The courage of iiryeaeoid girl saved the lives of fouryoung crchildren when firedcstmycd lbelog built home of Mr and Mrs Robert Scale early Tuesday morning at Angus The parents and ii children escaped the clothes they wore only other artlcle the fire was television set The splash fmm water thrown on the smoldering ceiling woke up Violet 15 She dashed through flanges to room at the rear of the house where the four younger children were asleep while the ruthenwoke up the rest of the family Site broke window in the room and helped into the open air her brothers Jack Charles and George Thinltlng all weretnow out of the burning house Violet started to climb out of the window herself Then she heard her younger sister Edna crying for help She went back into the room found her sister and the two clambered through the ndow to safety Others who escaped from the hurning building were Mr and Mrsltobert Sense and their chil dren Robert ll iftank l7 Maisie 18 Jean 11 Gladys to Rose Mr Scase is civil employee at Camp Borden He silid he was very lucky to have his ii chil dren alive But for Violet the four younger ones perished ft is believed the fire was cadsed by faulty wiring At the time there was no fire in the stove and only one light was burning Camp Borden fire brigade an awered the call but by the tlgne they were at the scene the 35x32 feet log building was beyond sav mg The homeless family are being befriended by neighbors until other accommodation on be found ®a St Paul inn Bylifl The home owned Snidcr at Pp was badly damaged fire which is thought tohove started when an iron hndbeenieft on Suhday afternoonfthe fire alarm sounded and it was thought the eailhad come agrass fire However on arr at the scene was found that fire had burned he interior oï¬the cottage Sn er and her family were visiting Contents and inter were con siderably damag Loss is over 000 The fircequipnient soon it blaze under ontroi Re underwa be bent will soonbegt in diving condit BUSY WATERWAYS Canals in tain carry about 14Q00000 tons ht every year gt Mrs away would have is Faverv Violet Sortse and her two young brothers George and Charles lance Rumble liddress Meeting SponsoredvbyilleiardedChildrens Assoclailon Here VLance Rumble who will speaker at afvmceting bcingheld in the Libraryflali on Monday evening under the auspices of the Barrie and District Association for Retarded Children is widely known as Hillsdales most famous son Althoughhe has become well known in several fields Mr Rumble owes much of his fame to his talent as raconteur Since drifting into public speaking to years ago he has given over 100 talks year on transportation public relations and ashe says just visits on his feet His community interests have covered many charitable drives Hebecarne intensely interested in retarded children when he acted as general chairman for the drive for funds for the Toronto itssoeiation in 1956 He has since been doing research into the problem and lecturing along these lines inboti Canada and the Un ited States He willhe sepaking here at eight oclock Mr Rumble left the metropolis Mondéi Evening of ifilisdale to the Esmndard kand then joined the armyduring the First World War and spent 4imonths vifl the services on his return from the army he went into theauiomobilqbusi ness working forgo passenger car company and then joining Rug Eles Trucks failed hewent back to theauto mobile business cventuaily join ing General Motors Tracks in 1927 His career with General Motors has been very well known He was on retail sales for 12 yéars with marked success and then was appointed sales managerfoi To ronto retail truck branch After few months he became general manager and while in this posi tion has served in many capac ities in and out of the truck busi iness He enjoys selling motor trucks whether it be small or large whether $50 used truckorhis largest order for million dolA lars In the United States behas been introduced as the man who Turn to page three please ieenage July 12 la 14 test When that company Ina can tinIM hummer umingizAng Barrie Junior Chamber of Cone merce will be sponsoring for th second year running Safe Driving Roadeo day May Last year thedrivi in tests were carried out on the parking lot at Barrie Arena but this year the vcnue is the parking lot at the Deviibiss plant The local competition iafpart of national teenage roadeo sponsored by the Junior safe driving Chamber of Commerce and Alb Canada insurance Federation Winners of the local competition will take part in regional roadeo and if successful there will have the opportunity to enter the na tional finals at London Ont on Sehoiarships to the amount of $1150 areoffered to finalists This competition is designed to give young drivers the opportun ity to prove their ability to drive safely and improve their driving habits and attitudes At the community level the entrant has to take written test on driving knowledge and performance four obstacle type cises Entrants in the regionnl roadeo will have to takea written test performance test and road check for intraffic performance These in the national finals will or addition to the abovetests be examined asto driving attitude have psychophysical examinno tion and personal interview There is noentry feei attached to this competition and Barrie Iaycees are anticipating heavier entry than last year in parti cular they are hoping that this year the girls will heweil repre sented No girls entered in Bar rie last year Safety conference Honors Barrie Barriewasodebf across Canada cited an the opening of the Canadian Highway Safety Conference at Quebec on Monday for having no fatal accidents in 1956 The town wasone of six with population between 10000 and 20000 In Ontario without fataiaccldcnt last year Cornwall and Guelph were the only two cities in the province to be simliarly honored Roadéo exer than usual hem Poï¬esLThreetï¬egtionr ONTARiO CANADA WEDNESDAYAPRIL241957 ï¬llairman Blue 500Per Cent Profit PMountalnfCamp Wm MCK BUTlEBvicepresident of BarrleKlwanla Club and dira actor of the Ontario Society for Gripp Children who has been named chairman of the Blue Moan in Camp management com mittee replacing Norman and way of Collingwood who resigned after many years of service Mr Butler announced at Mondays uznner meeting of the Kiwanis Glut of Barrie that receipts from Easter scale were nearing $4000 andthis was substantially higher both innumber of returnsand total received thn at the same time last year Grillio that Denies Report che in Street oruua Police Chief Mc intyre yesterday denied report that youths angered at the dos ingof Sdnday night dances ata jukebox spot had turned the pain street of 0riiliainto race rack on Sundaynight Ihe chief sirld only live youths had been charged with traffic off gpces an average slightly higher llgfldeniedanyytruth in aApr on report which stated that nine youths had5 been charged with careless driving three with speed ingpand live with creating unnec essary noise after they had used the main street as race track WE BUY MORE THAN SELL In 1956 the value ofï¬oods imA ported into Canada totalled si billion more than in 1955 while exports increasedby only $550 million Trade deficityfor the year was $350 million FORMERCOLDWATERTREEiE SUCCESSFUL IN HisAPPEAL AT COUNTY COURT SITTING Among the nineappeals heard at the County Courtsitting pre sided over by His Honor Judge Thomas which coneluded at Simcoe County court house Barrie last weektvas one by gi hum ireed of all responsibility in con happened last August tionsiisté tierhearing Nine of drew Dunlap former Coldwater reeve Mr Dunlop won his appeal when conviction on charge of careless drivrng laid against him was dismissed He was represent by houlton Marshall QC ho was successful in his argu ent that his ent should he nectionwitb the accident which Appeals were allowed in the cases of Olive Thomas William iames Lawrence Wilfred Paradis andVRo rantharn RConvi Ion was the appeal of the iialn Panehuck onfmed in was traversed co Court Actions 24 county court ac these were settled out of con Lemay and son plaintiffs and for annexation pointed out that Queen vs Wii The appeal of Arthur Trafford pald to the federal month ago Before making any decision council must first decide in prin ciple what the building will be used for declared His Worship Mayor Willard Klnzie when the letter from the company was read at Monday nights council meet ing He referred the lnatter to the ï¬nance committee Meanwhile suggestions are com mg in from other sources with regard to the future of the buildi Alderman Theaiderman did not hold the popular opinion however The vote was Mtoone in favor of applying for the annexationwhieh will increase the towns size by almost six times The present area of Barrie is about two thousand acres Other opposition to the annex ation may be presented at mun icipal boardhearing to be held here in the near future Other council members voting Poor twcqucrush Two Midland residents and two from Elmvale were injured in twocar collision Tuesday after noon Joseph Leeking World War one pensioner ribs and head injuries His pass engerJames Hawke escaped with cut forehead and bruises Mr and mrs MelvinRitchie of Elmvale were treated for bruises and cuts BINGO FOR THEBLIND Barries Club so tonight dshoiding its first bingo evening at XOOF Hail Col lier street gtTbe cinb spon sored by the Barrie CNIB advisory committee as social club for the blind people of the district will be using specially constructed bingo cards All blind people aroinvited to come out and dwardflBlalteiy William Turn to page threeplease chains there in and neighborhood strade overvyourbiock dndhomeL If there is vacant lot gratin high withdraws nd strew withbrpkenbottles if the trash each weékbulges of con tainers and spills into the alleyifyards are neglect rather thangreen with horn While these ymptomsfm illness called slums Plant Up program wll found believe in lurkinglspirlts and olanging still be aninvlsible threat toyour home the specter of slums may coasting warped doors are the portal through which your neighbors prise the shadow of decayis beginning to bejcast on iy notie them how thpi glee However an actively up no enjoy the club evening spring if sagging porchesiand who so slight that you ard suffered broken rown with The offer to purchase the former federal building and small amount of property around it part of which is owned by the Canadian National Railway has been made by the Kresge Company Limited ing which has long been down town iandmark Various organisations in the surrounding district have been making persistent requests that public washrooms be housed in the building Residents in their communities consider Barrie as their shopping centre and in re turn feel that the town should pro vide them with thisacc6mmoda1 tion There was only one dissenting voice among councillors as BanieTowncinuncllvoted to apply to the Ontario Munic ipalBoardforrannemuontby the toononunion tenthcusa lend acres of surrounding township land on Monday nightl Hersey opposed the movebecause he felt the towns growth did not need to be accelerated at this time He described master as the biggest Barrie has ever taken recent request by an industry for 100 acres of town land had to be turned down becausesuch an amountwlas not available Alderman Williams said that the main question in the minds of most of the people was whether or not thepresent tax payers of Barrie wouidvhave to pay out much money for the an nexation procedure canadian Bank of NewAccoumani The Canadian Bank of Com merce Barrie branchannounced achange in its May 0W Treuscb accountant for will be leaving to take up th Parry Sound His successor is Harper native During his stay in ABarri Mr Treuseh has won multitude of friendsand was populzirly active in the sporting world His favor its pastimes were into nurse Waterloo sfaff effective the pastihree andonebalf years managers post at the rich in an ovvw Mannamt mu oooroffer for Old 770 Fate Stilliilideci Barrie Town Council is being given the opportunity to Sell the old post office building for $75000five times the amount government for the building less than Council will over possible uses for the building at special meetingon May and will also meet withthe Chamber of Com merce which has some ideas to express ontbe subject The townxouncii has authorized lbe chamber to renew inquiries into the purchase of CNR property behind the old post office An at tempt to have theBarrie station and adjacentfreigbt sheds torn down to provide parkhrg space was halted when local CNRoffi cials quoted post of over 160 thousand dollars for the work However the chamber is very anx iousto obtain the area for park ingviand hopes that by making more detailed inquiries it may iind way to achieve its aim at reasonable price Mayo Willard liinzie plodinted out tbat annexa ton wou cost onsi crab rnora ifdeliiéï¬ï¬i se of unbiyihodog building practices in the area to be anneiteil le in 0400 acres of the townshipslof 0ro5Vespra and lnnisfil The mayor added that council must look to the future as annexation must come at some timeand it would be cheapest now Alderman raceJratt was of lhe ion ihat the ocedure would notvcost much at the most and might cost almost nothing because of increased revenue to the town tbrougli taxeso nncxed property Co mer including New Hamburg co is an avid utoniy as spect sdys his active years are behindlhim Her cbmes to Barri that he WorkedsinfM den and Selkirk His banking career was interrupted by fills and onebalf years theservie of which Hamilton Lon only 9019 DisSenti voice is Council Votés For Annexation 0f Surroun mg Township Lands ireusch marry sound