Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1957, p. 6

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TnnllAImm MINER an NESDAY Arm ll lid populism Worm filtersor narrowlyrule llELP WANTED mm HAIRDRESSER REAL ESTATE OOMMERCIAL MAD mlLOYIIPJT all ma Illlflfllnu Ll EDAY When hm hm roemr Cullen5 as ea flop Iparlrlnr route fledor couerSArloN palmn oulea nae 0R0 mszaIP uh uh dflgmuhanduh etor tro °m or rout leveldeaun all content noon dampen run stanch Iona and ruler bow Pluch Illh Ladle our store require MANAGERESS IKT RT2HENRR LESSCR mva REALTOR MICHIE EREALESTATE End PA 85934 16 Owen El Phone PA 85583 HA HOME llAlLlf no an to pnl hug onm pm ll couml mm oAIllue OFFER coMpLEE MMdruou brisk noun modern we Pdupmn ldtehonvlour plea Illa oath toreed ulva AV air on lreJunrI Illart ixeellent tote onann no no Corrte or mung modern II no men bout on thlcladl ll ouur no on mmmm nfinnnrrwme e152 Aural SERVICE WM Flu nwrtaage Alston um any Inch artnmlt aloud root or Emu on mo purulent DELHI houae on pqu um Wm mm cooler Son and hard thhufll mm on mum nonmm warts NATIONAL nousmo cmlaALJNSUMNcl APPKAISALB IBM II haulll ALP wow mo of Kplmer Cllldla llvlnl Illll Dim Ian to ICC mantleIon nlerenca etc him orunlrr Teaeher ulna In September ll melanin 58 IA VIE EmilMm LAWN 0L0 £5 FENDLEYS FLOWERS grace QIIIll lllOuI hunt or PA um 14960 and mm RUBBER STAMPS MALEmomma WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE MAN on WOMAN We have openlng In Ilarrla tar man or woman DUNDDP sr Wm aAnm 7l1ld 143 Km Mint filunl manual and be mnlllar wlth on mum Good dull ulna Appy IV Idler MD full pullrulln ll lo In overturnsalary expected to amass PHAT RUBYS BEAUTYaAmN 213 vYange SL Toronto DWP EAST All epllu treated eondqentlaly gt mm Branch Manager princeNTRAL ONTARIO FOR PROGRESSIVE CANADIAN Llpl INSURANCE COMPANY Thu 15 pemlnent IllPied poduon wlth an Assured nlllln Llle lnlunnca Idle experience emnllal hlll luper vlaory uperlenee not eeenury Branch omee locateth Pe borough Reply In confidence IIIM up quluflclllom and talented tn BOXT BARRIE EXAHINER lleO 14144 EXperienCéd Female Clerk ryplst ALto Clerk Stdnogmpher reoulred lorlhterutlnl pouuona In IMII Ollltl AGE 10 SINGLE GlllL PREFERIIED GOOD WAGE AND WORKING SENDITIDNS AP ML Thll LI an DIIMIIdLn VIIIII kl rtce CC Too chole Iota located elou to cod m9 rlnrton School 51x150lelllnl ror mm 3m 11 ml mm my late hoard uatlng No Or hedroornliannlo on lame ludul ane eholee lot ocularLatina Street Dfll lyfllfl old Pull DWI 70 lllll prlee mm mm PM We have loan raore localed In all MullIll kllchtfl Il MIMI bath oak noon lllvroullluul PThln ARENA AREA Dollie orlera every eonvenlenen ol the elly 32000 down wlu handle wlth my HM AN zxcuLmrlhpuY lwgwlturey or home In ree ergo mm CENIRAllLY LOCATED an hiUI uprtoln and llvlng room bedroom hrlel bungalow wlth large dlnlng room Ind llrlo modern hltehen brlfht ltltchen mdhun uvlng room downatalrs nlll huement wlth oll Op oee med hath plenty or eloleu llerlIng laundry laps Here home prumentdlvlded and lald out Ior hu excellent hrrdlvood noon recreallon room snarled on lam throughout plur natural woodwork level lot Immedlate poasesnon lud nlua open dreplaee central hall plan elay team can be arranged Call to unle deep lol and located only day lol lnapectlon about halt block lrorn tho arena Yes lhlx Immculnte Ind well kept ham HIGHLAND AVENUE la ulllnl lgrgga sllmwnh dorm can an eooerw 9°£°L£Sffi€£ ml llolcl the blhnce all In dIre open the nullhomcl In i22°lliu£ llvlag room who open replace Bud mfi 93 Wm in ll PM ex rea oo am an lenly ol euphoarda plua extra tallet ALLANDALE wimp 353 III allilI°33nrrlI3 13$ kltehen halhmtlm lull hnmult wlth rumee located on large lot so It 185 Tnlr homo ta lmmroulale and very well kepl Call AI Rose PA Mm pnytimavlnr an nppolnlmenl to wtulng to devote hour dally on ambushed dlreet aelllar wualna noun Can earn room week and up Ago no handlep All applloauona held In urlet eonlldenee ertr Immedlately to Mr Range 50 SK hoeh street Montreal cachee lAnAMI Tmcnlm on Teuherlor pool lon wlth huth re auhle Natlonal organlratlon and In er In In lleld Age 2545 derlroua or rendering Import eduullon rervleethla vle lnlly la rehool cooldlnatlon VIan wlth guaranteed tnoorn retlrenlent plan based on prom nharlng and group lruurrnee ooponunlty Ior ld gdvancemenl or male rhowtn In er Bax ULBarrle Examiner rhlp lblllly Par lntervlewappolnl 434 ment wrlte Mr Lelteh sulte all as uloor 5t Toronto lM TYPSTS POSITIONS WANTED Slenograpller KXPZIIIENCED Farm work Phone PA 846 FEMALE Mart he well ourlllled poslllorl Ha wetk coon STARTING SALARY PIIONE PA 66551 FOR APPOINTMENT contact Dan DonnellEvenlnga 164M phonh PA 571 usr lllmaAww 1155 TITAN RENT Yulor only as per month twhleh payr lnterut pruwl al and later you get lovely room hrlelr home only In years old oxeellanl realdentlal arn Wall lnnon at bedroom Ioreed ah on heat laundry tuna ere Very good lot ed MS Pull once tum NHA rerale no no aalary requlremenla eau Percy Pord LVenlnu phone PA 537 EXCLUSIVE Executlvol Home Slx Roam Brick Cultuul Bulll only our an old lt no filter location In arrle open fireplace two recrutlon roam ltd laundry Many ext lhnl aka the dln eronre May be seen by appolnt mull Clll Jerry Qulnn PA Hut Evening PA 34395 IllOME WITH ACRES$8900 Just mller north or lihrrle room hrlek mum large lrorllago all Illghway 11 Gallage etrlchen house and barn All lor $89m lull price Or will rell lo rem COUTTSJ Recll Estate Broker Owen Street Bank Ilmluelui nAnhlI DISTRICT REAL BTATE DARD CONSULT US ONV our pawn Paypent Iloartng Plane exchange or Propertl Nauolnl nonalog Loan Inmml openIA Rentall Illllllnm Opportuniti Ingpem Management for RaulIs ull PA If any PHONES 0m PA ImEvnml IAl MCGOEY APPLES APPLES Noramesa TOLIIAN swerr Kim All price ranges From mo runner to sloo hurhel 25 en dellvery Brill your own eonlrloera IEICII 109 SUNNIDALE noAn PA $2729 AFTER 17m 2J4 WALLPAPER SPECIALS PER ROLL Ta tmln us TELEPHONE RECORDERS and work In Toronto startlag ralary mar leweell lralnlng erlod 3220 per month wlthprogres lland wlahea M40 FARMS FOR SALE PAsllmE FARM close to hIghwly Good water supply Phone IA mu HM MISC ELLAN EOUS Pennanenl Act alt on thIa one We have good seleetlon on $200 here hm In the Barrie urea ALSO Inspect DRIVER SALESMAN WELL ESTABLISIIEDIIOIJTE OPEN Sale cxpcrlence necessary alaa some hlgh school ndueatlon WAGE PLUS COMMISSION Group plan Insurance avallnhlo APPLY NORRIS DAIRY 96 Collier St Barrie REGISTERED NURSES STARTING salary $6030 weekly ho qulrodror Greencred Home Ior the Aged located ln Newmarkel tangen eral duty RSI Superlnlendenl STARTED salary $7157 weekly To take clihrlc of hunlnz staff NURSING SuperVIsorS STARTING SALARY $5504weekly Tu lake charge ot varlous shlns NDNEPIT Include penslnn plan ac cumulawdslck pay stllulory hulldrlys etc Apply Personnel Dulce 337 Bloor st Toronto 14244 =TYPIST RECEPTIONIST AGE 1725 Preferably single perébnalllv Typlng errenual Neat Ippenrance and pleasant Some syolfll experience preferred WE OFFER ExcellenI anrllIIIlz oondluona Good etartlog ialary and regular merlt Increa OS All employee benefits apply Mr Roberts Hellsehold Finahcje is DUNLOP ST lllaz ve mereores to 3249 per moolh Appllfllnls murt Illve 40 wpm lypllll repred to work arter rpeed and be noon and woe end work to start Enqulm at your nearcrt CN Telegraph Agent or wrltn glvlng mil panlculan CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS Iillnployment Office Room 032 Union Station Toronto 14341 EVANGELINE SHOPS LTD OPENING IN BARRIE STORE MANAGER Poll TRAINING IMMEDIATELY We are seeklng an lntolllgont wotnnn petween 2535 who would llke to enhy lull tlme caroer In leadlng chalrl at line spoolalty shops ipeclauxlng In womens hpparel and oeeesnrlee Ex Enthusiasm wllllngnosa to learn and rorhlon con solousness are essantlal Trnlnlng pro porlence la necessary Ernln In take place In anDnto WRITE TO MRS PATON ISABELLA sr TORONTO ONT lec all replles lvlll be confidential 1414 YOUNG MAN lor hurdwaro Phone PA 852 FEMALP Sales Clerk 424 run or Dunlap st Good opportunlty erte flawlelghs Dept 13428105 at 14 MAN as hel er in read Servlee lvull at Su tahle wages to rlaht man For Intarvlew phone Lillnblnsurl Strand harrle PA mm YoUNG MAN requlred tlve wholesale gornery 57 Toronto st IOUSEKEEPEE 1424 for home nnd water lee In or phone 255 staynor DRIVEWSALESMAN Mnrrled man he lerm tween 20 andln years or age anent employment Salary and co mlsslon For Intervlew call nolr 14349 lnnnn PA 211 PENSIONEllof neat appearance well spoken to act as dellvery pro or Fullervflrush dealers In parrl area weeld ralar Plrone PA 84153 Jane clung more employees Goad comm erte lvllsa lu Towers Ap Wllson Ave Toronto I2 partleulprs or eolirse all slorl me pp t1 Ste henso Jewelers IlAWLEIGIIDIaALETI wanted at once once Montreal prelerahly wlth shlppthg experlcnee al Entomo Apply George Mont modern home Help mother with small children Good Apply Box llltl nghtwork Car essentlal Good BUSINEBSGIIILS can make addlllonal hy AvnnProduota where they work If there are 25 gr lsslon lol Isl 4244 COLLECTIONS Na eolleetlon No charge Credit Bureau Blrlll ALI TYPIS or ROOFING SERVICE SUPPLIE MORROW so MocDONALD General Contractors PA Lam ROTO TlLLlNG PLOWING 8a SODDING PLACE YOUR ORDER Now RAHDER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IPA Mall alter Nu DAS Electric Motors 16 Ross SL Barrll PHONE PA 85307 SERVICE to New Motor Bewlndlfll and not see HAROLD HART Barrlo Electrle Motor 53 Owen St Armstronu Floor Cuverllu Rubber Ind ASPhllt fill Llnoleurns Plasllc Wall on untenale Supplied and III Tillonto SI Phone PA oCisterns Pumped but and Cleaned molied 14344 paired For prompt eervloe PHONE COOKSTOWN 55m LADIES GmlING YOUR HOME REDECORATED FOR REASONABLE RATE CALI LAKE SIMCOE EXPERT IN STAINING BLEACHING FREE ESTIMATES AT ALL TIlllES Phone PA 87170 TJOHN BOUIUS Phone PA um Helm usflt H153 53944 ELECTRIC MOTOR Ph RA 812206 Iflfl FLOOR COVERING Fred rerunten WOLFENDEN IIOME SERVICE ICellars Cleaned and Trash Re IEavestroughs Cleaned pull her 54051 Now Is THE TIME To THINK AllouT PAINTING do DECORATING CO BLONDING 253 Baylleld Sh Blnfle 54517 35c 39c 45c 49c 59c 300M Lows mam Ian AT BARGAIN PRICES 31 Dunlop St East EATONS of CANADA 114 DUNLOP ST REFRIGERATORS KELVINATOR ln good working order KELVINATOR lee eoltnge or apartment RANGETTES TUDHOPE calmd elements oven control VIKING oven coalrol storage drawer DANBY oven control good oondltlon RANGES NATIONAL hunter apartment aIze calrod elements NATIONAL burner 14 chlrod elements VIKING burner apartment slle onlrod elemental oven control BEACH burner arr ehlmd elomentr GENERAL ELECTRIC homer 40leth worltlng top WASHERS COFFIELD bevertype tub llmer Lovell wrlnger lull sltlrl COFFIELD llmer lull Sklfl Dove wrlnger 799 GENERAL ELECTRIC to eondltlon THORBLECIILIC mONfllL 845 SMALL OIL Drurn Phone PA 385 oondltlon sen Phone PA $5782 use CLOTHING to At gtrl old hearonahle PA Mlle complete wllll tap Phohc PA ROBINSON HARDWARE PA 3243 113th USED APPLIANCES 12950 1995 4995 4995 2995 OTHER llANGIrllps Prom lesto 2495 6995 8995 12950 7995 3935 7995 1995 74344 Phone PA Ltul wlth tap $750 74 Tnoll poloAway lroner In eneellent 71344 years Lip WIDTE ENAMEL prsln and Tonet Mlle 71344 Vlklng Separator wlth Many Ilsllnga or homes or all elm and prlca ranges Motel throughout untorlo GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTIH Several new NllA hemedvlnd resales youn usTING INVITED GORDON STOmgTT REAL ESTATE loz DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 85901 ollloe Hour4 ran to pro Member Ontllrlh nndClnldIllrl Ilcnl Esme horror lolott 32100 DOWN APPLlmtlze ACRES slum zBedmom red hrleh bungalow wlth Llhaped lelnzDlnlnz larger kllellen Ind tiled Ellhmoml Three ehn old nleely decorated and mat only kept mlly eompletn home at lower than usual prlce andlurms PhonepA aw NAPIER 5mm NEAR WELDON 213 Three yrlr old brlck hunk low well planned and finlalled In every respect lelngdlnlag eolnoln atlon three bedrooms tlled hnlh loud hlgh dry hasetnent Tully men all toned alr Llllg laundry Ind ex cellent storage space NBA reean with no red tape earner tor sol monthly completea wonderful llva ONE MILE 0m ONHIGHWAY 11 31800 sixroam Ihsulstone lyestorey home with III lawn nonvenlehceu and well mum ryetem tall basement Illrllhce heallhzslorm windowd Ll to so zoo road ghldenand tam are only 03 Down payment now good buy loreworklnl marl CENTRAL IN THE TowN BAYPIELD 5mm $145000ne of thore rare Immaculate ly kept older style hrtolr homer whloh are seldom Team In thla prlee elur ll haa tau hedroomp It has ground rloar runroom It has modern eera mlotlled hath plus 2pleee powder and am storage closet everywhere pletely modern oilfired heltlnz plant Good solld double garage Exclusive confidential llstlllxwe want appoint ment on thls onel Phone PA H337 CENTRAL ALLANDALE In first Mock or llllln street rooms and hath llgatorey =pressed brIck home of good appearance and not too Did Prlee LI relsolnhle at $1500 wlth $2000 down payment required VINE STREEI OFF SHIRLEY AVE 1500 New 3bedroom brick bunga low well planned Ind llulshed nldy to more lnlu Full dlvlded basement all furnace and buIIlln laundry 7a terms wlth $2600 down and 72 mm Iy lneludlrlg taxes weu hour small home In lovely loeauon CODRINGTON STREET $1 000 Slxrrooln lfixtanylwllh at ta hed gnrhge House Ir five years old Ind beautifully kept nothingleft undone Tlled bath and one bedroom both on maln IIool wlth lovely knot Iy plne dining room Flmlly rtyle Ilotoe wlth remntlnn room located close to schools payment requlred tlve Llstlng wousuzv STREETCENTRAL TRIPLEX APARTMENT llllck older style but my mnlntenande Three pel reetly selreohtalned late prlvate en traneea Good dry full basement with modern forced Iriollrrheatlnx Ila locatlorl just olncl mm the Port Oltlce wlll appeal to nayone wantlox aeomrorlahlexrnaln our home plus excellent monthly lneome Irom two apartments Pull prlee Isdust $21000 BD791 Coopz agalllsl present dly terms PhoneJA $6331 room llnwnstdlfl oak llools oak trlm Good hgh dry huement wlthtnme $3000 la the down4 ALLAND ALE $350000 qu prl room we any home localed an uric Int 66 Three romru and two plans both up tllla plus our roams and bllh downatalrs WILDsemen wlth nutslde entrance CIII Al use PA ISZSI anytlme WEST EN II $350000 mu nrlee two storey home hedroomr upslnlIl plur llvlng room large hllehen bathroom and one bed room downstairs lull boeomenl are nae and alornge large lot lot It 00 coll Al hose PA Mm anytlme NORIH END 390mm Duplex wlth three mom and hath upstaln wlth rlvatn entrance plua Ilvo room an onepleoe hath downrtaln undermkltchens lull hare rnent wllh newtorced alr oll hertlag ayatem large lot on In well lond sea on In garden douhle garage CII AI use PA leilflfllnytlme DOWN PAYMENT ONLY 31000110 Three bedroom all room home loch led onlylwn bloclu from uhoal Illl nlce treed lot thll home Is In good condltlnn wlth down payment of only SLOW Illld the Inland Ll an on open mortgage Be hureto roe It can Al Ilene PA llsm Ior an IP polntment CENTRAL $30000 lull prlee lwn storye brlck duplex wlth thmrooml and blth St ra wlth prlvnln entrance plus three rooms Ind bllh down In Illle kll lat WILhAIIIIEB Cllll hem anytlrne LARGE HOME WITH INCOME 2500 lull price lor thls two storey brick hnme having three large bed AI nose PA room dtnlng room and large ltltchen doqullrx Pull basement wlth oll heatlog All roorru are lnrge In ad oltlorl there In Iollcontulned haeh elor apartment Thu property to locu led on paved treel In an exeeuont treed area on AIRnse PA Hm Ior an appolntmonl to tmpeet FIRST PARM EnsI OF HIGHWAY 11 loo ACRES llfi rnuer rronr strand DDL Guodrgeneral armgm room hrlel home Usual larm hulldlllll Hill price 318000552000 clash requlred One mortgage or balance Phone Le POPE PA aezea 99 ACRES BARRIE ManS PULL PRICE $1500 as aeree worlo ahle Good randy lném 12 acre hush Good water Good rarnt houre Pnlr hem and other hulldlngn To make olteron thlr good Ioeauon Ior poultry larm Phone Lerlope PA 55295 VACANT LAND as hares55 workable mllea Iron ElmvaIe Full prIce $2400 eaah Phone Les Pope PA 35198 DELUXE FARM HOME 100 acre dalry rarm heautllul large modern home Burl miles To In apeet phone Les Papal PA 85295 GOOD GENERAL FARM FULL PRICE slam100 acres large house Dana Implement shed garage ammo earn Bl unee mortgage Phone Lea Pope PA osm SUMMER COTIAGE 32230111 prlee room nllnlrhed Hydro large treed lot Good weu Bll pay Polnt PhoneLes Pope PA ohm CENTRAL $11500 luu pllce two storey brick home large rooms and hath Excew ent condltlon Attached garage Comer Id59 hullnz Phone Lea Pope PA DuthpSi Rodm3 OPPDSITEI QUEENS pom 0R PHONE NINO OBLIGATION OR EACEY Chen pin bliamentrlncaled on ll level room and hath uprtalrs plue llvlngv Ild above or 1500 Conlhet g1flf20nnell Evenlnll phone PA THIS ONE5 Len than yenn old nrl Paved Street Clare to school and rhop log Plvo tartelully decorated noun and llhtll rally tuned and plenty Imdlcuped Complete In every dztall Move In and llve lmrrledlale pomulon nwner Ienvlnll ror Vaneormr Cull Jerry Qulnn PA nodal Evenlnga PA 82896 ALLAN DALHLGSO That to rullprlee lol thlr rlorey hrlelr home on good lot so Ion close to lehoola our and rhopplhg Taxes only sud For full partleularr call Percy Pord Evenlan phono PA ram IMMEDIATE POSSESIDN Brand new Brick EuanIllw III In excellent location Exlrl large lot Three nice bedrooma Pull the path Cernmle Tlle lcltchen lllglr clear haremenl on heat Close to haul money on 567 NlIA Nonagr errrylng or Ian than $5300 per month Pay rent to ypursell Call Jerry Quinn PA E5734 Evenlllzx PA 8489 ED BM BARRIE OUTSKIRTSSIfiw rlwrn bungalow on an acre or round on Illlhlvly ll NI ol lown Excellent garden land Irult Areas Large ltllohen llvlng room and bedrooms Good gar ngo Prlce Includer houae and good hulldlng Iota call mm con holl Evenlngsphono PA 702 Coop Llstlng €01 SPECIAL 0N BUILDING LOT Only $550 owner leaving town murt roll In AllandalcDIs lrlct Lot rlze sll Call Percy Fold PA 89531 FARMS FOR SALE Prom so to 150 acres prlead lrom am to sumo Call Percy Ford PA 39517 Palms WANTED WeJuVe many lnqulrler or van oaa shell and type nfllrmr Your may he the one and we opn sell your arm II the prlee ls rlghl consult on Ice cone fldrnllnl appraisal call Percy porn Evenlog phone PA llllsa1 AEKER lloups CALL Porcy FordPA $9537 Dnn cannonPA om Jerry QuinnPA ama stsson REALTOR MEMBER BARhIE REAL ESTATE BOARD REAL ESTATE BROKER puss CARSON PA ml Dulce Open am to mill Dally Saturdua Illllll 11m $1000 DOWN PAYMENT terms School modern hlteheo lplere hath on heautlruuy we send renldenuol area $1800 DOWN PAYMENT lN ALLANDALE Cure monthly drooma Ilnd hath oll heat port hasement landscaped lot $2000 DOWN PAYMENT $12900 FULL PRICE VB llllEe rooms three hedranmsfullr modlflllillchlrl Ilvlng room over20 long ALLANDALE IHJ NORM $215me Dunlap St East llarrle halanoe on one mortgage at reasonable to Cndrln£ton Street bedrnom bungalow wlth Located tread lot In $5800 FULL PRICE earrles tor $3500 snorted ion larg Situated on verywlde ldton ler Street TOUGH REAL MATEk BUSINISS BllOmS carnpelent hell put aerate omeloslve and cannoentlal uaglon nvrte and NIIA tlnanelng plaor pechlly urvlcn no haylog and nllllli prlvllh Income human oro delectlnu ol Illm and anal Odlnll Huslnm dlrollenlel sold on ocular enllal Ila ng senlco MCGOEY TOUGH PHoNE PA aam 0m 19 Bil held app ENNIS0 BEDROOM hrlck bungalow forced uIr oil henllnz hardwood curl plecu III bllhroorn close In llllh Ind pull hauls LAwn soddedl Buy now land save Ll Iolll Owner and oullder phone null IHIJJAlJfl WANTED HlGHEST PRICES PAlD ror SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 63331 or PA 6448 WHITE IPSLRrufi 52 INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL op st seet Phone PA 66331 or PA 831ml H9 Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METAIS Elma amps mas BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY trueltn wlll eon El eatpneu slld Speelu prlcu neuralea Sh Pthe Blrrln PMan PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and office 204 Tuna st selru Low or MANune WantedPhone PA passe H3 BAIDER cIIAm wanted Whlte ena IIc Phone eclan lerle mel hydra 43L LM LOGS wanted to huy also eon tlrncls ror ealtlng alld shlddln Box l0 Borne Examlner TENT approximately wlth floor and Insect net wanted to good condi tlon Apply 80 home ratnun WANTED Good lused Itme mpdalne imitate mpke candltlon and Prlce Apply Box 15 Burrle Examiner WANTED 10 Garage 12120 or largerykhn ls movehie In good ch dluon slate prlee Apply Box 103 or phone 445w Allmon 341 50 cuLTlvATBD acres on can Ve ra mlles Flve Polnle DIET ydro water pressure Elysium Murphy Darrle Im Phone PA Halli 34341 DOGSVIAND PET STOCK PUPS WANTED Phone ZW Slroud ill424 TnoPICAL Plsll Turtles coll Fiona Ind suppllps Male Budgles Evnnlell cal artIcles East Haven Fish R00 203 Blake st Phone PA nasal REALTOR do hpnucrmlrrlou swarm To sum Pullout SALE st large rooms lully modern lneludx lngenewaltehe euphparda lllleon bnthghot waterllleatln wlth oll Tnlr two rtoreyhrloh home rltualedon good lot wlth two age and dou ME ulna VLARGE FAMILY HOME mm DOWNsplat FULL PRICE Although thls an alderlhnrlle lt ls In Busmess Opportun hotter condlllnn than most new houies MI Consma 01le 1m moms opo Loose wlth clhllu ver and eonage 1513 grou wlth lakefront property sandy Dene late for children Apply Mn MOBIL Illlls Ore peach zsuuo DANCE HAIL and Sniek vpnr jhlllr allPT HOUSE Trailer for sale In Ben equlpped also our hourexee lug nut rlefn All fnontienlenedlp rally nrrntahed tagor clone to Rklv Apply marl Mortgage irramhda Phone Laura orobylaldgehto Beach 294 anplmva uA FRUIT VEGETABLES mumpsmo Parmnr cIlIPPllwA Potatoes small ru ror wlth 100 acres Ixed Iann unable for rele hell tolnrk lull lime sale App Art Hohha Edgar or phone Mppmton Ilr3 04 Port SALE Early Warh Seed Potatoes NRY BERNICK Penelope RR enema PA 2670 spected Rnrpbeflyl Phntd VlhlnflIrled Ium manna ed loo Striwpeny ot ANY MEMBER OF DARlull Fll 1541 Gr it do E390 It DISTRICT IIEAL ESTATE BOARD vv vH3WFlI WELLS DUG TILED OLD WELLS RECONDITIONED conerpl tlle Tor wells culvert and storm sewers Weeplngtlle ma or none PA SEPTIC TANK UNITS was 24242 Charles Rogers MARE uAlinENTraotor rldlnz UP REALTOR wlth hunterour attachments Top loan PUMP SALES or SERVICE BALED IIA motor nearly new phone aural parrte 43 OIL SPACE Heater good condltlon Heata to rooms Best taller Apply wlth slngle open mortgage telnu ort erod Coon Investment PIIONzePALHJaT ANYTIMELAY 0p EVENING Ernest carton adline For Copy4 500 pan week day precedinglsrug nnAleNe Pm MONDAYSATURDAYIW pan ADLEIS MAY BEVTELEPHONED TqPA pull 4Ceflch word min munt 80c Followlllg cousegutivé inseljtlolls 3e word lllllllmlllll 60c CASH RATE 3c wordrnin mom 60c Followlllg consecutive insertions 2cwotrl mi inlunl 310C MUST BE PAID wrm opplr JUST FEWLEFT AT 5VNHA2 OAKLEY 343EDROOM HOMES oPPEIthO CHOICE OF STYLIS Homes by Crolley Construction by helm on law model have ruuhle getting on the lunllurel Exeellenl speculum Egfiéeya Turkey Ranch Mldnufl PA dongle vodor and dedrea working partner to mm the arm on share hall For flll Infillma Inn apply In Vt Inn to Box Bane Explnlner 72911 SNACK BAR Contact grace store HE repl nargrlo WENT moving mllel north an 11 mp 174243 rlltlon Prloed or early so Phone DUNE EAST 3631113 PA Hm 74344 DICK HENDERSON Representatlve Whlrney Concrete 2m Lennon mums TRUSTS Bum Mom completely MEDndltIDthl Prollucts phat hargat 5115 Phone Camp nor heal potato hoard Alter hours dlal FA Haul dell 1435 74944 43 7H mmliTON dnfiletthery 7nofiivdlhflnnle 01 large lot Hflgfihiva or re lies dlre to this olllce 25 extn 19 nan xNmbs pf to WOULD TRADE WWW 9mm Phone 72050 medlnlely Phone PA MW rter 530 COMING EVENTSLUCALS AUCTION SALES NOTICES wheel Wm thug pm noun also Electric Pan Fnl partleulm ml lmum 750 332 Fng ffiggflqfila phone PA 105 or may he men at All wlth rteel roorr lnrgood re lr mm cm nut aprtolrp apartment loz Peelst Tgefnd iyhtelliolitegle wgzihgmr IN MEMORIAM CARD 0F THANKS INAPPRECIATIQN EA aux BBMOVED pm you ClollllN Sullplopcplld Slacks ram promptly ror arnltary dlapunl bullet ww ens sump lulu FOB ALEV rho paln mine it not assume rerporlrlollltyror any error In 45 PM gt ad on menu tox over the tee or In gt4 uszp KITCHEN BUIIBLH all ll the glnttooertloo Mm Lmmd mnlog noomoalteo Indu Ch If 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