Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 May 1957, p. 1

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MONDAY WEDNESDAY ana FRIDAY Serving rus TOWN ottoman AND COUNTY or smcoc Since id 93rd YearNo 55 single copy Iconu etaaa mam emuum archunu 3000 co inlaid re lo CONSERVATlVE LEADERS SPEAK TODAY lN BARRicf SUPPORT LQCAL NDIDATE tive Policy Speaking at Farmers Union meeling at Elmvalc recently Haber Smith Progfessivcvcon seryjtlvc cand ate for Slmcoe Notth restated his view thatgthe Coniervalivc policy mus the to keep agrlculturc strong He he llevcd that policy which provid ed price support for farmers on fair prleMost relationship would result In agriculture rc eelvlng is reasonable share of the national income ltwould bring stability to the industry The farm problem ls that the Change of Staff Kali all Nérth Simcoe Agricultural Office North Simcoc Branch of the Ex tensionServiee ot the Ontario Department of Agriculture rc pnrts change of staff effective May William Kcll who has been Assistant Agricultural Replt rescntative for the past year and half has retired from the ser vice Allan Wail from walk Nerton Bruce County has been ap pointed Associate Agricultural Representative for North Slmcoc as of May Mr Wall BSA graduate of the Guelph OAC in the Farm Economics Option 1948 For three years he workedwithlhe Ontario Labor Service and lnthc fall of 1951 was appointed Assistant Ag ricultural Representative in Bruce County where he has done an cellentjob in 4H Club and Junior Farmer work He has also had quite hit to do with farm man agement work and this experience will he most welcome in North Simcoo where we have two farin management associations and inan requests for an expansion of is service Mr Wall plans to make his me in Barrie and he and Mrs Wall bave threeyoung children Janetd John 23 and Barbara under one year Thc farmersand farm organiza ations ofthis areawill undoubtw edlyjoin the cal Agricultural Office in extending avery welcome and best wishes to Wallandhis family farmer is caught in the squeeze between rising production costs and unsteady and falling farm prices said the candidate He commented on the lack of capital in farming today it was an industry which required very high capital investment and yet the investor had to be content with modest returns on his money Today more than ever before farmer needs capital to bring his farm to economic size to mechanlze it in order to meet the increasing shortage of farm labor and to change his methods and crops to meet modern de moods Main Capital Source The main source of farm cap italls the Canadian Loan Board an organization suffering from vital defects The maximum Canadian Parm Loan Board mortgage is $2000 but whatgood is this whcn we have unequlpped 100 acre farms in this county selling for $25000 The maximum percentage of CFLB loan is can70 of the valuation This is discrimination ar atown dweller can borrow 90 of the cost of an NHA house buy Why shouldnt you have something equivalent The Jun lor Farm Loans can go to 80 of appraised value whynot the Canadian Farm Loan Board In this age of specialization more and more farmers are hav ing to specialize in order to keen on farming Yet certain classes of specializing farmers are ex eluded from the loans Why shouldnt specialty farmer tobacco farmer for instance be able to get loan under this Act We must thereforelhavc four changes in the Canadian Farm Loan Board The maximum amount of the loan should hc increased and Valuationsbrought into line with reality The percentageof the loan in relation to the value of the farm should be brought more into line with NHA Loans under this set should he made to apply equally to all farin ers specialists and general tobacco farmers and market gar denersos well as mixed farmers Asthe value of land deprec tatcs if at all very slowly these loans should be verylong terms Orderly Marketing Commenting that the Liberal Government had continually sulr ti United States interests Mr Hebe Smith suggestedrfive methods for the orderly marketing of export ordinated Canadian policy able agricultural products Tariff concessions to coun tries who buy Canadian agri cultural products Barter of Cinadlan agricul turalv surpluses for needed imports Use Canadian natural re amines in demand to make 1e sacs or package deals whichwwonld Idlan surpluses Provlde an exportdsubsidy to allow Canadian iigricultur to meet world If products prices Control the dumping of foreign farm surpluses into Canadian market by sliding scale tariff Three load heasons There were three good reasons said the speaker why there must beprice stabilization in agricul ture in the first place the fam er was true slave of nature which ould take him from abund ance faminc overnight Secondly farming required long range planning and thirdly when the product is ready for market the farmer generally has tosell it He cannot put it away until priee improves There must be an agricultural formula which will guarantee decent wage for laborand capital investment The goVlt eminent must have legislation Linnagknws lniosing theSc ice of William oyha demon 13 no whichjwilli provide fairpriee for the commodityin relation to tTlie efficient cost of production tion for marketing underpro dueer controlled arketlng scheme EETON missing from her Sun ay was found yesterday near datowelp 50 miles west here Provincial police Progressive and Premier Leslie Frost willboth speak tnsupport of Hebcr Smith QC Progressive Conservative can didatc for Simcoc North at Barrie today They will be speaking at meeting being held at 1001 Hall Collier Street at 215 Road roam DlEFENBhKllh John Dicfenhaker leader of he 130 Conservative Party ing names ensue inosr when théywill be met by the eat Progressive Conr servatlve Candidate and officials of the local Conservative party motor cavaleadc will lead th Conservative leader and Ontario Premier to the hall for the nicetl Following the meeting me of Mr Diefcnhaker and Premiercial party will proceed to Midi cutoff The annual BDCl Cadet inspec lucludc Can lion and athleticdisplay will be held in the arena on Thursday May 16 at pm This year with record attendance at the colleg me there will be more than ever before taking part in thlsaiinual spectacle Besides the inspection and march past and cadet training monocu vers ofboth boy and girl cadets lhe program will present physical education by both girls and Boys the BBC band the BDCI pipers band gymnastics dances The salute and inspection will be taken by LtCol iii Bate msn Commandant Royal Canadi an Army Service Training School Camp Borden Since the solute is taken at eight oclock and is pre ceded by the cadets marching into the arena and forming up for inl spection spectators are advised to be in their seats before eight oclock Weather permitting the cadets Thiéves Net $550 Collingwood From Two Premises Thieves netted over $550 in two breakins at Coliingwood recently They stole cash box from Gib main street which contained over thieves entered theoffice of Honi Dip Doughnut Company and took ly in silver In the latter case the change box had been hidden inthe office by the owner but the thieves had little difficulty in discovering it without disturbinganything else $400 At the east end of the town metal box containing $165 most Frost are due to arrive at the Essalnnd where Mr Dietenbaker will Highway 400 spcak this evening BDCIVINSPECIIONANDDISPiAfi Al ARENA lHURSDAYAMAY 16 led by the 70piece ancx band will parsich at seven oclock from the Municipal Building down Mul caster Street then west to the Colleglnte Tickets may be obtained from any collegiate student for 25 ents of lcersfor this year or iOC Cade Maior Ken Pratt second in Cadet Captain Alert command Both Platoon officersziNou CadetJ Lieutenant Garth Smallwood cadetLieutenant lohn Rich rd son No Cadet Jackson No CadetLieutenant Russell Brady No ieutenant Alan CadetLieut enant Bruce Chéppell ambulance CadetLieutenant Company SergeantMajor Price Quartermaster Ross Ralph Rowe Ralph Malcolm Girls Platoons 0CDorothy Dh vis Platoon Commanders Sally Jones No Nancy Durnfo Gail Kelso Nu Nola Nellie Rasnowski No Carole Orser Company Sergeant Major Jackson Mary Heavy Rain Was Much Needed cooler Today son Fish and Chip Shanon the The sweek ins been sbmé waimcr with frost on twp nights only and highest since Sept 13 1956 high of 79 on May Rain came on Thursday and eanlinued vstead fly into today relieving the minds of farmch and firemen Temperatures months that Gibson Fish and Chip Shop has been robbed Ori the previous occasion the thieves were caught and most of the stolen party was recovered must alsobe adequate leg mile soutlrof here since It is the second time in six prov fair returu= on warez rngh Low CuilDunnctt 27 second viiL Um of the explosion Far sauna nigh died Town General lloapitallate on chriesday afternoon He leaves his wife Mabelaad two children Beverley Anne and six weeks old Jacqueline hlaric Dunnett was the flrstto be rescued from the ruins of the boiler houchfcllowlng the capio aion atABairie Tanning Ltd on Sunday night Hi was severely hiirncd and injured and was rush ed to Toronto General Hospital for treatment The family at present residing at lift Barrie were expecting to move into town this Saturday Thcrcmoval has been postponed until next week Siaiiiéniiiih Old Paiish Hall EarlyVNe llWeék The last service to be held in Trinity Parish Hall Collier Si will he atthree oclock Sunday ernoonh service of viiig The work ofdenioh on of the hall begins next week On Sunday morning thafirt 50d willhclurned foi thc new building which will standon the old si in due coins in Theo Hewson one of the oldest members of the church willturn the first soil assisted by five young members of the congrega tion from the four corners and the centre of the parlle Thcy arc Badea Grlffin Allandale David Murphy fromthev Evelyn Kirk from the dies do Graves from the Gary Charette from Collier St the centre MlssJiowson wen tomiunday School in the presont parish hall and her mother taught there in 1876 six years after it was first erected at cost of $500 The contract for the new build ing has been let to Emery Engin eering and Contracting Co Ltd of Barrieat $127001 If is ex pectedthe final cost of the mod crn designed buildinghlnci ing es will be $135090 The work is expected tolbe om pleted and hehail in use by next Christmas Four firms tendered for the contract The round stained glass win dow of the present hall which came from the original church on Poyntz St is to be incorporated into the wall of the new build ing Two Cars Crash At Intersection twocar collision at the in tersectlon of Blake and Puget Streets early esterday morning resulted in estimated $800 dam sevcrely damage and side Margaret Gough 25 of Shanty Bay river of onenf the cars was badly shaken andbrui ed She was taken to Royal Vic toriaslfospital later for medical checkup The driver of in the front the second car simple ceremonylat 1045 Miss age to both cars Both cars were Summer Leaders Course Will Be Held at Stroucl Plans have beenvmade to hold playground leaders training course at ilolldny Acres Stroud Simcoe County Recreation Service and the community programs ment of Education in cooperation mittecs take part in this coiirse but it is essentially designed for people grounds The course would be helpful to day camp leaders camp leaders and hers lntcreslcdfin childrens act ties Young people from Simcoe 0n tarlo and the northern part of York County have already indica todithelr interest in attending COLDWATERC Eplctt protested tc council this week that boys were throwing fire crackers abwomcn on the streets on gtvillage streets and double parking was causing traffic haz ards Reeve Lawrence Devinc in formed Mr Epletttiiat plans were already underway to eirrb speed ing chnnection with the fire cracker nuisance and parking ng these matters wouidrbc elp He added that the mate terlot3enforcing the law in Gold ivater was poser for council Réeve Dev said there was no dbt provincial poliee con Save Life St John Brigade Demonstrate How During Save Life Week commencing next Monday demonstrations of artificial respiration methods will be given by Barrie Sf lohnAin bulance each evening at the St John room Town Hall Anyone may attendand learn how ti dpply artificial respir ation The annual inspection of Ihe localSt John Ambulance Brigade will he carried opt by 00L Sinclair Pruvlnv Yveial Commissioner for Ontario on WednesdayLMay 22 at the as was Cecil Blakey36 ofl Qro Station Library Hall at pm The public are invited to attend from June 23 to 26 This course is being sponsored jointly bythegt branch of the Ontario Departv with municipal recreation com Aiiyone who is interested may giving leadership iii summer play éara armingdriven recklossly Ptvblern the rccve said bylaws acted upon Manning Centres Approximately 3000 civil de fence voluatccra across Canada will be taking part in the first all Canada federalprovincialvmunlel pal civil defeoce exercise which is scheduled for this weekend May loli Joint announce ment with regard to the national Barrie Brigadei Appreciate Help Barrie Fire Chief it It lrwln and members of the brigade appreciated the as sistance they received In rec cue wprk at the recent explo slon at Barrie Tanning and thetea and coffee served to the rescue workeraby the Salvation Army asked for volunteers that night and everyone there came forward to give hand said Clich Irwin The work of the Salvation Army ln supplying tea and coffee was much appreciatr ed RdwclyiSm in Colclvvater Streets Complains Citizen to Council Problem of Bylaw Enforcement stablestationed in the village would maintain law and order but stated the cost would be pro hibitive Re€ently Colitwatér discontin ued employing constable Councillor Ray Mills doubted if making new bylaws would be of any use unless there was con slable to enforce thein Councillor Victor Turner claim ed new bylaws should be passed thus providing authority for ven forcement Clerk Chester Martin aid there were some bylawscove ng issues under discussion hich had been preparedsome time ago but not Hewas asked 010 cate these if possible andbring them before couhc Hydro Matters Crease ilEPC engineer from Barrie sat in with council for review of some Goldwater hydro matters He explained the basis used in arriving at power hills which the HEPC sent to municipalities Mr Crease referred to the pol icy of the Ontario Hydro of adopting uniform system of bill iug customers on the fringes of urban centres it was in this con nection timt number of rural consumers previously included in the Goldwater system had had to rural hydro consumers and billed accordingly He said it was the wish of hy dro that the procedure be under stoodby all users and he or other officials would be glad to explain any matters not clear Thosewho Turn to page three please be classified few years ago as Exercise Coopji and Ontario participation in the exercise waamadc by the Hun Paul Martin mlnlstcrol national health and welfare and by the Hon Nickle1°C mlulstcr of the Ontario department of planning and development the ministers responsible for civil dc fence at their respective levels of govcrnment The civil defence authorities of Canada and the Unitedstates have agreed ouscpanle exercises this year so that both countries will have double opportunities to observe and discuss mutual prob lems similar exercise will be held for United States civil dclt fence personnel in July Primary Objectivea The thrce primary objectives of exercise Cooperation will be to train control cantrelstaffs at all government icvclsto lest national civil dclenccancl inter headquartcrs communication sys veins and procedures and to study problems which might arise in the implementationof the na tional survey plan including its impact ou government depart mentsother than civi All provinces except and Prince Edward island will be taking part The criteria Control Centre will be directed by the provincial civil defcnce coordinator gtEdgar Beiroand his directingjtalf will operate under the instructions Adamsdoputyco rd parata municipalities will participate in the exercise through control centres and 1200 volunteer civil defence workers wiilrprovide the staff to perform the required control diitle hypothetical attack pattern has has rked out in order to produce realistic situation for the control rations The patternhas been de signed for the purpose of testing controlprocedures and communi cations andto teach certain set coted civil defence lessons to the many publ spirited citizens who have liluteered their services for civil defence in Ontario MajorGeu Worthington iv defence coordinator operations from the federal eon ol centre at the Can tives willbe manning the Arm prior0nt 40 miles noflthst of over 150 federal civil defence headquarters staff mem bers olunteers from the civil service civil defence omawa Turn opage two please UNUS LOCCURRENCE reserved by Mag Foster here yester charge laid by Barrie cb 21 against Rev

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