Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1957, p. 8

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Mrs Fred Priichard has been npointcd secretarytreasurer of the Strand Telephone Company sowing to the resignation of Mrs WiliiomEYoung Mrs Rritchard to fie over her newofflce May an by not Keith Pratt met with an un ortunate accident last week While playing baseball he got hit the forehead th the bat rc qulrlng severa stitches it is hopedvha will be able to return yome from the hospital early this eh Back Home William VGoodfellow has turned to her home here after spending the winter at thcvhomc 01 her daughter Mrs Jack in Hamilton United Church Large congregations attended the Easter services it all the hurchcs ln thoU ted Church RevG Wanlcss took for the home of hs splendid message am como ihat they might have life The church choir sangas an anthem Exalt His Name nd Mrs Wanlcss song solo Tlhe Holy City Community Euchre the last of the community duchre parties for this Season held on April 15 had 16 tables playing Prizes were won by Mrs Nelson Watson Mrs Mei Martin Mrs lowery and Harry Thump son Black and Don Wicr record was kept of the total ppints of each player for the sea aon and prizes givenfor the est Mrs Nelson Watson won the ladies prize of $5 and Third the mens 55 bill The Late Mrecharies Robertson Charles Robertson possed peace fully away on Friday morning ll 19 at the home of her son The funeral service on here Monday was conducted by Rev Wanless at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrie with interment in Stroiid Cemetery Our sincere sympathy is with the bereavod daughter two sons sisters and rothers at this time Easter Tea very successful Easter tea on Saturday afternoon was spun Vsored by the United WA The lovely warm sunny afternoon brought out splendid attendance nd the Sunday School room with profusion of lovely spring ilowe ers made an attractive setting for the tea tables The afternoon tea was sponsored by the Senior WA and the Evening WA was in charge of the bazaar and bake table both very attractive and popular Mrs Waniess and Mrs Harold Wallace poured tea Dun lag the afternoon several enlt yabie musical numbers were given by Donna Marie Mason pi ano instrumental vocal quartette Elizabeth and Margaret Wanless 56311 and Linda Small vocal duet by Dorothy Fox and Donna Marie Mason Matter for Congratulation The community hall trustees to be congratulated on their ccessful management of the winters euchre parties There were 15 parties held with net ofit of $318 They wish to thank all those who helped so generously by supplying lunch prizes etc Also the committee in charge the community skating rink are to be congratulated on the lendid management of the past ason hand Easter uded After fingering illness Mrs After paying all exv pensea they haveia balance of $539y rna annals sxmmanrnlnar arm 26 1957 ii Lean Montreal at William Mc Lean Mr and Mrs McGee Mid land at Alex Black Mrand Mrs Garrick MrsScrvl¢e at Barrie and Mr and Mrs Adams and baby of Mlncslng at GEDrgo blulhoilands Mr Brown Cln once and Miss Brown Bradford at Herb Blacks Mrs Nelson and Mr Morrow of Port Carling with Mr and Mrs Rod Black Community Benefit Party Next Monday night April29 in the Stroud Hall therewili be community benefitparty in aid of Ralph Ledue the young boy so had burned tryingto rescue his grandmother several weeks ago from their burning home in chroy He will bé in hospital for long longtirne yet soiet everyone wishing to financially the euchre in Stroud on Monday April 29 There will be several lucky draws good lunch and chasant time Somakc it date Stroud community benem party for Ralph Lcduc Kitchen Queens The 4H Club started their sixth lesson with answering rollcall The childrens menu planned several ways of using milk in an invalids diet were learned also how to set up and prepare tray most attractively and taste fully Thrce demonstrations were done in groups The 4H Club held the final meeting of the series bymaking cottage cheese and discussing the achievement day which is to be held in Thornton June All members of the Womens Inst itute mothers of members of the club and anyone interested are invited to go and see what the girls have accomplished Visitors are welcome in the afternoon It is hoped good number will be able to attend WI News The members of the Womens Institute decided to get two quilts for the Red Cross All ladies in the community who can quilt are invited to the community hall on Tuesday April 30 at 10 am if impossible to go at 10 am assistance will be appreciated whengler possible on Tuesday April 30 to helpwith these quilts needed by the Red Cross Easter Service present at the Presbyterian Church for the Easter service with the minister Rev Easter sermon and an enjoyable solo by Robert Cowan Great Is Thy Faithfuiness accompanied by Clarke Mus Bac FTCL pianist and choirmaster Sunday Service Sunday April 28 the Sacra ment of the Lords Supper will be observed in the Presbyterian Church Stroud with preparatory service on Thursday April 25 and choir practice on Friday April 26 Miss Nancy Raymor is spending Easterholidays at her home at Rockton Mrs Anne Davies is spending few days with MrsD Johnson Mr and Mrs Norman McCraw and boys of Niagara Falls visited with their parents Mr and Mrs or Reid Mr and Mrs Sutherland and Donnie of Brampton visited help this brave little boy attend WHEREARE iTS Roars Whatcauses slim Hoveiyou everfstdppedrththink Though buildings are slums they dontcause blightthey are its result Only pcpplecan create alumr cartxturn building into city disgrace person who lets rotting step continue toidecay allows paint to peel off and disappéar who heaps Sunk in the corner of the yard is slummaker So the real roots slum dwell in human indifferen indifference to themselves their surroundings their neig horsondtheircity The first step to urtail the growth oxislum is to at he at the roots Throughvthe Clean UpPalnt UpPlant lip program civic disregard spotlighted and drowned Lupo The habits of cleanliness good orderarectressédand re emphasized and actively demonstratedy while some people will never respond to challenge for betterment manywiil realize the benefit totthemselves and practise the Clean Up Slogans gt Not least of all you and who have drifted into bit of neglectand inaction ticowiil answer the coil and tidy up Clean UpPnint UpPlant Upfis the time to firstrblowr against thereurse of cities the slum The henediction closedithe CHURCHILLv United ChurchWit eEng The April thankoffering mect ing ot Duncan Auxiliary of Churchill United ChurchWMS was held in the church onThurs singing of hymns by Mrs Tridd Womniis Associationl brief meeting of the WA was held preceding the WMS meeting The meeting ened strike the day afternoon April 18 with 24 members present and the ladies from Giiford Ebenezer and St Peters churchesas guests The story of the Resurrection was road as scripture by Mrs Bouncy and Rev Sanders gave the prayer for our special missionary forprayer There were 27 sick and friend ship calls one hospital call and two books read The offering was with the detotionai reading Sacrifice by Mrs CPratt president Mrs McCluskieLex pressed thanks on behalf ofthe Leduc family for donations The annual church housecleane ing was set for Monday MIYJOL The theme prayer closed the meeting samon moments The British armys senior rcgb Mr and Mrs Harry Baker and splendid congregation was Muir delivering an interesting dedicated by Mrs Kell Miss Claire Tillmans group were in charge of the program This part of the meeting opened with the singing oltwo hymns sacred drama The Challenge of The Cross depicting what the cross means at Easter was pre sented The main part was ably taken by Mrs Campbell assist ed by Mrs Stewart Mrs McQuarrie Mrs Sturgeon Mrs llillock Mia Spence and Mrs Campbell with the lovely ment is the Grenadier Guards formed Charles 11 in 1685 Friday with their futhcr Sutherland and other relatives Mrs Betty McMillan and Bobby of North Bay are holidaying with the formers mother Mrs Bowman Olllllll WEHAVE APPLIED IT MANY PLACES IN FACT WE ARE sneer METAL Aces our muon he as bodyguard Jlor 7162 SARJ EAN MARY ST BARRIE om PARKWAY 82461 Easter at Parry Sound and Mrs Earl dick and Brian spent Easter holidays with deeidspnrents at Parry un Visit to states Mr and Mrs Wilson and family spent Easter weekend with Mr and Mrs Schunlt at Sax dena NY Easter Vllitors Visitors aver Easter Mr and Mrs help andI Don of Ottawa with Mrs Jacksparenta Mr and Mrsudohmllammond Mr and Mrslohn Mcclennon of Toronto and Mr McLean of Cockatown at the homelot Banting Miss Elli McLean wlth herisla Ker Mrs Elwood icnnett Mr and Mrs William Davie oT Toronto aridGordon Speirs of London the home of issue Speiro Mr and Mrs rKautmiIn Jimmio dDavid of Desborough with Mrs Kaufmansparents also Gor don Rutherford spent theweel Quays Mr and MrsPorteous ofDun dasspent GoodFriday with Mrs Eaten Davis Sandy Jennctt of Barricis holl daylng withhrenda Banting Mrs Roy Wilson and daughter Mr and Mrs Sutherland and Gary It Mrs George Wilsons Easter in New home daughter spent the Easter holi days at their new home in Ivy Toronto Weekend Mr andMrs Gay Robert and end atMr and Mrsr Bert Mo MIISIC Fl rah near his tveekead with irrtilysplrents in Toronto Lawrence McQuay spenttha end with friends It Sudhury Kfnnton Visitor Mrs my Fleury and daughter Nancy of Kingston visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Cox worth and Mr and Mrs Davis Arnold during Easter holidays GUMIRIS Ten neighboring Womens in stitute groups have been invited to come to Guthrle community hallcn Friday April 28 at 815 pm to hear Carol Lone noted wome sftnvel director forthe Shell Oil Company of Canada Her firsthand knowledge of both the famous and the llttleknnwn delights along ur highways have earned her thetitle First Lady arrTourist One of theflrst steps In rehabilitation for the blind is training the fingerelude new taskb Developing manual skills helps the sightlcss regalndostlconfidence Patience and skill combined with tact and devotion to the task of teaching make CNIB tea chars indispensable to rehabilitation Please be generous when thovoluntcer canvasser calls or send your donation to Mr ll Hancock Bank of Nova Scotia Barrie Ontario thuamy wheil you specify Blue Coal VRemember to stock upthis summerat the speclailow pricesThis way you can be sure of supplies for next winterandj save gt money too 12 RH no LT BRISTOW PLUMBIN HEATING am Wu 84DUNLOP51WEST WuwPAB377O stntvlft mar Tint youth ndlylDAfilsrugStonl u¥ixvuusror oRuof sroae V56 Rayfieid toLobiaws PICKUP AND om noun memos mu mi 5542 friendly roan ionand complete HousoiAthV HFC Canndaomoat recom row with confidence ironilLvF Whether the we your money problems is cash loanor export counsel you mhy rely on mendedlwnsumer finance cam You like HFCs prompt backed by 79 mi335 fivéyou miy 130 phone baas5 onnn WITH 5YEAR COUPLINGS cuAaAuTEE Gardenbiiglifldnglashng PLAST HOSE lfl methanol orG years satisfactory service Save Safely at Canadian Tire Law BRASS SPRINKLER srmm the Inn with ta uh 3279 any um 9V 50 LENGTHS WITH COUPLING sthoINa srnAYCo comer Warm Vinson Jl 45 xiii mum Itsso flexible so ijght andrclean to handle The nslruction is guaranteed to give minimum of Specials rxran VALUETho revolving eone breaks up or mum effl etm mamas Exm vnlue F39 LawnMaster seam LEISolid emu non on human mm on all it 3119 mm urrc I00 78 1098 Mutated alum um anti Icqltl

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