By ALLAN oonos SecretaryDirector Education or helsue Alans work Week is Ihrinklng at an alarming and very on rate Within few years itls predicted that the average work week will be around 25 to 30 hours And this with many increased pay and greaterpur chasing power for the dollar Even today many people do not know what to dowith their extra hours oi leisurethey become lrustrated nervous mental and physically ill because they have nevcrbecneducated tor leisure Passive entertainment such as watching TV or spectator sports such as attending ball games do not answer the need or proper ly expending your extra energy restoring your zip and zest for living or properly relaxing body muscles and wiping away mental fatigue Only by personal participation in hobby activity or sport of your choice can you achieve Re Creation Healthy recreation lor all is more vital now and for the years to come than ever before That is one oi the major objec tlves at your Barrie YMCA YWCA To give everyone the op portunity to participatcln health ful activity in good clean on vironmentto encourage to de velop to train those with ability to be leaders in their own parti cular field that theymay by their example skills and talent go out intothe community and instruct others This is yeareround jobnot just few months This is work the has pioneered in for over 113 years This is the work Sir George Williams set out to do in London England in 11144 when he first formed and organized the Young Mens Christian Association to bring young men outm the gin shops and taverns in ohealthy pursuits recreational activities that made tor purposeful living Since that beginning many years ago the SY has continued as dynamieorgonization origin ating developing and pioneering many sports and activitiesa few such as basketball volleyball re sident camping may be mention ed here Later hopeJoIbrielly outline others but the even today is not content to rest on its past achievements but continues to explore and develop new sources at value to all the com munity Tilppetry Aiigirls interested making puppets and in writing the play in which they lvili act are re minded of the class in puppets held at the building each Fri day afternoon after school New members are cordially rinvited to attend and join the group Club 26 EveryFriday night at the building26 Owen SL all teen agers Are invited to attend the recordhop between the hours at 8p and lloclock For purv yes of this dance we ask that teenagers be 14 years oi ageand over bei tending Members may bring All admission fees are presently used to our chas thelatest rccords orldantz Tableflennis The special tournaments that were held at the during the Easter holiday week produced my ml Anyway we succeeded in converting them they used to he vegetarian much interest has developed in the game that it has been decidV ed to hold weekly tournaments Therefore each Thursday after noon the boys will have playoll series in table tennis and on Fri day the girls will hold similar tournament Perhaps we can lat er arrange tohavc the best girl and boy player meet and play series of games for thebcst all mund champ tor that particular week Boxing Classes On Saturday morning at the building all boys in the 50 to Sitpound class are asked to report at oclock tor instruction and exercise in skipping bag punch ing boxing instruction and spec ial lectures that will be given by the instructors Don Wallace Archie Thompson and their spec Ial assistants Dave Muir Sid Tay lor Bob Richardson and Bob Hooper Boys in the 90pound class and up are to report at 1015 am un til 1130 an Saturdays limited number oi new boys can be accepted in the boxing classes on Sflturday mornings Woodworking Class The members at this group meet at the building on Sat urday morning at 10 oclock on der the direction and instruction of Jim Dauphanec The first pro lectol the club is building bird houses New members are wet come Outdoor Activity liillcrest and Codrington school Saturday morning prognms are taking on the form of outdoor activities Girls clllsscs will still bemceting for the first hour from it to 10 am on Splurdays and the boys the following hour Sce Miss Helen Spanis lrving Groh or one of the members at the Yvs Mens Club acting as vuluntcvr Joiners lat JltFoSChPDI playgrounds for lurther inform ation Ys Mens Club Meet every Monday evening in the temporary building for supper meetingat 830 Excel lent mealsare served tora very nominatesum along with fellow ship and fun thatyou cannot buy at any price Next weeks speak er is the outstanding lawyer WJT CAMERON 60 Maple Ave rm 83083 ncoirsu FORBUSINESS rumours 50c whllellwalt mandala wavmo Guaranteed toStay Permanent some startling champions and so Urination making on all and death matterto mail Your Will New more cordially welcomed to ttlla vice club oLthoW Aircraft Club Tuesdayeveoinn usually flat iron 30 hr members lithe Model Aircraft Club quietly eul ciently and meticulously putting together model planes at great many varieties under the compet out leadership olRohbie Robert SOIL Senions are held in the main room of the AiLhoys interested in model building are welcome to the class which starts at pm and runs until 830 Assisting Rpmle are Jim Moore Bert Verwey and Eli wood Wynes Bring your model circuit prob lc along boys and we can pro ty well guarantee that they will be solved by these exper ienced leaders As the weather Improves it is planned that outdoor model ly ing and many competitions will be held by this group of boys New members are alwayawel corned Solid Club For the sixth session at Barrie StyEd Club the theme All Nations under the leadership or John Lepsec and Kiss Kalle Dont miss this unusual party and special event night Phalanx Fraternity Next Thursday evening at7430 group of young men or Blrrie are meeting to hear an outstand inlz speaker at the on sports and to put the tiniahing touches on the organization otflanother chapter of the Phalanx Fratern ity national organized group of young men between the ages oi it to 25 Chairman protcm ls William Panghorn with Frank Cleare JohnMalone Joe Wal ton and lion Tuckcy assisting on the organizmg committee Fun ihcr information for young men between the ages listed who in interested in this club may be ob tnlned from the secretary or by telephoning PA 87261 Canndihns last year ate 32502 000 gallons of ice cream or two gallons tor every man woman and child run CQATS Wonan lltrlnh It lulu Mun uuanwrnullv liMi1hurlliiStp voun Local runnlan dramuutor rrw on Hui mall nuln no no rdix srECIAlllzro sumj VTELEVlSllill coolLineman than by our technician LMIllllillCllii REFRIGERATION 110 humor as Phone FAB2059 Builddguinst fire loss Buildlor low maintenance cost CMHC Accepted AIMS AsBrSros SEE YOUR NEAREST ATLAS it WWW rHAr EVER herbs ninja sure bu protection on can point itif you coreJ to never needs pu torr weothe ed TURNALL CUPBOARD cg Wx is ovollubl en like stoneprotects lirefits any contemporary design TURNALL CLAPBOARD White or Gray in it leng hs intlliop width 12 TURNALL wealherizicl SiDlNG SHiNGLES are eye in ï¬vqottraeliveSurf Shades Shell FathomGreenSeo Gull Grny CoroiSond Deep cypress grdin wavy or straight butts ASBESTOS DEALER White Sen closure VERUM OMpAuv LIMITED Beings Mien1 our Extra Values in Co Comlorl Wgrrir weather Favorites So Cool So Comfortable So Easy To Care For Wash sari Wear Short Sleeve Sport Shirts Froin will known maker Three colorsBlue Grey or Ton WujshVond Wear little or no ironiilg needed or Extra Large Sizes Smoli Medium Large 395 Vialu Target Solo fried Cool freshlooking and Summer pertcctt Speciely purchased from Ilt wellknown maker and savings priced for the Target Sale Getan armfui now while this timely offering lasts Carefully toiloredex pertiy fihished and detailed with breast pocket and fourhole buttons All are first quality fine cotton with neat self stripeTheyre work saving timesaving wonders when hot weather comes just wash and weor with little or no ironing Popular shadesof Blue Grey orian SmolIMedium Large and Extra Ldrge Get some for Fdlhcrs Day giftstoo YouPSumnlervFovourites at timely saving Substandards of Monorclrl wailknown Ioughie lino Get all you need for Summer and onethird Slight tub standards of Monorchs wellknown Loo Tougtlie line Youll like the comfortable titand ml olthe no knit colts that washes as easily aha wears so wellt Alielostikwoistbond Fri elasticized leg openinaond reinorccd Scams Small Medium fund Large lhebasf liked style Lo top moke RE No more saggana socks nolmore launching and wonderful comfort and always nectar appear If int would In $100 Nigel Shin or all3 saving OVSlIhatairdardr Monarchs iegulor l00lina olToughies Firm lumplng thesl stretch eoriryau will w°d To once One sire fits everyone trom lOJto hs rcguldr lot or use of sllghl flows we consnve you onelhierd Comfortable and rib kni CoolCorriforfobley Eds to Warh and We stock ll They ro one of the best late Monarch Tong es but been lrrirsrs would be $100 use they are slightlysubstondordfw ca Tavgerfsdlo nylonreinforead tor shape retention and wear slay style anduood length in thtd an SmoilMedium andtam Get supply for oil So mrrondtor Fathers Day llEchllrï¬31ummosoaks TShlrlsallrlf3ave