Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 May 1957, p. 5

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MedialHeats Week fa fliatlonalxMentalsucalthvWeek is from April 28 torMuy sponsoredmythc Can adian Mental Healthiilssociation There are more than 70000 patients in Canadas mental hospitals more than 20000 new victims admitted every yearone Canadian child of every twelve bornythis year is likely to require treatment in mental hospital some time in its lire When will it stop When will mental illness become somethingless than our number one health problem hospitallzing more people than all other of the major ill nesses combined When The answer is obvious thn Canadians have the courage to face mental illness squarelyand honestly as health problem that does exist and that we can and must do something about Something more that is than swamplng mere hand ful or psychiatric doctors nurses and other dedicated professionals with hundreds of sick people Recent research has givenimportant clues that if adequately followed could result in discharginghundreds more or the victims oivmental illnessgthan now lsposslble But they cannot be followed because all of us have preferred to spend our money on many other things much less useful to human needs It the Canadian Mental Health Associa tion had Just the amount of money to spend for research projects that Canadians spent in one day on alcoholic beverages in 1955 marked progress could be made against the scourge of mental illness Two and half million dollars would go very far in the search for cure or preventative But the total contributions Canadians made to this private voluntary agency through all its eight Provincial Divisions for its entire pro grampublic education services to patients and their iamilles and researchamounted to less than $250000 in 1955 Eegillningfln this Mental Health Week the Canadian Mental Health Association is launching new drive to add thousands more Canadians to its membership It is appealingto Canadians to give more and more for research Canadians generously supported the great drive against poliothat we was Seller generously supporting the splendid research and preventive projects that are making or have made tremendous gains against tuber culosis diabetes cancer But for mental illnesswe Just hairent cared enough One dollar sent to the Canadian Mental lIealth Association ilwill enroll anyone as member Joining tomorrow is not too Foam Destroyer of Forests In 1155 four yearsbeforéWolre led the successful assault on Quebec tiny black spruce seedling shot up in apatch or low gro in ontarlo 150 miles south oi James Bay In 1950woodsmen felled the me 111 issyears it had grown to height of 120 feet and its diameter at the stumpiwas 42 inches Foresters tracedits age from growth rlngs Add their check shovled that at tim uring its life had the huge tree be by fire Thatmay havebeen aywellavvay ironyroutes foliowe by Ian vdians andtur tradagsand in la ysettlers he big black spruce Was lucky at loflyearold in his report apclne Canadians ane inflation ing started one of ontarlos most disastrous bushfire or recent years itali butt wiped out one of the last remaining stands of white pine in the province and molds nullionsoi dollars The fire season is at hand law little care may prevent disaster Campers should be sure their fires are out smokers should be careful not to flick away burning mat chcs or smouldering cigaret butts Indus prccaution Farm folks too need to be on theyvatch valuablefarm woodlotwhich has taken years to develop can be wiped out all too swiftly ining and logging need to exercise every 02 ions or one Daily PaperwatPembroke oum Cillzen Though individual unlis may be competitive the press in Canada is somewhat like family in that mourning or rejoicing is general when member diesor is born Thencwspaperbirths column on Monday contained an announcement of special in terest to the Ottawa Valley loathe PembrokcObu scrvcr published its first edition ass daily Yet the blessed event was really rebirth into life of greatcwrcsponsibility rather than fresh start The Observer is already more thsnaccntury old in 1026 the Observerwas purchased by Mr Alfred Logan of the Standard who combined the two Weeklies into the Standardflbservcr vlt was iriwEckly when purchasedjromlir Logans estate by the Thomson Newspapers last year The new owners have lost no time in pressing ahead as it were to daily status The observer has chronicled much history in its 102 yearsthe saga of Lhe timber tradchthe story oi harnessing waterpowerfor the mills the quieter accounts of fagriculiural development There have been recent chapters on an industrial revival in we Valleytownsand at Chalk River the uniolding episodes in mansharnesslng of the atom with population moving up toward 18000 an assessment of more than Slami1lloaf and civi ex penditurcsdue to pass $558000 this year Pembroke is abusy and wingcitygin region izihrlving communities it is building still more pc futuré andin thistask the Observer willvdaliy Discsphne EdmontonJournal The threat of expulsion seems in be staging comeback in some Canadian schools Several dclt cades ago it was applied with little hesitation to maul sily lazy or unruly students Gradually how ever gaveway to more tolerantoificlalattitude due parily to the softening of dscipline which accompanied the effort to make schoolmare inter estingand enjoyable for students and partly to the belief that the schools ought iry harderto salvage the dronesand rebels for their own good Threat Increases Family Herald Th Bank of Canadas cent report to the Gov ernm at is one of the la est in that institutions The reason for is clear Coyne the Governor is deeply disturbe the continuation of inflationary trends in Canada arguesthe causes and the consequences danger fully he can The basic fact is the percent 51956 and thatin the months thus tski in some of 1057 the price increase has been three per at this year the total increase in prices in 195857 will be at least eight per cent and might indeed amoua tolen per cent What this means in plnfii terms but the value at the money in mans pocket wnl have shrunk by ouclttenih over two in per More than this MrCoync docshot mince words about the most inevitable consequences He says The object of ecodomicrpolicy todayis to promote high level ity and employmeht with facilitate economic growlhat the highest rate that canbe sustained for years at time without endangering the stsblityoixthe currency or the sislent cost ofliving fA hectic attempt toexpsn th th bi in addition to promoiin inflation to create excesses and distortions ove capacity In some fields and deiiciencie ih others and end in recession depres in gs expansion 10 il um aterjhe excess oiatteln té nably attainable til Newspaper lished Monday 1Wed esdoy Buildih Post HI BE squaie Barrie Onlall MW Thismeans that ii the present trend iscontmued for the rest of my pricesto also sell trics which work in the woods1especially Harvey Youve boob Charging um Soviet officiali may perhaps befound fighters actually against God strongly worded letter of protest from offi cials of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society legal govern lng body of Jehovahs Witnesses has been sent to Premier Nikolai liulganin of ihe US$11 Dnnald brown presiding minister of the Barrie congre gation of Jehovahs Witnesses lalsnnounclng the contents of the letter cited the whole sale arrests and mass movelt ments of Jehovahswlinesses lo slave lahoneamps in su berla For many yearsznuw lid Brawn quoted the letter as so Jehovahs Witnesses within oviel Unloa have endured gre difficulties and heavy per secuiion They havo constituted committees and delegationsviro religious organization according to the statutes in force buto each occasion they haveibccnfioiiiety uifed and instead of beings owed to register their Christian organization they have had min isters in the delegations arrested company composite petition that had been adopted over period of nine months by iotai of 462036 of Jehovahs Witnesses meeting in 190 assemblies throughout the 7000 Jehovalis Witnesses known to be in slave camps in the Soviet Union and requesting their re lease proposed that delegation be permitted to proceed irom the Societys headquarters inBrook lynNY to Moscow to fully ac quaint the Soviet government with hovahs Witnesses We have acted only in good films common xperi cod Postal Cle among their own ministers fnrr the purpose of registering their The letter was written so ae worldlt called attention to thei ihc true aims and purposes of Je soNssoAvf MAY1I957 made branch manager JEHovAHsivuuNEssEs sEND STRONG LETTEKTQ BULGANIN faithiiir Brown said Follow ing the petitions adoption Itcach assembly copies were sent byreg istered mall direct to Moscow and copy for the Russian Embassy in each country was delivered in person Most of the ambassadors would not see us Mr Brown re ported Ebul we were able to talk to some Soviet diplomatic oiflc ials To date the Soviet govern mcnl has completely ignored our petitions Eurthermbre when copy was offeredio the embassies many oiihe Russian officials refucedto accept it not even wmungia touch it as if it well Wk Others insist on that many iics had been circulated about Russia and openly scoffed at the mention the name of Jehovah God nd claimed ibatihe law of liuppsia was Dgher than the lanai Jehovah and that toLbeobeycd in hassle In spite of all these deliberate rebuffs the Watch Tower Soci tier assured Premier Bub gnnm that Jehovahs Witnesses sti stand ready togtsend their delegation to Moscow for the dis cussions proposed in the petition Maybe their hearts will be hardened against us just as Phar aohs was many centuries ago when Moses was sent to Egypt to demand ibefreedom of JehoVahs chosen people so that they could Worship llini without interference Mr Brown said But even if the Co munistsconiiaue lo arrestour mi tersgas they are doing in the USSRand mostvof theSatellite countrles Jehovahs mustand will with the help oi Jehovah Godcontinue to live Christian lives and worship the Most Hig Asserting their purpose was to inform the world of the bitter Christian persecution that still ages behind thelironCuztsinhMr Brawn revealed full report ssue or The Watchtower official magaline of JehovabsWimesses Thisissue wilibave steppedup world circulation of 10000000 copies in 45 languagesyhich is lhree times normal circulation Plansgare being made by the congregationofJehOVahs sses to call at every house in remembers Witnesses is being published in the April 15 Barrie with this significant re port Asps Réggpiaclés Keep TOW Tidy Clean Up Litter Barrie April 25 1957 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Sir Now that Barrie is hold ing fCchnUprgampaign sure ly this would be good time for lawn council to consider provid ing litter baskets This would help considerably inkeeplng the streets neat and tidy and people would become more ilttemn salons hilay of theulirech in the twin are spoiledby popsicle and ice cream wrappers being ihmwntlown simply because no receptacle is provided for their dispassL Care should also be taken by the garbage collectorsjo see that any refuseorpapcrs which spill out onto the roadway when the pail are cmpiiedlnlo lhe truck are collected sndnot left to blow along the street film BUG Farmer Recalls HungrygISOSNTQries May Do Better Newmarket Apriris 1951 To The Editor The Barrie Examiner Siri scc by your paper Mr Rowe says he has been dissatis secure Pages to 12 1551 your NHGHBORUNESST Do you cut regularlyydispnse or leaves weedsdnd cuttings neatly prune treesapd get rid of dead branches Is your alley as attractive as your front yard to cleanliness and the camouflage oi flowers Hum your porches and steps sturdy and recently pointed your concrete walks even and free from cracks your railings firm lsyour garage cleared of greasy ughflammable mater been washed recently HaVe attractively enclosed swiftly over others property Is the outside of your From now on=be good neighbor ialspllesof paper and iunlr Is the garage storagcspot for the car pius neatly placed tools rather than an enclosed junhheapi Isyourgarage door sturdy Have the windows you oiled the doorl Do you have separate containers for garbage and trash complete with lids Are the cans placed out of sight or house gleaming with paint Though individual does yourcOlor scheme fit in with adjoin ing houses Has yourporch and garden furniture been paintfreshed this year Are youngarden toolsan attrac tiveidentifyingcolorrather than chippedoff brown lZDOyou sweep the alley backof your house periodically to eliminatebroken glass and spilling trash yesanswer to every question means you are person everyone would like tollve next to Evian one no indicates your disrc ard for thosellvingrclosest toyou DuringClean UpPaint pPlant Up time repairremodeiplnnt and aim addllianp two new members to the cibinebgnd the filling ofone of the vacancies in the Senate were annou ilch withthe Liberal government for 25 years He being iarmer himself iokoi people are wondering if he gt the early thirties called by many the dirty thirties when his leader Mr Bennett was prime minister and wheat was 85c abushel hogs $550 cm and cattle $500 mom and when farmers all over the country were losing lheir farms andwhen number or them went to olcaw and the prime minister hadnt even time to come at and meet ihem and moratorium We all know how unpopular at was as wellnsborrowing moncy from ihe States to keep things going the face of these facts is it any wonder there is only one mem ber of that government left 0fcourse the Iories have had so many lickiags since then and so many years to lick their sares they may hay had theirlesson and will do lter job of blast ing their way into the markets of the world than Mr Bennett said herwould Lets hope so if the people have forgotten enough oflhc past to givethem auot er chance tokeep th wordy Mr Editor will be glad if you lit to put this letter in your roximately 200 new cases of cancer appear each year in every 100000 population This means that during 1051 roman scheduled loopen his oleciio csmpagg neg The crims governmen Toronto Davenport in the last Parliament be comes Associate rt EugeneLefranéol old Liberal member fo Laurieri the last lament thc friding re forMr Chevrier to contest Laurent ssi he Chevrierwohld seen As pres ent Chevrier will the cabinet ior Seaway made it man it his yeah he prevnously sat rio riding but 29 calThe it Windb ioid press onfcrenccithafithe hospital insurance Cbnunonl amcd to the Senate thus potential Chcvn isficsway chief Specu lation hai Chsrlcs Gsvsié illyear old vicechlirrnan liae tor the job Mr Stunt fsaidMr all Would tslre charrennin lhiment was announced Hellycr is to concentnlo mainly on deicnce administration lenv eience Minister Camp ncy for greater concentra tion on policy Mr llcllyer be comes the youngest cabinet min ister lbe first from he Toronto limits insurance aurcat made prn willingness does abijby Belifliilli each of he provincEsOntsrio Columbiahlberta Sask Prlma Edward sland assumed cgea eip ems Have your gutter and downspouts been cleaned out is your drainage planned to taper off rather than flowing

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