Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Sep 2003, p. 16

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16 - The Oakville Beaver Weekend, Saturday September 6, 2003 Living Healthy series covers wide variety of topics Halton Healthcare Services, an amalgamation of Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Milton District Hospital, is pleased to present an exciting line up of free sem inars for the public. These are part of the Living Healthy series designed to help individuals obtain current and accurate health informa tion. Contact 905-815-5HO or elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca to obtain a copy of the most recent calendar of health edu cation events. Thirteen evening sessions are planned On a variety of health topics including prostate cancer, thyroid dis ease, mental illness, palliative care, diabetes, stress manage ment, heart disease, inflamma tory bowel disease, and kidney disease. These seminars are two hours in length and are held on a weekday evening in Milton or Oakville. "Participants receive cur rent and accurate information from local physicians to assist them in achieving better health," said Lorraine Rohm, Health Promotion Manager. The events are being organized by Halton Healthcare Services in part nership with numerous com munity organizations includ ing: Breast Cancer Support Services, Canadian Cancer Society, Canadian Diabetes Association, Canadian Mental Health Association, Choices4Health, Crohns and Colitis Foundation, Fe/Male Health Centre, Halton Peel Palliative Care Initiatives, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Kidney Foundation of Canada, Thyroid Foundation of Canada and Wellspring. The schedule of Living Healthy lectures is as follows: Sept. 24: Living with Prostate Cancer with Dr. R. Casey, Urologist 7 p.m. Galaxy Club, 475 North Service Rd. Sept. 29: Thyroid Disease is Real - Know the Facts, with Dr. G. Perez, Internist, 7 pjn. Milton Seniors' Centre. Oct. 4: M aking Con nections: More Than Just Kidneys, 9:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Oakville Quality Inn, organ ized in partnership with The Kidney Foundation of Canada E-mail mthompson @kidneycob.on.ca or call 416-4450373 ext 233. Oct. 8: Just A Phase? Recognizing and Managing Mental Illness in Children and Teens with Dr. A. Pignatiello, Psychiatrist 7 p.m. Galaxy Club, 475 North Service. Oct. 22: When a Loved One is Dying - What Do I Need to Know? with Dr. H. Pyle, Family Physician, 7 p.m. Galaxy, 475 North Service Rd. Nov. 5: Diabetes: A n Ounce o f Prevention Can Reduce Your Risk with Drs. L. Huang and N. Hameed. endocrinologists, 7:30 p.m., in Oakville - call for location. Nov. 6: Breast Health Workshop presented by Breast Cancer Support Services, 7 p.m. Upstairs at Loblaws Milton. Nov. 12: Stress Mastery: Success Strategies to Handle Procrastination, Anger and Difficult People with Dr. David Posen, family physician and author of recently released Little Book of Stress Relief, 7 p.m. Galaxy Club 475 North Service Rd. Nov. 13 Cholesterol and Your Heart with Dr. G. Sawhney, internist, 7 p.m., Milton Seniors Centre. Jan. 28: New Treatments in Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Dr. S. Pandya, gastroenterologist, 7 p.m. Galaxy Club, 475 North Service Rd. Feb. 18: Prevention and Treatment o f Heart Disease with Dr. M. Heffeman, cardi ologist, 7 p.m. Galaxy Club, 475 North Service Rd. Feb. 19 The Path to Treating Mental Illness with Dr. N. Zamar, psychiatrist, 7 p.m., in Milton - call for loca tion. Mar. 3: A Parent' s Guide to Bedwetting with Lida Jones, RN, Paediatric Surgery, Urology and Enuresis, Children's Hospital, Hamilton, 7 p.m., Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Mar. 24: Your Blood Pressure and You with Dr. D. Sapir, nephrologist 7 p.m. Galaxy Club, 475 North Service Rd. All meetings begin with displays and refreshments at 6:30 p.m. Contact 905-815-5110 or elittle@haltonhealthcare.on.ca to obtain a copy of the calendar of health education events tak ing place from September 2003 to March 2004. For additional information about Halton Healthcare Services, visit www.haltonhealthcare.com. Your Good O n g o in g S U M M E R cla sse s a t R a m ad a Inn, O a k v ille S e lf-R e n e w a l R E T R E A T , Novem ber 2 0 0 } C a ll ? 0 ? -S + 2 -7 7 tf o r www.leyoga.com Need a convenient w a lk -in ? Are you n e w to the area? Do you need a f a m il y d o c to r? Is your f a m i l y d o c to r r e tir e d ? Dr. Roderick G. KetT C C FP is accepting N E W patients Glenashton Medical Centre Tel: 905-815-9090 Fax:905-815-1834 Trafalgar Rd. 333 Glenashton Dr. #2 Oakville, ON L6H 7P6 Glenashton Dr. z -^ HEALTHY BODY-HEALTHY MIND Crow ns, Bridges & Veneers W hite Fillings Teeth W hitening G um Treatment L E A R N TH E Infertility Investigation & Treatment l) r . S a m u e l S o lim an A rtificial Insem ination In Vitro Fertilization M ale Infertility D onor Sperm / E gg Tubal Surgery AS S O C IA TED W IT H Compfete ` f am ily ` D ental Care Medicine o f the ^Future " A n outstanding program ! I have n o w g a in ed control o f m y o w n health an d am able to teach others. Thanks CSNN" P H. Class ot 2003 nUst&R w w \*.drN olim an.> (H in n d .c o m New Patients Welcome Emergencies 6 3 0 F o rd D riv e U n it 3 . O a k v ille n n c 9 4 7 O H fU S -Z ftJ U O REGISTER NOW FOR SEPT. DAY & EVENING CLASSES <ws) 453-9150 <9os) 896-7827 C all For Consultation Family D eni al Clinic 'v o News Canadian School of Natural Nutrition 1 1 07 Lome Park Road (at Lakeshore Blvd.] Suite 20 5 (9 0 5 )8 9 1 -0 0 2 4 www.csnn.ca SPORTS Entertainment YOGA PILATES B e g in n e r , In t e r m e d ia t e Vour Town, your Newspaper! A s h t a n g a . A ll L e v e ls H a t h a . G e n tle H a t h a Make a Difference with the practice of Natiral Nutrition A l ) V i J flX S IN < i F H A T U K H FITNESS M u s c le C o n d it io n in g . L o w Im p a c t M ED ITATIO N _________ SESSION FEE OR PAY AS YOU GO_________ INTRODUCTION TO PILATES WORKSHOPS: SEPT. 8 or 15 FOR A BROCHURE OR MORE INFORMATION CALL NINA 905-815-9266 C U SSE S AT MAPLEGR0VE UNITED CHURCH. 346 MAPLEGR0VE DR.. OAKVILLE T h e C an ad ia n S ch oo l o f N atural Nutrition w as founded in 1995 and has n i n e locations across C anada. Its co n tinuous su ccess across the country is due to its u niqu e p hiloso ph y in N atural Nutrition. Respect for ourselves, and our environ ment, prevention o f d isease through a w h oleso m e diet and a truly h olistic approach to w ellness, are the c o rn er stones o f o u r unique philosophy. O u r m ission is to e ducate individuals on the many o ptions available to them , to m ake a difference on planet earth through the practice o f natural nutrition. T he future o f m ankind lies not in cu res but in disease prevention. Into the 21st century, w e see that holistic health care is one o f the m ost prom ising and expanding Helds. G ood nutrition is the prerequisite to any w orthw hile program in healthcare. T h e school offers a d ip lom a program in Natural N utrition, as well as general interest courses, w orkshops and sem i n ars o n d iffere n t h o listic h ealth ca re modalities. T aught by a team o f dedicated, wellq u alified p ro fessio n a ls, th e p ro g ram m ay be com pleted in one y ear (day classes) o r tw o years (evening classes). A ccelerated one y ear evening classes are also available. W ith o u r classroom ratio o f 2 0 to 1 o ur students are assured personal atten tion. Flexible class schedules allow stu d ents to co ntinu e with their outside re sp o n sib ilitie s and en jo y learn in g . S u c cessfu l co m p le tio n lead s to L>iploma in Natural Nutrition and to the p ro fe ss io n a l d e sig n a tio n o f R .H .N (R e g iste re d H o listic N u tritio n ist). G rad uate students may also apply for th e d esig n a tio n R .N .C . (R e g iste re d N utritional C onsultant) iw n u M tu Nr*ti Anwtoasmnm Vvarird Nwvspapw for subscription info please calt 90W W W 742

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