my tiffW SaturdayAprtl the twentieth 1957 at threethirty oclock MR AND MRS WILLIAM DAY United Church WMS Over 300 Presbyierial Annual Three hundred and 21 women registered at the 32nd annual meeting of Simcoe Presbyterial of the Womens Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada held in St Pauls United Church Midland lastWednesday Special guests included Miss loan Sum merville mi ionary on furlough from Trinidad Miss Audrey Me Kim editor of World Friends Mrs Charles Beaers of tho Dom inion Board and Mrs Howe president Toronto Confer ence Branch short executive meeting was held in the church parlur before thevgencral meeting The theme for the day was Christs in Faith and witness The presidentlirs Rob crthcLaren conducted the meet ing opening with hymn and prayer welcome was extended by Mrs Ruby president of Midland Auxiliary Reports of the different secretaries showed marked increases in work and fin ancial givings New Executive Mrs Kell convener present edthe nominating committee re port The following officers were elected and installed by Mrs Beaers and Mrs How Fast president Mrs Keli Churchill president Mrs Robert Mcimren Creemore vicepres ents North Mrs Perkins Midland Centre Mrs Besse Shanty Bayf South Mrs Roy Goodfellow Stroud West Mrs MfKirby Collingwood recording secretary Mrs GorslineColl ingwood corresponding secretary Mrs Bell Barri treasurer Mrs Carter Orill Secretaries of departments are Ch stian Stewardsh Mrs John Fa Cookstown on Cirel Mrs Brownridge Stayner aff atcd CGIT Mrs LWeish Barn affiliated Explorers Mrs Arundel Orillia Mission Bands Mrs Nesbitt Barri Baby Bands Mrs Setterington Mdland associate members Keefe Midland supply Mr Clemence Stayner community friendship Mrs Farr On literature Mrs Gary Willson Thornto candidate sec retary Mrs Maxwell Bar rie Missionary Monthly and World Fr nds Mrs Leigh 0r Christian citizenship Mrs Kell Churchill press Mr Ailen Barrie without pore folio Mr Carl Ireland Mansfield Mrs Buckin ham Stayner Mrs Curtiss lliaMrs homson Cr amore Mrs Ger vais Victoria Harbour Mrs Collins Midland Mrs Stainton New Loweiln Three New Groups corresponding secretary drew attention to the work for theyounger groups and edtwonewatfillated societies at River and Glen Huronand wly organized corr at Mld Membership increases in afternoon auxiliaries affiliated societies oted with decrease in eveningf members societies in theUnited Church United Church had won is onecommon ground mentio Delegates reported that 25 afternoon and larics had increased their givings with Orillia showing an increase of $2001 Many auxiliaries report cd contact with their missionary for prayer The allocation of $18100 for 1957 was presented andaccepted Allocation for Ten onto Conference Branch is $2 13430 The need for increased giving was stressed so that more could be done through the gift or building advance The devotional service was con ductcdhy Mrs HJebb and Mrs Harvio of Orillia auxiliaries using the topic The Vine and The Branches Offering was re celved by members of North River WMS and dedicated by member tom Mincsing MissMcKim nhcr talkson missionary education said that thedrst mission is the children The many young people going to work in different parts of the world are wonderful witnesses She recommended that all read and study missionarypublications for inside knowledge of world events and also suggested pam phlet How Sharp is Your Vision The literature secretary Mrs Wilson reported that 5026 books had been read Elmvale the awardfwith Mrs Gordon Gltfcn receiving it from Mrs Wilson They had read atntal ofiï¬70 books averaging 21 books mem be The Mission Circle at Stay neralso received an award for the most reading The study book this year will be on Japan and several books for study were mentioned Following luncheon served by the ladies of the church Mrs Perkins introduced the guests Mrs John Rossborough the presi dent invited all toattend the an nal meeting of the Womans Asso ciation of Simcoe Presbytery to be held in the United Churchin Guthrievon May Rev Auld spoke few words of we come The afte oonmecting was opened with prayer by Miss Flor ence Fee WMS missionary at Rama Mrs HM Ross of the Dominion Board brought greetings and introduced Miss Sommerville dynamic speaker who told of her worlr in Trinidad The popu lation is of many races but there she said All have been outsiders at one time of oneWMSplo ject vis mg to leprosium and coming from there to tell of the different ways to treat leprosy Much interest is shown at the present time in thefact that Trinr idad=is chosen as the pitol of West India Federation and lealt with the many problem that by training young people send re missionaries uotn hey re well established to help hcltise1ves and givinguntll God stopsgiving to us Reorganizatio Discussed discussion Whither and Why nducted byMrs owe assistedby Mrs Keefe Midlandregar the reorganization of the womens it waspointedout that the Wom teal The father or thebrlde officiated the marriage of Miss Margaret Francis Alpr daughter orpr and Mn it Alp otPerth to William Day of Toronto one Mr and Mrs Day of Midhurst in St Pauls United Church Perth on ingthe afternoon The soloistwas Veï¬lon Mchay at Toronto Given tin marriage by her bro ther Donald Alp of Ottawa the bride waswearing an imported ace gown made with fitted bodice reelnbroidered with 1p illques and featuring Vneck lne Hcr bouffant skirt had matching lace motifs Juliet cap of pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried fan with white orchids and stephanotis ller attendants were Mrs Har lfl Bicwnld of New York City matron of honor and Mrs Ford litchell of Ottawa and Miss Judith Gimble ofToronto brides maids Their waltzviength goivns were or blue crystal charm and they carried white fans with pink roses Kenneth Glenn of Barrie was zroomsman and the ushers were Allan Thurlow of Barrie and Keith Thurlqw of Tomato reception followed in the church hall Aitcr wedding trip toihe VAL direct from NEVIERBIiifontinfrhtt 0F BARRIE HISTORY magnum Mr Speaker hues mi wiilbe Illth lr home in Willowdale evard Soropï¬mism Fourteen Years Old in Barrie at the birthday din ner of the Soroptlmist Clubcele braiing the 14th yearof the scr vice organllation in Barriewere he charterJireaidcnt Mrs Ethel Clifton and her husband Bob who showed slide ofihelr recent trip to the South of England Several charter members at tended the gathering The speakers ware introduced by Mrs Llewella Macinncs and thanked by Miss Lucretia Rowe Five local Soroptlmists Miss Hilda McDonald MlssGreta Fin ley Mrs Hugh Wallace Mrs Amy Sargent and Mra THAT at 21 Rodney Bonh Kenneth Blnting executive the Prince of White Home andSchool Mention for 195 on Fruide Aduno corresponding Mn Chlrluworth executive mambo Mrs lockSienna Lee Wit Trcfry Mrs mm The installation ceramony as Cecil cook WinnerNurses Thej new vicuun Hospital Numes Alumnac draw for $50 bill made last weekiuvthe office or Miss Helen Shanahan hospital superintendent was won by Mrs Cecil Cook 28 Lctilia St Seller of the winning ticket was Mrs Mary Bailey llirs Florence Lockhart the most tickets sold varicc attended the chhrter dinger of the Guelph Sor ptimist Clu loathe gfu parents inattenti uHomeandScbool meet pointL halo awarded ind one point for lira cine lribblcllumcdiltc resident wu presented farewell gift mdvthe best ishu of the members on her inojelo Shanty Bay The tinnchcnt of the season for theusocialion will be the graduation tea being held in the school on May 221mm three to liveoclock in the afternoon This too has become an annual affair and is the main source of funds torJhe association Memhenmd parenu were urged to support the effort and make it the suc cue this yearit has been in the lust ANNUAL MEETING OAKLEY PARK EXECUTIVE Findlay McGibbon was re elected president of Oakley Park Home and School Association at the annualmecting on Monday vening that members of the 195758 executivc Ir Harold Walker and Douglas McIntosh vice presidents Mrs Gray treasur linmng led by Maul Wolven mauled Adam theptano by in Bolton son In Dav Cplpitu ml lira coffee hour brought the event George Hollowy executive meat mg to elooo SPECIALS 1500 $1000 coin WAVE $1000 $850 coLo WAVE If your hair isnt becoming to you you should be coming to Rose and Bob in Allandale or to Marie in Barrie sRoSE Styling as ESSA nvo PA84722 MARIES Beauty salon LOWER THANDISCOUNT HOUSE PRICES IDEFYTHEPUBLVICSIMAeluAnou HAVE PRICES BEEN SQILOW Through spec I3frréngémenf thiNorthern Eléctric company LEVIITSTRVADING are bring ring qICarloucl pet from the ï¬mcnufoe fNorthernEl tut van to you Mic or FAMOUS mum APELIANCESta Barrie togbe soLo AT rAcToav Prices 1WBiNGEB7Wiistliï¬llsactivismrt IVMANorAoroitnns In 411