Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Apr 1957, p. 1

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ELEVEN nannroor iEMBERS WKFL Fountalniof the orid eroup arrive lnEdmoriton irom Los Angeles ori their Way to Anchorage Alaska where they plan to establish community on mooacre tract allow 25 miles from the nearest road or the row WKFL ce lhoto Krishna Ventn manner or the ldllrniember California sect is second from left back tands for wtsdomfi knowledge faith and love The robes and markings sig nliy the wearers position lnliie CNIBA Amiid mesaIn Itso Mru Donnano ous Comes to Barrie As Assrstqnt In Agriculture Owen sauna SunTimes The narrator of Allan Wall of Walkerton assistant agricultural rcpreoénmfiéfor Bruce County and the appointment of Hummus Nixon RR Liooa Held sistant agricultural repres tor Haldimand County were among appolntnients and tredsfers announced today by Ontario Aeri Icultural Minister Goqdfeh ow Mr Wall is to become associate agricultural representative for North Simcoe with headquarters at Barrie He has held his post Wi rmgwa ares Ask lion in Bruce County for the out five years Mr from Ontario HomeMinnieSPEAK ro numerator menus nunou MEEIING IOMORROW Regal insurance Co Fergusoil Retires Asiienerai Manager Remains As Director =Colingwood Grit 0f Portrait Collingwood Enterprisehullctin Aboutlls officials staff mem bers and guests of the Regal In urancc Co Ltd home office lolllngwood gathered at the Pioneer on momma on Fri day cveninglliarch 29 for com bined company bowling leaguc dinner party and presentation ceremony honoringJulian ii For gujson MP MC on his rcti ement as managing director ubir Inr guson is remaining with the com may as dire or and in an ad visory capacity gt iccPreaiden Viflrffliddcll was master of ceremonies of the happy evont and yspccial head table guests were Mr and Mrs Durnan and and Mrs Lautcnschlag Mrr Durnan was recently appornted gcneral manager of Regal Insurance to Works To Serve Relleblc figures show that hun dreds of people lose their each yea large percentage of this bl dlt is caused by theravages time and the conditions and 2a cases of advancing years Ye substantial number ofpcople young adulthood andeven children become sightless with each passing year Accidents alone account for about of the increase ical research is progressing slow ly as it must luonquering the many causes of blindness bu tho Canadian National lnstltute for the Blind is doingsomothing too It inter ested saving sight but with its long experience with blindness the institute knows that prevention is preferable to blindness LUNIB last yEar savedrvthe ght oi hundreds1370 tobecxact and those figures in lude only the pro vincc of Ontari When person is suffering from an eye condition that will in the opinion of medicaheye specialists cause blindness hecan behelped by CNIB If he hassufficient funds What is being dgige about it Mcd service roe before being pointed to his Bruce position lie is married with three childre and moves to harrie on May agricultural Bruce County ALLANAWALL Walls successor is McBr whose home town ill Terra Cotta lnPeel County McBride graduated from DAL last ycarand has been employed in Bruce County sinccdiast Dec as representatives Mostly Sunny iheriding comention being held Themed ention whleh officlils of theprincipal cabinet ministers the special speaker County He was born in Hangman serves no in 195 ¥succeed Mr Fargu on and Dr Lautenschlager is resentative from Regal International head of Toronto Rev Capt Downer MLA Duntroon directed tli prescnta tion toMr Fergusonfl portrait of Mr Fergusons progressive careerbeing especially pleased to note thathe had been born in Simcue County and stressed his fine record in the First World Wary during wh he was decor ated with the Mi ary Cross Speaking of Mr Fergusons business endeavors Mr Downer Lynn Head has been an instruc atrthe ily log school at Maple llt is proposed to base at least three aircraft for ma ructional and commercial services obi Wfomrrive thisyveek ceases for barter commercial air services flying training recreation ng have equested flyéa since Thursday rlfiend failed to cottage el med police said sfriend ate it host an ishlng tackle ndwent onto th lake artist Mr Downer outlinedhighlights said that the Regal insurance Go fairs JULIANH FERGUSON MP MC Reed ofNorvai noted Canadian in his presentation remarks owes its existence in Collingwood to the efforts of Mr Ferguson who he said had alwaysbeen Three pilots plied or Ven hard worker for the com license to operatethe tayner Air Service just nort ot thetowp on Highway 26 Th was founded and for munity working continuously to increase its industrial life Mr Downer also complimented Mrs Ferguso commending her cooperation in community af ln accepting his portrait Mp Ferguson expressed his score thankstorthe gift and the un derlying sentiment it signified andvoiced hlstappreciation to the management and staff of Regal insuranc 7h again quoted his oftspoken expression that he had started the Regal lnlt surance Co in qulingwood pri ariiy provide employmentfor ihcvicollegiato graduateswf iingwood an surrounding area to pro ide his own treatment only arranging transportation and giv inga word of encouragement are often enough iiowcver if the patient cannot supplychis own treatment the CMB will go step furtherper haps many steps as the occasion demands Arrangements are made for the patient to see an expert eye physician possibly in dist ant town transportation and main tenance is offered and it the ex amination means correctiVefsur Ecry ranged this service to thosewi cloud of blindness Ybanging over themcost the CNIBandthe com munity very little when the st ofbiinduess istaken intoconau ation It isnot asmall thing but itrtakcs your supportto keep it IVE The loan campaign 01 the Blind treatment that too is an Some Mrlderr can nights and strong cold Winds have kept the baylce here but weakened by cracks andopen stretches This is far from record andra warm rain wouldrlo the trick Wet siiowfell Saturday Sunday had verystrong west wind at timesloday promises sun ations ma be sent fian runs April 22througli May Don Crillid Resden Age 961 Still mien an estate in lreland when he was nearly 60sonhc ledfor the old country and lived there for the next 20 years on his locum try estate near Lurgan County magh Alex caboose Active Hobbyist Favorites WooddrVing Poetry ent Alex Cuppathures thedi the state normalcollege ailrnents and cockinapager Banker Nova Sco tia Barri trict nativerlooks back on in long lifetime On his 96th he countless done and ecallcda varid career jthathad encompass iirivlng team in aMuskok lumber camp Florida loca uthorl sidcnt of East Simone Fanders lstitute and on thepubllc school oar Ag cu vtural College where he special interest in the veterinary course Following fseverai years on hisfar llysfflffll he went with and then farmed on his He taught in lorlda for si years before returning to settle on thehome farm after the death his fathc gran when he first became rem Thc allowing year 1952 the first Tossorontio township at county council for six years During that time he has beena member of several differ man of the health and welfa mittee for one year andt as chairman of the county roads committee which is responsible for ronto yesterday eight days fway 27 at the usikirts of seine He had noiregaincd consciousness andteaching animalhusbandry at Tosaorontlos liech Burns Wales has announced his intention to stand in the election for Liberal candidate which will take place at lrl Alliston flay is open to all will be held in th community hall of the Allis ta oria Arena hm VTuesdoy Eon Piul Martin one the present governmcn will Bccvc Wales will also address meeting briei if he wins the cgnvcntion the borals will have cpndidatc who is well known throughout the riding Lsucccss fulv tobacco farmer Mr Wales has been active in public llfc almost inccihe moved to Everett in H146 Prior to that time he operated to bacco andtomato farms in Essex Learning oh years ago lie was elected township coun illor in Tossorontioin 1950 and he following year became rcevc One of his mostumportant aclr icv rhean as reevc was to are federalgrants forhis townshi in lieu of taxes from Camp Borden grantamounted to $10000 began working for the rant was paid to Essa as well as As reeve he has represented his nt committees serving as chair com year budget of re than one olla illron DIESRESULIOFIACC ENl Lester Reid tirnton ied at St Mic els Hospital Effo after is paocl truck it United Counties Conservation Pro gram for the past three years His interest in this work took him first to the county reforestation comv mittec on which he scrvedfortwo years TheUnited Counties pro the southtovBruce on thenort circles and the DutferinSimcoe Li beral Associ ion sincc firstcom ing to Slmco County ly thirties he wasinstrumental in organizing the Tomato Marketing Board He also assisted in organ ketlng Association in 193i He was firsteiected director of the as sociation in 1936 and has served as director for three terms since com ing to lossorontio smen Guests At Kiwanis Club deetflol Speaks jgarding supplies for special ex tlons headed by Griifin will have charge of tod ysdinner meeting of the Barrie Kiwanis Club at Community House Barrie Kinsmen will be guests andltheir districtgoveraor Hap Lowe non mus when He has been director of the areserves an areatromYolkpn Hchas been active in fiberal Backln Essex County inthe ear ommitteeon intervclub rela wil be the speak birthday last week he looked orn carvings he had gt took Fears oi district residents that wildlife exhibitsworst he man from the department oi removed from Springwater Park were alloyed by spokes iands and forests at meet ing or interested citizens in the eounctlchambers here Fri day morning There will be no change in policy Baylyjchlei director of reforestation tor the department assured the gathering of over 30 interested persons which included sev eral reeves and council members from surrounding municipal ities and George Johnston linking the governments posit ion clear he went onto explain that this did not mean that there would not be changes When you have exhibits and collections of different species there always has to be change OVer the past years ever since the wild life exhibitswcrcstartcd there has been continual change Birds die there are epidemics etc The policy of the department is to have the best conditionsand best wld life exhibit that can pos sibly exist This will mean improv ing and modernizing the park at lllidhurst Must Have Free and Thcdepartmcnt does not feel that it should commit itself to having its hands tie it is going to have thercsponsib rty oi the wild life exhibits it must have free hand Eloquence Wasted The eloquence forested izcns at the series or three mect 1c the removal had probably been wasted ad was in sense unneces sary stated Mr Bayly The only problem that existed had been in connection with the words used in department circular that hadun fortunately been released as news bulletin Accordinglm the fault originally lay with the depart ment issued few weeks ago to its own staff the department circular said that parks wereinot to have zoos in them ie no exhibits of wild life with the exception of fcwmative animals Local officers understood that this did not ply to Springwater Park The take occurred when the same cular was issued as news release to the public At the same time there was discussion in the department re hibits such as those at the Can adian National Exhibition which only made it more Aeertainlthat there would her place where supply of wild life would be av ailable Resultingnews reports were contradictory fit is quiteeasy to see why people becamcsconcerned about the park MPP tor Simeoe Centre wot intimidating one The status quo at the park would his listeners At present there are 39 species of birds and animals threequarters olwhich are natives and onequarter of whiéhnre other species normally called exotics The department does not intend to change this situation other than the continual changes that must be made in such exhibits Animals which are notnativc to the province are inherently somewhat more dangerous situa tion in thatthcy prove matesus ccptiblc to epidemics and disease We mustbc careful not tosct upa situation thatkis unsanitary and crowded There is danger then that disease will spread to other wild lifoln the park and even to native herds in the area Although more surplus than us at Springwatenthls was no cause for worry statcdhlr Bayly Such surplus were tobe made available had always been the case he Reason tr1 atstatementby heBarrie Horticul had already been removed in their entirety the department represent ative saidthat he was not aware what speciesbad been removed Tu to page tive please soc Student ct Collegiate In eanne McKenzie in the girls diviv ns Club public in Drilliato enter won firstjflac sion at the speaking cont the 0mm to other osthat nccded thcm as be maintained air Bayly assured ual badrecentlybeen disposed of that several species FreeHand

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