um gym xy HOUSEOF HITS FIRSTWITH THE BEST IN BARRIE THURSDAY FRIDth sumo WEDNESDAY MAY 1957 EVENING SHoVVsVAT 650 AND span coNTiNuoussArunDAYrROM 230 pm Bylaw Sol bevy The bylaw which established the mill rate taxpayer only til will be mulled to piy into the cutters DI themunlï¬pallty was given three readinuz nil passed at the regular meeting an Monday atlernoon it had apparently beendiseun ed rIIher thoroughly rrevlou to the reading as council members had little or no comment when the clerk resdthe vsrious items into the records The only one was Couocillor JackTorrens who was iubilant because the school board at his section in found it postiblethroush the decreasein attendance at school to reduce rcqulrcments so that eight mills loss was required 0n the avenge it would ppm that the total levy in sec tionswill be somewhat than last year Thisle of the audltors Areportwhlch shows that there was surplus fRCAF SéféfDrIivineï¬ adieu in Eng 9AM tun ymmmo géqp mflwrplodaat thosmptlest spark BURT LANCASTER KAIHARIN iHEPBURN In HAL WALLIS Production THE RAINMAKER Willii1l1flii llDYDBRMS Dummï¬ï¬‚fg IN VISIAVISION ND isanIcOio IERECOMMEND YOU TO SEE THIS ONE PLUS FOX MOVXETONE NEWS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EYENING SHOWSAT 650 AND pm MATINEE WEDNESDAY AT 23o pm HERES ANOTHER PICTURE YOU CANNOT AFFORD T0 MISS COM OUT AND SEE WIiAl GOES ON BETWEEN THESETWO STARSI bits ENTEiiTAINMENr 771ey call lum ï¬enera flangevs She cas 53 155136 flllllltr rut sat courlnuousrsarunpav cop CORNELL BORCHERS and MLCHELE MORGAN iznd FEATURE WOMEN orrncaIRN isLANp STARRINGIJAMES CRAIG AND LYNN BARi rue wars Action Menorahsunis DQN MEGowANiAND iOYCE HOLDEN zndVHlTsTHEEVARlHtv FLYINogsAchERs FEATURlNG HUGH MARLOWEG JoANTAYLbR THe writeWOLF ROXY GRANADA LFAMousrLaveas THEATRES flThe Trout Creek and asunder and between Huntsvilleand Kain This information was eonta ned ins letter tromilon James Allanmmisterr of highways to the North Bay and rict Cha hero Commereeiln reply to ol bypasses allander lette ant to the department by the chambe The ehambersiet gt adreq ester action onthe 11 in cér highway between Toronto was one the whole provine aid qu alread been rth Bay and the best in rN added to the total madeï¬wï¬ï¬l 19 there being balance at the end oi the year of $441 One dittercnce this year that has never been made previously is that commyrclnl which have In assessment ot2l mills over the residences of these who are part ot the population who are counted to make up the statutory gmnts has mill rate oi 232 tor general purposes $35895142 and to do this there is an assessed value of $83t87d which by the time taxes are lected may be consideflbly creased The building inspector reported that up to the lid of April he sold permits to the value of $135750 The big months for these additions increased this year and these ply on all properties except the commercial types Breaking this down general rate residential is 23 school trict Collegiate 10$ mills in eluding debentures Bradford District Collegiate 74 mills Ai liton Collegiate 105 That is plus any additional levy for street lights garbage or other additions that may be effective in whatever area the ratepayer resides The surplus ot $14464 which was plowed back from 1956saved the levy ram being over that of year togetherrwithvthe per capita and school grants calved from the Ontario gave ment flhe total expenditures are considerably higher Two Bqd Fires Two tires occurred thewest partollnnisfil during the past week The barn at Robert ho ers on the 5th concession was destroyed also its head of cattle three horses and some pigs Mr Rodgershad gone in to the house to prepare the even ing meal as his wife was away and the ï¬rst he hadwarning ot the tire was when he heard it roaring Calls went to thefire departments at Stroud and Cooks town but they were unable to save any part of the barn or con tents Mr Rodgers 70 had been repairing his seed drill in the barn inthe alternoon He went below did his chores and had gone to the house Ten minutes later the whole barn was roar ing mass of flames He had only small insuranceï¬whieh does not begin to cover the loss He has been underthe doctors care since the ire and findshimsfli at loss to know what to do ers Badgers had been visiting Vlrs Melville Cook the theory curredvThe Rodgers to release them troublesome regrets He does not knowyet it he will attempt to fe build Heflhadds acre ofh spring seeding ready ExReeves Home Damage Called at about 230 am iire men from both Cookstown and Stroud rushed to the home of Charles Henry on the south outv skirts of Thornton where a£lre ol the smouldering type in the root had filledithe house with smoke It was very stubborn lireto fight bu the hard work of both crewsrnanaged to getit iniuishetl but only after con no The bylaw is to raise tolnl ot are still ahead The per capita grantsare greatly areas rate 816 mills Barrie Dis mp3 ers are only saved by the timely mm 1955 at 51456019 fwhleh properties terrcd trom RCAF Statio jet fighters olCanadas NATO sidernble damage had been done by smoke and water chimney fire had been put out earlier in the day but appar ently thi ignited some oi the material he upper attic and the smouldermg fire was cont ed there buta mmlrool the fire fighters difficult time sï¬wellmiiol Grass tires are still making calls Some of these like one in hedge at Lefroy are out when the ï¬remen get there 0th arrival of the men andeguipment One at Big Bay Point on Sun day afternoon would have been very serious had not the help ar rived iri me to check it before it gdtout dicontroia It was locat ed in the centre of builtup area and could have done con siderable damage had high wind been tanning Buy Tractor Loader On motion 060uncillor Tor rens and alterconsiderable dis cussion on the matter which had involved sums up to $12000 coun eil decided to purchase Ford major tractor and haltyard loader for $3975 They willbe delivered as soon as approval of the purchase can he received from the department of highways The tractor has adaptable facil ities forputtnig abaok hoevon at laterdate it is powered byVa diesel engine and mounted on BlllBï¬lfl LEADING AIRCRAFTSMANJ IL DOUCEI Grand Falls NB receives instruction in English road signsirom Wnrrant0ltieer Eldon Ferguson of Barrie Ontario safety equipment technician in the Royal Canadian Ai Force LAC Doucet was recently trans Comox BC to EliAir Materiel Base Nottinghamshlrek This base the only Commonwealthhase in Eng land provides the supplies and equipmonbthat keeps plrborne the AirDlvision in Europe The RCAEplace great stress on its safe driving prograniine and wide tires It is considered by thesilpeiintendent tobe ma chine entirely suitable tor the requirements of the township road department Contractor meeting decided eontrac oraot Council to bill the dump of the several places aloog he oa lein ing to the dump which it the gar bage is not removed willbe ideal places or afire to get real start Application Sent The application 10 raig Ba Point and areasurrounding to se cede from lnnistll came up before the Municipal Board on April 24 The ratepayersth promoted the application have asked the victim ition of the term residents This the board felt was beyond itsjurisdiction and the matter DANCING PINE WEST prmDAY MAY 10 Ilcniqxiwnms and rusticma Dogs QBANDC MAY wlttle an ONCERT LIIID MAY special problem exists in wrong side of the ma Police Driving School will get aruling from an appeal court After this has been de cided then theapplication for secession will he brought on at the opinion that their big as sessment would be best applied to improvementot their own pro Peiy the advisability of having Ihe dcr commiss motion was passed instrileting the clerk to proceed with request to the have commission set up The commission eludes the locnliudgeor magis trate Judge Harvie has offered to serve on the conjunission with lKSLIRANEE AGENCY Manuels mum PAS4427 Ilheratepaycrs ot the area are policeot the township placed lllI usually in lionl Detence mum ngland that they drive on the however 30 AMEare proud that in spite at this apparent hazard they have the best driving recordlni Air DivisionW0 Ferguson the Mobile Equipment Officer at Lang recently attended the driving eourseatstheLondonvltletropolitan gt He hasnow set upa display so that drivers of both service and em ran vehicles cantamiliarize themselves with the differences between driving in Canada and England the reeve and the crown attorney This will place Innisiil police out at the jurisdiction ot the town ship council PRINTING PHONE PA 824 attorney generallior authority in ibadxbuinp lflflflf yousuffer loss audithen find you are not COVERED Tohe sure you are vERED yo better NSURANCE SPECiAb full ndy of youri We will be glad to help yon Calllus today for an Insurance tannin nuSI lion insures thinner or 1mm rs 5cm eruva roe