng AA Ha treated his fellow psy chiatrists to learn about AAprogram and get behind Statinxihat he once believed psychiatry had the answer to al coholism be saidthe later dlb covered from his record he had not helped single boll but found that so per cent of them had attainedsobriety for xvi to ï¬ve or more years through It must REFRIGERATOR iEREEZER at FEATUEES ems mes nxctusrvn FEATURES over 13s ft capacity automatic customalic cold system slenbe ice cube trays foodfreshener moistmnld compartment lb capacity meat saver PLUS THES GIANTFREEZER atore illlbs of frozen food Antomntl ExcLusI sneezing and safelykoeps meals vegetables and pastries wing out to serve ood measler to aortstoro liSWlNGINSEIiVEfl SHELVES touch of finger No wasted spacefno centre post cfally designéd knobs Roamsows VALUE ICE ON to you at the rind select Strong nournstlng alumln servingmr cleaning These exelnsive shelves are adjustable mung no more stacking shifting Fully loaded shelvesmove up or we vE FAMILY BuooEr PRICE swing serve crisper Deep banaldoor stanza speclnl dairykeeper removable egg nest trays safety door latch dual interior lights flushMthwall téeessed design FEATURES caliy maintains hero degreapemperntnra for gulch trays lift at shelves for more cramming jam down by turning sp young menace evener use CONVENIENT BUQGEITE Ms fro surrvou lwnul likgyto bring thenrupin Canada shesnid