Morton wroutsokir 9933195V Frotaken on tuoaraNonNr Nswsrarsn Serving rue rows or mama AND COUNTY or snicoa sinceiasa 720 PagegeThrbemï¬ons man 93rd YearNo 52 summvuumm mtut MoneyRestrictions lumps Mall BéiEased soon shows an increase of $33035 TransCanada natural SL forBB Blake St buildcr Lettner builder Hill McKnight BukA builder sell Fl Light 43 New er sell Alexander 150 St VinA Mr Campbell served nine years from1951 retiring from muni term as wa de According to WI Blair sec rotarytreasurer of the Barrie Town Planning Board restrictions on Central Mortgage hous ing loans are expected tobc litted early this month and will be approximately equal with the amount released for 1958 There is considerable building available The month of April has shown lurther decrease both in num hers and value oi the number at permits issued during April as compared withthe same month last yearr During the lirst four months of this year there have been2l less permits issued than in the Same period in 1956 but the actual value of permits issued The town planning board draws attention to the act that the 1956 report of the industrial developl ment branch the department 01 planning an development for Ontario predicts that onethird of the development of Canada bc tivccn 195740811 will take place in Ontario The completion oi the St Lawrence Seaway and the gas pipe line will provide an abundance of energy for development This probable expansion should be reilected in the growth of Bar ric Details 01 the permits issued in April are given below New Dwellings Veitch 149 Penbtang St for 96Rodney so builder sell Hill 126 Cook St or 124 Rod ney St builder liill dtlticKnight ERotman 249 Owen St for Brookdale Drive builder Hub ble Dr Friedrlck 140 Collier Bell 51 Shanty Bay head or 95 SunnidaleRoad er 14 Burton Are for 54 Cook St builder Hood Allandale Lumber49 bell Avc builder scflépiiglhlï¬iahc Auley 22 Lount St for Castle Drivebuilder Wchb Arn ott 53 John St for JohnSt tonSt or Codringidn St build er self 11 Allenuli Thomp son St for Thompso St build er seli PappclFrederick St for Lakcview Crescent builder Allen Pratt 171 To ronto St for Shannon St build cent St for Collingwood St builder Alexander Son Day 8101 Construction Co 336 Cod rlngton SL for 113 Cook St builder sell triplex DayStol Construction Co 33 Obdrington Former Wgrdém Sells Farm inlOro Now in Barrie Smith Cam bell arden of the County of Smcoei 1954 is now resident of thcTown oi barrio having purchased new residence at 51Newton Street Recently he sold his farm in Oro Township just east otthelair grounds to Clarence Reid of Stouttville on Oro school board andll years in council He was reevool Ora cipal po ics on completing his nadianv ectorsh eldest son in sight when the funds are 51 for Codrington St builder sclf triplex Conversions hirs Stewart 105 Torahmst convert SFD to apartment at 103 Codrington St builder ncrlram Bros Repairs and Alterations Hurtibcsc 100 Drury Lane addition of porch at 100 Drury Lane builder 11 Morris Weista 14 Shirley Ave alicra lions at 31 Shirley Ave builder self Dobson 209 Dunlap St repairs at209 Dunlap St builder self Seal 14 Queen St additional 14 Queen St builder sell Mrs Fowler 92 Burton Ave repairs at 92 Burlon Avc build er Stunden Bristow 199 Napier St repairs at till Napier St builder self Mrs Conlon 131 Bradford Stvrepails at 131 Bradford St builder Cameron Dr Doidge 115 Blake St alterations at 145 Blake St build er sell Mrs TarBush 74 To ronto St addition at 74 Toronto Stgbuilder Bowness Alli but Srcumbcrland St repairsat Cumberland SL builder Alex ander So It IJrry 58 Owen St repairs at 58 Owen St build er sell lifatteniey 257 Dualop St add sunporch at 257 Dun lop St Wbuilder sell McCar thy B7 Baylield SL porch at B7 Bayiiald St builder F1McCarthy Sinclair 16Blake Sta rrcpair porch atlt Blake st builder Handy ViTurn topage two please Open Meeting on Tuesday There will be meeting at the Community Safety Council inthe Council Chambers on Tuesday lilay This meeting is open to all interested citizens and will commence at745 pm At the inaugural meeting on April 25 Mayor Willard Kinzie appointed nominating commit tee who will be bringing forward slate of names head up the Barrie Safety Council as dir After these names have gheen submitted further nominations will be accepted from the tloor VThe nominatedhoard oi direc tors will eecta chairman vice rhairman nd secretary ahdre port the results to the general meeting Community Safety council can achieve among other things The increase ofypuhli ness towards safety Theincrease of public accept ance of safety legislation and en Iorcement Withyhighway and nonoccupa tional accidents tar surpassing in dustrial accidents community Safety Council should be great step forward for the citizens of Barrie in thesaving ot lives and linb to May 13a canvass rthe speeial FromMay 1318 the canvas will concentrate on the common clal andlndustrial section of the town May 2031 there will be house to house canvass ciair has beenappqint MILL arrived3t awarev KEN MacKAY assistant general manager of the Ontario Satety League discusses the nandhook published on the formation of saftey councils with Mr Justice Stew Editorial Comment ty League By NEVILLE napalm Examiner Newsldltor The prospect of major profit on the dad has overshadow ed the many implications of the sale of the Old Post Oitiee to commercial concern Barrie Town Council has received firm otter of $75000 for the property and since the public ationot this factgthero have been number of other Jens ative enquiries Last fall an agrccmciitrwas reached with the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation for the sale oi the building to the town at price at $15000 Thisligure was bartering on the partuivthe Town Council and with the help of Jul ian Ferguson MC Federal Mem ber ior Simcoe North from 1845 until thereccnt dissolution oi the House of Commons Matters came to head early in September 1966 vhcn the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation wrote to Council requesting ï¬rm offer for the Old Post Office from the town The corporation stated that they had been approached by vari ous parties on behalf at the town requesting the purchase 01 the propertybut no mutually satisfac tory iigiire had been suggested At the time Mr Ferguson had Frost Th Morn Sunny and COoI With North Wind Sunny and cool has been the average for the past week and will continue today but cloudy towardevening Fresh northerly windshave kept temperatures down and growth slower There was frost this morhiagi Temperatures were High Lo 77 v41 62 40 10 as 62 3d 42 30 April 27 April 28 April 29 April30 May May May SEary zs submitted brief to Ottawa out lining the future use at the com plete property including the CNR station and treig sheds and ne gotiations wer tii he al of receivedarc offer uplo $15000for the prop erty but in council itrwas indi catedthat the town would be pre pared to go up to 519000 The suggestion iiehihd an discussions and negotiations at wished to purchase the llioll erty or the use of the coni munity There was no sugges tion that the town others had visions of going into the real estate business The community was led to be lieve that the old building might be adapted to form some sort of centre thereby preserving this landmark in its pleasant surround ing Council received number of suggestions as to whatmight be housed in the building all worthy ot consideration seven months later the ci are faced with the possib ityot seeing the old building disappear and the small square which iorm ed the heart Barrie turned RAHWAYS RUN STANDARD TIME LIjSTacHANGEs MostofEastEm Canadaisnow on daylight saving time one hour ahead but the railwaysmust con tinueto run on standard tipi 0n the toliowing page is the re viscd time tables for Canadian National Railways Bairie and A1 landale stations and the Can adian Paciï¬c Railway Midhurst Only changeiin the CNR lsLha No from North 11 Barrie ew minutesearlier at 5s and reaches Toronto The Sunday night train lleaves Barrie at 700pm standard and arriyes Toronto 845 The Rhascut off the daily except unday local trains ronto to Medonte until midJun Northbound No 25 used to arrive Midhurst am Southbound No 2Q used to hem Mldburst 12 pm Itisundarstood these trains wrl be returned ior sum does not stop is BARRIEsolDAPisi DFFICE this time was thatthe Town and districtnboys depend to lresultpl this with of course the 3ilousingIMortgagesf SCAM STAGESJEXCELLENT COMEDY The tlrst production of the newlydomed Cdmp Borden Dramatic Club on Wednesday 58nd Thursday at this week must aptly be termed Special 81 lirst to the directornlielen Mooreand her assistant John Stoplod ioi expert handling of an inexperienced stage group As natural talent and enthdsiasrnoi the actors theproductlon ran hrougb smoothly from sun to élnsiall Ofï¬cers llou 1srnym art Mayor Willard Kinzle andHér HonorJ Judge Mrs Marjorie Hamilton Right John Ricketts field officer of the Ontario Sate lnto commercial building block ing out the glimpse of the bay it is the thought or certain aldA ermen that the proï¬t irdm sale to commercial enterprise would help to relieve the lair load The idea latpurely academical 7101 cveniL the profit were applied to relieve thetaxcs the small ditf erence in mill rate would soon be swallowed up by the cost of the numerous things which must terplacc to livelln cotton or another host olftre would do nothing to improve thebeauty of Barriet it Would encroach on the pre sent War Memprlal which means so much to mlny of the people of the we and it would swallow up green oasis so pleasant in the beat af the summer Another line of thought aired in council has been to the eitect that the money realized from the sale of this property could be usbd to purchasea park site in the Shanty Bay area No speci ilc sltehas been mentioned but the idea is that such site could be developcdby the municipality to provide park and swimming ac ities Because of this idea and cause it was known that an offer for thetpost ofï¬ce was imminent at arecent meeting of the cou eil was suggested that web bour committee should go slow It is expected the Chamber oi Turn topage om please ETag Daysfor Sea Cadets Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets hold their annual tag day this Weekend Some lttflnflarrle large extent on this public support for equipment and training Tag sellers willï¬over the town todaytroms to 91pm tomorrow from am to noon bedone in town to make it abetA store on thésltc or the old with their at developing Saturdly llnlsh This was periormancc by anllmatcur group without one Of Spiy CChapter MasomcTemple Roberts Leishman 18 Waxin stailed as lilostWise Sovereign of Spry Chapter Rose Croix in Ban rie Masonic Temple on Thursdan April 25 Allison 33 was the in stalling rotiicar other officers lst ling 32 Armstrong 32° Prelatc Rev James Ferguson 18 Raphael RoyN Christie 32 Grand Mar shat Delbert Cole lbRegis Oliver Cameron Treasurer Kenneth ACameron 32° Almoner John Ionkinan 18 of Jack Butler 32 Organist Lloyd Tufford 18° Auditor Cliiiord Elrick Id Masonic Temple Representative Cameron Guard Charles Grease 18 Scottish Rite Spring Assembly will be heldin Barrie oanednes day May 15 liquor It will be the first time since 1912 that the town hashad beer and liquor stores At that time therewas privately owned liquor store and six beverage rooms 622 of the 4790 ballots car twomonht war bebveen he in the local paper that ts mem hers were drunkards acobolics and habitual criminals The advertisement ad smash hit to use Broadway 811 image It was comedy collad Once In Every Family and the entirEiyrlccal cast or chardcters kept the laughter throughout the entire performance ot three acts commendation shouldnoiiceable requirement lorprumptlShlPahW Russeiislat Sm till class 1amin was the theme but up in full dross tails white tic munity minstrel show annually role was vellltakem and most of his lines brought laughs His was all handled their parts by leeTaylor and Betsy played ried tbe5affirmative answer at or audience in ing gtThcy aimply did not miss their cuesorlines and there war no tumbling in movemen Weekend Family Life once 1alvcry Family was writtcnï¬by liiarrllane and Joseph Hayes and it was especially apl peeling to tecnagcrs and to par ents with teenage sons or daugh tcrs typical weekend in lhe lifeot North American middle ofcoursenot too oltevn does the lather get so involved in trou blcs not of hisown making or choice as did llorace Brooks Father in the Camp Borden pro duction was played byilank He ale and here indeed was star perlormance in hadtbe hea est part by tar and carried it throughsplendidly llls manncrv isms and voice lntlections providl ed lustthertghtmoodfor he humor intended in the sc Father had numerous costume changesio make too He started in business suit progressed through dressing gown overalls tor wall papering land iinisbedl and top hat In black law to carry on as end manin the corn put on by the parentteachers association dating wne The secondmale adultpart at Edgar Russell next door neigh bar of Horace Brooksvasplaycd by Hal Nordi Here also the the plrtjoia henpeck husband He iinished up the th act with two black eyes Theï¬rst shihcr was applied by Claude Willis playedgby Chic Coleh thenbank president who was Horaces boss The banker happe former colleghmoxer the bank preslll ent parked arin Mrs Rus sclls petunia bed when Monica Russell played by DianaBond in vran latte However Russels 17vyeanold son to show ally succeeded in doing but ran intoiadoor jam during subjection and sogot the second shiner Relish And Ability The young actors and actresses ous relish and ability ekperience thus gaine production planned or early fall should be even better now that solid core has been lfuundotlr The sisters Brooks Lila as played humoroilsly by Carol Hutchinson were right in thcmood oithc story The mother Barbara Brooks was doue Struckett and Carol Willis wife of tho bankpresident was Sheila ibis father how ï¬atake change of the fair sex This Mr Russell ï¬a With the by Carole Wood who took awayhlr13rooka dress suit by mistakc for rum mage sale Then there were Jill Higgins Lilys teenage girl rtend whose boy frlend wilhthelr up and downs inyouthlol romance was ed Jill andDavc Reidwaa the irrepressible Shipahoy Lilas boy lrielid Jerry Caldwell was bank clerk played byTommy Tomlin son good looking coupler Son at the itussells Bruce was inthe ariny lie was played by Ted Pudsey Bruce enlivened the weekend by bringing home two buddiesPec Vec Hawkins and Jug Head Knox played PerryNodclman and Ronald Gat izlitle whotriedsto take over Jill and Lilliirom their regular boy friends butwore themselves taken overby ltuthie and Louise played by Sheila lienrile and Joyce Bul gcr couploof girls from down the street Calming Ulcers You seemathcr Had to go away or the weekend and lathcrlooked ioiward to quiet week to calm his imaginary ulcers But all the teenage rumantic trouble flared upptho army boys moved in there was drum set and cymbals on which the son insist ed practising lhczpaper hanger quit soJather badflto do the job himsoland to cap it all the next door neighborshad noisy Sat urday nightpar and fathers bass arrivedtoinsisthe gct nto Helen luooro cral years ago directed two hea dramas the uréd in getting he lub started oiccd his appreciatio ast or their line=atlortl Among tho audiencew re Ma J0 Go cr Clark General Otilcc Commanding ContralCom of Oakville elighttul interlude between as provided by themand ot theCanadianr Guards Regiment directed by Capt Gayfer Selections Irom Oklaho My Fti Ladyweresveryv note worthy as was the groupotfsing ing Guardsmen directe Band rnian lieath 31V cial arrangement French canada Ltd Assis ing the director were Hank Hermie uproductio ger as well lead role Don gt stagezimanager wager tumors of dare to vote ire $7000 rsurrendereddbis 1948 Harry dndian agent of tatestbe ten year