HELPWANTED WAITRESS Boo Eatery with scheduled ID mases ormr up lied Complete ï¬rst beaten tor once not new APPLY UNITED CIGAR STORES LTD VBARRIE between pm end pan iaoas HOUSEKEEPER npenehced so to ts live in Private room Ind bathroom krillI hm work Plain cooking laundry Piesent blifht person warned soult eouple lie sseoces required en tioo up APPLY TO MR Lama 14 1mm STREET EVENINGS PA 66031 I4551 SALESMAN Alert anrmlvo salesman with out an aranee 5a and commission wi all employee penis plus exeell rht opportunity or advancement APPLY MIL IIIcFADDEN EPLETTS ELECTRIC I47 DUNLOP$T Ill AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE Iarle Clnadhn Corporation Intends to cstahllshan Agency locally To build and mallale the utility we require Barrie resident pruierahly with wide local acquaintance Though selling experience is decided asset pleasant congenial personality Is the only requisite Age is no barrier but good health is essential Remuneration will be com racnrurats with su abiliLv and the In come poulbUities are excellent Please give hrlel outline at your personal hi story to Box Barrie Examiner 14 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE MAN DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CAMP BORDEN ONTARIO SALARY $2610 TO $2970 Applicants must be able to do main tenance or manually operated Iela phones nndnpen wire circuits as well as do general shop repair Appllcltlnn arms available at National Employment Service and Post otilcea should bellled with the CIVILService Contmlssion 25 st Clair Avenue East Toronto NOT LATER THAN APIiIL V30 1957 lts EVANGELINEI SIIOPS LTD OPENING IN BARRIE REQUIRES SALES LADIES We are seeking Intelligent women be tween 2535 who would enjoy rail time or part time career in leading chain oi tine specialty shops special ising In womens apparel nndeccess orlea Experience is always welcome but not necessary Enthusiasm willingness to team hali ldn are essential Openings are aiso available ior sales IatIIea talented In dilplay Weditsve hvcdty week prom shap ins bonus and employee beneï¬ts WRITE T0 MRS PATON ISABELLA ST Tonon ONT Glve tull particulars or course all replies will be eoniidentisi 14749 RELIABLE Person to careior child rcn while mother worlts Phone PA 87802 14349 MALE SHORT Order Cook Must be neat clean alert tor the Willow Creek Restaurant on 17 Highway I4tl RAWLEIGII DEALER wanted at once Good nppnrtllnlly Write at once gawlelzhs Dept Duthls Montreal 148 cooK aanhAt required immediately rhtperieneed In goood home style nook Immediate occupancy HELPWANIEDI SALESMAN COLLECTOR rodstradby rapidly expanding credit organisation retailing rdrv goodn as ceuont ulsry car allowance Must hava car APPLY BLOAN CANADA LTD 1W III00R SI WET mntmro IxPlnltthzD tms wanted or full time Work also part time help needed ply itlver cardepr Restoe llit or phgne PA 649 14 CALIFORNIA Trinity Daln continlb lion rtarua Long lob Iiigh Pay Send addressed envelope and 15 or Job Newl QKCO liar in Medina Walk AVON PRODUCTS hallo openlnll Ill Illrtir Hawksione andVicinity or able ladies who have four hour day to re nod eamlnll Wrill MIA ll Wm Apt 306 III wllmn Av Tomato 14749 GIRL 1M5 your at age capable ot loaklnl artcr boolss In small oitlce Mun be accurate Ilgurcs and hand llngecaah Pcrmaneni osltion hit IJHKIIIIII Paeklnthd Lmlteli DIIOIIL lllllnn 77w or stayher NW4 labst curatiqu wanted or rummer ¢0ltal June 15 tnStpl 15 vGood plaincook nubandrmployed circ whrre dcslred or well Ior handy work and weekend with drivers lic ense Deteraces call stroud iii be tween ti and pin 14149 sV ARE YOU INTERESTED In lull positionwith an established spcc FredCom any Local territory all able to aggressive salesman preler ably 3N5 Must have car and agrl cultural background Pull sales as sistance and training givcn Write hilly giving phone number to Box 521 London Ontario 41719 MAN on WOMAN We have opening in Barrie ior man or woman willing to devote hours daily on established dintet selling Watkins Route Can earn $5000 week and up no handicap All applications held in atrlct conï¬dence write immediately to Mr Range 350 St Itoch strert Montreal quebrc 14043 nALnsMEN urgently required one or barricone tor Ortllla one tor Coll Ingwood to scliln the home by ID polntment Liberal commimon car allnwance hnnlis arrangement troll Inluranne benriits Flnt month income guaranteed Car musche presentable Must be ill neat appearance Billnzllll preferred but not essential Phone or nppoilitmilni to air ltlalsray PA 66751 ItHa POSITIONS WANTED PAItM IIAND experienced re Ire position Phone LE H473 Toronilgl 24551 CHILDREN minded In Allahdlsie daii Monday to Saturday Phone PA Matti 2484 moflelAlerlll inï¬ll alter child In own lno Phone PA 84751 Wm will YOUND MAN wishes work Stuzint Attellizinnl or war utensil or sea eml rs M777 235 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAI SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 6633 or PA 6648 We also sell channrla an for engine lhiuï¬rï¬g rodg INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap St Wart Pasnag Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 PM Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALSFURS RIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY our trucks will call est pricaa paid Special prtcu phi delivered or Phone arrrio PA EEK MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Oiiice 204 Tiifln 81 alati SET oPsecahd hand Golbciubs want ed Phone PA 86269 34849 ELM Lacs vraated to buy also con tracts for cutting and skidding Box iii Barrie Examiner sllu lataeo AMMUNITION Electrical wiring ntttng boxes swit nlcrcLLbora drift Masnoun new uses cmg nnatu sin am you rescleaned REASONABLE RIDES rrast reno nnltaurrbeds crsatamrsrsa rartluser with spreader available mintsrm Pingkgrnhanulgm mu mm Mill Wooden il HUNTBRB POULTRY FARM no mun all stlioun also China cabhset sad buttt walnut IMntonaPAml1lfll browns crib natural varnish Aw GRABSSHDH FEAT II with burnram mat to mwmu good moaned Phone PA on or In spriteinlay St 79 mm Mam umuuwulu nut venetian blinds st nlda FENDLEYS FLOWERS 339m Chlin TV All Ilvn It All BLAKE 51 Pk 51 78950 reasonable Phone IA our 7049 cumr mu lklp load luld dry mllJn be per whlll one load Daln lulled rub rmaunied trailer EII it load Phoneflfl Simud Itlnga 714 Diemhull HIP Vener Reifllenlo lid Servia Wurli of on PK 18 14 GRAVEL FILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE sr soum PA 82907 ltatt RUBBER STAMPS MADETOLORDERlt WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 50 DUNLOPSI Wm mm UTOMOBILES OKI HALWIGS SENSATONAL CLEARANCE OF BaIance Owing Specials AT BELOW IWHOLESALE PRICES BALANCE OWING IS THE FULL PRICEYOU PAY NOTHING MORE 1946 MONANCH station Wagon blue Ilnlsh heatrrand deiroster good tires excellent motor Hurry Int Ihis one Balance owing ONLY $11987 1947 CHEVROLET OACII bcahtnui new maroon Iinilh very cleanVinteriar heater and de roster lovely mechanical condition APPLES APPLES lacINIOSII NORTHERN SW 10me swanr AND KlNtI All prlcn IInlu Prom 00 hufltel to 50 maker 25 tent dellvary Ilrlnz your own containeri FETCH 09 SUNNIDALB ROAD PA 82729 AFTER 8V lean WALLPAPER SPECIALS PER ROLL 35c 39c 45¢ 49c 59c ROOM LOTS FEATURED AT BARGAIN PRICES New tlrrr Balance owing ROBINSON HARDWARE ONLY $253 31 Dunlop St East PA 82431 i947 OLDSMOBILE 718th DELUXE SMALL SEDAN Nice 20 OFF URRYS FOR BARGAINS Fishing tackle lines rcelr slnkors halts rods supplies all 57 on Miips garden tools bug killer pet sun plies dog chains and harnesses URRYS FOR BARGAINS ches connectors and roses This is real chance to do that wiring iobror all equipment is marked down 257 YES ITS 136 Boyfield St FOR BARGAINS Clarks Home Furnishings are selling everything out to the bare walls lililtl deep tread 195 In fluhhflldiï¬l buy Illinncg owing mil price HIMWAIE and Sponinl GONE are blilll Extlliéni mechanical condition This oriï¬ced to make way or it expan cylinder very economical Hal biuemnish clean igl heater Ind delrosler ill roriNVAthALLY lensPDNsnius PEOPLE original green unib very clean inlcb ONLY $19623 1947 DESOTO star or Clerks Home Iurnlahlnn snee crying Savage aim repeating riiie1teg $5400 ONLY $28421 reliable transportatlo Balance owing ONLY $12472 See our one dlrpisy at late model one owner automobile many 10 PA 652 ior automatic Iranirnlulnll heaternil dclroster Custom radio direction FOR BARGAINS cusiord DELUXE SEDAN Nice bluo Thdurandg of dollar warthoi load finish very clean Interior bod ï¬red 1947 PLYMOlIm Stevens Kalasloshntsun reg $7950 SPECIAL DELUXE COMB INO DOWN PAYMENT chooats trons 97 BRADFORD ST IHH 1957 FORD AND MONARClI 74 CARS AND TRUCKS 1m ASK FORRAY cowAN BSlriIl 745 lamr DEAL 1N mWN 0R our USED OAK Dining Room suite Phone PA ossztl or PA 87911 PA alzaoa 749 Istdtr QUANTITY or capAn Pasrs Phone PA $7806 74745 RCA VICTOR RADIO 330 Phone PA noose Apply Oscar Posts 57 William St rV 14743 zIP HOME Knitting Machineas new 10 Phone PA 34433 or call 1E9 owen 5t 739 Buying or Selling We flnancn Ilia model can no trucks Very reawnabia rate With complete insurance STEVENSON Itqu tr BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Ill IIEW Illalne Apply in 149 lztstt TARMCWANTED WANTED ro nliN Pannwith house and barn wilhlnJo or zit miles or CodrIngton st ing Live in preterred Phone PA D51 11749 Harris on good road Phone PA limit 314849 IIIIIIIs Deadline Fortlopy 560 Weektiay preceding lung DBADLINB FOR MoNDArsArttnDAY 100 in Milsl DB PAID WITH onllut Following Consecutive insertions 2c word nlinimiiln 49¢ Ion Hi COMmGEYENIS DOCALS AucrloN SALES NMIgEa to word mlninliins $10m Vlioflayving cVllsccutIIIe insertio 3t Word rtiinlinuin 750 lN mom CARD 017 111th IN AP iulcmrt Seward nilni mi $1 anh trvo ootnined rutqu EMENPNorIcEs Airbus lpeed gemsdyad hub and ma tor Propane excellent condiiio ALL WSW ZPHONE PA 85201 DUNN ST EAST m7 FORD sedan good condition Iiea IonablePhone PA IHHE Mortar Super Deluxe 51 Gas stove IBM VOLKSWAGEN new In October 303 one year price $150 Phone10ro with7auo miles Phone PA 55557 48V 1H5 LUGGAGETrailer steeitangiie4xs STATION WAGON 4956 chevrolet Phone Cro 47 Ales Campbell shanty doorstendnrd Ni trade Private Phone nay 74M Midesins 1014 WOOD AND Coal stoVe white on ion PLYNIOUTH sedan in excellent 1111 I150 let OLE loll Clbtba Rdamnr condition Boys CCM Bicycle in ex ab Phone PA 64255 144849 ellent condition Phnne PA Maw FEIOIDAIRE oil It andGE no point allInch nudge Apply to Corlann Cuacont camp hordes 14149 nlng condition Radlu Heater Motor years old Reason is Phone PA RALEIGHVSuperD Bicvcirraclng ban 1H lullMERCURY Srton truc x7 Woods 1t4H9IIJutnp Rear truck axle wlth wheels Phone 823 Mlnesinl Apply Ward ItsMINGroNQuie errron dollar Minesing 134349 down four doIlunper month Ail order cepted Phone com 1955 METEOR Niagara Sedan Rldln remso whitewulls blue th white top one morn1 Ola Elna burner own PA use 13411 MEDOAK dining room sulteyaiso DeepPryer Phone PVAoozol otter Put 74att MANS BICYCLE null speed sport model in land condition Phona Hm inrJ many extras Phone PA rttoitllmronsabg 31akm rat gREAL ESTATE OFFICE onlNcmN plantertum DOWN BM Britt aw innM Liviubining winnerJ plane brim kitchen Ind tiled bath tom rnam Yuri whtaleair more and nut kept with good III on WI ï¬nd romle houllrlth rayiuenl and 551 cross low down mortgage 1m balms 0N manwuslt 25 some union rum netum ri Iystemtï¬lm Kilnooheaung storm linlinl Lo IN luau70 in Inncu no ran older style Dutchmen whim iro 2mm sound In this price class It hulour bedroom it bar ground sloor ninroun it hope erneara ruleoiled bath plus lplml mdar romeonature our hour or trim cinaeu ssemeat val tour red 111 srrsv Va cflllfldtllilll Italillhl int rnenu outhls onol Pa PA CENTRAL ALLANDALI in am block or Timu street rooms And bath iï¬ltnfly PMH brick home or good appearance no not too old Prion reasonable with am down payment required ALLANDALE LOW PRICED DUPLEX 593001370 00d Millcontained apart menu rcntlng steadily at an per month Bulldilli brick Ind well oeated on widolot with private dnva and land Pull balemtnt ex cellent hinttn and all In air repair Phone PA 317 or inspection by rppolntment its top grade Invrst mentl ST MARYS SCHOOL DISTRICT sumoImam beautimlly itopt brick 2slorcy home it hlxhut quality house with rial Illill carniort mod ern all heating especially large deA lIll kitchen dinlnl room bedroom and lovely lreeti and Ian lot with good llllla Can with nnly MdnwlL and llnllu open mortgage WORSLEY mamcm TRIPLEX APARrisnir brick older style but In top qusfity and good msintenancs throughout Thno pen iectly leilcfllllained lilil privata em tranees Good dry hill oseemoat with modern screed alr oil heating its 1347th soo lsiact12vatolltr Coach in good run can iinanca withlszilil location iult block from tin Put 0mm will app to anyone wantlnl comlortnblu maln floor homolpiua Hm excellent monthly income trons two apartments Pull price is Just mm with single on mortgage terms on ered Good nvratnientl PHONE PA 66381 ANYTIMEDAY Oil EVMO Charles Rogers REALTOR DUNLOP EAST HARRIS DICK HENDERSON Representatle sruium musrs hum banal mi Him OI TT REAL ESTATE EXCEPTIONAL INCOME For only slum Almost the aunt rice as you would pay ior good Bedroom bungalow you can buy Triplex only years old Close to down town on bus route snowing 157 net income All auites have separate ea trances attractively decorated and are presently rented to good long term tenants Hero is an oportunity tor good sound investment Call today tor particulars WHY PAY RENT on very small down payment will give you Immedian possession oia two bedroom moderi bungalow Just outside or town TIiIa home is very attractively designed and ï¬nished has toll oured basement wlth mmsce Large right kitchen with plenty or huiItin cupboards piece bath large living room oak noon throtigbout Situated on large level lot that completely tenced and landscaped Good well on pressure aystem to en sure lots or water Iull price only ULTRA MODERN SPLIT This brand new bedroom split level has too many teatures and extras to mention in this ad but it you are in terested in beautiiuihoma with den an extra bathroom laundry room plus attached garage and all the landscaping and soddiog done etc then this is the home you are looks for Very nicely decorated otters lovely view and ls not hard to pun chase and carry An Ilnspection is as closeas your telephone BIG BAY POINT 3500 iuiVl price brand new bedroom cottage situatedIn an exclusive area with picturesque setting torturing huge living room with dining area piece oath loads at nrtlstically de signed pbeards in tiled kitchen tlooss compieiey tucd throughout huge patiowith open atone barueque plus guest hause with inside plenty ouroer larfliade ï¬rivacy and beauty This IsVone in Mime or innunity Call today tor inspection ow down payment and gunterm can be arrnngeds We have good selection or so to 200 acre terms in the Barrie area Many listings at hasnesor an asses and price ranges several new NBA homes and resales Motels throughoutohtarlo GOOD mimemum Phorznnm YOUR LISTING llwrrrm OORDON Plumbing thZDUNVLOIS ST wEsT VPHONE PA 85901 gt Members Ontaria and Canadian Real Estate rnourdg TVWeiltlfnanePA Mzar CorbyPA IAMBB ioliltt Space Heater andIce Box 954 Palm station Wagon Iow muc may ago privatelv9wned hilly equipped set or new road and snow tires Phona paw Wasgs he 134149 1953 CHEVROLET Sedan StandId and running orderand tires soon or ateolter hdnBlPA 58658 Apply 03 cnr Potts 57Wlllialn St summon Mainline coach good ra patr 81000 miles only No rust No reasonable tterreiused Inet phone ivy tori evening NATIONAL Cult Mmer nan chllrl store OdrtfllW Takdl Good ew Price phone lilac coil NEW BICYCLE utch Eddy in 1H 49 Can healeeri lit Willow Station PA m9 OWNER TRANSFERRED NEW ll EEDROVOMVSPLITLEYELV HOVUSE with algo living roomaad recreation roo Many extraa included Close to Alllch0olal iv5 NHAIMORTGAGE Phil6302 1543 hullthan 500 flirted lir all heltlnm Ihia property LuP mom with double hung window OAKLEY OFFERING criolCt or srrbLs DISTRICT NEAL ESTATEBOAED Pltoirlt Edi HI It any rate twort dIlP xlta bedroom spartmontdup and it bodfl th IV mast ia mountloco via mutualIn ta nose ownerxocaipioiiht hasmeow ral is en uceuent Invest meet loos tor the owner to live Ind DIV per month Income from sisV upstairs rho suit price on this one Iavnnly 215900 be sun to let IL Call Rose PA 3629 anytime EASTVEND Two storey brick home buiii by one at Barrlba better builders consist ol tam large bedroom end sour Irim triphath upstairs With large vlug room dining room kitchen and two lees tile washroom tiarnulaira Pull Enemat equipped with stem nin dol and decorated Allin price only fuller Call AI nose PA Mm any Ime TWO FOR ONE Yoa hen is your opportunity to buy two homes tor little more than the price at one Each home contains live rooms and bath with loll basement and Ir has than one yerr old and located very close to all gchnola ror sun pre hlculln call AI R099 PA 55298 any so Codrington School Area droain I54 storey brick and from home burl old two bedroom ups ruin Win living room with brick ï¬replace bedroom kitchen And din ilIK room on tint flnor plug bailimnni lull blulrillnl all heatinl Incatul withln lionea throw Codrlllflton School nail price 1900 Call AI Rose PA 298 anytime EWTON IREET roombricli one norey home located very close lorrubile and high schools This prope is about three years old amr In excellent condition throughout and also decorated equiv ped with aluminum storms and ocruens ioreed alr oil heating tuii basement Titla Is an NHA resale Aallnl price mm Cali A1 nose PA um any time CENTRAL slim Iull price Lovely two storey brie home largo rooms and hath not water oil heatinL Hardwood floors Attached garage Phone Les Pope PA SUMMER COTTAGE E2230 lull prize room lurlllahed ydrd Iarle treed lot Good well close to ialso at Big Bay Point Phone ope PA Mm FARM NEAR STEOUD I00 acre dairy arm Iarlts modern home t7er and out bulidlllll BGIY thin for luxurinul living Pull prim 322000 Phillis Lu Pope PAJSM FARMGIIOSE ELMVALE undo 15 rent modern home Good barns and out buildings Good isnd and water Phone Les Pope PA 15293 Farm Close 10 Churchill 170 acres trrme house large barns good land $22000 lull price headylior rprlng work Terms arranged Phana Les Pope PA Iiazys DUIlIOp SI Room QIPOSFPE qunxivs Pom 0R PHONE PA zooNo OBLIGATION HLACEY REALTOR 1010 COUTIS Real EstateVBroker Owen Street Barri mam isAimm nlsAl rsrampomn EXECUTIVE HOMES Better built homes In the Codrjngton shantyVnay and Sunnidaie Road areas For consultation regarding the ï¬nance and purchase at your lutnrevhome call Mr Marshall PENETANG ST VINCENT AREA Modern bungalow custom built rooms larger than average living room 19x12 iireplace dining room dream kitchen twp bedrooms ï¬nished room In baalei ï¬red heating 5149 Lot Vtreed and landscaped DOWN TOWN We have selection or better class homes within walking distance oi busi ness area tram hve to seven rooms price range tram silhoo to 315000 mortgage You are invited to inspect those homes Cau Mr Marshu PAINSWICK but with mail Garage with living quarters above Including bathroom kitchen equipped sumocior immediate cash sale Members inarrie Dlstriet Real Estate Board Iooperative listings Invited It you are interested In ientals Cau Coulis CONEULT us ON lLow Down Payment nouriag Plans nxcbanga ot Propsinsa cNauonai VEuuaImIom oineorno Properties clientls lflltaliiesa 0pbortuntiaaa gPropertrjhtanagementV 7hr 11an can PA was any Darth PHONES Dulce PA lJibbEvmng PA um IllIM msrh PEW LEFT MEI2 NHA PARKQI SEBEDROOM HOMES Homes by ICrosIey Construction Contsct HENR VBERNICKVI I=AVi8267Vo ANY MEMBERr or bAltnils madam RUB CAISON PAMIi with sink Full price REALISTATE DUSINES attends nunme Ltns out Houndnits Phon SALl PROPERTY For SAL NEALVLsTArE BROKER Nonla sunswru Dunl op st that Barrie mmomsmtorpmmlty VVSatcrdaysuntliipn BURTON AVE ALLANDAIIE GOOD INCO POSSIBILITY SM DOWN YULL PRICE or thirtuu too not brick home reat nn all large mall Pint floor living room reception moat very la lllrhn with madam builtin fllpbo Setond floor Illa me bedroom an extra Ilrtu Ind in plea Nth The hill hmmlrlt till line Jhrd Munich min laundry inbl Hot water lieHIP Illlljll Back lawn Is nodded steal garden Douala gar ale approximth 10 Call Run Cannny PA MI JUST 0N EDGE OPTOWN iluild us view as the Barrie bay Vaesnt lot pressuring 21w snu tod one block trom the new Roman Catlin school hill pnoo elm cash LIII puss Csrson PK total $10800 FULL PRICE M0 DOWN balth¢l 500 or month Includln taxes No reasona Io otter turnrd awn Six room brick Dunlalmtl tree bedrooms living room dining room and Itltchenhlli base ment olihrailng privrto drive Ilid gar situated lull otl Baytieid Street on womley Par lull details call Russ Carson PA m1 NHA RESALE CODRINGION SCHOOL AREA slam largo room plus piece bath and modern kitchen This ex cellent brick homo Ia ruiiy decanted and very well kept you must see this property to precisio it Contact Norm snolswei PA oottl INCOME HgME HELEN 22M till is an excrllent Llioruy home with two 4rodrn salt contained apartments tncludlngV reparato baths and kitchen Fullwalls out basement and hot ater heating with oil situ lied on 67 Int and includlnt ar age For Ip intlnent call Norm Shells wrll PA Gmi 4BEDROOM HOME or CLOSE TO NEW HIGH SCHOOL 515500 an excellent Iirlrlt home only six erare old and newly decorted Ultra mode kitchen and dlnette toni binedve large living room Fullr basement exlr toilet in basement Oil heating Dont miss itcall Nbrm Ehrlswell PA WEI 164 ELLWOOD BLACK JEROKEE RR Shanty Bay PII BARRIE erl Seven room mm house waterlyae trm onion waterblailt in cupboard and tuil size cellar Iarse barn and strolee make an exceuent broiler buildinlv Am rich and land with some lritlt Situated on gravel road no and hall outer irom viuage and pavement only 52500 White tramehause at seven rooms in village on paved road close to school and store approximately hail an acte at garden and towns hard and soil water garage and small barn This is beauuiui home easily reached irom barrio and orillia close to near Sla tion Edgar Five room brick village home with one acre warden flood waler lupply Small building suitable for chieltens or Ear age close to school and store Paved road Priced at New tour room bungalow at the edge or harrie large garden andgarage househas two bedrooms living room kitchen and utility room water system and both hot and cold water Price am or trade for smsu ram Toronto home or part cash for small ism close to or on hi luvs as Oriliia Midland or Ilarrielz acres good Harden land house rooms and bath water system and hill size cellar large rvtlrlr shop and garage Chicken house til it latwo rioors small stable Price $7500 acautirul brick home in the village of Cooksiawn close to the maineom er has trams addition containing Beao ty Salon and two piece hath main house has living room dining room kitchen and den oh the nest rider and three large bedrooms and bath on secondnoon This is splendid home and the Salon is iuliy eouippcd Well worth seeing acres on main highway miles from large town has excellent buildings and nevekldllinz spring crgekslevnnty acres more land adioin pvullablc Allcouid be divided real bargain ere Phone or call for more inform atlon and pictures One and half miles north at the old Barrie Road west or Editor and on Con Oro loqa Each lot 60 it tell7 Cook St just north of SteeleV $750 per lot Phone PA 2670 164352 Inaul brick only two HENRY ELRICK MICHIE i5 Owen St Phone PA 375589 OFFER COMPLETE REALgESTATE SERVICE OBUYING alt SELLING MORIGAGE mANs NATIONAL nousmo GENERAL INSURANCI APPRAISAIJ MccoEi TOUGH SI140465 Competent Re Etta Serle Kuwait and eonfidentlll llltlnn flute lid NRA flnlnctnz plan secllity service onbuyio snu igllinr privatn tncomo seieett bildings business ropertiel loldara com eatiailiatInI aervlcp Photos PA aasaz Va III ass hosd opp isowihlglhrhélt aflxflo Keel °ON basement and location near as riton FOISA REALTOR PHONE PA 85984 DAmvoaoamtoa pas Ir COLLIN mm nnnnn BARRIE OUTSKIRTS ruu Phlbr ram room bungalow lust all Runway fl it do me him 12 noon on healer inuuded Avery any 090 nautical noma dorJ hotï¬li View 53 Claim Eveï¬ni or 37702 EAST END BUNOALOW Lils TIIAN RENT VIIor only 365 per month which my Inlrrtflr Pflntlpal and ialtes you let lovely room brick hon only IV yuan old In excellent reddenlili InaWeiilnflan St bedroom creed air all heat laundry tuba Cloe In school andmopplnl Var aood lot so It Isa Ittll price alum NIIA malts no lary mulremrnu call Pervy Ford Evenlnu phon PA 3M TRIPLE INVESTMENT Three Completely Modern Boibcons tained Apartments my years old on extra large lot In an excellent local lion close to Schools and snappingr on paved Sinai ï¬ll iIIeatinl Income ve you captionmillrn ap ximateiy lay an your investment round pro position Calilorry Quinn tor mil etnits at PA 39914 EveningsPA nil aib EDGEHILL DRIVE $3900 On large lot I50 I40 this5mna bungalow has every modern tonvvnle ence Good tuttrace and iuil concrete Also with thll you let cottage that rents or no per month Low down payment Call Percy Yard Evenings phone PA 55531 min him two bedroom bunularl Large modern kitchen and living room place hath extra Illio cloth and linen closets Garg lose to schools Ind ahopplnlSra this one Genlxe Wrilht zvrnlnlaPA CUSTOMBUILT HOME One of the better built homes Iarga Living noom wlth Plrcpisce Dininfl Room Modern Kitchen and bedroom with piece bath on iirsi noor trim med in Oak Two largebedrooms Anti bath on second tioor hrii basement wllhlntlt cellar 62 not water halt ing Itnlt glass iined hot water heater close to Park Schools and shopping GarageCall George Wright eveninzl call PA 24m HOME wnlrs ACRES $5900 Just miles north at barrio room brick home very close to new school Large irontage on Highway 11 oange chicken house rnci barn All tor small all price or will sell all acres and above property tor 512500 Contact Dan Conneu Evenings phone PA 37102 DELUXE BUNGALOW This one has Lucatlurl Brand now close to Paris Lovely Dug Brick Dice Bedroom FuIITfle Kitchen and Bath Attractive open Fireplace laundry Irilyl Forced Air with all Has that Extra touch No trans on tatioh worries hcre CaiI lerry Qu nn PA Mm Evenings PA $1395 LAKESHJE RESIDENCE With unmatched scenic lake wiewand yet In town limits Rug brick only years old vary beautimi lot to 715 fully landscaped in lawns and excellent truit trees lovely rooms nigh dry basement with rrc room on heat Close to school and shopping Eua nop near your door Extra good value and over slooo or extras Cau Percy Ford Evenings lA assVsr Split Level NnA msale mort Enllt and terms Large bungalow House also 51 75 rug hrick new large rooms Living room 2px 13 iop value Allandale Joni room stucco years Old Forcednir all IllIt Investmrni opportunity plex apartl rneht dwelling Nni quite tinished issues to Barrie Ittli prize as is $16000 Very Central $55M Wellbuilt room bungalow Terms arranged Commen cial Location On Worsiey st Call us Ior particulars siroud rooms sturdy brick honieV rlglit on highway Cuaiiurnacenz rar garagengdd grnien Suitable sor nursing home or apartmant Very good value at 37100 CALL Us Anour Summer cottages Income producing bomea duplaxu gig homu to both town andeoan IPlirnla and acrego NHA homes with low ownpaymant alanuding 1o Amt nouns CALL Percy FordPABihï¬ nan CpnnelIPA $7702 Jury QuinnAPA Em Ceorge WrightPA Iitaoo smsson REALTOR MEMBER BAREIEREAL ï¬TATE BO MEMBERS BARRIE DISTRICT DEAL STATE BOARD suoo ruLLVPrlce roomsbeavv wiring built in cupboards Laundry tubs Close to GE Phone PA ozsia NEW stem with income apartment Close to ubaol and shopping district iviii sell cheap ior quick sale Phone on aim its50 PLOT OF lAND building Int XW 125 llilln mailing mitt oi arr No way Granviliotsc Phone um nnpnooivi bungalow only oneyear old spacious liningdiaing area piece tiled bath forczdalr ou iurnaoe dry paured basement new storm and screens tally decorated nodded quiet us and uhooL NHA 55 mortgag Phone PA um ROOM House city conveniences1ow taxes all sense Televisionall new turnlture included H500 nitwean Pssa staticnwas ga beech lBIIfl church and stare sale Winterired room cot Mineta Poini Reasonable Apply VMtl Paddigon phon pflm Strand EpworthVReblto 134734 Lms1erms gt01 cash arranged Painswicli Colt 13 MLNo 11 High wayoa idth 355 long Will sell lop arately or In one piece mile rrorn bake5l1ncoe southor Dorrie Write Ian Hilchman 15 braoburn Aye Toronto 15 or phone Toronto Cherry H719 164449 s1sioocouar nouar district no ray room briekhbuaeiii acetic nonditlonDatistair living alt Illwith natural lircpiado heatedyalsn room iargedining room as 1nd modern kitchen bedrooms PRICED FOE QUICK ISALEV