on T0 eonsmca soon Barrie alletar team will The youngsters have been take part in the annual Little working out twice week at League hockey tournament at the Barrie Arena in prepara Godorich later this month tion for the big day Pic SPORTS TYPE ay srsva Ionasoo spom Editor LEAFS FINALLY THREATEN Its taken em almost two full seasons but the Tor onto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League are finally threatening to make the playoffs And the Leafs did it all with two blgrwins over New York Rangers last weekend At the moment the Mapleos are just three points back of the slumping Broadway Blues And they stand good chance of pass ing them The Rangers whove gone nowhere but down in the last month are desperate They are so desperate that they are being counted on to blow the biscuit and drop into fifth place The Torontonians on the otherhand are hot do hot that they feel they can whip anyone The Montreal Canadians Boston Brains and Chicago Black Hawks turedherearoafewoftbe stars From left to right are Don Atkinson Terry long and Ronnie Roycraft Examiner Photo by Jonescu Riehardsons Covered Selves With Glory By MuiNimE noon Special to The Barrie Examiner someones Scotland nie Cadadian curling champions the Richardson family rinkfrom Saskatchewan have covered themselves with glory and en hanced the reputation of Can adieu curling in Scotland in de eating crack Scottish rink skipped by notedvcurler Wil lle Yoinig of Airth tho Canadi ans demonstrated brand of curling which critics declared had never before been seen in the British isles They made clean awaep of the five matches played in different parts of Scotland and according to the curling expert of The Scotsman of Edinburgh it was doubtful if any Scottish rink would have held them on the form they dis played gt The Scottish rink made reel fight0 lt in three of the five are assured of playoff berths so theyhnve no worries mahu maym me luck Thus hopped up performance by the Leafs could mean victory over any of them The Rangers are wonu lJï¬m Eh dering whatsgone wrong lately While theyre trying to figure it out they may forget to play hockey This is what the heads want and hope Also the Leafs are getting leading performances out of their big men Dick Duff Frank Mahovlich Ron Stewart George Armstrong and goalie Johnny Bower have been slightly lessthansensational in the Leafs closing spurt These hre the ghys who were supposed to lead the club ali season They didnt Guys like Billy Harris Bob Puiford andTim Horton were the big men Va Now all are playing the away they should making the Leafs thecontender their talent indicated they would be and say wliatthey like about Bert Olmstead we dont think hesbeen tower of strength for the Leafs RecentlyLln Toronto newspaper reports its been hinted that he was responsible for the 20goalperformances of Ron Stewart and Bob Pulford Thats laugh Pulfordvisin his third year in the league and has always been eonsldereda goodhockey player Stewart is enjoying one of his few full seasons asa forward He could always put the puck in the net but notnuite so easily when playing defence Still we lookJar the Leafs to make things mighty rough on the Rangersand the rest of the league And we wouldnt be too surprisedlf they made the playoffs and caused iotof trouble in the postseasonplaydowns as well JUST NOTES Billy Dyment is getting around pretty fwell these days Weve seen him downtownquite often epotential win ners each member of the rink playing from first to last with the poise of real champion USED PQWEB PLAY The Canadians gave the per fect illustration of the powar play employed in their country Unlike the Scots who base their allround game on cannle draw shots and raises the tourists hit everythingln sight Their uncannyaccuracy staggered the crowds which gathered to watch themin Edinburgh Perthvand Ealklrk To their undoubted striking ability the Canadians also added sure touch on the draw when needed and were master of all the shots onthhir side nightrhavemade lupr same Corps School Wa inseam May lioliï¬ontiiiue Puck Wars €58ng ii Brown Bomber Honeymoomng LOS ANGELES AP For me heavyweight champion Joe loch and Mrs Martha Jefferson Les Angclee lawyer are honey mwning here after their marri age last Wednesday fouls 45 has been married twice before His second marri age to New York beautician Rose Morgan ended in an annul mentFeb 24 He was divorced am his first wife Marva Trot Mrs Jefferson is who has highlywoceesfui legal practice in Lee Angeles has been married three times before She is the daughter of Pasadena Baptist minister lioimie Jacques To Praï¬dence Normand Jacques the brill iant and sometimes fiery net minder of the Barrie Flynn for the past two seasons has been called up to finish the season with Providence Reds of the American League Jacques received the good news yesterday afternoon and be leaving for Providence to ny He will beinthe nets for the Reds Saturday and Sunday of the Flyefl said he felt Jacques would to alright in the AHL Hesgood enough for thatleagust saidEmma Barry Lumley who guarded Hap Emma ownercoach jThe average age of these the acts for Providence most of four curling experts was under the season was promoted to so and this was major factor the Boston Bruins of the NHL in their victory The rhythm couple of weeks of their athletic slidedeiivery Don Simmons undeggntw siiéigi fwhitewashee last Thesday night he Armoured Corps Tankers dropped the Service Corps School entry by 156 157 and 1512 counts to bring their season win total to 54 in 38 starts The Medical Corps en Iry moved into third place tie with the Wags by dumping the iptcrew 52 155 and 1513 and RDU nelters also moved into contending spot when they knocked off Tpt Coy 158 153 and 151 in the easiest verdict of the night The Apprentice soldiers picked up an easy three pointer over the Provut entry whove failed to show for their playing data over the last three weeks and have apparent ly dropped out of the net derby Bordens major hoopsters ran through three gamesthis week to finish their schedule All three contests were in the no count bracket with the Tank ers Wage and lnfanteers all assured of piaydown spot while the Media Transporters and Apprentices were out of the WM and just playing for ar Only three of Bordens male majors managed to dumpeoougli linnbcr last Thursday night to catch spot on the loopa men tion list Herb McMuilen of the Wheelers registered 300 sin glsthenwentontopileupa 749 threesome to pace the to team organization Bill Mikula of the Lucky Strikes ran up 122 for three and Gerry Simmons followed with 7M Eileen Viilcneuve pickedyup the Grey Cup awardwith her 310 single this week Lil Kosher made off with thelted Cap with top threesome of as and Verna Sziihyi missed the pins for to earn the Pogo award Doreen Whalen scored dou ble barrelled win over the dialt left side of the hiesday night mixed major loop She rattled home 261 single to take up the high single for the week then went on to regier the top triple of the week with Rolly LaFonteine scored the top single game in the mans division with 339 while Bernie Collins hit for 685 to topthe three race MURDOCH ownern ALIGNMENT Chumads memo omamcmo andistrong sweeping never fal tersd But theth significant of all was their matchhardened toughness At no time did they appear ruffledandwhen for once in whlle they found themselves in dangerous sit uationthey producedth brill TheCanadian visitors with recently Keep up the good work BllliBut dont rush it their esuhble temperament and Another reminder toyoung badminton stars Ifyou wish to take part in the Georgian Bay Championships in Midland give Mr or Mrs Fred Anderton call The local challenge match between the Press Radio and TVmen ahd the Municipal Police officers has been planned for April sounoslike another red letter day for theBarrie Arena Hocxrvqiircoiin by THE CANADIAN rnnss National League Eastern Leone Johnstown Philadephia Eeshofseven semifinal tied 22 Clinton 4New Haven Montreal Clinton leads bestofseven semig Boston final 14 Chicago Ontario Senior New York HullOttawa Kingston Town Kingston Twins bestof seven Dem semifinal 43 one game tied Thunder Fly Junior Port Arthur Fort William Fort William wins bestofscven finaiAli Boston at New York Americaailenlue gfield Cleveland splay protested calm bearing wereworthyop ponents in asporting sense In playing sense their curiing was revelation Unbeaten on the tour these young lionsf looked well igh unbeatable Athe rilegiving ceremony after the final game inthe Fal kirk Ice Rink William Reld the master of ceremonies and chairman of the Scottish Whis key Assoclationwhlch promoted the tour congratulated the Can odious on their skill and their fine sporting behavr Mode TolrNiodsure cmomm in Jacouu is quite elated about muggy1w the promotion and hopes couple of good performances DA 82202 will enhan his ce chances of stay 103mm appendectomy ing inths Ami or even moving to the NHL nest season They are between the cuisines They are firthe New Stand The supply wont last lirgos had 5250 Preferred Seots left tion stadium gave us 22590 This makes it possible for us to offer for the first time in many years preferred be tween the goal lines seat for lien Subscribers ing to new subscribers outside of Toronto mm DELAY Thosooner FiLLiN THE ATTACHED coir me new is assess Provide Each application subscribers Iapplicatiou immed mam gm cm iaielyiwe will be waiting to be firstserved basis mg rao FOOTBALL AT ITS assr Ple reserve for me Seasonilcketlsi at$160083r 52 one includeJevcn league games plus oa spectacular AMTF MEAL CLUB LIMITED Our move the New flirtrim seats between the goal lines fsuï¬ightGame Mark For WingsWilson Sat Iymmflflm mmdddduh In th Malawiinnit first To IL Ba TORONTO CF The Globe and Mail says summonses have been served on Rochester Red Wings Buffalo Bisone Ford Frirk George Trautman New York Yankees and all other clubs in the international fugue on behalf of the league players association The story says the summonses were brought by players repre sentatives Eddie Blake of Tomato Maple Leafaand Bob Lennon of Montreal Royals and charge among other things Agreement and rules of the Naï¬onei Association of Minor Baseball Leagues violate gen eral business laws in the state of New York Also that contracts of all in ternational League clubs es en players are null and void in viola tion of employees rights Aiso that clubs be enjoined from enforcing salary limits and from taking any disciplinary sc tfon against players Frank Horton president of the Red Wings was quoted as win is hammer that he figured the summons was test case against baseballs standard contract Under United States federal law baseball contracts are exempt from antivtrustlsws but if state court should rule other wise the federal courts would NowNylon Sqfeiy is when be fooled former teammate Ted Lindsay on breekawny Serve Summonses 11 Clubs have to take another look Ro chester and Buffalo are the only two international league clubs in New York state Ford Prick baseball commissioner has his ofï¬ce in New York City and George Trautman is pruldent of the national association he newspaper says the Yanlt km were named as New York stalehuslnees owning the lLs Ricimond franchise Meanwhile the story SAYS all membei is of the players associa tionwho had adopted No Sigi in 99 motto because pen sion demands were not met by clubs have been advised by their lawyers to sign 1959 can tlacts 1955 and came back to the Wing lashinde also laycd lei wing and stood five feet 10 inches with playing weight of 175 pounds halfinch taller and five pounds heavier than Wilson in his NHL career Murdoch scored 34 goals and collech fl assists while Wilson has thus is counted 121 goals and assisted on 137 His best season was his first full oneisszsswhen he had 23 and 19 respectively George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrie PA N1 VBUSINESSOPPORTUNINTY Are you interested in developing and owning your iwn fuel oil and 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