Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1957, p. 8

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is thriving town GoorEi Bay area Centrally locate on mail street with large intirlritnde Living quarty err qullPrlc$ls506 lndudini stock raiders will be neared hy Héiiry Eiriclt Ilia darrdanui an rrooday tray isth Rumops 15 Owen sh PA 35553 nor1chlnslt Aquaan HIne PA rm H1 0qu run tor sale Good cattle airs ll larrru don rhpue PA in 30415 tnm£Uw than In and NchhcolltilimIMrn silo in PflTAmo Barrie on ay In John licetrig Shanty BDIDII coLLls Pups eacoueot sheep lt Ian unicorn41 Royal Victoria Hospital and cattle dogs Wonnortui pots rhone 3052 FUEL BOARD Barrie an any 1957 to Cpl aao Mn nuuoit 1th arrrte MINArm 1hs Itasioipai itsmums Ad Chlglnr us no Ion Gram Willin1uninr MALE EOXKR DOE and year old bundle purvhred ensured For Hie mo Section amended and lit mi lumen oi appileruon hy Apply Owen st HM Cvmumarl on Company or Toronto LI nun In Amswupem an man not ampstrait CHICK Mll al rowed bruitl ol mood on hast an 1331 OIMIBG AIKEYr be muanw mtg BARRED ROCKS arising tho execution oi arrsehrent tom husband at rtrrylttlia dur lather natal11 Unlgenlly dairion onlo one win hct oeri the meetivr municipality or Hm no may God in hirrl in hell In ell INLDEIL landwlhe applicant lllnilnl lo the lP km um hmnu or Au rhtrtyotr rem mount MU plicont tho rum to oatend in work mpmnmm Human mm 99 ot oodonoh and it may or SEND FOR PRICE LIST 6ND 14 £112 MATTE olézrn alpnpllcs pm on ontumen To NNVSM TONI or an Order docir ill and Phone PA 66835 Barrie ulw unconfi uoulnl lull it Town HI villi unlit in 411 Ind ml null fluid lll In his liaAmNtm WANT no rituNliserztlr Coorsviue area t1 yr nestinr at 01 winirm lay runerrl Home Prh rot until Thursday noon1 rm dincilnii lint the assent of th inusi tunerl urvkd in rauir Unitod clle doctors the rupective munlv rlpllillu is not oemaary to such by law Chumll at Petrdir pm 051 Thunday interment wiandn Comb Cnrwrlllnnnl the Township oi lit Vincent 011 irrtdry at 9111 051 corporation at the Township Fanru Association at St Georges purishhitll Burton Avenue vyostcrdny The converter was Mrs Herbert Noble president of the wumhns association The oil hall was addressed by the prospective candidate nild by Mrs Downing Mrs Hebe Smith and George Johnston MPP IN MEMORIAM Cards oi tininks CIIUIKCIlILbIn lotins munory olv liliAnLavln the midst at our lor Didna Louisa Churchill who until row we wish in expro our hearttelt away suddenly in hor lsih year may think and Iprrttclilon to our many 1050 rrlrildaand it tribals tor the kindness Ths Lord is my shepherd and rynrpathy shown ua in the ion at Lovinyly mmcmbcred try Mom our beloved other Iohn Bradley We Dad Sylvia and Brian it especially wish to thank the Rev NewlonStnlth tor his consoling words all thn donors lor the many bcnuulul narai oilerinlli the pallbearers hd the ration itrrt Home Edenvhie h1rr erlow and llmlb 52 GEORGEJOIINSTONMPP stmcoe Cen ire Mrs Dorothy Downing Ewen organ izer ioi the Progressive Conservative Party nnd Haber Smith QC Progressive Conserv aliVe candidate for Simcoe North were trig UEN IONm Royal Victoria alyir dullnidalo lul Harris on Thundly HIV ID their EV Plyelles Inland Corporation oi 1hr Towuhlp Ndcnhlm wiie at clalriirndron est YROMPT corponilon ot the downrhlp iLANTPA 07445 niaLlVEltv OFFICE PA 82461 Thos RJEANT do no lilAitlt smatti hAltltll Du YOU HAVE YOURS This sclsnn wul soon he overchick should he ordered now it do rod we haw some Started Cnckcrelr and De ltth Pulicta To maito tho mart on your investment ottccd and time we sdarcst Deitth Chicks but also have Barred lluckl and ilamps lioch Crossbrcds Write or phpnn HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STIlOUD zttm FOLLOW or the good morasts with May only chlchs wido choice all aimed at tilt market you want Prompl shipment including pullots rtrrtod riso Ash ior iiry litcraturs and list To rent you is 1t Copeland hit Beclnn pilot firm 2t52 Colllcr st iris Dclr mnlhcr or cnlilnrwood Illh tun Watt Philip MID among those who attended tea given by Corporation at the Township Karel mm Dubtlul Mary Mn Pl Bynfll Bile Mn Barrie Womens Progressive Conservative Carperlion in Towuhip lillxlnsi Patricia Mn ll PASTURE ihnori and lhc late Paul acndron sister inspector it Payctt BA CATTLE WANTED or permancni pn zuru Phone lqiroy isrt 95152 K056 and um Ra nboth Ruling Lloyd Ind Slallcy hin rnl Home 30 wonky Elmo 100 ACRES Pa or rent Good wll crln lacilitle pvly lrlncr llImIl Slroud Ila52$ Cw nun the Townlhip orth gnillllnhnry corporation or tile Township Bari Owliiinibnry Corporation Town Thomhltry lNOflCE or BAKING Ontario Pool hoard hereby appoints the lath day or 1551 lock in the arctic Eut em 17 ylixht srvlnr Tlmr at the om cuiollmv hoard Suite 11 Richmond street East Toronto Ont tor tho hearing oi tho shove rpptcauon and oil persona inlnrulcd tartiii Puneral man at st Mary church Barrie on Saturday Nay at it am interment Marys Come tery AUCTION SALES saturdry may Auction sale at high class irrm machinery tattle pigs dirty hay min and tin and same household oiiecls Ior iohn cochiln at Lot in Con Nottrwasarr Town aooil FASTUIKE tor to head at cattlo Would prctcr cowl Apply Don Knil toy RR Stayncr phone diam 224 51 CATTLB TO Parluro ugumes and linpmvcd drain mixture Plenty oi DAVISIn loving memory of Giddy Elizabeth Davis who passed away lilay 195 Mothsr you an not iorgottrn Though on earth you art no morn ==== LIVESTOCK FOR SALE House or sale Phonc Oro 952 AND TAM rlcs it wecitr old ivy 05 GREY 00 12 volt Phone CALVES tor Vcnllmz Phone Lctroy 2am Apply Ros Noilly Gltlord 952 iranchis and Oiiltid tor the Appl Copies oi the Application Hyvlaw arid Adrccrnent may be inlpcclcd or particular nhlnlltcd at the the clerk or each municipal ity the Applicant or the Solicitor Messrs Zimmerman Haywood and nrrvllle 111 Richmond strret West Toronto Ontario cull NOTiCE or APPLICATION TO DISPENBB Wllll Tilt VOTE 01 watnr Will not be ovcniocxrd it Sinclair Churchill 1252 NUMBER or Cattic wanicd to plsiurc Pianly oIwator Apply it Vecnstra third house across Anni st Ind in titla SL Barrio 125142 ACRES pcrmlmml pasture and Al am and Clover Take in iratlle or will rcnl tor season ncsvtr Oats Hay and Straw inr saic nu always warts bolero ovingly rialnumbered by hulhlndv Ion ohd douxhtor Still in memory you are with us Ari NuliLYJn loving memory at Auntlc ilelle lsnhLII Nelllyt who wcnl to meet her Maker on May 1950 She hath taught and ilzhi silo hath iinlshcd tho counc llnluilnns in Bradlnid and to tho nltocltwtzLLwawlsh to expren our heanislt ihrnlu and lppnzlallon to trtonda ncllliborn rnd various or tiommunlly Enter far the kiln acts or kindness messres oi ryxnpay Ihy Ind belulllul liarl tribute IE ccllzd durinl nul recent and heralvb pronto loving dauuhler and sister Mr Ind Mrs lvhn TM Brockweli and Carolyn ship milu north or Credmin milesjsolllll at Duntmonlload Sale pJn Slurp Nn rutWe IS Ila iarrn has been rented Terms caahi Jerry Coulhlln Auctioneer 4851 Tuna1 May Auction nil 1130 p111 lhlrp or arm flock implements for Vlnco Quill ll Lat ID Can Lint west or Allistnn on 00 51 Saturday May it Auction salt at she hath itept the inith ii Timothy 47 Lou riosa and mostly grain and poultry tor Lloyd Grant at not con 12 lnnisiil Tawmhip nttle straight west oi llolly Terrill cash Stile at 110 pm slum DST No re rorvo tarps wlu hs said Jerry Courhlin Auctioneer 4N5 Wedoead May is Auction raio 0i arm mchincry and potato equip ment nod potatocs and itoltlclinid eu ccts or Viilired liturphy arm in Vespra Townshipi 1A mils north oi harric Union Cemetery Sale at 110 pm DST sharp Noruervs as trrin hclno rented Termsssrh Jerry Coughiln Auctioneer to Saturday May 25 Auction solo at tarm stock implements hry ruin poultry and some household ciiootr lar Andy Park at Lot 10 con 11 Ver n1ownship mile north oi Grant iorrn stock Implemenu CALL THE EXAMINER r011 mlerNo ritolvr it NOTICE TO CREDITORS All person having claimr lulu the Estate at Artmun LINES late ot the Town oi aarrie In the county oi strncoc Gentleman who died on the ant day or December An use must iorward arms to the undontruod on or heioro the 17m dry oi Mly 1112 1951 arm which date the arts will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and Ill Exoc utor will not no liable to any person or whose claim thay Ihall not then have victim DATED Barrie Ontario this 24th day at April All 1357 Tits STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION liluNiclPAL ELECTORS Thornton Phone ivy itrt in wEANLtNG Pips wooks old Ap nnwd TAKE NOTICE Int ll the above P2 nuhlio lrhariniz the hand will he asked in issue Ill Order decllrllil and direct IIIK III the llullfi DI Illa res active municipal IInQIDrSll the pl 11 of tho rnld laylaw to not necesry DATED at Toronto this 29th day at izad veterans iii DVArhospiiais in all sections of the nation lodges or hospital Geneva ltiurscillcsaltd Ankara CKVRTV CHANNEL rmnav luv rha ohrlitopnarr Loo upon who no tiowdy Donal 500 olseovrrirs 515 childnnl Nawrml SM rtoy Rowan Loo Wartm Th has Farm marhot lteport The Canadian Red Cross maina tains eight llitliriztt CALF days old also limo ycrrs old switrcr Crown Hill Prion mm 1152 ll Vt ANLlNG PIGS colitis wc My ti ml PhA Am 1957 on on my out ON Show 53m 952 rAitln FUEL hoAiu it crazier Billion sow duo last or hilly also Sow first Illlcr due June Corrhznn Cookslowniv Plione unz Cookstnwli 94163 5001 litle Cowsduc tu irorhcn the first week in ztlay Ono grey Dur hamjnnd two are part lIolSItitt and years old Apply to Oscar Archer Ellrrvhic or phone tart Elmvniei nslsz iEEuEtt CONTRACT from Barrio Farm Suprly tu llnnnccy0ur had in hogs hue caiilc turkeys or broilers may he the answer to your prohiem There Fender Finance Contract to lit all situations to roiiahta persons Phone us today at PA 22902 Barrie for that oour scrvi 02334 INNISIli TOWNSHIP SCIIOUI HillIA No Alr ticatinns will no rrccivod or the ioiuwing Teachnrs Dullcs t0 com lncnea Sept 3rd KILLYLEAGH SCHOOL ncdr Thorn ton all grades citAiGVALE SCHOOL all grades KNOCK sciloo grader irihlmurn Salary Interim Flist$29MDfl and salary schedule gt Sialcmuhlificatians ox orlon dcnaminaunn namoot 3mm 15 lnspootortolcphonc number etc ll Louallazu secretary lAlNSWlCK 0N1 szaa rrir rtet ms rams Marital lrporl saa wratlm us Sports 1m rum Theatr Con 1110 Wna np slmnnrr may commissioner 1100 rmhytartan Same nil51 Brand new models including MA com MOTOROLA ELECTRO HQME Customvinstallalion and service while you wai months guarantee llcludes parisIdiid sgrvicc come ill llnw and ask about oui introductory olier on the at church Sale at ipm Iliitrp DST NEW TRANSISTOR CAR RADIQS no hum noise orVibrnti011 No ruervru irrrnisrold Jerry méAgssm courhlln Auctioneer 525550 OUBI DRIVEIN LOCATION saturday litry ill Auction sols qt as unlit 51 100 cut NM 1115 Today in sport 110 Cummunllv News 700 In Jackson no Thlaln 5m nan Lats wrstern Thratn ountry Hoodlum Mr and Mrs Hillng are spam nap Lalo M0 undu oround Aorntl mason my in Toronto this week guests at ca man sho SAYURDAV us Th0 chrtrtoahrr Open Hnuu Noudy Bondy Tool in ramps arr laettron Wllhm Tunr4 In Market lldvorl wrathr spurts or alter TBA My and Mrs nip Town sno rmhtlnu Were houreilotd turniturt tor Glut Gilchrist 10 My tittlr Marni at 70 st Vincent st Barrio No rc 112 Bay street servo Sale rt pm DST Terms TORONTO Dnurla clSII lorry Colllllllllf Auctioneer 494555 525558 nrumhar My Moro 00 Ed Sullivan Show ll stor 1hratro Showtim inno TV rhratru 1100 cite um 1110 this IllIt 450 Test wattm son cartoon capm WWW as Unitrd church 510 mm lri sits Kculucky Duhy man To than 5110 on Susanna 00 open Nut 30 Mr Firll all Howdy noodr as Eddy Arnold 00 In 1h story look rrpparmint rrtnaa 109 rim rtaoisron Holiday than an Wptorn rhoatra oo previews 10 noun rainlly nraphis the Park Plaza rrirs Today 1120 community Nam Miss John Graham has returned to Sault Ste Marie after spending Easier holitiays aihcr home an Parkside Drive Mrs Kathleen Moran Barrie and Mrs TimHalnilton formerly of Barrie have left for weeks yisit in New York Mr and Mrs King have returned from two months vacat tion in Cicarwatpr winter Haven and Daytona Beach Florida also Harrisburg Pennsylvania Mrs llialie Ci Sarjeant and iricnti Mrs Wighton oi Tor onto returned home by motor after six months stay in ihc lehliohtsiu ihoihtn CloarwaicrLargo area oi Florida go gggfgvggngm TEND£RS Mr and Mrs Graydon Kohl $43 filth have just returned from three 153ifiisgiiiitrrsnsu weeks trip to Florida where they $7 311 de cnt Easier They returned by News snort Senaildnall Valley which was T° ablaze with color7a beautiful tirch abllris time at year iNArritEClATION 00 NEWS Ind EDD l205 Sin SATURDAVVIJJl 615 New Hendllnu chiher 030 Mudlcn clock Ehnl El 15 it to r111 ar Wt wish to cxiuntl our appreciation 15 News Sport Scores and thanks to our many triends tor 150 News the lovely gins we rocoived at file 8mm Round Du party hold in our honor in stroud New at Sam Scores community isoll on Friday evening April 26 Hcicn and Lloyd Green 52 would like to day thank you to iricnds and neighbors tor thclr kindly acts booutltui curdsirnd lowets1vhith received while in hospital Thank you everyone Mr$ Clarence shittgrz liir and Mrs Showtime Refill nbcrt Scnse who were burned DIR 263851 may on come star showooto nrasnat it ran stan lur yroaruro eat Tllocinl cltt um Today in soon commuuity mm Country Junction DIAL 1230 1210 New 1245 Sport Snotltrhi run Thu chnroh Clilndu 100 News Headlines 02 Jobs ior twarkern rrrssrrrrH 38 no ram Cant Show 00 area not to chsnnrl salute st mt hows desalina ram Martial llcfll Slroud near stroudi all Mrrrct iurort 50 ltutletln Board 00 Nrwr Hehdiinel 10 lturrl Round un 15 Report From Purl ruoht Hill 30 Holland Caulnr iNews Variety Newr News on Request Nomi Herniuiat Matinee stars at tho was Near ra Ncin Heldllw 100 sundry Erma Tinn 230 Back to thin ilour Billy on am too Nawrsut 888 huuu thiIlooln School Ora Sclittoi Arca1A is invitinxtend us on Two loom lilasonrySchool gzhggllltrlo adjaconlrigaxislin NO 11 Hot water Flush Toilets Pressure system Fe ud Grachrn Revisod Plans and Spaclncdtlons may be obtained irnmStuart Kcyos orillia Ontario on titposit or 32500 Tenders will be roe May 6th1057 v9 to pm Lowest all Immu under not nthsIarllv JOuN cultlu écy teas out STATION not 5152 98 coco Ellhhntid 600 News Illd Sport Town srul Country 6J5 Time out Alohr News Randi 700 Church 50ml runs Market Report on sport NEVA nullsiln Emmi Nan Headlines The Planet Xowa Nirhurhtr in tha lIl Westernshow Saturday Bandstand Nora mt Pardo Nuts Sport ns Dance Party li00 News and Sports 1200 News and Sparta 1205 Eitn Oil SUNDAY an 030 News Hordlinor Weather has Music We nememher 1700 hielodlutly Yours 045 christadelphlan Churchvv 1000 This 1a My story 1030 Near 1040 raarur human 1100 Church son slmmw no 1215 Manda in units arttom la on to an The stunts oi Rwr and Meluchrtno 900 News Hit Parado tum Nsws 1005 sundry E15 Listeuln 1100 Ncws Sport Weather mounnvanl p25 News Hoodliner Weathor p50 strrhrth ior th nu 045 News 650 Musical Cioolt ahov 700 Farm Marketa 115 News sport scores 7am run At Erulklut 75a itsr 100 Sports Round In 520 News or snort Score 340 showtime ltrrua 900 New p05 rrrdlnr roat Linredness Ernie sho 945Cnliee Time mm ELLERY 1015 nonsmokers clinlp 11730 Tranihr Poll gt BOX 139 05 Bandstand 1115 Mrfund Mrs Ehn Similar to oneshown wiih lock and key Upswlng tray with partition in many colours lovely gift es ra 8833253 wa noter Esta arch ENSEMBLE son Torry cloth Gay colours with assortod designsBored ior giltglvuig MATCHEb JEWELLERY NECKLACE nAltlilNGs 9812 79c LoyELv CoLouns on gold 00 Neil no hits oi this Week anon News I005Coflc Tllnt i333 giimint my er oroe 00 as 05 Just for Younr Polk tian Military rtatoo rut Angus wish to thank the Angus portion and bonus scrs also to oil the poople who ve 121w Nm neauiiosa so ldndty and Camp nordon also no 12m Town OWN nod Cross 52 Wo wouldlike to take this oppor tunity to thank ourirlcnds and neigh oors ior their many acts at kindness Iolluwlilizv my accident was very muoli nppreclsled Allnn and Darotlisyz rASTEL ANDhlttGliT colours coloured total Assnried nt in scallopedlveifect arid lace tractiye designs Sure to please An Ideal Gm Mm stitchedC010urEui embroidorod trim in plnkand blue Boxed SMART HANDBAGS 198 BLACK FATE LyPliASjIC Handbags in clutch and Tote styles The favorite gift NloHT ohm 1210 Sports Classy Legato 1200 New would live to express my sincere Entlludelnr all the many ilowers curds iottersond boot wlsltex which received durinn my recch stay in hos pital also tor tho thoughtiulnesa shown hy moods and relatives Alma Laklng gt 52 would like to take this uprufiuniw to hankvall my many irlondx and neighbors and relatives tor the beau titui ilowersgiits andoardfi received while in ltoyai Victoria ospital also to thank Rev Nowtousmth Dr rostnilrott and Dr crossiandrlso hur ses and start oi oyul Victorl Hospi tri lv1rs porothyddoCherney 52 The making of toysin Canada has since the55eoond WorldWar gone headdn such strides that Sodizy ltgtl557$400000fl0 year 111 lt 52usry Canvas WWS FOR OUR LAWN Enjoy acoolllcoihfoti blea colorful Vsumtneri fit Add charm andheauty to your horn 53 tailornfred estimate tc inni bnnvitsmt ngwill reduce roomiompcralurés iromii to tiltw 15° gt 15 Kl lull wmtni till Liitiit in ygydwiw wt Li dfifiafiiafiiius NHL mi iiii Séalcd tonders marlt asto will ht received hy lhcultderslgned up ioiz oclock noon on ldny slat 1957 tor the tollowin Hours garage and he am at land in Lot Cop trMcdontc Two at Carley station Barn and house on Lot lColt Oro Twp to hicrly owned by Link ems oi sal Cortland chequ pny ahteto he County Trcasurcr liltht amount or or purchase price to accompany each tcndoriund tho b0 ancoon duilvoryotdeed Detailedlnio tlon rnay loo obtained trons Dalton lorruov RR No Cold water or thc undersinned any tender not nocosasrily Vitltn HUNTER County Clerk 3531113 =SOftNLEZE7V 1$CUFFIES 198 1N Tisth CLOTHtoiMoms leisure hours Soft spongy rub her soles embroidered trim Whiteplilue Sizes BIL will hlzw iiitAss liiaple Lotti Designwnhgiit fibre glass shade practical fli 511100111 who Asuloltlzp Rendizzvotis Nylons lanolin treatedddrk sins 61 gauge ply denier Lovely shades Sing 11 reli molt llOIiAE mm our out nm tril nd My édrdiyéylll cAVASSORTMENToicoiuui lime pink lulgrlnisupermhnen ypleaied 11d mzlnypth cotton Ncedsrhdiro ng IYI

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