Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1959, p. 4

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Published by Canadian Newspapers me new sneer Barrie Ontario Paaz roux SATURDAY mill nrrouar informed Public Opinion Best For AntiInflation Btressing the need for individual cit tune to cultivate informed opinions on maior aspectsofpublic affairs James SDuncan Ontario Hydro Chairman singled out inflation as national prob lem which dwarfs all others in its sig niflcance Mr Duncan told the annual conven on of the Ontario Good Reads Assocl ption in Toronto this week that the problem facing Canada is not one of runaway inflation but one of gradual and progressive erosion of the purchas ing powerof our currency the most serious andrpressing threat to our econ omy is the continuance of cost infla tionwhich will result unless it is check ed in our gradually pricing ourselves out of our overseas markets Pointing out that Canadas prosperity is largely based on foreign sales of basic commodities such as newsprint iron ore copper nickel wheat and uranium Mr Duncan said that natural resources are of value as an export only if they are competitive on world markets He em phaslsed that Canada does not have monopoly on natural resources He urged members of the audience to cultivate an intelligentinterest in public affairs and to be vocal about their opin ions fIf inflation is to be halted this will in my opinion be accomplished by the weight of public opinion Human nature being what is is inflation is unlikely to be resisted by governments unless their leaders know the people as whole are determined to keep costs of production within competitive range and to main tain sound currency regardless of the sacrifices involved There is still time for us to choose between remaining competitive and able to sell our goods on the worlds markets by the application of selfdiscipline or drifting alone and finally submitting to the ruthless disciplines which have ever been improved by the free economic sys tem upon those who disregard the laws of survival he said Many Canadians take for granted the merits and blessings of the Canadian way of life and consider it as something which is static which is here with us to DISCRIMINATION BY UNIONS Windsor Star Some words change their ucce ted meaning within relatively brief time en one now speaks of muffler one normally is talking about contraption under the hind end of an auto which subdues the noise of the emanating exhaust Yet when now middleaged people were boys endglrls it meant something quite differentIt weaan article of apparel designed to keep the neck throat and upper chest warm in chilly weather Nowadays scarves are used often with Opinions of Other Newsp stay regardless of ourattitude toward it Many of us in our complacency Mr Duncan continued do not seem to real ise that our system of government is be ing threatened today as never before threatened not only by the impact of other ideologies but by our own lethargy towards the inflationary forces which are undermining the purchasing power of our dollar and our ability to complete in the markets of the world The sucCEss and preservation of Can adas democratic system is contingent on the existence of an informed public op inion he added Let us prove to ourselves and to the rest of the world that we still know how to make democracy work that we are prepared to make the necessary eac rificee and to impose upon ourselves the necessary disciplines to safeguard the system of government and the way of life which has done so much for each one of us Turning to the subject of rising pro duction costs the Hydro Chairman said no single group can be held responsible None of us is blameless we are all standing in line asking for more more social legislation more bonuses more wages more holidays more pensions more good roads more luxurious public buildings more leisure more security It is this very asking for morewhich brings about rising costs and inflation and tends to destroy the very security which we are asking for Canadians must learn that real secur ity for the individual Mr Duncan added requires more than legislation alone He said many countries have passed admirable lawsprovlding for lifelong social security butthe crushing bur dens of high taxation necessary for their implementation have destroyedthe very security they are designed to provide Fundamentally the only security which anation can have is the security which flows from sound economy Mr Duncans pertinent serious state ments should be taken to heart by Gan adlans in all walks of life politicians labor management and just plain every day citizens or face the inevitable con sequences apeis indifferent success Unless scarf is knotted or otherwise firmly affixed it fails to meet its purpose ideally Boys and girls of earlier generations were familiar With one particular pattern of muffler it may not have been thing of beauty but it did serve its purpose well It was baby blbllke affair with wide neckband The bib covered the lower throat and upper chest Buttoned around the neck it kept in position Growing lads often rebelled at this type of muffler in the idea itwas bit sissy Butit saved many led from the grippe peneumouia or worse News of Former Years FEBRUARY 29 1939 An accident on the first hill south of Fennells resulted in Russell Warnica 22 and Allan Wer nica or both of Aliendale suffering fractured legs south bound truck slowed down and skidded causing tractor trailer to jackknife Paragraphicelly Speaking Those folks who save money Miss many things funny Atomic research has produced an 113 proved peanut Its pity theres no way to use atomic energy to improve the peanut politician Man should stay within his place In inner not in outer space eople says Castro Well yes and no tsgbad forthemorelewhen they lose good for it when they win It coststhe US almost as much to launch asatelilteintc cuter spaceas it costs rich parents tolaunohe aught er upon the sea ofvmetrimonyn subscription auto 0411 isMyear sinusoppyse 99 Jim WP across the road where it was struck by the War nlcs car On motion of Aldermen James Garner Town Council accepted an offer of from Reid for the old Fire Brigade sleighs which had been lying in the town shed for several Years One troublewith quite afew old peo pie is that theyre yapping when they ought to be napping Its great plty humans dont have the capacity for physicaladaptability that insects do It isnt long after an in secticide is putinto use that insects become immune to it and soon thereafter they bagln eating it as tonic Gambling is bad forthe morale of It seem theres always bright side dentist says biting the fingernails is good for the to If person has an unusually strong constitution and doesnt abandon his will Ito live he can survive severe virus infection of his amidships clockwork treet corner ogier sys automobile en acturers are badly mistaken if inkhthey invented swivel seats chloride woman told authorities cv because she felt shagcould muc better Job raising him thathis parents were doing Ifall opl ho believed they couldexoeil certain parentsin rearing children were kidn dew hudren Tin7 BEABDED mm accom NorthBooanza Raises location union machines Spudl For nobmo Examiner OTTAWATM Dlefcnbshr governmentbusfrleodiymon little vision whids could turn our northern development into VISION orpeltwlthldoiisrsign flle big gamble of the hunt for oil and neutral gas in our Arctic lslsndslsgoingiosetwrnorlbs land sfire and some of our avis uon companies might well hav bsd little vision there them selves to auto workhorse planes for use in our Arctic in Ilcad of bellysoiling because the guardians of our tax dollars called but to the construction of an obsolesoenl war planed lt1 Pope Aims Win Back Old Diséident Group By NIGEL RYAN VATICAN CITY Reuters Pope John XXIII is launching campaign to heal the breach with 150000000 dissident Eastern Catholics that began 1500 years ago with an argument about the true nature of Christ if he succeeds the total nurn ber of the worlds Roman Cathu olics in full communion with the Vatican will reach an estimated total of 600000000 In his first utterance on being elected supreme pontiff last Oct 20 he made call to our sep arated brethren of the Eastern churches to reunite with Home Then on Jan 25 the Popcsn pounced the convocation of an ecumenical council ofthousonds of senior preletes and wise men of the church designed accord ing to an accompanying Vatican statement as an invitation to the separated communities in quest of unity causes THAN arrowsrams The Eastern communities that have broken may from Rome but preserved the apostolic suc cession are considered schis matic in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church But their orders and sacraments are recognized as valid and in certain clearly defined cases Roman Catholics mly avail themselves of them other Christian communities such as the Protestants whose orders are not considered valid are regarded as heretical Cur rent opinion in the Vatican isthat these are urilikely to be main objective of the council The main reason for the sep aration of millions of Eastern Christians was the establishment INTER Dangerous Berlin Spreads EastWest Distrust By JOSEPH MncSWEEN The apparent deadlock in the Macmillan Khrushchev talks raises the possibility ofilnited Nations intervention in theler lin dispute Prime Minister Macmillan has stressed all along that his mis sion to Moscow would be essen tially political epxloration He would try in faceatoface meet ings to discover in which ifany areas concessions might be pos sible He would not negotiate But the British prime minis ters rank and stature lifted the conference far out of the routine category and gavaritacertaln summit implication Under these circumstances the Soviet premiers eruption 011 Tuesday all but destroyed what ever hopes there might have been for sensible and responsible aw preach to the bot Berlin issue ruins POSITIONS The belief isotropy that if any common avenue for future ne gotiations could be found the rpatienland experienced Mecmilg lan would find it PremierTKhnIshchevs bl ewtfiom President Eisenhower Wednesday the reply that union threstewouidnot per westv to give on in the Middle East of Constantinople as second Benet known as Assyrian Chris But the prospect of huge new oilfields and ass wells especially at time when we already have gas coming out of our ears fur ther south has also raised the question Who will buy our Eu That in turn depends upon the answer to the quertioo ftiow will we deliver our gas And the answer to that one should come easily to any Ceno dish for it is simply by fries inl It it has been discovered that natural gas when cooled to 250 degrees below termturns into liquid form and shrinks to one simhundredth its norlnol gore eous volume appears to be the way in which we can deliver our gas to any market anywhere in the world trial shipment of this super cooled liquefied gss or methane has been despatcbed from US Port to laindon It can be ex tracted from the earth processed sad shipped to Englandfor some thing less than to cents per thou sand cubic feet That is approxi mately onethird of the cost of artificial gss currently available in England And it is slightly less capital of the Roman Empire In tians they use their old Syrian um um 55 cent par thousand the fourth century The new capital quickly out stripped Rome in importance and the eastern emperors used the patriarcbs of Constantinople to contest the supremacy of the popes inBome TEREE MAIN SECTS Thc separation of the two foun tain heads of Christianity de veloped slowly over 700 years The final rift occurred in 1054 when the legatcs of Pope Leo is or the altar of St Sophie in Constantinople the document con taining the exconununlcatlon of the patriarch Michael Cerulerius liasucCeelded in draw ot theEastern bishops to his orthodox side in the schism although the Russian 0r thodox Church abranch of the main trunk of the Orthodox Church did not break with Home ImiLLthe 12th century The Orthodox Church though split into many subdivision is today by far the largest group with patriarchates in Comlan tlnople Antioch Jerusalem and Alexandria It covers the Ortho dox population of Russia Poland Czechoslovakia Romania Hun geryLBulgarla Yugoslavia and tin Baltic countries OTHER SCHEME Although unable to calculate what inroads the Communists have made into the Orthodox comrmnlities the Vatican cites rough figure of 137000000 fol lowers Another group known as the Nestorlans was numerousonce but now totals only about 82000 pmmcrfis Newso Impasse dangerous in itself it is also spreading distrust anew in other contacts between East and West Khrushchevhas come close to wrecking the Geneva conference in which disarmament negotialt tions have been under way for four months In this situation some eyes have turned toward Dag llam rriarskjoid secretarygeneral of the UnitedNatlons who in the past has acted as lightning rod in coldwar storms notably vrsrr scarab DOWN llsmmsrskiold is seeking to play down his forthcoming visit to Moscow but diplomatic circles nevertheless are speculating on his possiblenlc in easing the Berlin tension The United States has said it wiil take theiseue to the UN if the Communists actually block Western access to Berlin Some observers believe that an earlier UN debatn on the subject would show upand possibly exploder the more blatant aspects of Khnishchevs stand before things get worse As far as Hammarskjold is personde concerned he has thus far maintained bandsoff poiicy buthc alsohae made it clear 44 trul eh mic thlsipsrflculsr hecan if the big powers seek 114 his help polar states in discussing the matter Thurs chev Elle planning the Moscow visit since ast year but he also said he idea would not dodge the Berlin gues dange ofwai on ifjltls rs ed by the Rusv vpresecvsticn that hes ready to do whatever dayghe stressed that he hasbeen litury and classical Syrian lan guage Their priests are entitled to marry after ordination The Monophysltes third schismatic sect numbering about 8000000 today are subdivided into the Armenian National Church the Jacobite Syrian Church of Syria and freq use Coptic Church of Egypt and the Abysslnlsn Church nrrsrcvm mortals in most cases the doctrinal dif ferences with Romeere relativ ely simple and in the who of the Orthodox churches revolve around their refusal to recognize the authority oftbePope But faced with the complexities of organization of the Eastern Churches their strong national sentiments and the fact that abIut 130000000 followers are under Communist domination the Vatican has no illusions about the size of the proble ins unity NAME in THE Teaching Led Into Municipa it takes school teacher to reallylrnow person well and when one has taught school in of creat the same place for 30 years there are lot of folk in the city whom he knows well and vice versa That explains partly at least the popularity at the polls of Arthur lMorrow Harrie Al derman since 1955 and now as acting Mayor only the second official wearer of the citys new formal chain of office cubic feet which large industries would pay for Albertansiursi is supplied by TlhnlClmldl Pipe Line Thus it appears that our abun dant natural fuel can be deliv ered almost anywhere in the world at truly competitive price Some idea of what this might mean to our economy can be gleaned from the estimate um Japan whose present population is 90000000 souls might ufckly build up to consump on of 90000000000 cubic feet of gas per year That is four times Canadas current consumption it is 60 times our totalerpurts of garpiped totbe United States during 1957 That export to the us earned us paltry 32000000 Incontrast the export of gas to satisfy is pans estimated demand would yield about $450000000 to Can adas gas fields and pipelines and shippers We This American Politics Indian islands health ministef And that raises Win mason side to can plan us in from Just as the his Greek shipping interests recently led the worldsv largest oil terrier built in Japans shipyards so we would hope that whoever under took the shipment of Canadas nemrsl gas oversees would place orders for the special gas tank era in Canadian shipyards Bearing in min the likely source of much of our exportsblo Ensnamely deep inside our Am tie Circleanother exculfla plo ture Is conjured up Last summer during visitdn side our Arc circle heard our governmeu sbl ping experts talking about cfuelled ice brukers and etcmlcsubraarint tankers Such Jules Verne isn tuyfor so it seemed st the time did not make sense to my 1050 mind But now its 1959 and big international companies are rssdyvtospend millions of dollars looking for gas in our Arctic so it must make sense for them to spend millions of dollars to get it out of our Arctic too And that lesds us straight to the reality of etchile ered ebbrnsrlaes few in sir of submarine horses in the only navigable watersin our Arctic namely the waters beneath the froten surface of the Arctic Ocean where navigation is cheaper and easierthan on the surface of any icefree ocean Well that is the dream And the idea of Canadian natural gas being sold in Europe and Asia and Africato our great financial bencfikdoes not seem too cram to some of the imaginative trade and shipping officials in our gov smment Such development is no more than part of the Vision which did not seem too crazy to millions of Canadian Voters year ago CGli Co Awarded $9 Million Order TORONTO CF ThICana dlan General Electric Company has been awarded $000000 United States Air Force defence contract The contract is for heightfind ing radar equipment for the Pine gee radar line in northern Can Herbert Smith president quipme CGE said most of the will be built in Toronto sitable pelcentage will be subcontracted to Canadian sup pliers thereby making substanf standal contribution to on branches of industry he said Mr Smith said the companys existing facilities and worlr fom will be sufficient to handle the contract Preliminary work had already started on the order and the first units of the order were scheduled for shipment this year Try Dispel Fears Of Iungle Fever roar or SPAIN Trinidad CWTrinidad plans to send team of medical and pub health experts to Washington II an attempt to dispell fears onus by single case of jungle yell fever Dr Winston Mshabjr thisWest said theteam would publicize th fact that the single case dis ered week 074185 been iso lated and cured The score has kept several cruise ships from making scheda reservations cancelled be taught two generations of Barrie children at the Cents Collegiate startingln 1922 when there were only 10 teachers on the stall there He says heoften bad students say he had ts their mothers quit when thought they would be saying taught their grandmothers Arthur Morrow was born on farm in Hastings County and went to the local little red school house He went onto Stirling High school and Queens University Then came four and half years public school teach ing and two more with thearmy He was influenced to come to Barrie byairold fdmily friend the late Girdwood who retired in 1945 as principal of the Barrie Collegiate It was the same Mr Girdwood Who caused Mr Morrow to take up politics However he was taking an active part in public life before he wentto the council He chair ed the committee charged with rebuilding Trinity Church which had been destroyed in 1034 by lightning and subsequent fire Later he was member of the committee whichlbuilt the church hall He is still sldesmsn of Trinity Church He is go on the Scout Group Committee in Barrie although he doesnottake any scoutmas Ier dutieeug His only club is the Curlmg club He has been an enthusiastic curler for years andvlolned the club soon after the newrlnk was opened Service clubs No Mr Mor row explains he is not or join gr Enelywauld loin an mung ou pu some it and he has little time for more activities He married the former Doris Robertson since arriving in Anrnvn Monnow Barrie and they have two boys and two girls all nowjgrown up There are fivegrandchildren BEADS sensor combine The alderman nowheads the senior of the councils standing committees that which deals with finance This is keeping him busy these days because thk is budget time Demandsfor grants and appropriations are flowing into the committee and Mr Morrow has been waiting to see what the Ontario Government is going to give by way ofgranis From what read in the paper it looks as if the gr are more favorable to tho cl he cements As sooner official confirmation from the govern ment arrives his committee will get down to deciding bowmucb money the city will needtlus year and how much must be raised from the taxpayers Mr Morrow points out that the city has little control ver exv penditure of much of th taxes raised The Pub chool Board the Collegi to board the Parks Board and up to this year the Countyof Simone allrneke their appropriation through council The rapid grown of Barrie in the last decade hasbrougbt manystrengers to the commun ity andMr Morrow confesses he now doesnt know all of the poo uiedcalls at Port of Spain only number of hotelsreborted some ple of his churchor in his worth as he used to do But most 161k will remember him particularly as the man in charge of the city inaugural ceremonies last New year lie collected that job as air mannf thecommittee for web fare recreation andgcomm services an offshoot of once whose work is being done this year by the finance co mittee An indication of the his teem in which be is held by his fallow councillors came when ll members were lectedes men of the year At the next Council meeting two aldermen privately wre proached the writer for omitting the name Morrow and one other stood up and protested during the formal session suggesting the Examiner owed Aldermen ArthurrMorrow an apology an sssenting murmur came from around thechamber Mr Morrow retired rorn lug last summer his last big extracurricular job there be lng to organize the band ception after the overseas tour As treasurer of the bandffo years and town alderman job naturally came to him Now he looks forward to more spare time to devote to public service It seems his retiremep may be only nominal in is excess epreslnn We need all our faculties at their best ml

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