Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1959, p. 1

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mm asng CANADIAN cmzsnsmp ludge Donald Modaren QC oiliciated when group of New Canadians received their citizenship papers at Elmcoe County court house ryesterday In addition to their papers the new citizens tenderly of Germany italy and Holland received Maple Leaf pins courtesy of the Ca tholic Womens League Mrs McCann immigration con venrr for the northern region of the CWL right presents one of the pins to Mrs Anna Luzatr Arming the so receiv log citizenship papers were front row left to rim Konarskl Mrs Catharine Ko narski lira Wanda Szmidt backrow left to right Joe Smildt and Paul Luczak Duty To See No Law Broken In Nfld Strike Curtis Sclys ST JOHNS Nfld CPlNsw foundland government policy on law enforcement in the loggers strike was set out in statement Jam 12 by AttorneyGeneral Curtis Mr Curtis said that as attor neygeneral he has nothing at all to do with the quarrels of the strlke or with the right or wrong of the strike Man is Guilty Killed Brother WALKERTON CBTheodore Cutting 33 of iiepworth Wednes day night was found guilty of manslaughter in the Oct ti fatal shooting ofhls brother George 29 The Ontario Supreme Court lury which heard evidence in the twoday murder trial returned its verdict at 845 pm three hours and 55 minutes after it retired Mr Justice John Wilson Isald sentence wlll be passed ME 28 halve as Cutting rema ne 1m the jury delivered its verdict firs mother Mrs Hilda Cutting went to the prisoners box as court adjourned They shook hands then Cutting kissed his mother Earlier the jury heard testi money from four defence andtwo prosecution witnesses Most of the evidence was medical in na ture Wednesday 10 witnesses were celled including the ac cuseds brother Elwood 31 ser iously wounded the night oi the slaying and his mother Halt Sitter Ads In Some Markets TORONTO CPtThree spokes men for supermarkets in Metro politan said here that their companies willh no longer carry babysit on ces on public bulletin boards in their storu AttorneyGeneral Roberts indi cated Tuesday his department would request supermarkets to stop accepting babysitting adver tisements after it was learned yearold Patricia Lupton stran gled Monday night in suburban Scarborough answered call at her home in response to such an advertisement onions mwonxnna LONDONFiRcuters Will Paynter 55yearold Communist leader of the South Wales min ers hasbeen elected secret of Britains National Union Meworkers it was announced Wednesday FederalProvincial Tait Talks Liberals CCF LaunchlDeinands OTTAWA CPlThe Commons Opposition hes launched fresh dc mands for federalprovincial tax conference using words of Eoveroment members to bolster their arguments Liberal and CCF members Wednesday dog into old records of Commons debates and election speeches as they opened criticism on government proposal to con tlaue for another year exist lowestsharing arrangemen with the provinces The government wants to stand pat on the change it made in January last year increasing to Is per cent fromlo the prov mces share of federal personal income tax consonants rnonnsen William Banidicks finance crlti ter said the goycrnnient has My only duty is to see that the law is not broken by either side His statement said All public roads must be open all the time to all the Queens subjects who want to use them lawfully and peacefully No person is allowed by law to to Stop touch interfere with or obstruct any other citizen in the use of the public roads Use force or violence against an other citizen no the public road or private funds or anywhere else Threaten to use force or violence against another cit izen on the public roads or any where else Interfere with another citizens property on the public road or anywhere else No citizen has any lawful right to Go onto the private property of another citizen or to remain there without his permis CANADIAN ARTISTS sion Advise any citizen or citizensto do any of the unlaw ful things mentioned in this list On picketing Mr Curtiss statement said Peaceful plckeilng is lawful Picketing becomes unlawful the minute the pickets use force or violence or threaten to use if or gather around another citizen in such numbers and in such man ner as to frighten that other citi zen Picketing is carried on for the sole purpose at letting other peo ple know that strike is on Pick ets are not allowed to stop any citizen from going or coming Plckets are not allowed to lay hands on other citizens or to threaten todo so They are allowed to carry pla cards onslgas saying that the strike is on but these signs must be pcaceablo in their wordlags Singer Charms Local Audience The charming presence and artistic ability of soprano ilona Kombrink last night made what was difficult program end at timesvunfemlliar to many of the audience an enjoyable and memorable recital Miss Kombrink opened her ralt cital with the aria Porgl Amor from Mozarts Le Nozze di Fig aro music which displayed at its best the singers ability to sing legato Two songs by Hugo Wolf Auch Kleine Dinge and Wenn Du Mela Liehster followed Wolf is noteas to sing and in theie two him are Miss Kom brink showed her versatility The songs oi Marx are not so familiar but the two chosen for the recital Waldseligkelt and Und gestern hat or mlr rosen gebracht were in keeping wrth the program and worthy of the attention they received from the audiences AN ACTRESS But Miss Kombriak is some thing more than lust singer She is an actress although throughout the evening she nev er let this fact encroach be yond the limits of good concert platform manners With the slightest indication of her handsshe conveyed fully the depth of song This was best illustrated in her singing of five Wesendonck Lledersby Wagner Here Miss Kombrlnk with all her artistry successfully sub dued untimcly applause mu tine atthe Central Collegiate change in the existing agreement Murdu Martin CCF Tim rriins recalled that in 1850 Mr Diefenhalrer from Commons Opposition seat had said the then Liberal governments taxsharing proposnrms aa final as the laws of the Medea andPerstans flitlld left no opportunity for negotl NDJCEANGE use words Mr Martin Mid Apply to the present gov erorneat even morsvlthan they ape plied to nuolciiua Hm Mlss Jeanne McKenzie The slightly metallic timbre of the singers voice was well suit ed to Wagner and she was least natural in her singing of Mimis Addi fromLa Boheme Nor ice so suitedfor Var dl Morro Ma Prlma in gras ia from On Ratio in Maschera WELL RECEIVED Unexpectedly the audience en ioyed hector all group of three songs PoesicPersiane by San tollquldo The second of these was outstanding for the dramatic effect attained by an increasing monotone Miss Kamhrink then introduced her audience to two French composers Cheussnn Le Temps Des Lllas and Debussy Man dolins both of which were charrmngly sung The program ended with three bEellBiisild slang byI Samuel Bar rw rove wothiags that is anc almost in possi anguagc an that Miss Kombrlnk is sixfifglcient ly an artist to glvefull value to cad by consonants By way of encore Miss Kons brlnlr sang llioved You from Carousel For oneatleest the transition from Wait to Hem merstelnw too abrupt Her ecnnd encore Love lsin my heart belied by it Hunting ton Woodman was morevin coping with the whole program Miss Kornbrlnks accompanist was Mario Bernardi pte sidantyof the Barrie District Col lagiate Band ably introduced the artist in this thesecond of porter of concerts under the auspices ofthopsrrle Collegiate BendlMother Association The lrd and last afrthevsories will torlum on April it and attirethe Collegiate hand with 12 pledge Join ch Oust Union Executive sfinouav car an atom of that cats Manna grasp pledged to seek affiliation Illl won our ml so the International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Inn slate headed by Don Gulls recvool nearby GsrsenNoelon Township scored virtual clean sweep In niudays voting re t°lwi° by on The H00Mriember Sudbury cal the biggest Canadian unit in MineMill which was expelled tram the old Canadian Congress of Labor 10 years ago for Corn munist domination The Congress of Industrial Organisaqu in the United States took similar action year later Defeated in the voting which saw nearly 9000 ballots cast were president Mike Sclski and 10 of his 11 executive members who organized so 87day strike last year against the Interna tionai Nickel Company of Can adn Group to Study Fluoride in Ont TORONTO CP An Ontario study of fluoridation will be carried out by committee to be named shortly by Premier Frost It will home all the powers of royal commission such as to subpoena witness and hear sworn testimony The Canadian Press Tuesday erroneously used the term royal commission for the group to study water fluoridation as means of combatting tooth decay among dilldrsn Premier Frost announcing the inquiry niesday said it would be handled by committee and would prefer to use this term rather than the more formal ex pression of ro ai commission although it will ave such pow era Call Oil search Air Crash False UDNDON AP Thesearch for plane reported down in the modapiiblic strikescnrrirnitteeofstrikcrs vlvcsdcfledaimtmprolcstsad gt rsilyatwblcb resolutions passeduiilng fo avoteofstrikenonwhetber ocnntiauc the walkout chevergl of the wives lad on rail telling them to call off the rally Mr Solskl said the union had nothing to do with the threats Mr Gillie who will take over the presidents post April won so overwhelming personal victory over Mr Solskl 5629 vote to 3830 Other members at the new map also scored decislv vi tea in the elections cm Nels Tblbault national presi dent of MineMill said there were only trivial local matters to the upset month He said there was no maior division between the groups and felt the new ex ecutive would continue with militant fighting union Observers hm slid Mr Glllis and his supporters began their election drive about three wséks ago supported by union members who have opposed Mr Solskla group for several years and others who were dissatisfied with the last strike TENPOINT PROGRAM The group campaigned under the title of the committee for democratic leadership and pre sented 10polnt program headed by the CLC proposal other pro posals cell for greater unity in union ranks economy in the to ofunor united tins and Viviant an honest and core ltd telIn the No Postponement la Demerit System TORONTO CHDeputy High wnys Minister Collins denies there will be any further post ponemaat in introducing the drivers downerit system in 0a tario it now is scheduled to begin April Commenting on mart Tiiu day that the plan would be de layed until after the next pro vincial election Mr Collins said Wednesday the system wlll start April it has already been set back two months from the original starting date of Feb to allow more time to inform the public how It will work Mr Collins said the question of further delay had been raised by Opposition leader Wintermayor in Monday nights sitting of the legislature and was emphatically denied at that time by Premier Frost Opposition Protests Doubling 0i Seaway Powerhouse Costs TORONTO CPtTha Progresv slve Conservative majority on the legislatures committee on commissions Wednesday blocked attempts by the Opposition to learn why the costs of Ontario Hydrosaew St Lawrence sea pony way generating station had al most doubled Hon Robert Macsulay Hydro vicechairman and minister with out portfolio snapped its sub iudlce John Wintermeyer apposed pay ing an 911200150 bill from iro after Liberal Leader English Channel was called off quols constructors for extias Wednesday night and the Admir alty termed the crash report false alarm Residents on the isle of nghi off the southern English coast had reported seeing distressed plane The islands radio station broadcast distress callgaying Displaaa was anvAmorlucnn mil ltary craft and that it had plunged into the sea Search craft were ordered to resume normal duties alter the on the project Dr Otto Holden Hydros chief engineer said the contract for the powerhouse was let for 11 40038 negotiated down from iro quola original bid of 373937450 tlIe highest of three bids Since then he said another $8000000 Admiralty said thecrash report Ir was false Bertha Morn Whyie Toltegister Home roaouro cr Welfare Minister Cecile says Bertha Mom Whyte is going to Apply for certification by the provincial governmentafter two year battle with the province The minister made the state ment Tuesday night after Whicher brace asked if Premier Frost had out with Mrs Whyte The remier hadssked the Bowmany women to meet with him last week about her re fusal to register her home for children under the Childrens Boarding Homes Act Mr Cecile said Mrs Whyte en tered hospital before she could taikwlth the premier but her lawyertoldhlm steps were being taken to bring the Whyte home under provincial regulations Mrs Whyte 42 entered hoslt pitalrMondey fora maior opera tion Tuesday bill was person making any person lodging child in an unregistered home 11 able to $200 fine nxrm LARGE BEEFBTEAK TOMATOES N° 6w DELICIOUS Juicy rinrirrirs SEEDLESS RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT mews FROZEN MIXED VEGETABLES BEST Buvs near our sow sumo save to MARGARINE had been paid out under contract provisions Mr Wintermeyer said that if Hydro had originally secured performance bond there could be on further claim from the com cant see why we have to pay any more Chairman Hollis Beckett PC York East cut off the discussion saying he did not feel Hydro should have tb divulge its plan for future negotiations at Wed nesdays public meeting Asked why lower bids by Pitts 3180070691 Perlnl And Sons 322552295 had not been considered Mr Macaulay said the estimates of the first corn pany were unreasonable and the second company already held 0000000 in contracts on the United States side of the project 53 25° liaisons coco 29° 00009le ran 29 53° ii in row La Pads 49° BEST any merma deszco save an PET MILK is queer size 5105 BEAT BUY YORK HOMOGENIZED IVANHOE TUMBLERS OZ PEANUT BUTTER Pox55° BEST BUYi PTLLSBURY LAYER VARIETY SAVE 10c CAKE MIX 2n oz 95 BESTBUY SUCCESS HEAVY DUTY SAVE PASTE WAX pm more sass any mcaasoaLssvn me 4e are PACK is Oz tn CHEESEISPREAD Theres Red and White Store Near You FLEETHAMSJ so asss horn 49 ORBES neoprene HAYES smmmmflmmn¢ Shotgun Blast Hits Dmggisi Robbery Attempt is Foiled WK Ont CPtDnlb store mat George many Hands was in fair condnion early today with shotgun in the face inflicted by one of masked men who tried to rob The two men walked into Mr Maguires store in residential section at worthnull Windsor few minutes before flnio Wldnesday night do maoded may and shot him before the eyes of his wife when galclued and tried to fight them Mr Marvin 50 received the shotgun blast from close range on the right side of his face Ipolkesmamdi alum Dlsu How blood res toss 4Year Extension 01 Draft Passed WASHINGTON AMTho Sen ate Wednesday passed dun year extension of the peacetime draft and related military man power programs Ths legislation now goes back to the House of Representatives for expected agreement to Sen ate amendment extending extra pay for medical specialists 400 Executions Toll In cuban Tribunals HAVANA APlThc unofficial toll of Cuban war crimes execu tions rose to 400 Wednesday with thedeath before firing squad of former army captain Oscar Guerra Amsdor Premier Castro announced at the height of foreign crltlcism of the operation of revolutionary trl bunals that no more than 400 ad berents of oxdlctator Fulgcuclo Batista would be shot Also unmet bioaim pellets In very the store John Allen 17 tic we sent haste tut aflerflutnientformioorwmmds EdiTut wife Gin detained in hospital fordybealtl meat of shock The men fledemptybanded 33Mile Railway To Arch Suburbs TORONTO CPiCNR Fresh dent Donald Gordon Wednesday night announced an $00000000 plan to shift the Toronto main operations of the railway to 53 mils line arching over the citys northern suburbs Mr Gordon said the new facili ties to be completed to four years would relieve the cooler tion of railway operations in the Toronto lakefront area and clear tht way forindustrial commer cial and residential expansion The CNR president revealed the plan to representatives of To ronto arca municipalities after the Metropolitan Toronto plan oln board had unanimously ap proved them The nmllc line would run from Pickering to Motion 085 ing the townships of Pickering Scarborough Mark ham Etobicolre and Toronto Everything For The Photographer Visit Our CHINA flfll hummus nouns noon svsussir FOR BUSINESS MEETINGS wantinsz ausmss INCHES BANQUETS RECEPTIONS FAMILY DINNEES QUEENS HOTEL 94oUNLor ST charmer DYSDNS GHERKINS FEATUREl miiivoa GARLIC DYSONS DILLS summit is rro ALUMINUM rally HOT BUNETTES PHONE PA 82424 is or JAR 33 uozlyan 29° 39 FEATUREl PURE ENGLISH BREAKFAST SAVE on FRYS COCOA FEATURE IDEAL FOR PASTRY SAVE to mouse FLOUR FEATURE NATIONAL SAVE dc TEA BAGS swan phenom rrVeul lront llollsr lluilerliali lllllliEYS BWIFIE PREMIUM FRANKS us am no SWIFTS BLICED Eversweei lilltitlil ansnroansr no6 sijc sos canto Boneless No Waste 79 53°i BWIFTB PREMIUM GRADE PEEDREESED to lbaugt LB 45¢ to season are

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