Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1957, p. 9

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toselr BARRIE 0NTARICCANADA DNEsoA 02inions Of Othe Thank You No Nurse Toronto Daily Star TransCanada Air Lines has come down to earth and dropped its Jule that stewardesseson planes must be registered nurses it may he heavenly but there is no earthly rca ion for having nurses acting waitresses and sttendants to airplane passengers The practice abandoned now by all North Arnerican airlines has been an utter Waste of nursing talent and of the time and money that went into their training gt in the first daysof airplane travel nurse at the elbow may have been solace to ner vous passengers and good public relations for the airline companies But in realemergency the nurse can do nothing more for passenger than kind alert and efficient stevvardess who is not registered nurse For an ordinary flight she is called on to do little more than hand out pillow proffer cup of coffee serve food and chat prcttily Thank you nurse but now you can return to The burning oi the mortgage for this the proper practice of your profession giving vital building took place in 1953 Three years service to patients not passengers The airline later the branch embarked on the ambitious mPaiCS qmppifg to n1595 005 10112 plan purchasing the old Grey Condh Lines carry lhe implication that air travel is qucasyand terminal on Collier Street and carrying out dg°°5 extensive alteration Lords Day Prosecuiiens Oshawa TimesGaiotbe Announcement of AttorncyGcneral Keiso Rotr erts that charges are to be laid againstthrcc Ton onto newspapers and two radio stations for brea ches of the Lords Day Act has amused much public interest All of those being prosecuted are being charged with publishing sellingradvcrtlsing and disseminating news on the Lords Day Before it is finished this case will probably go to thc Supreme Court of Canada for final adjudi cation it is very much in the nature of test case to clarify this antiquated law and find out just how it applies to modern practices which have up the present been accepted It is significant that the attorneygeneral has taken this action on his own initiative Probably he feels as thelate Barrie Branch No 147 Canadian Legion HEEL received its charter in April 1929 Monday night this week the official opening by the Dominion and Provincial presidents of the Canadian Legion of the new branch headquarters on Collier Street marked the climax of an $80000 project In 28 years thlsrbranch has progressed from meeting first at the Barrie Armoury to its present spacious building from scant membership to 575 For time the branch was housed on tiie third floor at the northeast corner of Owen and Duniop streets the present Caldwell building where the Jean Garrick School is now located Branch 147 purchased its first building in 1047 1126 Owen Street the former Falling residence gtWhile this progress is ample evidence of the growth and vitality of No 147 its true strength is best measured by the port the branchvhos played in the community life of Barrie In this field there can be few organiza tions in Barrie to match the Canadian Le gion Hundreds of boys owe their introduc tion and ability in hockey to the work of the members thistyenr over 470 boys took part in the midget hockey league Minor ball sponsored by the branch for the past five years tells much the same story In the past nine years the branch has con tributed almost 518500 to community work having wen riténfv cs ROO Hon Conant did when he wasattolneygen oral that the changes intimcs and conditions have rendered this law passed bythe fedoral parliament in 1906 out of date Certainly the test case will provide an opportunity to reconcile its provisions or aflfluatmm Branchm has puttms gtwiltlhtthe tolerances which hive developed in mod ggéfisIth 1m pracuce Take my the erOnlcmZinnot escape the fact that today the izensuzxfinzhant sacrifice these 575 LordsDay Act is entirely out of line with what W1 W0 be very mum the is going on in this country every Sunday of the poorer community It has been job well year it it were to be strictly and literally applied done there would be complete revolution in the mod ern Sabbath from the sta dpoint oi what is being done not exactly in deda cc of the law but be cause few people other ihan those ately concérnedwitlttitsdbsurvancesuclfas in Lord The weather on makes our forbcasts pay Alliance of Canada pay much attention to it is pretty good when it comes to tomorrows Thc resultoi this test case will be interesting exclusive of further $4500 which hasgone to welfare through the poppy fund Ibis the philosophy of the Legion to be interested in Canadians regardlesscf age Weather Prediction EllioiglraképirNew North Bay Nugget new type of boom town7 without tarpapcr homes and ram shackle buildingsis mushroom lng around the Northern Ontario communityof Elliot Lake as re sult of the Blind River uranium strike four ycarsigo That the word mushrooming is appropriate canzbe seen from fcwfactsgin anarlicle in the cugentgsue iiidPAQYWOY ar Three mines now are in oper ation weather planning 13 undel Way to g1v3u5 it may even point theway to the amending of the forecasts of the Weather our five days Act so that it Will conform to the usages and hence The Us Weather office sucks its customs which havc come into being since it was Chm Fezulnrly with rough national forc 5mm er 5° yearsl gm rNimam 5i the castsicovgrmg so days mattcr is before the courts it is not permissible to comment on the specific charges involved but this But Dr Donald Lawrence is botany may well become one of the most celebrated court professor the Untverslty at Minnesota actions heard in Ontario for many years has set something of record for longterm prognostications He has gone on record in NO iCTUrel POSTCB IdS speech at Montreal with Siloyear look at the weather prospects His superinns The and WW range forecast is that its going to Re rich consume speetacuiarly by going on mauan leisurely long cruises The poor in this genera warmer for the next three cen turlcs Hesays that most of theworlds on 1135 My dmmg from month or so in ori ere is mi le class of business fixing lgiiclteed ttheir maximum size early executives that is expected to keep the machinery ury what he calls the running members of this middle class seldom come little ice age Since then except in some right out and admit they are taking holiday northern Pacific areas all glaciers have They meet in Bermuda for conference Th been getting smaller He says this trend Manoir Richelieu is another hardworking place will continue until about 2250 so when an earnest lefider me my keep his in good shape Professor Lawrence considers glaciers as 93 enable meteozglqgjcal instruments cm ers this responsiblemlddle class seldom sort of combine on snow gauge evaporation send picturepostcards to their relat friends or stray acquaintances with the startling news that eter and measurcr of the radiatiomthat reaches the earthfrom the sun And on they havebeen eating shrimp jambalay at Tujages that basis he says that glaciers get smaller across from the French Market in New Orleans 0n the contrary it would more likely take Royal for thenext 300 years it means the weather will alsogetflarmer We accept at ace Coinmissi Messrs Gordon and Fowler working together to get the great man to admitthathe value the professorls scientific kno But We hadcver lefthis desk at theofficc backin the dont propose to advertise atongce home town gt our wine woomes Mainly this is new development brought about by the difficulty of an executives getting rich If he cantget rich there must be some son why he is working so hard TV personalities suddenly part of the bamma be wyn In another have lot of money fellow with abulldozer and generation pass finl Judginent on Professor gngfifiirg aégvegsag Iggy glivgglmhfim Lwrenr osen re re sgemg gelictlléefign ggzgyheilédwfgggc postcards back from the Ganges former school mate who works on the assembly line in motor car factory sends postcard from motel outside Los Angeles The executivetrying toget another rec dingo onfhiLdictatinngachin in ice at 820 pm decides that what inches is responsibility Not power for the Board or that pesky bloc of shareholders may throw him outbut he does have responsibility It is new order of monks this middle class with ynotrennugh bricfrcases to takejsthe work home lhc fetish spon bility once establishe thc something to ille forthe pretence ofnoholidays naturally follows No picture postcards 271i Reading moketh full man conifemme readymnnand iitfiig an exact ma gt soon proper memory for politician is one that knowsiwhat to remember and what to forget MORLEY What sculpture is block of mhrbl education is to human sou fimtnfit AvClassANewspuper Published Monday Wednesday Friday at Wilson Building Post Office Square arrie Ontario Canada THE BARRIE EXAMINER LIMITED WALLS President gt airman ni clu nwapanm of eraseNet Paid Circulation gait 301056 Eight will be in productionby the end ofthe year Twelve will be withintwo years More than $2500W000 will be spent by private enterprise and local and provincial governments to bring the eight mincs into pro duction this year and to provide roads housing and other com munity serviccs in the district By 1083 when current prem inmpriced federal government contracts for uranium are due to lapse another $650000000 will have been spent in mine oper ations Contracts with the government amount to more than billion dollars and annual production is expected to be worth $300000000 lose Thi future world centre of uranium productionjwas wilder ness just three years ago it took all of 750000 pounds of dynamite to blast road outlo the main ighway 17 miles away Today theElliot Lake pwnsite houses 0000 peopl Soon the community will to shelter and service between 15000 and 25000 persons gt tSome of those who have come to expl the mlneralresources of the strict live in company houses some in trailers somein bunkhouses and some in tents despite belowzero weather To prevent the growth of shack in operation Fans Storyf inseam Term towns thatwhave plagued other ining areas inihc past the0n arioMunicipal Board has created the Improvement District of EL libt Lake covering 369 square mifcsand most of themlncs lrhl Elliot Lake townsite ls amongthc most ambitious prolt jccts undertaken in community planning in Canada the Oval tiole says Mine workers will veJiomcs ilL suuaundinthhat will surpass some of theimost modern suburbs in metropolitan areas1 Separate residential areas are neccssary because of sharp ridges which divide the land These neighborhoods will be set in parklike surroundings and each ivill haveshops playgrounds and schools while provision has also becn made for construction of apartment buildings other multi family dwellings and ehurehcsl Ail 1600lots in the first three residential areas of thelmprove mcnt District have been sold and preliminary plannirigyis underway for the clearing and servicing of three additional residential areas School attendance figtires con firm the fact that additional homes will have to be built to rc placemore than 1000 trailers and tents inthe district in the fall of 1955 there were three class rooms three teachers and six pupils When school closed in the summer of 1956 there were 80 students and six teachers School opening last fall saw 13 teachers coping with 350 pupils sgiiooi nEMEDY ltappears that three things are necessaryto hold teacherg in the province Firstsalaries must be incieased to compete with those of other provides second living and working conditions must be as attractive as possible and third we must make as jeffective use ofour teachers asposslble Humbolth Sask Journal Should NoifBUrden occasion to fiscvliospitals either not or will not pay for hospital pay taxes whetherproperty own Certificates Gives viewpoint Re Hospital Tax 142 Cumberlandstrcct Barrie April 1057 To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Sit in your cdltodal of April you advocate aihe ratepayers supporting thc hos tal by tax on say it is the on sib ty of filth people our the hospital scrvcs Tbehospilal like the schools serves thousands of peoplewho neverpay cent of taxes Why should the pro partyowners alonepay for scr viccs that are available to all think it would be safe to say that most ratepayers who have in Barrie or elsewhere pay for services through direct charges some form of hospital insurance suchas Blue 7is large part of the deficit facing the local hos pital is caused those who can services rendered cannotagree that it kick to put further burden on the ratepayers alone as any such scheme would probablymean an other hike in the4 mill rate think legislation to allow for annorelcqual distribution ofthe municipal tax would be more in order ln some other provinces all the employed population of towns and cities are required to ers or gt This isllsuaily in the form ofa pollor household tax Theyproposed provincial hospi tal insurance plan should cause no gieater demand on the hospi talservices than now as the do tors decide who should beadrn tedlto hospitals Theplan if it ever becomes reality should make it lot easier for hospitals to collect charges due thorn RICHARDS Collingwood nGt imcs mariners Owen Sound Sun Young Coliingwuod Section TwoPages to 14 aynooanr ii FLBAR The church has its roots or be ginnings back in the Old Testa ment where we read of coven ant bcing made between God and Jacob who was deter known as lane and his descendants as the lsraelites We may read of this covenant in Genesis 2331 The first churches of course were the old Jewish temples or synagogues With the birth life crucifixion and resurrection of Christ there was change in things He be came our Advocate and Mediator or we might say middlema Men were to comelo God through Him The experience of the Christian believers at Pentecost as recorded in ihc second chap tor of Acts has sometimes been referred to as the birthday of the Christian church Throughout the Book of Acts we may read of the spread and early history of Christianity Christs disciples were first called Christians at An tioch lsce Acts 26 They have been known by that name ever since We read in Acts chapter 10 of spread of the Gospel to the Gentilesfirst to those at Cacsarca We see here beyond any doubt that Christ in tended His Gospel ior all men be they Gentile or Jew As Peter says in Acts 103435 Truly perceive that God shows no par iialiiybut in every nation any one who fcarshim and does what is right is acceptable to Him Paul and the other apostle set up bands of Christian believers everywhere ihcyi preached to worship together and to strength en and encourgc one another see Hebrews 102425 These werc bcginnings of Christian churches However all downlhrough thevagcs faith and hope have ilaggcd and failed at times Churches have risen and fallen The Hebrew people for get their covenant with God with the result that they spent several long years in captivity it would appear as we read the letters of Paul to the churches that Chris tian faith and hope droopcd some times even in these early begin nings and that people of those days also allowed worldly trifles linemen ihChristiaaprac tices Christi ity has been at low ebb at different periods in history Kbiit has aivvays exper ienced an awa cning and revival as at the tirii of the great Pro testantRcformation and again at laterdate by the Wesleyan movement in England in the towns andvillages where Wesley preached he formed little hands of people who wished to help each other lead better lives What is the church The Catachism of the United Church of Canada says The church is the whole company of Gods be lieving people in heaven and earth the body of Christby which He continues work in the world the fellowship in which we are born nurture and grow to full stature in Him The church is the Society of the Redeemedthose who have can freed of their sin through aith and belief in Christ andare making an VEMDES lwHim The church isthe spirit filled community lt is by the spirit that the church lives VWe be liis saving effort to fol fgtféTHEicHuicn lieve that when man accepts Christ thevspiritof Christ is at work in his heart giving him in sight and understanding of the Scriptures We also believe that within the church we have spirit ual fellowship not only with God but also with those who have gone on before Yet she ontearth hath union WithIGodtheThree in One And mystic swcct communion With those whosercst is won The church is fellowship comradeship orcompanionahip and should never be lbought of is an institution or association lhc Quakers got close to this dca when they called themselves the Sacicly oilslends The church ie the Body of Christihe spiritual be which Christ is the head Colossians Our cad controls every action and movement of our body So Christ through His irit atlwoik ri mens hurts ntiola cvcry action and move ment of the rue Christiancburch ihc church is Christs bands to dolliis bidding inlthc woridHls lips to spoakthe Gospel to His feet to carry themesugcbt sal vation tooth The church is the organ of hristsmindand redemptive will gt What aresomc of thecharae terislics of the true Christian church St Paul tells us that we must walk by thuSpirit and refrain irom gratitying th dc sires of the flesh lie aa the fruit of thespirlt love joy peace patience induess good ness faithfulncsa gentleness seflmntrol Read Galatians 51524 stxbc harmony peace and agreement within the Chris tian ChurehpQAll these WITH ONE ACCORD devoted them selves raycr Acts 114 in Part tuay the God of stcadA foatncss andeencouragcmentv grant you to live SUCHEARMONY with one another in accord with rtliomans 15h brethren by the name of our boid ldsus Christ that all you agree that there enal among fowbut that you he united in thdsame and sump judgment termini ways hee ive in peace and and peacew nntliians 1311 in There must be Christian love thin the church Christ sald giveto This was an acth Christian love And above all these put on love whichbinds eryt ng together in perfect lis mony Cttlosslians ovc ians 1313 Nothing ould be done no decisionsmade in theChristian church without prayer ior the guidance Christ throughthe and prayer one One of the first thing the apostles did after the resurrection was to choose man to take the lace of Judas Turn to lag to rteen please

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