Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1957, p. 7

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Jtlr Cahla PA um £320an APARTMENT Eu dining room Equipped 111 mm flif°m=iifam CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phone PA 02678 tssz Street Phone PA 1H1 uurunxluttul room cottage Phone PA on 5212 00 Pa iahed artmeht Phone can isolsa irlotlr roNIl Apply some harrte bratuner lHlM ROOM unmrnlahed apartment Down towit Phone PA Mm 155152 nouns on Room lnr rent and ur den Phone were isticu Edna mom one DoWNsrAltIs unfurnished rooms private entrance Phone PA 5205 iHldz most Cottage with bedrooms cen traity located APP 208 Ill rm leli we OFFICESIACE to more Central tlon Write box st uarria sillminer lttzArtsD Apartment bedrooms Cen tral Available June it Phone PA 565 thst FURNISHED room house tor summer months Avaliahie luna Phone PA own iJsist IUItleIIIm room bungalow Avail able ilay ii tor months Phone ems IHNZ PuanstiEO Rooms with manual Downstairs Central Adults Plane PA 34055 15 51 FURNISHED Apartment ee ira vnte entrance Phone PA out otter no pm ioozi nooai llouso hydro water heaTy wiring miles lrom barrio Phone PA Mm 155253 RODMED Apartment newly decora ted with private hath Available Phone PA 99315 155251 BEDROOM unlumlshed apartment Apply Its Cook St or phone PA llmo alter tun iStioz tlvo tttOoltl Iurnlshed Cottages iient rcosonahle APPly lilrs Faticy Little lake Barrie issu COMFORTADLE house in vlllage or Gllford Apply Elmer liotnwcll Gllford Past omee lHl52 ROOMS bathroom heated hot wa ter sell contained central 72 month Phone PA P7070 154 ROOMBD small apartment soil can talned healed Central Vacant lune Phone PA 30279 lsSztl noon Apartment seit contained ai most new oil heated Central Phone 154254 ROOMunlurnished apartment Priv ate bath and entrance Phone PA 0M alter 510 pm is ROOMED Aparunent sell containe Garage Available lune Apply lvl allodeau 63 Cumberund st 155258 24 ROOMS modemexehange for care or ehlldren while mother walks Phone PAoozzo alter or oil weekend lssz national Bungalow modern electrit ciiy Egallnhle lilnyc Lklgtlrnisheal 3olr urn In is ed Phone oo own istatl ROOM furnished apartment and bath with balcony ovorlookint lake Con tral location Phone PA 84109 15516 APARTMENT tarnished Largovllvlltg room bedroom and kitchen In Allian daie Low rent Phone PA Maia 155le BOOM turnished apartment one block tram new Postorrlee Private both $80 monthly Phone PA 04455 155152 llIODlIItN Apartment rooms and bath unfurnished heat and light sup plied Near bus Phone PA dtztl 15525 ROOM heated unfurnished apart ment separate entrance Apply 158 Duniop St East Phone EA 35054 i552st tiOOliI heated apartment in Cree more modern conveniences Immediate possession Adults Phone 64 Creergoasez BEDROOM Apartment self contain cd Immediate possession Adults or husiness people preterrezl Phone PA Mz2 154052 ROOM Apartment unfurnished want erl hy couple with one child approxim ater May is Apply Box Barrie Examiner in MODERN Apartmcht downtown roomtvllh hath s15 Adults only unfurnished ls Clappcrton st Phone PA 34253 i55i52 ROOM IIouae hydro and running water Apply Gillard Murphy RR harrie at mile north or Barrie Union Cemetery 155152 Puhmstmb heatedz roolned Sphrt merit conveniences cupboards range Military personnel adults prclerrttrl Phone PA ilzszt l552 BRIGHT room oil heated apartment heavy duty wiring hydro paid Air stainera 555 Phone PA 34572 or apply 210 Bayneld st 155153 IR ROOM Ap rtment centrally iocatedl No objection to children Abstalners Vacant end at May Apply in Collier or phone PA 85305 1552 LARGE room apartment unfumlsli ed hot water and electricity tree 00 per month Adults only is clapper ton St Phone PA ems 15515 FURNISHED Apartment rooms in tin apartment house tarnished heated No children Abstainers Phone days PA H904 evenings PA wan 155213 SPACIOUS ground floor duplex all conveniences or modern home with garden and garage Abstainers Adults Phone PA Maia atter pm 1552 Room heated basement apartment available May 15 Salt business couple Clvillans preferred Phone 5504 Arr71y 124 Eerczy Blhie 155163 BRIGHT roomed tarnished aart Ilieiil in good home sulphur aesa couple Abstainem No children 73 HenryStPholtePA 6075 15 as tawny decorated large rooms bath rrivnle entrance well tarnished howa own One child Reasonable Othets Ph ePA 2m alter pm isrolss RoomApartment piece bathaeit hontnlried slnrugelplce heated Very eentral Phone PA 024913 am to5 or PA 054 after 0pm lstBtf ow unfurnished fba downtown location heated hemomaiprlvnte entrance Phone PA em Alter Pat211m lstatt HOUBEKEBPING Mtgnkmiound flood llllette include 54 Admin Av photometer Rent tool tarnished hot cold Iain Amity NI mediate cut St AlAlfllxNr mum bathroom alth tr uniliked or willfulted nil wu Illiiod Nun modern but Central Ill lulu Phone PA 1551 APAIININI min and MWBQII Ind Implied LenlrlLAvAlllblC rr men Peer Estonia SI Fe 154 AVAILABL tor immediate on Srotmi tarnished apartment eontruty located the groom mmhhedm ieci merit Apply Owen st PA evening JA Him gt INNIIWDOD Apartments modern net contained room and Bathroom RIP ntahed or unlurulahad Continuous hot Inter Llunflry Mimics Ind lttlzrl Adults Phone PA tun IHtt SMALII country INDIE will electric stove eh Irdl wller gnrdeo Irid rota Ind0M mllulmm Cootsiown Apply Coolmown phone 73m isoItx Puluvlslltu rCoulle trends eooveal enees year round one child 41 monthly Phone Wasaga alter fish or apply laeir uleteuon asley st wanga Beach AUnOMB Yonge st New apart at building large and bedroom rules equipped with eltetrle nuvu retrigeratort Milne tiled oathroonu tree rv outlIadnd parking laundry Luxu lousu turnlihed cell eontaint ed rtrnent In modern up meat ovcgooklnl tho hay rtvato entrance new nave and retrlgeraler Available June tor the tummer month Adulls ally Phone PAJJGZ after pm lo dieI lIOICB OF loodu llchukth apa ents ranging from to 380 One central ana West End and one in Aliahdale All hove private entran ens private baths and are lpntiessly clean TDJee them Immediately phone PA 6637 Roger Iledl Ethic Sketiintt Trustl Bldg lssiiz itooil House has hydro and water on tap telephone and oil lurnate lots or room tor ehlldren also garden land vacancy may Also room up stairs very suitable tor couple eold wateron tap and hydro Ono mils twest ot New Lowell Phone bill alter erl or up lyrony van xaathoven till New ouell 1551 MORTGAGES as $2000 SECOND Mortgage or Elle For particular apply Box Burr Ex aminer 425254 WANTED Ftlinn to take first mnrl EEK an IM acre farm or 200 Apply Box or Barrie Examiner 424151 BOATSAND MOTORS Iz PLYWODO Boat and Trailer in good condition Pricestlo complete Apply li Maple Drive Camp Borden Phone 296M Camp Borden 434152 Fort SALE Best otter 56 Johnston hpm00i as new Clll be default strated on it It boat Apply to Parit tlde Drive or phone PAJldias utils to Fr INimArth Iiunohout Gray Mar the 75 hv in Al condition hilly eqlflpged soon lor quick sale unit can is seen Saturday and Sand only It Lanes North Pines OlaBlan Lake to milesnnrih ol Cnidwater Phone Toronto Lennox mm alter six any night duflnz lh WEEK JHZJNS AUTOMOBILE to HILLMAN door new car condition In METEOR Niagara door 54 MERCURY CoalJI 52 HUDSON Coarh so DODGE Door oo AUSTIN Door 50 oLDswthlLe door on HILLMAN door VIAU MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN SALES AND SERVICE l7 GOWAN ST PHONE PA 817 DOLLAR DOLLAR YZEAZAZIT HALWIC DEAL SEEfOUIt SALE AD 0N PAGE Illso NAslI Sedan mechanically per tect solo $25down Phone PA $113512 55 CIIEV two tone ncerires Good augndltimi 51 Nelson st Phone PA 257 STATION WAGON 1956 Chevrolet door slandlld NO trade Private Phone Mlneslng iol4 1347 i951 Poitn Tudor under 200 rnilea Urgent must sell Can finance with $100 down Phone PA 84661 1351 iota Clint00L Coaen in good ru ningcondltlo Motor years old Phone PA $1993 1346 less ELIISWAOEN peluxe black whltewl Uredumllehla isma Phone PA soon or apply at High st Apt BarIda Lioitt 51 lCHEV sedan Deiivcryr exreilent condition Any reasonable otter ac cepterl Phone and 135152 murmurs Panel Truck xeelletlt shape and HfChev irton delivery Apply lWiLIoltd Garage Mlneslna phone lua fill5255 toss DODGETflle non with DP hoistriind closedin body nought new 3000 miles No turther need Phaa PA new Reasonable al in Coach good my ptirsilloo miles niy No rust No reasonable phc nctl Ivy 15M IVnnlnxd gt thI rate arulizlsitxttit dad tor ioh clutch Body nhbe donat Willow ibolOJA Irllfim 1515 clot Cortinn 13148 135152 PA 5724 between 254 rrér rotated Jenv only If yourémorrled iri regu Orid safisfaclbrf em plqyme Orldrellable Its poSsible to drive gwayiin one Of these and DCpendahie Used Cars your5afeguard to reliable deal gte Our Guqmlileed USed Carskylure VI COMPLETELY CHECKED FROM BUMPER To BUMPER REFINISHED AND OVERHAULED WHEN NECESSARY THOROUGHLY TESTED TO ENSURE SAFE TROUBLE FREE DRIVING REASONAELY PRICED Have one of our Salesman demonstrate Cny of these selected cars 1955 CHEVROLET COACH Finished Navajo Blue equipped turn signals seat covers air conditioned heating tubeleés tires Low mileage I954 DODGE ROYAL magnificent Sedan equipped with powerflite transmission air conditioned heating radio wheel covers backup lights turn signals Solcx glass and finished in two tone Copen Blue and Beige Carefully used and very low mileage I955 Crusader Suburban This handsome Dodge Station Wagon has radio ac heating windshield washers wheel covers and is finished two tone gulf green and sandstonchcigc I955 DODGE MAYFfAIR V8 Turn signals ac heating etc finished in turquoise Wehavc another one of these popular models in bqually good order with alovely metallic Regina Turquoise finish 19554 DODCE ROYAL BETTER USED CAR Another fine Royal Sedan with automatic transmission power atoerilig Solex giass wheel covers back up lights Spotless ccn Let us demonstrate one of dilion ili throtigh gt these SpeCials I953 DODGE MAYFAIR Very smart Glenmont Grey Sedan with air conditioned heating backrup lights wheel covers seat covers electric wipers Good tradein allowances FOR GOOD USED CARS 0N EASY FINANCE TERMS SEE FRENCH MOTORS MIGHT MARE THE DowN PAYMENT I952 CHEVROLET SEDAN Nice clean car equipped turn signals Finished imige lt For new cars with Inward Loolt GOOD USED CARS Ron AS LOWAS 1025 DOWN 47rqrdCoachliadio 900 50 Nash Sedan bustnmlllidio 29900 50 Oldsmobile 00 Sedan Hydramatic trolls 37500 51 Chevroletlscdf Body and interior asrlow 59500 51 Ford Conch Clean throughout 42500 51 lllllman Sedan Radio 37500 52 Chevrolet Sedan Ond easy rterrns arranged 952 FORD Custom sedan custom build radio own low mileage $89500 I955 CHEVROLET Two door Belair has radio low mileage one owner car In line con dition $109500 I953 FORD Custom coachcustom built radio air conditioned heating one owner 35109500 This is véry fine carwhich has been refinished and thoroughly reheated Very Clean il5lldelté I952 CHEVROLET SEDAN This is Pilwerglide model equipped with radio and cloeit Care 1954 FORD Coach custom built radio origin al sandstone white finish interior as new $1 29500 ker Champiorl I955 METEOR Niagara Sedan custolrl radio air ebnditioncd heater two tone paint whitewall tires must be seenrtn be appreciated $169500 fullylised l950dDODE COACH I953DODCE REGENT Nicely eduipped WI turn signals ale heating etc and finished inlbvely Vermont Green W123 mEilelzimchinghe Illstilal turn signals alc heating wheel covers One owner from new Color LaurentianBluc IV GOOD USEDTRUCKS AT out 195151HEVR0LET1I5 ton Express repainted SHOWROOMS 19563FORD Custom coach air conditioned heat ing tinted glass one owner $189500 1954 12 ton Meréury Express 1951 DODGE Kilian Special 129 WB Factory rebuilt motor steel dump body 900x 20 tirés 1949 FARGO Vtton tindercompleteiy litinnit SQUARE ilA 50500 Moderate down payments DO YOU KNOW VALUE OR IS PRICE YOUR ONLY CRITERION COMPARE THESE cronhroott Cour $095 SPECIAL Chevrolet Standard Coach VALUE $795 iifldo $595 SPECIAL so hedge Regent Sedan VALUE $395 so Plymouth Crlnhiook Cuulu 5595 SPECIAL so Pontlae Deluxe Coach VALUE $495 49 Ford outrun Sedan S550 SPECIAL Meteor Curtom railar VALUE $395 49 Chevmic Deluxe Sedanet $495 SPECIAL 49 Studebaker champion coach $195 AS LOW AS NODpr PAYMENT IFYOU CAN QUALIFY ENJOY THE THRILL OF DEMONSTRATION IN THE NEW I957 PLYMOUTH HAROLD HILL LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth rargo I72i82 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 55 Dunlap SL WeshBaIrlr Phone Pita2427 1352 GUARANTEED QUALITY USED CARS I955 CHEVROLET Deluxe doorCoaeh tonex blue aetual rrilica lie Sure to See thisone I952 CHEVROLET door Sedan dark green tintsb good tires heater and detroster good looking good running ear 1949 CHEVROLET door Coach smart clean good run ning ear goodtlres heater and dolt trotted Be sure to see this one TWO WEEKEND SPECIALS I950 HILLMAN door Sedan Black finish an economi cal little ear to run I949 MORRIS Convertible maroon dosh films wall drives well I954 CHEVROLET Deluxe rlon Plcirup niacin darit olue finit smart clean truelt I953 MERCURY IATon Pickup Truck tone grey and hlue riprt clean little trueir good tlret he sure to see IIIOIIEST PRICES PAID FOR GOOD CLEAN USED DOWNTOWN MOTORS its nunhuP Sr WEST LonBudgie noon and ivory radio and heateraooo LOST AND FOUND NUNDClnu Omar nu III by Greet hand ea te aewani ole Phone PA not alter pm 1745 POUNDYoung hound doe hlarlt Kari in Ora our Ml Phaa Barrie null or Ippiy Haurfil Hayu Ml PERSONAL TIANEIOIIAHON hvhilahio from Barrie to camp Borden in hear our Leave an 13¢ return pm daliy EMU Counsel dimul mhned Cu in my calm Ara you new to no nrid hold for Counselor It to phone ll Mary Prince PA or call at Frederick street Borne 305105 PARTY OWIIIIII Johnson outboard Itotor rtored at III Collier St does not claim lama and my name and oatIt rent owing hetero May 1957 motor will he sold tneover emu IiiSis comlnaamo MAttntA eon Pull vantage writla Specailn by Over Moo no rnlll Ettahilahed tllCnLI rtelt no poor married eI Serumrm secrecy sinn33 1t Diclenl Pant otn urinal Km MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS lo eollurtiaa No thorn Credit Rural Barri not PA ALL TYPES 01 ROOFING scRVICt surrum MORROW tit MOCDONALD General Contractors PA 86820 mm 5415 GROW YOUR OWN WILSON TREE FARM Custom Filming scotch Pinc seedlings Norfolk Vlrlely 432 MINESING 54453 Phoh AI PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Free Estimlllcs PA 049370 stsur WELLS DUG COMPLETE WilH TILE Also CLEANED AND sEPilC TANKS PUT lN PHONE STROUD 43ml H2439 ROTOTILLING PLOUGHING Dlscmc Reasonable Rates SID WOODWARI PA 03204 DASH EleClriC Motors laRoss sh Barrio PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICEv In tat moo nonintileg Haipnn an HAROLDB HART barrio mectrlo moron 53 Owenflt Pb PA 82306 oioti LOOR COVERING Armrtronga moor Covering huhber and Asphalt ma unnleflml auc wn nip latertale led Installed rrerrunil WOLFENDEN tit Toronto st Phoao Hifl Now is will mil TOPHINK Allotlt leNC YOUR HOME REDECORATED ron REASONABLE RATES CALI LAKE SIMCOE PAINTING tr DECORATING co EXPERT IN STAINING ELONDING gtBLMCHING FREE ESTIMATES AT ALL TIME Phone PA87170 JOHN BOIIIUS 253 Bnyfieldst Barrie 50550 WELLS 006 TILED om WELLS CONDITIONED Coheret tile in weilt culverts and moor wane PUMP SALES SERVICE rele 10 Minimal Phone PA MI 17h tile It Toiletth Park Mill PA gnu ll In Salllrthy tumble furnished Ann Drive willawdaie Ont lunar hrlght furnished PunNisilzt ncdroomt PA S355 aroiey Lot22 Con10 alaek cookstonn Elia SUMMERCOfiAGB Im bedroom tamnit cot CmAGl rent or loan hod mom In miles from In Sldl Barber lacy Ill Dunlap hitlHiIl TUILDING TRADES PIERCE CONSTRUCTION REPAIRSF ALTERATIONS NEW BUILDINGS Phone PA 8204 If gt Accommodation deud anttomt home unlurnlshed wont ed immediately vicinity or inn lob den Phone Camp Holden 54 tidltu nLonllLv Lady wants warm eomlort aole room and board in ahuagtlow and whenever necessary tray torvlco and hed care will pay 880 Per month Write to Mrs Green Betty lldtuz roR RENl room Cent Phone PA Mm 453 LAIIGI nodtittlng room nimhhed weekly Phone PA Hall HI52 Allan DELpIn Roomw single tor man Apply to It lo Ava Altold LIGlflVilouxtkeevi room Suit rou Pie Central Phone PA ML UNFURNIEIIEITRMRE upstairs Im mediate paumlan Phnna PA 66150 4551 sttxn liousekce in room for wllh use or Phone PA 55163 trillionemu Itoom ycry central camr tortahly tarnished Adults Phone PA Most 4H DUILNISIIED lied illinlromh Grtrtllt mln pixlured Phtinc PA $5212 ln the evening tsoim ROOMS downstairs shar battinCot it ted Key at 16 Codilrtgton st one PA 05201 150151 blocks from downtown liualnoso man pm ferrcd Phone PA 34433 455143 Business Ophortutti SIX COTTAGES AND STORE with modern livinl quartet BOATHDUSE AND BOATS sixteen new at hush All on ltlghway and Late $12000 or exchange tor house in name APPLY OWNER oox loin PARRY SOUND ROOMS moor WAsAaA EACH Smelt naron Main street $0500 hays business and equlpw merit Will give yearly rental or year lease Dont miss this Phone 219 illlt Davie 196 APARTMENT Ilauac tor rain will fix apartments in or them relteon tained Good liw atment Alto duplex room apartment above and room downstairs BullHn garage largeyndai Central Reasonable tor quietr tale Applylaox Ili Barrie hammer zsttz COMPLETELY equipped winterized Lodge with seven cahlns lovely grounds anndy heaeh sate tor children Also Dance Hall with snack bar and gut shop Ind housekeeping cottages with Inside conveniences May be Our chlsedscpurately APPLVMH Hills oro Beach Lalre srmeoe 235 SEEo AND FEED BEAVER OATS High Germination Bagged Treated Delivered $160 Per BUSHEL Phone COOP Eerrlefi 3i 104253 BALBD HAY or sale shanty Bay SEED BUCgWflEAT to cPhoae isril strou or my owaa strou 05255 Haverson stayner Slmel ozirsz Iosioz an AND smAw lor sale We do llver APPly Ketl Gllloid Phottd Lefroy um 2101th ItEI CLOVER Se or cleaned at $2460 litw on ns phon 522 Mlnesing 104955 SEED POI TOES Ear Ilia metijuim Chi pews and Selago Max Craig Craighurst Phone aalrie Barrie 105152 SEED POTATOES rrsale Irish Cob blers from trade Olggngqlrééeed libil bson an 10514 cmPPIsWA Potatoes suitable for table or seed tor sale Apply TedJflurorm Thornton Lot can Innisfil Phone Ivy 7171 105152 PiuiAN Arm Beaver Seed OluJor also leed Oats APPLY Harold Bill PhD 2rl4 vy loMfilfl IRIS COBBLER Polling £0 limim otPetc MI 15 CP MONTOALM Seed Barley Getinitiation test at or ciemetl and treated Maurice Coat Midhhm Phone PAr class alltics BBAVIEII Sced Oats from registered ed tarsal reasonable trade or WI $1 Potatoes Pamtgslggr on Am Mont aIm nirléya ai mEwietuxclgfi

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