Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Apr 1957, p. 5

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lier WANTED fwAlvrRlsssP with scheduled in anbnot gvmprned Complete syndicated but once not APPLY UNITED CIGAR STORES LTD BARBIE Heliumxnods we SALESMAN goatsmswmm all employee benches plus excell opportuntty ror AdvMunch APPLY MR MCFADDEN EPLErTs ELECTRIC I47 DUNLOP ST ltl mills CLERKTYPIST RmmRED IMMEDIATELY some typing helpntl Good worllnl conditions days7v hour week uhml holtday and vacation pay APPLY DEVILBISS CANADA LTD nARItlE 14950 EVANGELINE SHOPS LTD OPENING IN BARBIE nmulRls SALES LADIES We are seeking intelligent women be tween 2545 who would enloy lull time or part time career in leiidan chain or tine Ipnclnlly shops special lung in womens apparel lndhcccss cries Experience is always welcome but not neeessary Enthusiasm willingness to ieIirn lash 1pa are essential Openings are also Ivullnhlc or sales ladies talented in display We have ilvedoy week protlt shnr Ing bonus and employee oencrlts WRITE 10 huts ill PAToN ISABELLA ST TORONTO our Give lull phrltcllihu or course all replies will be conndcntlal 14749 GENERAL help reqFrcd immediately Live in prelcrrcd Phone We Misti 14749 ILELIAIILE Person to core lor hlllle rcn while mother works Phone PA 87902 11849 AGED WOMAN lor housekeeper small house Iwo 1n ismliy Apply nos 57 Thornton I49 PRESS Operator shllt work Experience not required steady work at good wagcsaPhone PA Miss 149 WOMAN wanted lor house cleaning one day week also baby sitter needs ed in Sunnldaie area Phone PA HIDE 14550 EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted loi lull time work also part time help needed Apply River Gardens Restaur ant or phone PA 669 14349 PART TIME work Lady or gantlé man preierabiy with knowledge of typing to work pm to pm daily in local real estate otilce Apply stat lng wages required to Box 80 Barrie Exfilnlncr 145 YOUNG LADY required as lull or part tlmc sales clerk in modern Jewqu store Pieasant working cundltlon Grade II education required Apply Weston Credit Jewellers Dunlap st Fast Barrie 149 HELP WANTED SALESMAN COLLECTOR scanned by npldlv espwot mdll omaulsatioa walnutsle loads 24 client IIIr1 clr DIXONDoe lint have car APPLY Show CANADA LTD FLOOR WEST Tollon HOUSEIIHBI wanted or cottage June is to Sept Ill t1 pllln cook Husband employed when deler wt or In fly Im wand wlth driver Ila summer enae Eelertncea it stroud to D9 ltlzen and pm 141 ARE YOU INTERESTED in ulMllnn lion with established spec ill party Local termon sva ble to aggressive ulesnis Ahly 3555 flint have car and cultural backmund Pull nlu sl slstance and tnlnlnl liven Wette luliy diving phone number to Box London Ontlrln 14149 POSITIONS WANTED preter TEENAGE Dov requires lob weekends and aummer hand Ho Phone PA owl FARM IIAND experienced Dosluon Phone Lt H41 Tamnln 2465 CHILDREN minded in Allsndsle daily Monday Io Saturday Phone PA Mum 14345 YOUNG MAN wlshrs work as Service station Attendant or work at any type for steady employment Phone PA H171 24149 requires GENTLEMAN wishes employment to cure lor iswns and gardens at $150 per hour Wrtte Robert streaham Rh stayner 24549 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP METALS BAITERLES Phone PA 68331 or PA 86487 We Ilsa It bell In channel pSantanan roll INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap St Wail luniflAIA Phone PA 68331 or PA 87204 Sflfl Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS RIDES RAGE BAIIEREES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY tracks wtll calL best prices 3111 Spechl pflnu delivered Phone horde Ste er PA build as MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard aild Olllce 204 Turns SI sllstt SET or second hand Goll Clubs want ed Phone PA 1141259 54 EOAT TitAlLEn wantcd capable at handllrig IIIn boat APPly link 29 Barfld Examiner 549 ELM LOGS wanted to buy also con tracts lor cutting and skidding Earl 10 Barrie Examiner sand PREPAD COTTAGE wanted tor remo val to Coulngwood area Apply Mr Jarrtd Muriel Ave Toronto or phone Howard 54870 34 MEI Craig one REASONABLE PRICES no Hanerode romeo Penmangut spinner svellshls frisch motions HUNTERS POULTRY FARM SIROUD rIflwl GRASS SEED FEAT mums 6mm Toots Pawns LAWN slam mun BArils LAWNdLoBIs EENDLEYS FLOWERS BLAKE 51 GRAVEl FILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE 51 SOUTH PA 82901 14 PIANOS NEW 81 RECONDIIIONED ALL PRICES anamNKxaNNEDll miles north Barrte on Hum 27 One Mile East oi Aplo PHONE ELMVALE Irll Illv88Il RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE l0 DUNLOP 51 VWET BARBIE JONES USED FURNITURE THIS WEEKS SPECIALS plece msgntiieent walnut bedroom suite piece walnut dining suit chairs upholstered genuine leath rme six drawer desk also spinal dealt by Ciooard In solid wainut excellent 11° rv seebrocsa speed rwcont play er many occasional tables lots high class and ordinary lurnlahlngs china glass solid silver and cut glass in tact everything tor the home WE HAVE EXTENDED OUR PREMISIS AND Now DCCUFY 15 ESSA nOAD PIIDNI PA oezoi SPECIAL RESTAURANT LISTING QUANTITY OF USED RETAURANT FIXTURES Atr condltloher carrier relrtgeratlou units deep iryer burner combination coal or oil range 50 sets ot double loldlng ctulrs pie stands 25 tubular metal beds etc etc ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 6626 741i KLECIRIC Range Battery Rldln Phnne 35ml 74849 USED OAK Dining Roomsulte Phone PA 32603 74349 QUANTITY OP CEDAR POSTS Phone PA Mada 7470 Phone Mast MANURE or sale Apply cllll Brown Perndaie Rand ER Darrin 74h LIMED OAK dlnlng room SHINE Ilsa Deep Fryer Phunu PA H291 after pm 745 aARGAIN Dresses suits shirts she 15 and 18 good condition Phone PA aIols 149 LoGs tor sale Apply Msttachlllcr RR Eimvale znd LlnCIlos Phone arll Elmvale 14350 ELECTRIC Reirlgeratnr as good as new medium size rice 50 93 Blake st 1194 FARMS FOR SALE ACRES Pasture Land good water supply miles north at Dorrie High way 93 Phone PA stilts alter six ROOM E7 BOARD ROOM AND EoAnD tor one two girls with young couple Co iete privileges Phone PA itaslct 52F GOOD HOME an elderly ladies Rea sonabic rates Phone Twining 56415 or write NewmarkctrBox 713 124950 AVON ERODUCTS have openlngs In Dante Hawkcstonc and vicinity ror capable ladies who have our hours day to spare Good earnings write Miss Towers Apt 305 151 Wilson Ave Toronto 12 14749 Accommudatién Wanted on ROOM House wanted to rent in Illuerest or Codrlngton school urea Phone PA 84150 114749 GIRL 1125 years or age capable at lotan lifter Books In small office Must be accurate at figures and hand IIIIE cash Permanent usltlon Mclt LluKhlIn Packlnz Co mltad phone Allistou 71w or stayner who 14354 algoGnEssIVE company needs ambl tious Dealers to sell 225 guaranteed Products in your locality Substantial cemnussion Free Specials to custom en You can resure up to 575 per weeks $20 is required tor your sam ple Case liTo Dept 51311 St Hubert Montreal 14am wa Allls LoADED wltuleads cannot handle with present stall we need you You have never sold belore You have been laid ott worgl Your Income isllnw We wllltraln you to get the high tneome year round The only thing you need is car am months Income guaranteed No canvassing allpleads supplied Plume tor appoint meat tad ill Maltray PA 51631 RODMED unturnished apartment wanted lor June ggalaggllnem Phone No chlldren ANS 3r ROOM House wanted to rent with option to buygtaafila urgingulAgpply one 24 Granvll 4960 ROOM tarnished apartment wantcd tor couple with one small child Good recommendations Needed by May Phone PA 115030 1149 PENSIONER wants lurnlshed house keeping rootn May Central state rent Abstalner Mr Riddeli 133 Horton SI London0nl 114349 uNyunNIsnED bedroom home in load neighborhood wanted tor execu 4454952 tlvmof new company locating in Dar rlc1wo daughters 11 years and 15 years occupancy required by June but would take over suitable propcrt earllet If necessary Permanent Ier able tenants Phone PA hml 1141150 HATES run halal militant CDEADLINE POE MONDAYEATUBDAY 100 pass ADIITS MAY BE TELEPHDNED TD PA will gt each word In imum 80 Following consecutive insertions 3c word minimum 60¢ CASH RATE woldmmtlnum CO Followingfionsecutlve usenions 2c word mlnlmuin Alli MUST BE PAID WITH OElest 39 NumbersVOr repllds dlrected to thls office 25b expo COMINGEVENTS LOCALS AUCTION SAhES NOTICES so word totalsum 5109 eclltive indertionstiic word lmmunl lot or THANKS IN APPRECIATION er will not on responsibilityto Any arroer the telephone our lnrllr0n rt copy unless NEWMAN Upright Plano excellent condition with beautilul tone Phone PA 83110 alter ll pJn 712 WOOD AND coal stove whlte enamel trim also setol Coll Clubs Reasons able Phone PA H255 74w SET OF Allls Chalmnm Disc Barrows ior hydraulic hitch in real good can dltion Phone stroud 2451 749 Momma cu it and GE Hot point doinch Range Apply 45 Corisnna Crescent Camp Borden 14149 RALEIGH Superb Bicycle racing han dlebals speed gears dynn IlIIll Ind many extras Phone PA 68545 74819 REMINGTON Quletthers On dulln down our dollars Per month All orders accepted Phone PA MESS 74040 ls LAWN MOWER as new Heavy duty electric range good order 515 Knowles RR Barrie Phone slroud 10111 Iflfin MOITAT Gas Range burner dtted toe Propane excellentcondition also Space Heater and Ice Bax Phone PA 66269 14949 NATIONAL Cash Register same as chain stores Cost sllno Take 3451 Good as new Prlce phone 108 Cell ingwnod 74849 KITCHEN Furniture Wooden Table chairs ice box steel utllity ublnet also china Cabinet and Bullet walnut PhanCPA Mason 74w MOTORCYCLE 52 Harley Davldson 7t luv condition and appearance as new Pont slslfl buddy seat Gleaming black Phone PA 84224 74950 sweat Venetian blinds 5s wide 57lonlz One hllnd so 40 Arm urilce Chairs TV aeria all wave 50 It All reasonable Phone PA um 14349 ifi uenm Washing Machine hardly used$25 also 12m lb arantlord ice box perlect condition 25 Can be seen Saturdly April 21 Phone PA asses 74s CEMENT Msxna slap loan Iosd dry mlx ln hopper whllaana load being mlxcdrubher mounted trailer tJeu it load $225 Phone 4er stroud eve nings 14149 0er MARTIN iuss never worn sell reasonable alse aeatty Commer elal oven used only months ascrlilee tor ouiek sale Phone Earrte 832m ask tor lurs Henderson 74v TYPEWllIIEES cinch mchlnel ables nddlnlsflnchlnea cash registers IAch and service as Game 11 Frances St aarrle pboao PA is aox SmlthCoronA representatlv BEEIAURANT Booth 00m let also 10 Round lableg Electric rtl Electric Potato realest idtiir Slnller MAqlilneElectrl lsothlonsl elec 5drawerttike 385 116Nlpler st Coulogwoed vtlm riththoase toolbari within1ao so mileatol rrlayotsg pA PA um 21m CNN DIBIIICTflaI Wm sotn aiedaod assiy rcpt with good iana oa warrant it sully remaleta Dune wilhvely low down and £357NRA mofllm oNsvltns soum 0N HIGHWAY 11 sisroom insatstone mommy home with all town conveniences good It prosur 11mm lull Dmme sumac tumultuouss vlndmvl Lot is do son good ganle and taxes areoolym Downpaym ttaumo good buy tor aoriung maul gt camRAL IN Tm TOWN BAYFIEJ mm One at those rare immseuista Iy pt older stylebrtek homes which In uldomJound 1n lhll price class it has tour bedrooms it has aroupd noor sunroom it has modem cem mlMiied bath plus Lptrca powder room downstairs oak noon oak trim and ample nonflvlouts everywhere dood hgh dry basement with ham letely modern on and hesunl lent ood aoud doubl sarage Ere usivo canildentlai llslln we want point raeats on this oael Phone PA calmtALALLANDALr ln hrst blocs oi nllln street Sroonls And bath Jogatorey pressed brlca home of good appearance and not too old Pnee is reasonable at 37500 with am down payment required ALLANDALZ Low PRICED DUPLEX seammo good aeileontained apart mants renting steadily at sol per month building Is brleh and well located an aide lot with pnvate drive And sooe range Pull basement fluentuntied and All In hlr repnlr Phone PA Man or inspectlon by cppolntment Its top grade invest menll sr MARlIS SCHOOL Disrnlcr $110007mam beauilluily cpl brick 11orey home at highest uality house with real llvlnl romlort mod erriloll heating especially large mod orI kitchen dining room bedrooms an iovelytreed and landscaped lot with good garage Can be bought with only some down and single open mom1e WORsLEY sinmCENTIIAL TRIPLEx APARTMENT brick older style but in lap quality and good maintenance throughout ihree per loctly aeltcontatned na private en trances Gooddrylull basement with modern loreed air mlheutlnl Its location lust block tram the Post Dulce will appeal to Anyone wanting comiortabla maln lloor home plus excellent monthly Income trout two apartments mi price ls just sumo Wllh single co mortuzo terms all ered Good nvestmentl PHONE PA 643 DAILY In lol pa II COLL mm Fm BEDROOM HUNGAIDW NltA mAutot MORTGAGE This menu his saving to you every month 2111 covers Interest principal and laxu Just year oldbrick con struction Lrse kitchen dining and living room lovely home In rapt clid close to schools Putty deeoraust sienna and aereens sod llndxsplnl one No salary requirements One manure and about 32500 dotm Call rrrcy Fold zvznlnss phone PA haw VERY CENTRAL $3500 Clappertonsophi area wellbullt room bungalow GDOdIlnd modern kitchen llill concrete poured base ment Very good mmaeamost eco nomtcsi hosting piese bathroom Terms aased¢onlaet Dan Cohaeu Evenings phone PA 101 EAST END BUNGALOW LBS THAN llam Yeslnl only 365 per month which pays lntemla nflnclpll Ind uxu you sat 1oVely ll room brlek home only years old In excellent lnldentlnl areaWellington st bedrooms lorced air on nest laundry tubs close to schools and shopping Very ood lot so lad Pull prtte 1M NHA resale no salary requirements Cali Percy Pord meninga phone PA 5957 WATERFRONT SPECIAL Summer Home Seven large rooms lntludu Ilrze massed And Screen verandah Buliqu cupboards Ilre pliace with lieglelator oli nested elvy Wiring Hot Intl cold runnan water Irteslln well Double Ghlnle 0n besutilul lot wlth cement break wster close to Darrin Call Géorla erxlll is Ill MSWEvenlnn PA PAY YOURSELF RENT Brand new llcd 111le Bungalow In In excellent localan Three large bed rooms full Tile Kitchen Ind Blth High clclr hamment Oll Ilelsl Close to schools Dulider One or the Best 555 NllA Mortgage can rylnz or Ipprollmntcly $1100 per month lmmedlale possession lnll home is underprterd in toda mar bet Call Jerry ulnn PA H934 Evcnlngs PA SPLIT LEVEL Nilt resale mortgage and terms LARGE BUNGALOW House Slxe15 Rug Brick new llrle rooml Living mom 21 13 Top value NEAR GE PLANT storey brlck immaculate rooms Hardwood floors ANYTIMEDAY Oll EVENING Charles Rbgers REALTOR DUNuoP EAST aAltnn chx IiiNnanson Representatlve STERLING TRUSTS BLDG BARRIE Members name District Rail Eltlte Bond 16445 STOUTT REAL ESTATE gt NEWTON STREET $12500 lull price bedroom ru brielr bungalow on large well Ian seeped lot Good size kitchen with lots at step saving cupboards Combination living and dining room piece the bath Closets in every bedroom All attractively deroratelil Full basement withl ou boating No salary require men WORSLEY ST 310000 lull price tor this storey solid brick scmldetached home Vent conveniently located big bright klt ehen with plenty ot builtin ctipblllirdl separate dining and living room with are lace large bedrooms nd2 hat on and near ownermnxlous to sell and will acceptn low down payment with easy terms SUNNIDALE AREA tdoderaistle bedroom sput level with attached garage Rug brick and iraine construction Ultramodern itlt then and huge living and dining area lusden and extra Zlileca bath This ome is decorated in tastelul colors and landscaping is completed Early possession can be arranged GOOD INCOME 1o room solid brick oabradrord st linished floan with bath on can entire house nicely decorated andtn very goodcondmnn Garage storms and screens included heat ed new oil lurnace COMMERCIAL One olasrries outstanding income properties storey hulldlnzfvover 1500 square teet on each floor with sdjnlnlng roani npartmenl hot water heating Very conveniently located ANOTHER GOOD DICOME PROPERTY Triplex only ygdls Old close to downtown All separate entrances tsstelully decorated showing 16 net Income Good tenants now occupying Terms and early pussenlnn can be ar ranged ALSO blany listings of homes or an sizes Jud Elite ranges Several new homes and resales Motels throughout Ontarlq GOOD INVESTMENT FROPERTIPS YOUR LISTING INVITED GORDON IOZDUNLOP ST WEST mama PHONE PA 8590 Members Ontario and Canadian EstateBnards WestmanPA Alma JIcorby PA hm Ilasou UGH REAL assAra phenom moms homes contaln like new Pull price $11900 ST VINCENT 5T OVERLOOKING LAKE 1y storey brick big bed rooms2 up and down bathrooms Large kltche lnlng room living room with hreplsce concrete drtvcway and garage CE all hot water heating lerrtilc bu at 15 Call wright 57 Gentle ennui ROOMS sturdy brteit Th home right on the hlghwly Coal tur nude Cal Klrisfie flood gardens suitable tarnuralng home or art mcnta very good value at 57905 lNVlSmml OPPORTUNITY 5plnx apartment dwelling Not quite nnlshed miles out at Barrie For tuli Inlorm atlon please call nan Connell GARAGE IluILDING Close to borne on Hllhwny 21 Lot 111 285 380 ilot water heated Living quarters lAplrlrigprtce sum DMMERCIAL LOCATION ley 5t $13000 EllIClt STORE and large living quan tens In village on good highway north ot aura1c We have many the listlngs typesrTltexe are Just lsumple FARMS FORSALE Coll Percy FordPA ossav l50 acres7 miles from Barrie zlg leles lrom Lake simcoe clay loam sell bank barn frame ham room brick house in good condition FULL PRICE $105000wllh terms 10 36rd unload radii Only five nilles lrom Barrie clay loam soil good build lngs PULL PRICE ONLY 10 with terms 3an mil acres at loam coironly miles south ol Barrie and nllles trons highway Good buildingslPrlccd to sell at $1280000 lmaeres of clay Joam soil barns and Room House Areal opportun ity to the right party terms arranged hill prlceonly sltaoaoo AriEll nouRs CALL Percy FordPA 3953 Dan CouncilPA 87702 Jun QulnnPAEZBSI George WrightPA 341100 JSLESSOR REALTOR MEMBER BARR REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 1645 COUTIS Real Estate Broker 550ml Street BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD COTTAGE 50100 lake frontage Shanty Bay near Plhqnmnl Lodge Well tread three bedroom llroplnms hydro pressure stein flush lollzl excellent cond on Furnlshed Other cottages lVAll lible ED 818 Call Mr Marshnll BUSDVESS PROPERTY Selection or business sltesln down town area wort tlon Inquiries 1r pt conildentlal DUCKWORTH STREET Sellcontained three apartment dwell Ing requires some interior wurkwlll yield excellent return on investment Prlced right toelear estate BD and Call Mr Marshall GOOD SLECTION NILA yRESALEHOMES Located In various tanfllonl at town with to mongaggs Moat ree bedrooms You are Invited to Speak these hordes wllho obltgatlon Call Mr Marshall pOWNTO Selectlén better class allies wills in wantingdlstance or business area Ptye to seven roomsprice range $11000 to 318000 You must inspect to buy Members Eanle Dlstrlct hesi Estate oard Coo eratiye listings invited llyousre1ntercsted in rentals Cali Coutis CONSULT us ON Low Down Payment abusing pig oExchanges or Proporti annea Opportunltteg perry Ransgalaeat fans Rentals call PA my boasa PHONES qm VPA Ill um slr On Wan or your considers HENRY ELRICK le 111ch 80er lot LA REALESTATF BEDROOMS6 Pour bedroom home AMI yun oldlot adolav mmnh is 1y nosey duo with two rooms limb llvlnl mom IllI kllfllen two Mm Ind both Awn ataira mil basement laundry or oil besttnl siren sully Ieneed hullKIM lot Bu Thll hom Is 190 Inc In clulltnt condlunll his side ind out natural woodwind Ask Is rice only This In truly auralad buy Cali AI Race PA um anytime or ppolaiment Owner ST MARYS SCHOOL AREA Two storey brick home with three bedrooms tour plece baut large living room and extra large kitchen on hes lng laundry tubs tail basement tony 1a escaped lot This property is lo ed only hall blocs tram st 1le school and is only about loree years old NHA resale late tall possession hilly decanted storms aadsereens CallI Al nose PA bone tor lull lnlor ma on DUPLEX bull This two storey duplex is less than years old haviar two bedroom apartment up and two bed room apartment dowa each apart meat is saucontained with upsrsta hydro meters And entrances oli beal lng upper apartment rented at no per month and the lower apartmeot ls now owner occupied Pull bwment lhls property is an esceileni invest ment and ideal tor the owner to live downstairs and have per month lncoma irom the upslnlrl The lull prtca on thls one is only mm as sure to see it Call A1 nose PA woe Inyllme EAST END Two storey brteir home built by one at barrioa better builders eonsisu or three larra bedrooms and tour lrca tue bath upstairs with lsrle lvlns room dialog room kitchen anti two Elm tile washroom downstairs nail asemeni equipped with storm wlns dam and decanted Alklnl price only lltaoa Cali Al nose rA owe any me TWO FOR ONE Vcs here Is your opportunlty la buy two home or llltle more than the prlce at one Each homl contalns live roams And bnlh wlth lull basement and forced nlr DII hentlnx Thll propany L1 Its thanhone your Old Ind looled very Male to Ill hauls For lull plb tlctsiara call Al Rou rA ems any Cudrington School Area room 115 storey brick and name home years old two bedrooms up stairs with livingroom with brick fireplace bedroom kitchen and dln lnl room On Illst flnor Phil luu basement all health within stones throw oi codrlnglon School Pull rice 11 11 A1 PA 35203 lngIlme no NEWTON STREET room brtrh one storey home located very close to public an high schools properly is about three yena oidano exceucnt condition throughout and also decanted equip ped with aluminum stones and scream famed air all heauns lull basement run anNHA male Aaalag price 311800 Cull Al Rose PA 35188 Ill time IDEAL HOME CENIRAL 311500 lull price mortgage arranged storey room And blth hot water on heating attached garage Good izglllnn Phone Pope Serud SUMMER COTTAGE $2210 full price rooms lumlshed good water screened porch large treed lat Phone Les Pope stroud 14m FARMS PHONE Lbs roommoun um no arrca near CbumhIIIygtIod land and hulldlnEHflfiW 125 acres near Elmvaie liioderahome good Arm$16900 100 acres near stroud thHlle FM 100 acres near stroudDairy tarm modernhome and bulldlngsSZDMW 100 acres near Elg Ea Paintv good larmHEMNI 99 acres near Caldwell flu harlnlll 50 acres nearst déi buildings912000 Md so acres near stroudPoult rma 59000 ry Te 98 BAYFIELD sTf PHONE FARKINAY 05H LACEYV REALTOR 1010 owNER TRANSFERRED NEW LBEDRDOM SPLIT LEVEL HOUSE wlth lalgellvlng room and recreation roam hlany extras lncludodclose to all schotlls NIIA MORTGAGE PA6l1802 154549 blame DISTRICT REAL ESTATE bomb CGOP rats means that all REALiOltS listed belowllnd their salesmen are work ing to sch your property when listed the cooP way You deil only with your choice RoAlta dradiord BROWN CLIFF as nigh st COUIIS 11 Owen mission at PK Lari PA tum PA was caste PA all Lem rA pom is owed st KELLOUGHa 41 rillln at LACEY IL oi bunlop st EL LEE PA1ml ioslttraarrle Examiner il CLIFFfBiI Baggy II mdflfl IARRII moms mam PA sma $5000 DOWN For this lovely room brick dear dialog room mmmutia cupboues modem in rail baaaaaenl atta piecebslh BOIIIlIflll Impod In 50 Any arms go withibia limo lhnlw Ioday or appointment In Full price tum balance ca ea ow as rent run Pruc tammo Down Living room bedroom altehea Vimin unr tintlied Balance can no paid as rent NRA RESALE iNEWTON 8T salmon 31 bedroom brick hun blow very modern lltchen Ind huh iumiauea stones and screens Pull mutant two rooms Ill buement Iltlt wooden noon Thu home LI clode lo uhooll Ind in loot enndlllon yelll flld lully lnllsllled NIM mortgage run prieo my BEDROOMS Dlnml room IIIII 1le room Inch 11 Ltwnly IOI with good VIEW Pull nsellt wllh llundry tub Thu hum In In Al condltlon Full prim 533 Tim See this one today NEW NHA HOMES 10 It almost PROMDown payments Dem 975 to undo aunsslows storey and hair Call this olilce any time tor appointment In unpeet $1000 DOWN ROOM HOME on Highway TI LII IO 130 plm bathroom closedin versnd urge thlchen use or 250 hlrdl Full price $0000 ance rant This is gooo buy lor someone $2600 DOWN NEW anictt sunsmow my morr gate bedrooms llvln room klt ehea rail basement laundry trays plece blul HIM clue to urinals Pull price slim LOTS 7rdqil1til3r61t WC IIAva aw ood loll left They are going last Call us it you are lhlnklnl OI hulldllll CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phone PA ham lush st 10 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS 15 Owen St Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE OBI VINO 0R SELLING CMORTGAGE LOANS NATIONAL HOUSE GENERAL INSURANCI leltooo $5500 CASH Dider type brlclr home on nice lot Must be sold to elm an estate Open tor otter NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOL up storey Frame home with nice klt Chen dlnlng room llvlng room and bedroom on main tloor and two bed rooms and bath upstairs $5000mort izage Mth $6100 monthly Payments Price $11500 PllICED FDR QUICK SALE storey hedroonl home with 11v lng room and kitchen Thishome is conveniently located near schools and shopping centre and has on heating Interest principal and taxes 55am monthly Down payment $3000 0N nus noun $10500 rull Price with uvlng ream den kitchen lslltlle room and twnbedronms located on large lot on bus route 13111 basement with on heat Thls home isln ex cellent condition and we will arrange mortgage ior purcth sumoCLOSE To TOWN Good Ive room storey and hall home with living room kitchen with nice builtin eupboardsl one bedroom andthsee plece bath on mstn Door and two hzdrgoms on second floor This property hora large lot 88 It witheylcellent garden soil close TABLE POTATOES farssle Good or to new school low taxes Convenient monthly payments $2000 down CENTRAL TO DOWNTOWN Dwan Strezt slxmotri Erlck Wlth oil iuraace This is good two storey home in nlce condition with plenty at room Pflce 510500 rerun arranged Coop LlslIlIK N0 801 seam MONTHLY Psyslnlercst principal and taxes In terest rare This brick bungalow has nice in rig roots1 with fireplace iamlly size hitchea and three bedrooms with good closet space laundry tubs red seal wiring on heating New one year ago Pnce $12500 Alter Hours Harry Mlehte N551 Fred Miles hazootArt Webster 13 iienry Enter at Michir Realtors Phebe was 1649 OAKLEY yjfPARK 3BEDRQQMV HOMESV amino cnoicrz ortsmEs Homes by erosley Construction Contact EN RY BERNICK PA 82670 Am named or anhiE it DISTRICT REAL ESTATE dDARD lsJFWB LOTS Terms or cash arranged Painswtchl con is on Na 11 High why 54 width 55 Ian Will sell sep lrltaly or In one plec llllll from Lake Slmnoe lnllth Dl Ellfie ertu MnR lutelunan 15 illauburn Ave Toronto 15 or phone Toronto Cherry 16119 154448 wuoc ouaT nausa district stir rey1 room brtc ours in exceuent condition bownstsl 10 wlthlnalltrAl ilrbplace heated sun room large dining room powder room and inndernhltcnen Upal tour bedrooms Indtbgtli plenty board New tamed ar pop Lot serial For ap pointment to inspect apply Box as Erlck bunlalow PAS llvlng mnm lax rAufli amorous an to salardan analogs2 FOUR FLEX ALLANDALE msoo ruLL PRICE rnsts AbnANnaD rays 117 on your ihveetmo rented New toreed air oil Brick commulon Aplrlmll all bed with relrlgerstors and some aloe trte nnxed Lam beautual mod lot lhll ll one In but 1mm la lhavr had In less rims Cal Rune Carson PA sets BURTON AVE ALLAN ALE GOOD INCOIE POSSIBILITY um DOWN 9500 rULLPluc tor this run two storey brick home Pest at out large This run no room MEI on non VI sitehen with modern builtin HIM Second floor three MMM 0M extra large and three piece oauv mm flle full basement MI lit lrhed ncr ion room laundry tuba DI water haunt wlth OIL Hull ts sodded Small gordm Double sap are approximately or Call nuts Canon PA MI $16800 FULL PRICE sum DOWN balance 16500 month including taxes No reaao la nller tumtd down sir mommies bungalow lllru bedroom llvllll room dining room and kitchen rail buc must all heating private driv and sarage Sllusled last on aayneid Slreet on Wonley For lull dtll CAII Russ Carson PA ml NRA RESALE CODIUNUTON SCHOOL Am mm large roomapluse plece bath and modern kltchen This ex cellent bner home is tally decanted and very well kept You must see this nroputy ta srpmllle Contact am shelswei PA om INCOME HOME EAST END sluoo this is an excellent More name wllh two broom sell eonulned apartments including separate baths alnd kitchens Full walkout basement and hot water heating with on situ ed on 61 lot snd including sap age For APDolntmcnl call Norm shew well PA 664111 BEDROOM HOME CLOSE TO NEW HIGH SCHOOL 15500 II excellent brllk homutpréy All year Old and newly decnnl Ultra modern kitchen and dinette com bined very large living room Pull basement extra toilet in has meat Oli htlllllls Dont mlls lte ll Norln Ehelsweii PA mat 1549 LOTS Each lot 60 ItJGO Cook St just north of Steele $750 per lot Phone PA 82670 1M6 OUILDING LOTS mama leet just at or town llmlLl Phone zonal stroud Hln Tyndale Bsrrlg RR 16484 sum mu Price wtrtng tubs moon heavy butlt In cupboards llalindry lose to GE Phone PA hadIa 64m NEW HOME with lficnme apartment Closeto school and shofiplng district Will sell cheap lor qulc sale Phone are dis satseti ROOM House city conveniences low taxes all season Television furniture Included $5900 Mr Essa ststion wabaga Besth PLOT LAND building lot 2M 30 lzxlt cabtn on land miles south or Esme No 21 Highway Apply ll GrantIlla 51 Phone PA dam 194 BEDROOM bungalow ohiyoneyesr old aclous livingdlnlng ares plece tiled sth lorced air all lumacedry poured basement new storms and so ens tully decorated Aodded quiet end location near bus and school NHA own mortgagerooae PA Mm 1H NEW ROOM Bungalow on Highw ll neurlnlnswlck Handy to Ochoa church and store Priced tor quick sale Winterised room wing at llinets Point Relmnlble Apply Mrs Paddlson phone Saran Stroud3w Epworth Realtor 184749 seen AND IVEED seed Phone Cookslowll30rll 104950 MONTCALM Seed Barley or sale slay McDonald Thornton phoneé 123 1049 GOOD QUALITYBeaveI ts lorfssle Cleaned or bio ran Phone Elmvale lrSl 104549 CHIPPBWA Seed Potatoes tor sai harold wright Edgar PM Earrte le BEAVER SEED OATS or all Apply Sweefle Con nlsai stroud serfs mo IsALlssDIastraw tor sale Apply wuuam5cbepers RR Aaten ma phone 7mg an sum to sale wi def liver Apply Kell Cutord Pa Lelroyllrpz QUANTITY OF Hay in square bales tor sale Apply Deli game Phone PA ozone 104349 aaAVlzlt DATsHay and straw squln bales folYule Phone Ivy am or pply Lockhert Thornton mm CLoVEn Seed lor ssln codp cleaned storied 11 II slaw and sons phonefifl soldering 104a 4L RBI CLOVER Seed lor sale cleaned and debucked App wright Stroltd phone ilrzz GOODSEED Potatoes for MICer pews and Sebago Apply Arthur sntd cralghurat Phone bolrs Dame SEE BEAVER Olts llitl blltd straw torn sale Apply waitm Cruwlord aro stott nrhoae ore BRBAN AND aeaver seed 0a 3161 sale also Feed Oats iaroleyr Lot 12 Con 1o $3 mm 2114 Ivy MONTCALM Seed Earle Germlnltlon test 91 1C CLEAN SEED beaver Oats lore od Barley for also when StrIWuPrlces trenlonshl 30 and Mlllhunt Phone PA Editl EARLV WAnEA Potato and Chippewa Potatoes able lor seed Apply Percy Eoun tilrials shanty Day Phone atom lplt8Alllt son bushelmt Seed Bsrl¢yf ceriumtot not Also Phone evening 12 um No 1546111 aer lain cm rill45350

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