ea and mm In men dopted lrr Elmvalc for root orists who disregard tntllc signs and bylaws Serving as warning ato olienders the card requorta future coopcntinn and extends welcome to visitors to return be ready and sure oi passing highway safety Vcheek by police few moments spent in our expert repair shop Jwill pay dividends In safety economy and pleasure Mm claim Service Manager at DANGEBFIELD morons LTD PA 82487 or Collier so chowcookieS°°TD Large Crowds Prize Winners duringtheï¬nai three days otlha fourth annual Lohlaws Cooking School held in Barrie last week at the Roxy The atre were as folio WednesdayMu Jefferles Perry St Mrs Alice Ney 14 Ilenry St Mary LIccy Hayï¬eld SL Mrs Daley 91 Sanford SL Mrs Reta Butler I33 Owen 5L Mrs Duggan 121 Worsley St Mrs Ncy 70 Wellington St East Mrs Muriel Schllht 109 Henry SL Mrs Sadie Brown Queen SL Mrs Margaret Valley 12 Maple Ave Mrs Agnes Wynes 144 Era in lilrs Beatrice Brown 68 Maple Ave Mrs Wes Symes 82 Peel 51 Mrs Chees man 48 John iicld99 Sophia St West Thursday Mrs Richardson 177 Mary 81 Mrs once Grcen 101 Maplc Ave Mrs Hazel Iean Kirk 125 Henry SL Mrs James Atkinson27 Gowan SL Mr Douglas Chown VISIT THE BARBIE KENNEL CLUB SIIOW SATURDAY MAY 18 10 am to it pm TE CANADAS BEST SHOW I955 INSTRUCTIVE DUCATIONAL ENTERTAINING am 500 CHILDREN 25c SAVE LIFE wiser to no rnrirrcur nrsrimioii Classes held each evening at the St Ioh Building Rooms in the Municipal Mir l3togt18 at 800 pm For further information Call Ms2316 SPONSORED BY THE nation nunsnm AND BARRIEAMBULANCE DIVISION OF ST JOHN AMBULANCE M0illEilS SPECIALS 71500 COLD WAVE $1000 COLD WAVE siiiW $850 If your hair isnt becoming to you you should he coming toRose and Bob in Allandaleior to Marie in Barrie 305 gt HarrStyIrng 33 ESSA ROAD PAT 874722 ZMARIE Beauty Salon 27 Mom ave to favorite city She months of the year travelling on holidays andhas covered great change clothes rew Ma ny Wm rs so DIrnlop St out Mra Prune ray oilMaple Arm Edythehwr enee 127Mary 5L Hrs Jean Pea cock 22 Boys SL Mrs Erma Tay lor 64 Mulcaster St Ellie Ban nerman 13 Feel SL Mrs May Covert 72 Newton 5L REMHIV erson 13 St Vincent so Esther McLean 38 Park St Mrsdoan Harrison 84 Mulcasler SL Mrs Cora Dempstar 54 Eccles St North gt It FridayMrs Mariaric Kain 10 ParksldcD Ena Miller in Or chard Dr Mrs Pattcndcn Cundles Katie Macdonald 115 St Vincent SLL Mrs Gosney 50 Pcnctang Mrs Len Wilson 81 Pcnetang St Bockman 1M Eradford Sh Mrs Wintcrhum 30 Donald SL Mrs John held 105 Collier SL MrsLen Coupland Margueriteï¬zsNapicr St Mrs Wellington Dohson lift Kay Sorneman RR Mrs James Grok 86 Owen St Mrs ll Wynn 61 Owen SL Mrs George Miilholland Strand Mrs Elsie Clay Rogers who conducted thcvsehool comes from pioneering family of Indiana The cooking school operates throughout the Province of On tario for three months in tho spring and three months in the fall Its ohicct ls to exposethe housewiie to new products and newways of doing things Mrs Rogers went from Barrie to Fort William and then on holidays She was hcadingfor Vancouver Seattle and San Franelsco hcr spends six part oflthc world Last year she holldayed in Honolulu and the Bri tihsWcst indies She finds that fashions In food faster than those in She herself changes her recipes every three months 3000 Volunteers CD Exercise tContinued from page one college personnel and other gov ernment department representa tives will he manning the Ara prior control centre Observer teams from Federal Civil Del icncc Administration Battle Creek Michigan the Royal Can adian Mounted Police and the armed services will also he at tending It is anticipated that similar appointments will bc made from provincial govern ment departments to be located at provincial control centres fence coordinator will head an exercise directing staff of 100 Representatives of this team will he locatedin each of the fully participating control centres where they will develop the exer cise by interjecting situations rrising from the theoretical nu clear attacks on Canadian cities itial action for Cooperation will start at live oclock the afternoon of May to and continue through until after midnight cise the federal control centre at Arnprior willbc fully manned Similarly provincial and munici ed depending on the availability of civildefenee volunteers and the centres participation in he nationnllest exercise Barrie Notakiug Part Barrie municipality wilivnot be taking part in the exercise be cause the civil defence organinh iion of the town is not yet com plete AVM Cullc eivll defence coordinator for Barnle will be assisting the regional staff dur ing the exercise at the regional office situated on 0wen Stre north of Collier Street CALI rrm EXAMINERFOB PRINTING PHONE PA 1sroassvounruns or AIR VALUATION QWTH For inrrvidual care bijour furs and winter garments store them with WIGCINS FURS Barrles Exclusive Furrier who makes ad to take care of your furs furs only and therefore knows reactant rites SERVICES may com amnion race amt Con numerous SMALL riarams norm rims May 16 Hi pm Young May 11 During the 36hour exor pal control centres will be stafl arch Refrigeration Rummageisale Friday May 17 from Lat to 4pm in St Geor ges Parish Hall BurtonAvc 5557 Rummage salc at lOOF IHall Collier St May917 auspices of Ilebckah Lodge Doors opcntrom pm to 9pm 5557 Spring Bataanï¬and Attcrnoon Tea Golden Star LOBA 551 AIL andnle cringe vliall Thursday 5550 Dance in BondlIead Community Memorial Hall every Saturday night sponsored by Anglican People Paxtons Orches tra Admission 50c 521i Birthday tea and bake sale Wednesday May 15 pm to pm Central United Church Sun day School room Baby sitting providedAuspices Junior WA 5556 Graduation tea Prince of Wales School Wednesday May 22 ans pices Home and School Associa tion Sale of home haking Tea served pm to pm Admis sion gt25c 5558 Flower arranging clinic IolIEbrtitY bynamtrrrorucuttarar Society commences 730 pmWed ncsday May 29 Teacher Mrs Cox Class each Wednesday of June Toregister phone Mrs Johnson PA 82554 or Mrs Bert Cook PA 84084 5557 if mount an IHE TIME Emmy no hit nordown and Ihen tiredout heavyheaded and maybe bothered by hachchu Perlupl min seriouny wrung jmt temporary mi wallet Thats the time to take Dodda Kidney Hill Dodda Iimtrlato the kidneyr and in help mrm their numul action at removing our acid and warren Then you IeeI berm deep heifer Wk better Set Dodda Kidney Pili now look or lle blue hogwiflr the red hand at all dniniria You no depend on Budds 52 marke CE Pompano Cun dies left wasluciq WIIIIIEI attire grand prize at Loblaws Cooking School last week Frigidaire refrigerator donated by Mon Co and presentedhy the condition roused by emu acid and hm manag afternoon oven Borden Miller nib Mrs Elsie Clay Rogers centre conducte school which drew record at tendanceseach EELEfS CORNERS isupday Grrelfsfl Sunday guests from Queensvillc with Mr and Mrs Joseph Grooln The annual Plantand noot sale sponsored by Ladies Auxiliary to Iiiona Club of Barrie for welfare work beingheld at 130 Coiling wood SL corner Cook Saturday Mayli commencing am Dono tion of surplus plants or roots grealy appreciated Pickup call MrsArt Webster PA Mild 5455 Second annual Shorthorn Show and salesponsored by York0n tario Shorthorn Club at thc1Uxlt bridge Livestock Sales Barn Barri to he government inspected Date Tuesday May 14 1957 Show at 1230 pm Sale at 100pm Bullsisold with Government prem iu lflFemalea For catalogues write Duncan Mciavish Secretary RR Uxtirldge Ont 5255 Bus Tour sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society to Allan Gardens in Toronto James Gar dcns in lsiington Hamilton Botan ical Gardens Toronto Garden Club Flower Show at Casa Loma Take lunch Leavo Wellington Hotel corner am May 15 Fare $3251 plus aflmisaiontogt show Home by pm Ehone lPA 83749 or PA ilat45 for reservations 558 and Ihmily were Charles Cream and Miss Elizabeth Cronan and attended the opening oftha new Holy Martyrs Iloman Catholic Church lnBradford ToroatoViaitorr Mrs Dales and Mrs llDales John and Ronnie of Toronto are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales Mrs Iollnnumhle was del egate from the Hollows WI to the intentions Immune nouns mme scorerignoring OPEN narurro 910 1pm wanna stay T9 330 pan nssir noon Phone PA 82823 BABY cARRrAGrs Theunost versatileurriage on the criii or carrier car ringehlshchair and stroller air in no for Lloyd Durable Strollers Pc Sklarline nrvinonooin surras rpose Ille er Ru roe nutc Wlt Comblntlnn Dependable qu ii it our mans EXAMINER LATE was until pm and it your carrier ha not arrived then call PA 82433 Copy Will Be Delivered lo Sour Monte HER isno CHARGE FOR Tnisssrwlc director meet ing Monday held at Cpekatowu MlasAileco Gardener Russell andllowud spent Sunday at Guelph guests of their brother inlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Hmld Wright Recent visitor at the Gardener home was Miss AimaSComer of Newmarket was 17mwzvsr Youi Loni WIIIII IVNIo Mr Pm nun upon no you ll brim pleasant workin five day Stale experience and salary ltllh 1051 Apply in own it Fri with Societoriol ability preferred It to assist the Principal of new Co in horrid llogialo conditions week with Summcr Easter and Christmasholldays canceled duties to commence July andwriilng to Borfl Barrie Distric collegiateuustitutealloard SA PARKWAY MARY ST BARRIE Each oi oi quainy mue cool you baln will add to your satisfaction Next time you are ordering give us call we know we can please Call us too or Building Supplies wohave aIu1l range 8246 39 thousands offcusromer have often found that leading to some until beautifully equipped isatily have tobc high taï¬ordzour type of me Actually the reverse and thesmarrescstyl series and Sportswear The realgsatisfaction such clothes andjrhe cant afford to buy wowi FCR 1M Eas Evangeline has tofoffera our orsumc an If proof Vvere needed itlrerhundrcdsof we serve every year in our presentstores would probably suï¬ice But inbpening newstorc we appearances are this they get to know us They just take forgranted that in such stores priccs notes and that they cannot rchandise is true Our whole husiness is gearedroï¬ndin the best there is at the lowest po sible price so that you can enjoy good quality good ï¬t good wear as in all your acces you get inWearing agenuine saving you makc by buying goodqualiry will soon convince you that you not only can afford to shop Evangeline butthar you simply unrilyou sec what liltnihio accessories and Sportswear or Woman