VDurelle is 29 casting Company is to carry the 5360 GM puma Admits LOCALS sacs OSHliWIi Dale Lockhnrt Chuck Ham ilton and Doug Moore are three valuable members oi Barrie Dangerfields Juvenile Hockey Club which is playing host to Oshawa tonight in the MoOreDurelle To Fight Agcun gjgfggihesmn MONTREAL CF Archie Moore the man with heard the wlcrd diet and the worlds light heavywelght boxing champion ship and Yvon Durelle who ai mnst got it irom him last Decem ber are to tight again Promoter Eddie Quinn an nounced Wednesday that the pair who staged one of the centurys most exciting iights in their last meeting will try July is to top it The around title tight is sched uled tor the Montreal baseball ark which holds 25000 to 28000 or boxing ll Moore loses be gt gets return match Quinns announcem has been expected ever since Durelle pounded Moore to the floor iour Itimesthree times in the first roundhere Dec 10 Moore got all the floor and imockea Durelie out in the 11th Moore his wife and his auditor flew here from Caliinrnia tor the lunheheon called to announce the DIFERENCE IN AGE Moores age is somewhere be tween 40 and 50 depending on whether you quote Moore his birth certificate his managers his enemies or the record books Moore is reported to have been guaranteed $175000 or 40 per cent oi the gate and television money Dutelles cut is guaran teed $15000 or 20 per cent Under arrangements similar to those for the last tight Durelles interests take 00 per cent of the gate and television money and pay oatMoores guarantee or his option Kearns said the deal could net Moore $150000 if the ball park is dammed The American Broad iight onxits regular Wednesday night boxing program and it was stated authoritativer that $100 000 in television money has al Change over to Havo line Motor Oil Complete Lubrication Transmission and Dil terential Changeover We specialize in Hand Wax Wash Jobs See Simeoe Petroleum for Premium Furnace and Steve Oil smear PEllliliEliM Texaco Servicestation 84 Tiffln BL Barrie snows Bus as szsas aurn arose Edam Marinu Wine Ml Bruins caioy 10 adg butdemn series Both teams played make lhlit torward unitI in the final sings oi Bostons 51 Viml7 in the series opener hare Tuesday night At one time Lents had tour deienoemen on the lee mvm usED Iona Some oi the hardest hitting hockey seen in Boston in years eonsldéi an extra line used so suecesriuiiy by the late Dick In via while coach oi Montreal Canadlcns The teams exchanged heavy body slams hetero Bruins cap tured the opener on three sec ondperiod goals and the seam tionai Soaltendlng oi veteran Harry Lumiey mud gm of um OMHA Leafs blamed the loss on the 32 ear old Lumieys periorm lliaior semiimaia on ze an unmanbmud 5W5 W011 the at same the puck They served notice Tuesday night Game time they intend to continue their hard um evening 315 checking in an attempt to square the series Weve been good bodycbeoll Ins team all season and well ax ehange slams with the Bruins any time lmlach said Tonights engagement will be IN TORONTO SATURDAY pmrnplod Schmidt and lmiach to ill dan Hugo Discount 15 Chevrolet Elk csyne Sedan New car warranty 1055 Plymouth Coupe Like New ms Chev Deluxe Coops 10000 achxal miles Showplace 1951 Buick Special door Hardtop id 000 actual miles on Plymouth Coach one owner 81000 actual miles rm Chev Sedanot Lovely condition ms Meteor Customline coach Original green iinish Spotless Yl think its going to be long series And wouldnt care to say right now who will win one thing lrn sure about Even if were leading the series 80 wont iecl confident not with tha guy lmllcb behind the To to bench Nobody has to tell me about imlach Hes most dangerous when hes behind dont how what he does to players but he Beeion Beets mmHmmV Durham Lownar mucus nu Beaten Athletics dumped Durï¬ row ham Huskies 00 last night at Durham in the ï¬rst game oi ALLANDALI MOTORS the second round oi the Ontario Hockey Association intermedi ate series Second game oi the bestotiive set will be played at Beaten Saturday at Ens Rd Barrio Dave Sealey Bruce Nichol and Jim Pendergast led the wln ners with twogoals apiece Bill Nothing But The But McIntosh GeorgaJairchild and Andy Grant scored for Durham ready been guaranteed in the Moore weighs 210 and has to be down to the 175pound limit by light time Durelle weighs 205 an us the light will be on regular TV but in Canada TV will he on closed circuit ior hea Tbe series shlits to Tomato for games Saturday and Tuesday The winner meets either Cana dians or Chicago Black Hawks The 13mins who relish the bruising game were warned by Schmidt against any letdown We got tow breaks around APPLIANCE suns TlVlIilIIiiiEli tres the nets and mm was liia LEGION HOCKEY PLAYOFFS MONDAY MARCH 30 650730 Barrie Flyers vs Marlboros Exhibition Guel vs Hamilton Championship 730810 Whit vs Chatham Championship 010050 Kitchener vs Kingston Exhibition 1350 00 clean ice 900940 North Bay vs Windsor Exhibition 9401010 Cornwall vs Sndbury Exhibition 10201100 Hersey vs Spokane Exhibition TUESDAY MARCH 31 100740 Erie vs Springfield Championship 7404110 Buitaio vs Rochester Exhibition 820000 eveland vs Providence Exhibition 900010 clean ice and draw ior prizes 9304010 Detroit vs Boston Championship 10101100 Montreal vs New York Exhibition FARM BUILDINGS Get The Jump OnVSpring Phone The Beaver Lumber AT YOUR SERVICE with PLANS PLANNING HELP ESTIMATES AT YOUR FARM Phone Today summons manual any asrnviarns rmsvon run soon PLANNING annex Contest Billiiillllll annals 38 STRABANE AVE PA 88289 Earn Building Catalogue Phone visit or write the Beaver Farm Rep or your Beaver Catalogue Twenty pages illustrated and priced get yours twink Masses Soloryond Commi ion Hospitalization Benefits Immediate Employment Reply stating age experience previous employment and phone number Applications Received In strict Conï¬dence APPLY BIIX 67 EXIIMIIIEII choosing Wallpaper Modern people proud of their pose sessions know theresno stubstittlie Toclays Ctlnadlurl Wallpapers possess Charm and Durability Theyre beautifully Interesting and fashionwise will give warm ancl grqelous beauty all through yourHeino etasflc cones WASHABLE SUNWORTHYW 121 sRAoroao 51 am to am Eunice hrul twin no the masnu us in an 29 an mutant Wu Sowu AUTOMATIC HATER ICTUI Handsome hlfll styled beauty k7 nary nun ellon lIpood control sIrsh mounted on manilad dulgn handle lav ï¬ngertip ops layout prion av TllllLEIi HARDWARE nu ma opium um mo in um III zsm lall and soumm moms saw5m and an sII In snuplln sin 19 bolt diamdar Wu CUSTOMIZE YOUR CAI SILVATRIM Highly polllllld thrones napki tic Ills on door odgu mum on cm qus look to Rsvmuzmo Amqu any to use Veunal chroma places that duo bridal new lam lo dotss lsntod afldnal shnsas Hides ugly ran spots the or home or in workshop too wiy IIIII WREIIOIIES ARIN MID we mln 10 lav mm can tin Innu Kan Sloltl AID DASH FENCE Attach to windshield to hop yous snack and sanction with In all null Fluorescent plas tls in rad min or bias with 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and Housin produce be 1168 square tionally low ferent to built in Ban The centre economical need to lack and beauty Measurable entertaining space has bi ensure the family corniA or each doll Basementle departure ll statistics sho ed States new homes on concrete becoming in in other pari