THE MENS OPENING STAG at the Barrie Country Club was an out standlng success with 64 duffers seeing action on the course and total of 89 felloWS enjoying the banquet supper in the photo at left the boys are sizing up their respective situations ThatsJohn Murphy on the left with Jordan Abercrdmbie Art McKenzie and Ken Treadweli At righ Ron Stewart is shown hitting gt ninth ole This wasntthe only distaci on the course On the ninth green the flag was moved severan ords mm the hOIe Next bigevont at the country Club is the opening onquet this coming Sitturday on runs tino gii the barrelon the fllli amine summon iuonmv MAY is loss Bic WINS Two athletes with victories in two different sportscaused the rest of the sports world to sit back and think recently The victors were Lew Burdetto pitcher with the Milwaukee Braves of the National League and Sugar Ray Robinson the Ty Cobb or Babe Ruth or Stan Musial or Ted Williams of boxing Burdette of course was charged with throwing spltballs at op posing batsmcn The charges were so frequent and demanding that NL boss Warren Giles was asked to pass judgmentlie ruled Burdette not gui ty The Sugar mans ko victoryover Gene Fullmer that gave liobbie the middleweight championship of the world for the fourth time set all the Vwise guys back on their ears SP OR NOT ro siiir The heavyicst charges hurled at chucker Burdette came by way of Cincinnati and Rcdlegs manager Birdie lebbetts Said Tebbetts know hes throwing spitter but cant prove it Birdie went on to relate that nobail could do what Burdettes pitches do unless iodclied up The erstwhile pilot went on to say that he knew it was spitter because he had lot of experience with it during his own playing days Thats where Birdie hurt hiscaselfMr Giles had any doubts about what Burdette is or isntvthrovving he had only toremember that Birdie was part of spitball battery by his own admission so why not Burdctle Nothings been proven about news pitches So while Burdette and his catchers contlnu to say fno to such charges rival players offer methods by whic Burdette allegedly soups up the borsohide Carl Furillo popoff right fielder of the Brooklyn Dodgers says Burdetle uses the same system exDodgcr hurler Elwi Preacher Roe After finishing his care in tbema jors itoc admitted using the spitter According ioFur Butdette as he lugs at the peak of his camspits ihto the palm ofhis hand Then he merely gives the ball the onceeovcr still looking out for the batters Furillo is also quoted as saying some pitchqrsjust cominginto the majors are also mulsiening the ball After one pitch by rookie did crazy things in frontal hiscyes Carl snapped to the catcher whcrcd that kid getthcrball Its Burdctte offered the receiv with all of these charges flyinghitherand yon baseball execu tives are asking cmselvcs itwonldnt beJust as wise to legalize the spitball So even aim that thc knuckleball is more dangerous and hazardous toithe rig averagesstiii more ahdmore wilibe heard about the spitter his year So Williams isnt exclusive after all Rookies umuhhossr The Robinson victory over Fullmer was harder onthe bookies than on the youthtui cleanliving exchampion Goingdnto the ring the HarlemFtash was and 2A1 underdog Themen who stayed With Robbie even for sentimental reasons went home early with their pocketsfalls what nest for the third Carmen Basil and is far superior rin carold masterof two divisionsiand almost Basilio is currently the welterweight king an than Gene Fullmerxshould this fight come off abdthere ls noreaso why it shouldnt it will undoubtedly prove Robinsons last Sur obinson has said so himself but it wasnt the first time he pla nod to get outof the game It is innopinion thatwin lose ordraw Robinsonwill fake en ough punishment from Basilio that he will behappyj to goboclr to tap dancing fnhis peakyearsrltoblnson could takepbncbeshs well as he could throw em Hes proboblylhsd tougber fights than them comiliig onoBut at long lean ldq pounds the body can only take so muc it Would be good thing or the fight game for Robinson to lick Basilio thenrcall it noon the taiiwind of defeat seems nowayv for the fighter rated thebest poundforpouiid in thehistory oftlie fightgameutomaka his exit Dsir sofib ll Leagu Meeting Tonightat Ei crack at the other executive positions Last Thins only eight in terested partle attendedv tho meeting with only ï¬ve teams be ing rcpesenled it is hard tolbelleve that only eight gentlemen in thisi whole area want to in BiDSL evening at eigbtoelock at the Coininunity House In 1956 it took the Hollandia soccer club of Barrie five games to win its first decision in the Barrie and vDistrict Soccer Leag ue While the club was being whip ped into sbapc this spring Hol landia vowcd stronger club And they werent dreaming eith eri Saturdny nightrat New Low ell in their first scheduled start of the season Hollandla scored four goals in the last 20niinutes of play to defeatthe speedy New Lowell hooters L2H Not So Easy But the picture was not quite so rosy asvthefinalscorc would indicate The entire contestwas hard and in spots rough The field left lot to be desired But most important the New Lowell team was younger and fleeter afoot Nevertheless the older limbs some being strained for the first time sihce the disappear ancc oflthc snow gamely hung on and managed to get the win New Lowell took 20lead the first hnlf and came out very strong in the second making threat similar in runawiy2 Giving itthe old college try Hoi landiafinailygot break On loose defensive play by New Albert Vï¬nderhorst of picked up the loose leathcrond booted it home The goaldisc coined the New Lowellso er nand pirltuaF 1y strengthened the visitors Hollandia reallypoured it on in the final minutes with outside right Gerhart Karst and inside left Pete Centen leading the way On Hollandi socond goal Karst checked it New Lowell player for the hall and booted it at the hosts goal The goaltender Mike Bednaiek who played bril liantly most of the evening caught the ball and droppï¬d it Quick as flash Ccnten was in to rushit across thogoal line Asgood long shotbycaptaln Art Schiimnel gave the visiting team the load for the first time tbc game Claus Dykhuiswho nad many opportunities to score finally found themark with only few seconds of play remaining Henry and Albert Veistraten were the New Lowell scorers in another Saturday game Mid land defeated Collingwood 21 Siicoto Thursday Camp Borden Heavy Smell Rfsm Répérted officers report that the smelt run in the Lake Simcoe distï¬ct thislspring is again as large as eyelt Although some ambitious ï¬shermen could hardly wait for the big run every one who made ventu all seeuredani en smells are counted by the bushe sket local people often much bigger chore td give away the surplus than to catc the Hollandia Tuesday Owen Suund plays at gins9 RCAFVplth here against Barrie noumnm goal rnuivs half John Roscum left half Yo Karst inside rightKiaus1Dyk huls centre forward Albert Vandcrhorst inside ieftr Pete Centcn outside leftl crry Duik er alternatei Ron Abb tt Openu LOWE NEW fLOWELLI goal Mike Bednarek right back Frank Bed narek left back Tony Verstroten centre halfVWim Botmer right half Leo Gubhels left half Pat Gubbels centre forward George Mikita inside right Albert Ver straten outside right Piet Hoog inside left Henry Verstraten out do left Wirn Hoogen alter natesYohny Sirno Bill Lceu men xLinesman JohnLamas sensation soccer club Mahdipf outside rightf erha Promised Tomorrow The 1957 gruht Vn grban sea son is well or its why to being 1hg most exciting war Tomorrow nights card at the BarricArena will prove this ppintroncc again nght from the preliminary tangle the roof willshaken The first bout could be billed as battle of Icharacters Tbe opponents are FogmerPowefli the stocky powerful hillbilly from Kentuckyand the Golden veteran inasicr of the fight game Wears Mark This yviil be the firs ance of the Terror season He bo ting thesame conditions as other he is defeated he his maskvthus rev ling Hy Localfans have take likingto rP well nd fallen righ line with drawlingmanncr of which he into the se matinen To the first time in the Barrie iing big handsome SAVE Slllfiil YES Save the priceoliwo moto new one rugged or ifllflwl handles husky mach nes mal we are confronted by paiiof ger Jack Allen willfight dirty dan gerous Karl Krusher Kowalski Krusher has been with us since the grappling season started and it would be mighty sporting of Allen to rid the tcrritoryof the tough German Allen not yet 30 years old is one of th finest developed wrestl ers ontheicontinent He is very fast and knows the science of the lite and out Headliningthe card the 60 minute bestv twooutofsthrec falls meeting of snarling Reggie Slkiand Bill Fletcher Taking in words out of the fansmonths IMatcard The official openinglof Berri moved to the edge ofthc illst great Sixtyhur gcnu country Club wasiApril 15 Thats green to throw the shooterVolt toured the tonne as active pat the day Eddie Renlck took up his dulleaasmro the opening festi eld =off for few weeksto be exact until this past Saturday The occasion was the mens club nag which included wonderful meal of bnrbcqued ribs prepared by Boband Jimmy Angelo and two golfing events lim Clamps And the first two winners the 195 season are All Harris and Ed Myers Harri won the llIolecvnt witha not score of Myers won the sharknurse honors with not total of for The system used to decide the for the deficit was the mm style which as you will finite iota produces am liinrteivstrokes Justicu innit little rougher mum on the golfers Eddie rigged up an obstacle on thoninth hole on that hole the Renkk macro forcedto hit the hallyhrough barrel Still in ii devilish mood Renick hadthc emcksn KlLlElt lDENTIFlED As RANCH MlNKv An Angus farther reported the loss of 252 chlckcns last week on examination it was found that each chicken had been bitten on thehead or neck andtie local conservation officer was asked for help in idehtifying the cul prit which the farmer fortunatet 1y had caught in trap The killer was identified as fine male specimen ofa sliver blue ranclhraised mink As there are no mink ranches within iii miles of Angus the mink in ques tion may have travelled the Not tawasaga River system for many miles Senior conservation officer Sandy Ellis suggests that it is most unlikelythe owner of the escaped animal will be in any hurry to claim thepelt The bill for damages which the farmer wpuld present would be comider able Cup Match on TV Saturday May BritainsllFA Britains top soccer event the Football Association Cup Final comes to Canadian television screens May ll 3305I00 pm EDT as Birminghams AstonNiila squad meets Manchester United on aBBC kinescope Thegame played May at Lon dons famed Wembleyvstadï¬im will have been over week but football fans in Britain will still be talking aboutvitn Thegknc film covers the en tire game90 minutesuof play by two First Division English teams survivorsyf seasonlong sudden Thc can of replacing your ham and tifurnish gs is just abouuw what it was 10 years ago xamine your fire protection now not any the oreand find out youreonly half insured To Know You STAT FARM Agent death contest for the FACup The average size ofthe iCan adian family during 1955 was 38 persons Newfoundland of all the provinces had the greatest average size at courie still little more Before and aft though ltfyru up to the akillmnd handicap Othci pfl winners andjilieir scorcsj iflbole golfingwerg Glennï¬cridteit 10¢itorinio menial70 Alï¬teyepgilou Don Russell 70 Ron Simpson and lick Murett in the nineohoie eevcnt1prlr winders and Ithcir scores were Charlie Kcarscy 38 HughGlb son3l Doug Cockburnzlvi Hal ligflobinsoh 37 Cec Policing borne 38 and Art Powell 38 Prizes to thcsc golfers were donated by Bill Dymcnt lack Hamilton Bill Hamilton Jim Ouimet of lctcrboro The club threw in dozen balls as extra Prizes Vi Word from mcns captainï¬ord Necsibami that everything went Morley Earle Smlth and chl ll hope youre not playing with those scissors Reggie theyre dangerous dies tlciplnts Eightynine fellows down to eatsecond helping of the supper Nexteveni of noielsthe tlubtw gigantic repelling banquet incxt Saturday ftAfter theauatr onthe llih the i2th Blame Cord Nccdha or that one Dance at Lakellnds Community flailAlcona Bcach Friday May Good orchestra Admission 50c Lunch counter 535+ 86th annual convention of the Womens Christian Tempenlme Union for theCouniies of Simcoc liluskoka and Parry Sound to be held May in Burton Ave United Church Allshdalc Registering of delegated begins at am 5253 The annual piano and singing recital by pupils of Jessie ILBrylt sonfucsday May at pmln Collier St United Church Hall All those tercstcd in music are cordially invited Cards maybc obtained from hiiss Bryson 5253 full lenglhfeature Dim wtll beshown in Churchill Hall on Thursday May at 830 pan stoning Judylcanovo plus come Admission adults 50c chil dren 25cSponsored by Mr Stark Poinswick and Ralph Ledue Com mittee Proceeds go to help Ralph back to recovery First step to HIAdARA loan Just call us yourtelephonel tusunlnlcguaaIn taan Compohy rue WILSON BUILDING Phone PA M640 Mike Pro ci tractor tires We are Phone PA 5385 on headquarters eqiiippedto give you hours day on thelfarm oratourplantj at 21 Mary St ijniovimcmirms itlnvltésyafl to cfo Zl many so fast eff ent scivice