es Iossorontio Ree liberal Choice In DufferinSimooe New Canadians Provide Musical Program for WI Churchill Womens institute By BG 3A1 public Service to our readers we took trip over to Everett to have personal inter view wtth the candidate who will adeavor to obtain the seat in the riding of Dulierlnslmcoc for the next federal parliament for the Liberal party Burns Wales well known tobacco armor who is Reeve oi Tossorontio Township We iound although we had pre arranged the interview that we had hit the busy candidate at time when he could not spare us many at his precious minutes As hcad oi the township he had two earlier callers the road supervi sor and another municipal oiiil rial Although our appointment was or nm Mr Wales or should we call him Bernie which seems to be the name everyone knows him by is also on the road committee of Simcoe County Council and they were holding meeting in Barrie at 10arn This is just daily routine wth him He was booked to speak the same evening at Dr angeville Mr Wales came to Simcoe County about 15 years ago when at the time he and his brother began buying up land which was considered tobaccegrowlng soil They bought several farms In the area north of Everett The plan tation knownas the Pine Ridge Farms is well equipped with dry kilns and greenhouses where the crops at this 300acite farm is grown and matured Tobacco is not the sole crop however they grow corn and last year the crop was one of the few which matured on the stalks and was oi top qual ity However Bernie is not alone in this business two oi his family of six are in with him His young est son Lar is the head man when the ad is away on the home place Larry who is 24 this year will cast his ï¬rst vote tor government candidate We did not pin him down as to how he was going to vote but from his face when his dad wasmon tioned it could easily be seen who was his ideal Bernie has been in municipal lite aimost as long as he hasbeen in the district He tookadvahA tage of the second election after his becoming member ofvthe township council to run and be elected as rceve He has contin ued since in the leading rolls for Tossorontio He also takes an active part in the tobacco growers association It is time that wl had gov ernment representative in this riding he claims lils iamily of six consist of Rob ert teacher at Beeton Don who is buyer for the imperial Tobac co Co in Montreal Douglas who operates tobaccoplantation at Mansï¬eld few miles west oi the home iarm Mary Lou who is married and living in Windsor then son who has his own arm at Everett and operates together with the home farm on which Larry is acting supervisor when the dad is not about Two greenhouses are tilled with nunNs WALES small tobacco plaan which are Just nicely lcaicd out These will hetplnnlcd out when they are about six to eight Inches high which is expected to be about the third week of the month to plant the 40 acres oi tobacco land this year Double the number at plants are grown than are anticl pnlcdlio be required or the plant ing as winds havebccn known to cut the young plants oil by blow ing the sand against them They are quickly replaced Corn planting was under way on the sons inrm across the road Bernie is very optimistic about his political campaign so far He feels that his chances of winning the riding are better than aver age There has been no sugges tion of third or iourth candi date in the ridng it is likely that it will be straight twoparty tight There is one thing it the riding can be changed from the 31year Consers vative occupation then Mr Wales will be the one to change it He is candidate in whom voter could place conï¬dence There is no doubt but it he were elected whether ior the govern ment or for the opposition he would have the interests oi his constituency at hcart and anyone could eel that they would get his assistance if needed He has been doing this for the public ever since he came to Simcoe County Ah my Cleopatra my Venus de Milo did leave my glasses behind yester day 110 All LIFE INSURANCE POLICYHOLDERS met in the Community Hall this month Seventeen members and seven visitors answered the roll ball Vegetable fruit or flower beginning with the ï¬rst letter at your given name The motto very appropriate tor May was What woman needs it the garden is cast iron back with hinges The treasurer Mrs Watson reported that $42 had been sent to the Cancer society Mrs Bonney and Mrs Allan were appointed delegates to the district annual to be held at ivy on June CANADAS NEW AIRCRAFT CARRIER HMCS Bonaventure carried out ilying trials in United Kingdom waters recently with two IMPORTANT Retirément SavingsPlans Eligible for INCOME TAX DEDUCTIONS The Income Tax Act Canada was recently amended to permit individual taxpayers to deduct from their income within certainlimits premiums paid for retirement sailings Plans in 1957ï¬nd lateryears The savings portion of either new or an existing life insurance policy may be qlioli ï¬ed as retirementsavings plan Existing life insurance policies therefore need not be 3111 renderedin order to take advantage of this tax relief The bssible advantages shouid each case be co tion to the restrictions req by law to be included in savings plan to make it eligible for the deduction and in relation to the policy holders own particular taxcircumsthnces Policyholdérs interested in the newldeducn lion shoirld consult th lii insurance under writers or their companies THElIF NsunANcsaV Mrs Bonney district direc tor gave ï¬ne report of the cm ccutive meeting at Cookstown on May The highlight oi the meeting was four musical numbers given bYNew Canadians in native dress Mrs Jean iiawryluik and Mrs Louise Alle sang duets accomp anied on the guitar by the latter Two dance numbers were given by Mrs Hawryluik and Mrs Bella Kash The president voiced the appre elation of the group tor the moat cal treat The members welcomed back Mrs Todd president who had attended the threeday oiiicers conierence on May andrlo One thousand delegates irom Wis all over Ontario metat OAC to discuss mutual problems hear outstanding speakersand join to gethor in recreaton Mrs Todd gave splendid report touching on the complete program STEAM cnrarnrxr Conadas new aircraft carrier HMCS Bon Banshee Jet lighters and two Tracker antl CHRISTENED was impressed Wm aventure carried out flying trials In United the fashion parade given to show the change in dress over the past 60 years to represent Queen Victoria Queen Mary Queen Mother Eliz tute catered to hot turkey supV throughout the election campaign emotion appeal ls Kingdom waters recently with two Banshee Models were dress jet ilghters and two Tracker antisubmarine submarine aircraft which were flown over seas from Canadaior the operation Tracker makes pass over the carrier be fore landing on aircrait which were flown from Canada for the purpose The steam catapult gets its first customer as Banshee begins its headlong rush along the deck during 13th 965W anlannl Dclence Photo usually the abeth and our present Queen per tor the Chilli Willi Junior is that all candidates will argue cover tor weak cascEstevan Many other costumes have been Farmcts Parenls banquet oi fashion down hundred and 20 attended SAFE Arrnoncu The one thing to be desired gant talk though it may bavellmNTlNG PHONE PA 324 the height through the years since 197 On May Id the Womens insti AGENERAI MéfORS VALUE nusmsxr One the merits of each other Loud Tandem Iranian Modal their respective Sask Mercury parties withsane approach quiet argument and due courtesy to and emava CALL The mm so yum Tandem EuchrModel wlm rant mt Modl wrssa Dump uni Medalist PickUp Modal m4 tin thebusineSS Wherever blgjobs are beingdone Chevrotaijrueks are there putting their mightier kind of muscle to work Chevrolet are Cannrlos hus lest trucks by wide margin because theyre the unbeatable chiupset every weight clossl Next tinie youre out check the trucks you see at work It Wont be long before you get the message tmckaiter truck from lively pickup to giant load hauler is aChevrolct And thats not hard to understandBc cause truck buyers who know their business know that Chevrolet trucks give more onthejob hours more operating economy more hauling eftici cncy than anyothec trucks bar none Loolc at the facts Engines thrifty 6s or mighty V8s every great depend ablc Chevy engine delivers the right horsepower the usable horsepower for your job gets the most out ofevcry galonof gas Transmissions only Chevrolet has your pick oiiiydraMatic Powcrglide or Chevrolets tamous synchronresh transmissions StylingChevy has modern Worlc Styl ing that tits the job gives you more efï¬cient loading longer life Handsome WorlrSt le cabs bring youpanor amic Visibility concealed Safety tops HighLego ventilation andeth advantages in Get the whol revolutionary new Powermatic that gives you easy cï¬cicntautomatic shift ing through iorlyard eeds with directdrive cruising economy Or take mus out FIRE HAZARD COUNTY roassrs General showers across Simone County May in and ii sharply re duced the tire hnurdwblch had been in the high and extreme bracketlor in days in the Sew ern mvar Managementflnit pre gteipitation was very close to Vt and new growth in iorest cover and ground vegetationhn devel oped noticeably Nine tires werereported and extinguished with total area at approximately 63 acres burned over number of tin oowr red during the early part oi May outside the tire district handled by local brigades and municipal rganizations ray AN cxammca winsr an ruona PA out smu nowr Mimi row cinnrluc outliers to ith worm Guarantee Aurtonizrn irrational service anctrnnr IMPERIAL on Forcomplete heating satisfaction arrange weather ntiolled furnace oil deliveries EsSo Evergreen ontiact 6N5 rrttt rat has or your moms ninrcronv son OulMEAREsTEsso sunrisaozarsa