MEMBERS AND INSTRUCTORS examin ing machine tor roadside spraylng from left toright Bell Woodstock 0x7 ford County Agricultural Representative The homely hoe as means of killing weeds is rapidly being re placed by easier more effective and more economical chemical control More than 200 farmers municipal weed inspectors and weed spray operators from all parts of the province met at Go tario Agricultural College recent ly to discuss the latest methods of chemical weed control with meme bers of the GAO botany and field husbandry departments Modern chemical weed control does not wait for the weed to grow before it is killed it is de stroyed by proemergency sprays This is new development in the war against weeds that was em phasized at the meetings Spraying equipment was demon strated with commentary by Prof ll Scott of the agricul tural department Others who took part in the program were Kingsbury of the llcld crops branch Ontario department otgtagricullurcz Hay of the Canada department of agriculture Ottawa Jim Neil of the Niagara Spray Co Burling ton and Nielson of Western Ontario Agricultural School mu getom Agricultural representa tives who assisted in the course were Don Black at Wellington McCullough Peel and Bell Oxford DRIVE SENSIBLY Editorial comment on traffic accidents is continual and varied in the newspapers ofOntario careful perusal oi the subjects most frequently dealt with leads do the conclusion that plain lack of common sense liesbehind most accidentsTrenton CourierAAdvo cate WHEN NATURE llulls ASSiSIANCErTilY all nurses lllnlnll ROOT PillS Compounded from eilcctivo in ru dimu Dr Morans IndianRoot ill help bring quick relief to suï¬cren from multipath hilioumm DrMorael mum Roo Plilahelnï¬romote regu larityJry emfltnli moica my decorate snicker frocirthrtflitcd We claiminl that round barn at Geneseo Illinois is onsoltha tow ligand lett comet as Leolnpctition on the Canadian Prairies The Edmonton lournal lapped tomrd with an entry in the mad barn ï¬eld one built in 1898 compared to the 1315i date orthau8vbarn aeolian bothjheu the week ly Grenteli Sunnporteda round Bert Pitcher Woodstock Campbell Railr es Barrie Don lemirlgton Huntsville Protessor Waywell of GAG faculty Tallest Building 180 Stories High Dream in Montreal MONTREAL CHPrepostcrv ous dream Well yes Burits an impressive dream Montreal industrial draughts man has practically completed sketches for 180storoy $300 000000 buildinga combination museum observatory entertain ment palace and civic centre Roger Brodcur 58 now has only to raise the 53003001100 He says he is trying to organize fin lmce for the project Chateau Maisonncuve as Mr Brodeur tentatively calls it is looked upon as castlc in the sky by Montreal sceptics Or as they say in French Canada on chateau en espagne But Mr Brodeur is not deter red He would have his structure built on top of Mount Royal Gmndlose Plans Hcrcs what it would include concert hall seating 8000 science museum and planetarium occupying five iloors two exhibiA lion halls with capacity tor500 booths and12000 viewers dance hall with 5000 ca pacity three ballrooms to accam modate 15000 guests the worlds largest cabaret with 700 tables lookout for 10000 sights seers five swimming pools three theatres seating 10000 three floor sports museum covered stadium for sports with 35000 seats voltaic room where lighting and other weather phenomena will be duplicated An astronomical observatory Mr Brodeur is former astron omer with 72ineh telescope and 24 16inch telescopes cor onograph projecting the suns corona and sun spots on the cod mg ofthe niain rotunda And as climax complete housing accommodationv or city hall My Chateau Maisonneuve is just what this city needs says Mr Brodeur but may not live to see it bullish As meat caters Canadians are in the big leagues In 1955 they consumed 115 pounds of meat each so much in fact that Can adas cattle export market has just about vanished barn at Indif Read miles cut at Beulah that ll both rounder Indolder The Indian Head barn la mam landmark built lnlBBZ now owned by ma Holden Still structurally sound the luv dian Held barn known as the Bell Farm Barn is solidlybullt ot ratone and mortar 75 feet in diameter The walls are two feet thick and rise to height of 14 foot studded with slit Windows giving clear outlook across the flat prairie Cresting this solid structure is neat silo its peak 80 feet from the ground still useful Built for Dclenca The Indian Head barn held cows ln what was ordinarily tort on the BclLfarm ittcopac lty 40 head Thelate BEN 05 mcnt whose father built the barn recalled in his notes that the narrow ports were put there as precautionary measure against Indians The form itself was organized in 1882 by the Quï¬ppelle Valley Lemma throu assent by step ly of Pipe and Fittings and learn all about the advantagmol pa Pipe and Fittings from our fully illustrated IMAll rllls coupoui NAM COMPANY TODAY Aooilsss co hooklotSend for it today NATIONALSEWIR PIPE IIMJIEB Salon amtJog out slml snortruinlionl also send ml ll im ropy ol PE Pipe cal ï¬tting Rich He land development encompassed ma Bell Farm th its round there are 31000 acre lnclud ed in thglarm with 1000 under cultivation whithm acres no own to wheat said the re port jhere are lsomen rem floycd and 50001cres now are lag broken whiclrvivould give 12000 lacs und crop in 1685 MEUFAclUR uring 1959 Canadian 11lo industry needtor engines is buatneulous something expect to lemma an aver moon through no annual rate 114 per cent cheques gt rrltAKss Mons guesthouses mmmnsmyw lose at the low rctefinofloctfar your presentoée 1qu overwrought fro Mindset mar IribulaqhCF CC valuesofrjMotherSFDol Sunday May 12th Remember Mom with fine gift from Walker Stores dusted9y FinefCOTTONSLIPSTL That make appreciated gifts twormcreto shop the many money saving Tgrgpt Sdie glue SaturdayMay llth the Lost Dayl Io Sgnforiaedfor permqnent Shadow panels oRég 198 line Half Sli Olsnow white cotton Sonfor ed Slze 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