Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1957, p. 10

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you you rammo um temp rt Easier fastér 6N ennui IN EGYPT Ah Otterair emit olthe RCAFs No 115 Lions Flight sweeps low over bombedout theatre on into the desert near Abu Suwelr Egypt Hearing the markings or the Communica the ruins or petrol night Emergency RCAFs Air initial 113 LETS TALK music By ANNE liloGINN Almost hundred years ago broken disappointed and heart siek man died in the charity ward oi New Yorks Beilvuc Hospital He was pennlicss He was an alcoholic file was haltstarved having not been able to aflord decent meal tor months In ragged clothes unkempt and Illlsllavcll he had skulked ahout back alleyways picking what iood he could out oi garbage cans Oiten his only meal had been bit at turnippecl It was almost blessing that lie stumbled while staggering into his ehca room into one night or he to ianti hit his head Death was not long in claiming him lie was only 38 years old The attendants who puiled sheet up over his lileless corpse Wu live been astounded it they own they were covering the remains of man whose name wouldoneday be knownio almost every American and Canadian child to say nothing at the people oi nations who adopted his work in translations For he was songwriter He was probably the most tam llls it all American song writers STEPHEN COLLINS FOSTER lieWas born in 1826 in little town outside oi Pittsburgh Penn sylvania Hi father was the interesting sortoitype who shtitlled irom one job to another causingthe house holdleconomic conditions to iiuc tuate according to his luck at the time Accordingly the eight Foster children of whomStephen was the yonn est sometimes lived to RariSI nspited yards nch ed directions on each requires jacket takes Prin rm CENTS hehad nothing lelt to gethei in home of their own but more uitcn they wereboard cd out separately with various Fdatives while theiriatlicr was recuperating from hislatesl iin anclai catastrophe Asra ltlle boyvStepheh wastaken to Church by an old negro serv ant Olivia kitswas while listening iothc Negro voices singing old Negro hymnsthat the young boy learned to love Negro musle Some of the melodies he immor ialized in such songs as Hard Times Comethgain No More and OhBuys Carry Me Longj were snatches ol the hymn tunes lie first heard in the Negro Chur ehes In the days when Foster was growing up the minstrel show was virtually the only form of musical entertainment available or the common people Some of his firstsongs such as Louisianna Belle Old Untflc Ned and 0h Susannah were written for minstrel performan ees Copyright laws in Fosters day were rather lax and as result dozens of people profited iiiom his compositions Pittsburgh publisher called Peters paid him $100 for 0h Susannah but while the composer received only two filtydollaibills Peters made$it iilil on the song Some of Fosters best known songs are Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair written for his wife Jane McDowell Old Kentucky Home fBeautiful Dreamer Old Black Joe and Swanee Perhaps his most loved number mall is Old Folksatflome it is certainly the most familiar Stephen CFoster could have had steady income for lite from the royalties of his songs excep foronefactor He was like most musicians entirely impraet He sank into debtp and with financialiworricsr hebeganto drink when heistart ed drinking his wife leit him And aiter she had gone he cit ivefor Perhnps itlwould surprise some of todays toenagersto know that CldImOriilia 0iDeaiC¢unIv Roadio Edgar Grim Plekcl and Times brilliant the ielt ftor some uh that they were being disch tlons this Otter is one of tour sueli aircraft employedon reconnaissancn and communications duties with the LEN Force The unit which lilies and maintains them is on eleinent or the Transport Command RAILWAY3 TIME TABLES CANADIAN National Northbound Na 41 leave To to 920 Irn Arrive Aliandale ll leave Por rie1148 tor North Bay dolly ex cept Sunday No 45 leave Toronto 550 pm Arrive Allandaie 802 leave Barrie 817 or Drilliau daily except Sunday No 53 the Continental leave Toronto i1 pm Arrive Aliandnln 1248 amgtLeaveltVBnrile 109 am tor Vancouver daily No 47 leave Toronto 130 pm Arrive Allandale 120 am Leave Barrie 134 am tor Cochranc daily N0 861 leavcllnmllton 730 am Arrive Aliandale Leave Allandale 1145 ford daily except Suhvday Southboun No 46 from North Barrie 458 am Leave Allandale 13 nan Arrive Toronto 7ll Im daiiyhv gt No 42 leave Barrie 7410 am LeaveAllandalc 707 Arrive To ronto 855 daily excepttsunday and Monday No 44 troinNorth Bay Leave Barrie 420 om Leave Allan dale 140 Arrive floronto 11 Daily cxcept Sunday gt No 143 lenve Barrie coolant Sunday only Leave Allandnle 808 pm Arrive Toronto 945 pan Sunday only No 662 from idealord LEavc Allandale 435 pm Arriveflam tijlton 755 pm daily exceptt Sun ay CANADIAN racirrc nhttwnr Vancouver arrive Midhurst 1230 am daily Stop for passengers to Sudhury and beyond 25 from Town Arrive liriidhnrst 1106 am da except Sunday to liicdonte No from Fort Willi rive Midhurst 5136 am 11y No the Dominiontrom4Von eouver Arrive Mldhtlrst 114 am daily No 26 from Medonte Arrive Midhurst 1259 pm daily cxeapt Sunday liarrive Toronto 330pm Train No 11the Canadian To ronto to Vancouver does not atop at ltiidhurst Leaves Toronto 510 pm Passes Mldhurst at 656 daily Consultagont torconnec tions from Midhuust Train Noi 12 the Canadian Ianeonvcr to Toronto passes Mid hurst 420 pm daily Arrive lov ronto 600 No from Toronto Arrive Midhurst 101 am lo Fort Wilv iiam loeal connections north Ar Ctnanurmomn Aprii isthe month when the worstot our rundown condition omes apparent and after the Ends have and rehung th time has come to get out the paint brushes ltainy River Record one oirtheir favorite hit tunes currently being crooned by thir idoiElvis Presley was written by Love Me Tenderlfl 1Borrowgwiihtonfide Whether the nnuwni to you money problems in cash loan in experteounael you miy rely on use Canadas moatJeeorh meuded consumer linnncT corn pnny Youll like HECspr pt friendlynttenti0 undeont to mrvieerbncked by79 years in per In so if you need to do No the Dominion Tomato to akchfid tlT urtains washed Inaied against in thomatter or good roadI Ind highways There huheen lingering resentment among many Leidwa over the tIctthat the province chose to extend its tourlane highway trom Toronto onlyas tar n13arrie in street dividingthe south mm the north In urapid economic de velopment is cohccmed This dis satlaiIction was only slightly re lieved when the Department iii ways was pressured into pro vl ng two overpasses to provide at exit and entrance am the town to the highway Forest Home Ind the Coldwatcr Road gt Then later Orlillonx learned with shocked surprise out the pro vinee had npimmcdiate intention at extending highway 400 north throughorilila but were planning completely new highway link in the end 400 with Muskokn throughthe Goldwater area This Action appears to cancelout much chance at Orlllio ever being serv ed by tourvlane roadior it cer uinly postpones that Jpossibillty or many years to come road recently know thIt im in pretty poor condition Not only are there number oi mud holes which might be excused to some extent considering the time of year but almost the Entire surface irrough and identities woair board This road is not mum elal road but is maintained by the County at Simone Alew years ago the Orlllinreprasentatives at the County Council persuaded the county to put had surere on sniall stretch ot the road from Drilliaiorjustpast the No 11 by pass on Sanso Hill From there to Edgar the road is in poor condition when one travels from Edguto Barrie on the nice new Isphplt surtoco that the dis crimination betwecn Barrie and Oriilia again appears The county has seen lit to take care of this section but not the Orilila end lt so happens that Edgaris roughly hallway between the two towns and that eohsid einblenumbcr oi Oriilia people are employed at the radar station there Also it number of Air Force personnel who are employ odthero make their homes in 0rillia lthls also been stated lhus Orillians have come to expect that this townandits dis trict will have to takenback sent in the matter oi highway improve ment which have avory direct bearing on ncomrndnityr future growth and prosperity Because at this perhaps Orllllans have not been is upset over anothertrend situation as they normally might have been This situation eitistls between Oriliia and Edgar along what is known as the Old Barrie Road Anyone who has driven that that most of the Edgar personnel would prefer to come too thai does notsurprise us But itshouldeause OrilliIs busll ness people to do some serious thin ing about the amount of business they have lost in the pastyenrslnndwill lose in the future because titthe variation in roadservice rpm Edgar it is well recognized um the County road lands or limited in action we an soms YOU CAN MAKE Al notrn With ice crenm flavoring chilled soda water and azquiek stir Youll enjoy the wealthol cool sipping in these fdoityour sel sodas Ind that the project oi suriIeing the Orlllia to ar stretch would be costly But the road is one of the main County roads in Sim ooe and is likely to become in creasingly importantin the yen to come Perhaps the CounS would be advised to undertake some more permanent work on the road and save in annual up keepas Orillia ls proposing to do itself on its own streets DONi PANIC CORNER BROOK CPlCool thinking maysavefyour lite in case oi iire in the hbmcFiro Chtei Gordon Brewer stresses in statement on tire safety DANGEROUS GETS Drivers unfortunately 50 fre quently forget how dangerous misused headlight can be tail ure to switch to lower beams when passing or driving behind another car can turn tthcm into instruments oi destrubtion Neepra Mam Press comuoN raonuam it other municipal services are not to suitor some solution will havetto be found in the near tur or the heavy burden oi taxation for educational purposes lobe eased as in as the mun Icipal property owner is con cerncd Trcnlon CourierAdvocate ym Wmxmxmgt roe continuum eve CARE Noel console Step Jhenyson OPTOMETRIST Rio swvnensmws Jawtttana Ind Pronounth FOR APPOINTMENT lfHONli PA 84201 owner smear genome onranm mfifimmmxmw 4fM5ifli Try itDoSoto wds built to do pleasure instead of chore ivmupmhbuuan Torque drive frees you from old matic auto fashioncd earshifting Push butums do iii here button and you surge ahead with all the authority that up to 295 horsepower gavea effortless And TorqueHitch three speeds put DeSobos acceleration in the hold your hat class NcroflTursionAire load 15 hitredihly smoothand quiet Do Sotos torsion bars up front make the coilsprings onldther cars as obsolete as yester days newscast Youll hke the way wrings the bounce out of is uh expect Phone PA 597 on you Come in and see ing one thiawaek rnoxe rs not PAYS 80 or me COST No nutter how mail the wk liriyn Iccidehi Mazatlan now WI Fly mi $100 on the in me oleach lou Above Ibll amount State Farm Iyi everything out and mm more about 5020Iodajll fl ailIon Put xsnew bizSoto through its oes and you canjpro this gtvely beauty is thoroughbred ght down to its newwheols you getin aDe

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