Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1959, p. 1

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seminar nonhumanint PAC65 Examiner Wats mmmm kWhfliu rs sun 95th YearNo 72 osnxposnr For rossn SUPPLY Dan Husk 13 left and Dan McKay both of San Fran cisco hold some of their money after they were booked on robbery attempt charge in San Francisco Little Dan ny handed note to Bank of America teller reading Ins Claimants Up By 11000 OTTAWA cm Ntmheld claimants for unemployment in surance benefits rose by 11000 during February but the total at the end of the month was 73300 below the level year earlier the bureau of statistics reported today There were 796000 claimants at Feb 27 compared with 705100 at Jan so and 869300 at Feb last year Councillor Says Overpaid $175 TORONTO CPlA suburban North York councillor says he figures he has been overpaid by $175 for meetings he attended in January and February and has sent the money back to the town ship James Service also said Wed nesday he will propose that allow ances for councillors be limited to $3500 year Put $100 in sack or will blow up the bank The teller gave the boys scolding and reported the incident to the bank manager Two inspec tors and two FBI men using the signed note asa clue traced Danliusk through the PIERMONT NY APlStatc and local officers broke down guardeddoors and seized 45 well heelcd men in raid on plush night Some of the men were playing cards Others were lost loliiog in rosy chairs as the raiders burst ll catering firm with portable stoVes was serving steaks chops salads and other food Wads of more than $2000 were found on number of men There was no sign of liquor around the layout There was guard outside the place and buzzer system was used to gain admittance Several expensive cars were parked out side vanr womanr An agent of the state investi gation commission which was in on the raid called it very im portant Jacob Grumet chairman of the PRESS TIME means Would Name Bribers TORONTO CF Branch said today she Reeve Marie Curtis of suburban Long would name two land spemliatorsrwho offered her bribes totalling $13000 if Attorney General Roberts assured her actions LtCol Bate TORONTO of protection against possible damage iiies LLvCol Stewart Cameron Bhte eEoyal Winter Fair and for many year captain of the Canadian Army equestrian team died today at his home He was born in Oshawa SeeTax Jump To High Mark OTTAWA CPL Canadians may he in fora round of higher federal taxes alrnédat making the oldage pension fund pay its wa and reducing the size of the federn deficit now nta peace lme high While the tax plans of Finance Minister Fleming area closely guarded secretto be unveiled before Parliament at pm Thursday April the also points to government acceptance of the idea that some mild tax booets may be necessary informants suggest one pos sibility is that the two per cent tax on personal and corporation incomes and oncommodity sales ma oo increased to three per can to overcome the chronic lack of funds in the oldage pen sion fund This fund has been set up to administer the $55 monthly pen sion to those 70 years and over The deficit this year borne by the budget itself is estimated at $100000000 earner or sex Acceptance of this idea would mean tax rates on personal in comes set at varyingpercent sgcs would be increased by one pe cent The rate for corpora tions making less than $25000 profit would in increased tool gambling parlor Wadncs day qmmmmemomjwsm 134 school office The boys told the officers they got some play money at the bank last sum mer and all they wanted was fresh supply They are be ing held at the Youth Guidance Centre qud Dice Den downstream cornmissioh said at his New York city home today We cooperated with the Rock land county district attorney be cause we believe this gambling organization beyond Rockland County This raid was part of our fight against organ ized crime NEW YORK AWThe Grace liner Santa Rosa bringing home 217 passengersfrom happy Cer ibbenn cruise collided early to day with the empty oil tanker Vaichem oft Atlantic City NJ One tanker crew member was killed and five injured No one was injured aboard the Urges Rigid Check Go Public Halls KINGSTON CPlA coroners jury has recommended that pub lic halls should undergo rigid inspection before licences are is sued to operators The sixman jury decided Wedlt nesday night that Frank Wil liams so died of burns received in fire which damaged the Circle Dancing Centre here Feb 14 lwentytwo persons most of them teen agers required hos pital treatment Eoiice said the the started when an oil stove was upset during scuffle be tween two men per cent from 20 for those mak ing more than 325000 to 48 per cent from 17l The 10ltper cent sales tax would be increased to 11 per cent Another possibility is round of higher excise taxes on some luxury goods with the overall also producing an additional $300000000 urea in new revenue from the higher excise sales and incomcievies That combined with anticl pated largerrevenues from an expanded economy rnlght trim Mr Flemings 185960 deficit to some $400000000 hr so from possible returrenceof this years peaiietime high of $700000000 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY MARCH 26 1959 DARJEELING India APlA reliable source here on the in dian border reported today that the Chinese Communists have announced that the Dnlai Lama fledtrom Lhasa during the re volt in the Tibetan capilal The whereabouts of Tibets 2e yearold religious and political leader revered by his people as the living Buddha was un known in Kalimpong There were rumors he was heading south to ward the lndian protectorate of Sikkim between Darleellng and feel Electrons Circulating Yet litter Fall Test WASHINGTON awsemen the eieclroils released last fall in US nuclear space tests may still be circulating scientists report The tests that hurled nman mada radiation sheet around the worldwere announced last week Scientists said Wednesday how ever the artificial radiation bolt has long since disappeared Defence departijnent and inter national geophysical year scien tlsts met at the Whiteltouse to tell reporters of scientific aspects of the three highaltitude atomic blasts over the South Atlantic Many participants theyso regard solar results of thee nettle emcntb of the IGY The scientists declined to talk about military aspects of the tests Unofficial sources had indi cated the artificial Lradiation belt was being tested as possible shield against missiles other quarters said it was aimed at disrupting communications and radar networksr 247 Aboard With Tanker crewmanDies cruise ship which also carried crew of 265 Buta fire broke out in the paint room in the forward part of the vessel This was kept from spreading but difficulty was encountered in exthiguishing it Although number of other ships raced tothe scene neither the Santa Rosa nor the Vslchem was said to be in any danger of sinking At one point it was said the cruise liners passengers might be transferred to sister ship the Santa Clara to continue their voyage to New York Grace Line officials said later that this would not be done unless for some rea son it should become absolutely necessary The Santa Rosa was expected to proceed to New York arriving in the afternoon The Vaichem was reported disabled and await ing tugs to take it in tow The flanker is ownodrby the Caichem ne The coast guard said the Santa Rosas bow sliced half way PhonyllS Bills Passed in Ontario NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Counterfeit us $10 and $20 bills have been passed at bank and two stores here the RCMP say The bills are distinguishable by irregular scrawl work and color ng Only Starvation KINGSTON CmThe presi den of Newfoundland local of the international Woodworkers at America CLC says only one thing will remove IWA members from picket lines in his province stervatlon 222 at Deer Lake Nfld speak ingi at rally convened by the Cahndioh Labor Congress de scribed Wednesday night yv said werejcondttioosr in Newt iReportsFoggy lTibct or southeast toward the Indian provinceoi Assam MAY 60 To more Refugee Tibetans were specu lating that their Buddhist god king would remain with resist ance forces in southern Tibet or inigrit cross into lndin Reports persisted that the revolt that broke out in Lhasa last Friday has spread to the countryside The Chinese hovo been reported in control once again of Lhasa The report in Darjeeling was that the cabinet of advisers to the Dale Lama before the tight ing started in Lhasa added its names to declaration declaring Tibet independentpf Chinese con trol and charging the Common ists with breaking promises in the 1951 treaty to respect Tibets religion andway of life LED aY WOMEN In Kalimpong indie sources said Tibetan women openly led campaign in Lhasa to rid Tibet of Chinese rule shortly before the revolt started They said 5000 women circu lated petition demanding the withdrawal of Chinese troops and renouncing the 1051 Siooleetan treaty which dove Peiplng mili tary control oi Tibet N0 EXAMINER EDITION FRIDAY The Barrie Examiner will not be published on Good Friday statutory holiday The regular daily edition will appear on Satur ay and also on Easter Monday Plant and offices of The Examiner will be closed on Good Friday all day but will reopen Saturday morning for the usual business permits Police Charge 5c Copyl6 Page SEIZE uouoncrcnr VINRAIDINALLAnoALr GodKing Fled Cab Operator For Keeping Booze For Sale Three city police officers raid ed the premises of the A1 Taxi Company in Aliendale at 1er oclock this morning seized quantity of liquor and charged the taxi proprietor Clifford Fife with keeping liquor for sale Also charged was Gordon Fer guson of Aliandalc He was charged with illegal possession of liquor Officers who conduct ed the raid were Constables May Lay Chdrges In Bribing Tries TORONTO CPt Attorney General Roberts of Ontario says charges could be laid under the Criminal Code in reported at tempts to bribe municipal offi cials He made his statement Wed nosday after Reeve Merle Curtis of suburban Long Branch and Alderman Philip Givens of Tor onto said they are plagued by citizens who infer they will be stow favors in return for support of their causes Mrs Curtis said she has been offeredtwobribes one of 310000 and another of $3000 by land LONDONlClJTh Wcstcrn big three agreedconditionally to day to summit meeting with Russia on the Berlin issue and other major problems But they differed materially in the em phasis they placed on the condi tions The British note tovthe Kremlin Niid Pickets Onion Head Saga Lawrence Ball headof Local said the British would be glad to go to the summit as soonas de through theitanker in the engine roomsection near the stern when the vessels came together at am some 22 miles eastrof Atj lantic City Cause of the crash was not in mediately known The weather was described as ciearwith slight haze at the time Say Douk Head Mair Stay Away OTTAWA CF Stefan Soro kin 56yearold spiritual leader of British Columbias Sons of Free dom Doukhobors apparently has abandoned attempts to return to Canada from Uruguay Officials of the external affairs and justice departments said Wednesday they have notheard from Sorolrin for morathan six weeks He called at the Canadian consulate inlViontevideo last Novv ember asking what arrangements he would have to make to return to Canadoafter an absence of nearly seven years Sor possesses valid lden tity document issued by Urult guay He could be admitted to Canada with that or by Canada renewing his Canadian certifi cate of identification which en pired in 1052 But an official of the consular division said Sorokin has made no attempt to return beyond his initial request for information Would Retrieve He said in the winterr50 occupied bunkhouse originally designed to hold as new their water from common ogalio gt pan on toiletfacilities onslstcd of ditch outside West Big isles it Kremlin idehonlfinhmit conditions velopments in tha for tersrneeting warrant It spoke of summit meeting this surn mer wheréas the 115 note only spoke of such conference as soon as the foreign ministers actionrnight justify it US note said the 115 is prepared fora meeting of heads of stateon the understanding that prior meeting of foreign ministers at least narrows differ ences and prepares constructive proposals The French language concern ing conditions was still stiffer than that of the United States WANTS PROGRESS President de Gaulie in his note to Moscow made his attendance hinge on whether the foreign min isters meeting Jperrnits the en viagement of genune progress at the top And the French spoke only of summit session at an appropriate tirncflnstead of men tioning this summer Despite the variations of em phasis the new Western proposals appeared to bring closer the prospect of conference of Prime Minister Macmillan President Eisenhower and President de Gaulle with Soviet Premier Khrushchev CC Leader Donald MacDonald speculators Mr Givens said per sons have made oblique refer mess to favors to return for sup port survey of mayors reeves councillors controllers and old men in the Metropolitan Toronto area Wednesday night showed the maioritydisagree that attempts to bribcoificials is commonplace REPORTED ALL ATTEMPTS Mrl Curtis said she reported to council cneach of the bribery attempts One was last fall when she was offered $10000 to approve 600 apartment units on parcel of land zoned for limit of 152 units The $3000 olfer wss made about three years ago and bad todo with anotherproperty gt Mr Givens who said some people think that politicians can he bought also said he thought Toronto ty mucb bribe proof VAGUE OFFERS Three other aidermien Mrs May Birchard Harold Menzies and Frank Nuhsaid tbayhed received vague offers Fred Gardiner chairman of Metropolitan at council said the public never held me in enough contempt to try and hle mu Mayor Nathan Phillips said if anyone had approached him he would have thrown him out VUrges Mu In Beer TORONTO CE Liberal liquor policy was outlined in the legislature Wednesday by Albert Wren IrKenora Speaking in budget debate he called for abolition of liquor per mits music in beer parlors and offpremise sale of beer by ii censed hotels Is that Liberal policy asked Yes it is replied Mr Wren Doug Wright Duane Sweeney and Stan Hunter Fife was charged recently in police court with allowing an unlicensed driver to drive one of his taxi cabs The driver was Ross Grant who polico reported was recipient of pen sion awarded persons with less than 11 per cent vision Both men were lined in court Grant for driving without license It was reported at the time that Fife would be called upon to appear before the City traffic committee in connection with the driving episode He has not been before the committee yet Ont Fishermen Fined in Ohio PORT CLINTON Ohio CPL Two fishermen from Kingsviils Ont have been fined Wench for fishing in Ohio waters Ray Malott was arrested by the Ohio division of wild life law en forcement service Monday south of Middle Sister Island near here Elmer Simpson was arrested Tuesday in the same arcs Their tugs nets and car were seized as evidence an returned toithcm after the hearing at it tswa Ohio before Judge Donald Wargowski The two were originally fined $700 but $400 of the fine was sus pended and their equipment re turned on condition they dont fish in Ohio water again Father of Dies In Mine Accident BEARDMORE Ont CPLEd ison Thomas 26 was fatally in lured Wednesday when he was knocked down shaft at Leitch gold mines He was struck by sinking bucket while repairing machine Thomas father of three chii dren moved to Beardmom 100 miles northeast of the Lakehead from Kirkland Lake last Janu SIC Hails7 gun to urge rein in ofregfl ons covering li The government was urgéd to regulate trucking rates by Arthur Child tPCWentwortht who said big trucking companies are squeezing smaller ones out of business Both Mr Child and IR MiMy ers PCWaterloo South called for higher pensions for widows of workmen noting there are 3000 who still get only $50 month because they were owed be fore the $25 increasejn 1952 Mr Myers said Ontario as Canadas leading industrial prove incer owes debt to these womenTbey couldnt sue their husbands employers under the terms of the Workmens Com pensation Act Freshman member lionMc Neil PCElgint urgeddhe gov edtmenL to establish beach park at Port Burwell Within 100miie radius of th area is almost half the pop ulati of0ntari he said nuns PHARMACY sion FharrnacistJ Fred Edwards PCPerth praised abill intro ducad in the New York state sen ate thatrestricts sale ofpatent medicines and requires pharma cists to tell custotners if drug to or habitforming fl is time when some drug stores have been turnedqintol glorified five an

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