log foreign investment on Canadians toth their mow eludes share no on mm at pn adian rubsldiarlcs of Joreign eon ea he said but haventtaken advantage ofth portanities in the onto have done Mr Norman is urging stock ex cbengee across Canidaj to spear head an education program5 eouraging medians to become wesrrant to control nod aharevadequnely our country expander Inning more ac tive in providing financial means to carry it on he added wouldrlike to see every Canada rlan owning nature in atleaat one of our public corporations MONTREAL CP Unteu Canadians begin putting more money into their own develop ment thankmay wake up some day Personality Sketch William Thomas Stewartla well known resident of Goldwater who will be 77 on May llis iorbears helped settle this district Mr Stewarts parents were air and Mrs Thomas Stewart who By IDINB LE1HEIBY Freshly Packed Coldwater resident stated there was recent newspape item lamenting the fact that goods in stores came prepaclc mqu DEATHS Cane Soelety autistic allow thatzomgcmadians died of b1955 This lsalmost aged and doubled ii there was store in North Simcoe still put ting up its own produce It has been pointed out that Cornells store in Goldwater one of the longest established in the district rtill freshly packages its commodities right on the preml scs Most goods for the Cornell store arrive in bulk and large part of the staffs time is utilized in weighing and packaging sup plies bakery onthe premises stiii turns out homemade bread cakes and pastry CNIB Canvass Mrs Gordon lluniop 15compiet ing her annual canvass on behalf oi the blind Coldwatcrtinancial drive is linked withlitidland carn paign For the pastflive years Mrs Dunlop unassisted has been call ing at all local homes in yearly campaign for the blind Previous to that she helped supervise the Girl Guides who formerly collect ed for the blind in Goldwater inspection Ahead Recently school buses taking students to Orillia Collegiate have resembled military transports as the boys from this district have been going to school wearing their cadet uniforms in prepara tion for the annual inspection Bereavement John Waller Walker who pass ed away recently at Oro Town ship at the age of 82 was broth cr oiiitrs Ag Clarke Cold water and of cargo Walker Vic toria Harbour Cool Fishing It was sunny but cool Wednes day morning when trout ï¬sher men from small toddlers toï¬S yeamld Jack harnard tossed their lines in Goldwater Rivervfromthc dam at Epletts mill Joe Barden Dave Sallows and Victor Turner were among those who landed goodsized speckled trout Catches at favorite spots local ly and in the district were report ed on par with the starting day in previous years With the open ing day in midweek instead of on weekend fewer than usual out siders were seen among the fish ing fraternity lncreasedlulldin Goldwater Manning Mil op ating with increased staff to keep up with orders owing to marked increase in building activity in the district The Goldwatermill receives large percentage of its business from cottage builders inthls area and this line of trodejhas taken an upswing since the arrival of better weather In recent years whole new col onies of summer residents have sprung up at Sixmile Lake lea Lake Black Lake Severn Falls and other locations in the Severn River area gt how Water Low water in the Georgian Bay has aggravated the shallownesa oi Goldwater River makingnavrga farmed in Medonle township Mr Stewart Sr came from County Cr van Ireland and hiswite Mary Ann McPhee fromthe northot Scotland Thornas Mclhee cleared 100 acres on lion Medonteand later moved to Con Finally William Stewarts parents resided at Moonstone While living in bioonatoneWill iam Stewart learned the carpentry trade immRobcrt Cumming who now dividcs his time between Moonstone and Tornntn William Stewart marrled Kate McKinley of Ora downship They lived for period of years in Aurora and forashort time in fioronto For about the put on years they have livc continu ously in Goldwater The Stewart live kin Gray street east in Goldwater and have one daughter Kathleen whotca dies atCarley public school tiled ontc Mr Stewart has brother Alex of Winnipeg In thecourseoihis work as carpenter Mr Stewart built scv oral summer homes on the ch ern riverI and remodelled others Although not so active lately he still takes on the odd job The Goldwater carpenter rp ealls that his ï¬rst vote was cast for Bennett of Midland who later became Senator Mr Stewart saidan oneoccn sion his gnndiathcrrnnd grand mother Melhce walked from Top ontotoOro township stopping at nightto sleep beside log Mr McPhee who was book keeper owned anunusual set of scales known as Vstilllards which were widely used in Ora When he Ipnssed on there was nofcome tery as yet in Oro and he was laid to rest in spot on his own form When Mrs McPhce died Knox Presbyterian cemetery had been established She was buried there and the remains of her hus band were transferred to plot beside her Mr Stewart still has in hisposs ession an old set of brass candle sticks his grandmother McPhee used for light when Presbyterian home at Dro mahogany lahie with six legs whiehggrandialher MEPhee bought at Bradford when articlés from one of that towns ï¬rst ilotcis were auctioned fi prayer meetihgs were held in her THE NEW Lobk Personnelwho were informed or promotions atsrtclAEtstatfon Ayiiner effective lnprll Depleted fro Cpl Lance Bu left to right or Al WodeCpl eggy Mnso Munro ls moronAmateur 115 Ndpier street Barrie Ifopi watson Sis wife drone Moose Jaw For Parents only EliltIsI nrsfriiviéfiiiiir Ears dcservecare Hearing aids and lip reading do help in dividuals who are handicapped with deafness that many baby horn witlha normal sehse oflhearing through sickness or an accident loses this precious heritage Ear trouble Ioitcn neeompaï¬les or follows oneoftho infectious diseases such as scarlet fever or Severe andcontinuous measles colds sinuslniection tonsilitis diseased adonoids may produce swelling or an abscess in the middle earand causemuch pain Unless doctor is consultedrand his instructions followed to the letter childs hearing may be damaged Small children sometimes put tiny objects such as wooden head or abean in to their cars If mother can see the oblcctit can usually be taken out easily But if it has disappeared or ifit is stuck never use force or poke at it Wheneversin But it is pity oncyCleover doubt about conrpliea tions telephdne the doctors oitice Once in while small nrect mvy childslmar drop or twor ot warmed thutrarot hot sweet oil or castor oil bcdropped into the ear Wax should never be removed from the tarby child pokingfln match bobby pin or sharp ob icckflhereis too great possi bility of the ear drum being pierced orthe ear harmed in some other way Mother should remove the wax very gently from the outer ear it is hard in pacted or troublesome check with the doctor infections Some poople cann dive from high ee without protecting their tears from pos Swimming under water and div tion andbannedii ear or sinus discomfort develops Also inthe StcwartIhomIe isa flIIEsays hes nIpen pal of yours Audrey MOIE CASH gag THE gm mkmu 11 PAY BILLS LOANHEREPAYS summaries our ANDlEAVES FORA FRIENDLY WI MADE YOURWN WAY dUStPiiDHE 10R SEBIHE MANAGER TODAY loans up to Suiteunto SUI months to plkon loan 6m SSWI convenient onionwhich one yoqu name15 nayooln Strut and am OlinIA $1 Mislllllfl Street East an moc She is saving tuiiiiy new wnkhior her hushunds next birthday tie is sdving to help 1Iissnnand daughter get mood education Swimming in pnllutodiwatcrw can sometimes bcvblamed for card siblerupture of the earjdrum ingishould be done in modera elildai ear noiireamf any ind orlrducharge take the Inheron childrua have vipoor ihearlng andltiliiletcetstsnot detcev Wrestle do not ace allyvcornphin of discomfort the child is frequently in attentive when called if he is very slow to talk and his arti eulatioh ispoor parents should havefthe childs herring tested prrefnllx by specialist or phyilciun Elrritability and in tigue can semetimes be traced to partial deafness onthe part of both children and adults AIho childwho is starting to ohool usuallyis required to have medical cheekup Should his héaringrbe poor the doctor will discover this If mother is in doubt she should speak to the doctor of hlssymptoms Not allow children have beeniconslderedduilror have Stock Exchange and the Canad to find the countrys eï¬onomy in the hands of foreign investors says Henry Norman former Canadian diplomat Now president of the Montreal tan Stock Exchange here Noman raid in an interview lhe main difference between my present job and the diplomatic service is that today im trying to sell the country to Canadians lm stillvin the business of repre senting Canada tormerCanadianambarsador to Venezuela and coastheneral in New York he believes the Mr truancy problem because hateatbe selï¬olroorn then med always mrtho bottom of theelan Neithcri hls tcacber our parents have =reailudthat thereasons for his partial deafness No parent wants his 1h do anything but his school He sure your child is not endangered by suspecthe is handicapped con sulta doctorwithout delayand overcome =this difficulty EarsI best of care Copyright wunmsnsw ENTER trierer suru WINDPROOF IMCO mlighiulliil Milled Feailml ll yew dealr herfl tr and um Ma made very poor school grades nothearpMperly Every lit tle while arboy presents simply because they could itidliitiflflii moment our his utionacan be trlcrdto unnccessary threats tohis hearing it you give him cveryposiible chance to are preciousthey deesrvegthe aware inmoc Nrw110usasrotIrr odon multiplicity of chores foster and moreIeeonondcolly byeleclricity mans job is to new housoslo life electricity Long before thisnow house was Ontario hydro and you local HydroU planned ohend for it houseoncl many more likeii Increased powerIrequiremoiiis wereI analyzedLines were constructed and if necessary newtronriomer facilities installed For the occupants the flick of switch biing electrlcpowerjanrging to their the ddvanthgea in Officerslike Transom you plan youriestate proper zenitha lhmamlytbere will be minimum of deln conf ion and taxlos Sterii Trust Estate Oflicer teforo reehooicletfblvoprlnl