rims Weizmann Ann 10 mi 362milirm Ac it ATEIE 599 WEEK TillI ANNUAL W616 NAPOLSSPE GET REAOY FOR SPRING Wcro Ill set to help you get your lawn and garden in shape with contpltle selection at quillin lows and glrdcn seeds ter ulisen and garden tools rpocill array of vlluu or the goiter and iishernnn too se Wooo Aim MinAl SHOP nomrum oquAsuiu EQUIPMENT cumsritr surpLiEs lot the luv lurk collulnel spool stiona on syruahla in the Sec retrupture The lower or my tender not was only erupted nude District countis snugtr loan ll rum SecretrxTiunrer and Sudan Admlnhirflor 43M KEMPVIBW MENS LEAGUE First Division Borden 83 Bay iéld 59 Brass and Glenn 54 Ernies 47 Crompton 97 Super tut 43 Second Division Lang 79 Tanning 82 Toastmaster 53 Wonder Brand 51 Candi 38 Butlers 34 Mondays Scores Ernies Baylieid Cramp loll Bardch Brass and Glenn Supcrtest 2Lnng Wonder Bread Tanning Canada Dry Toastmaster Butlers Wilson had the high single of 343 llnrper had the top triple of 725 NOTicE TOWCREDITORS AND OTHERS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN pursu list to The Trustee Aei thI III credi Inn And other hlvih claims union the Brute oi urnmick GALLlNGEIt into oi the Township ol Vuan iii the County sinicon Married an Deceased who died on the First or October 195 are requested to send particulars nitheir claims to the undersigned on or hrforc the Fitteenth day or may 51 nittr which date the Administrator is distribute the useis oi the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice and will not he re lpolisihle for nny others STEWART EHEN at lilcTURK unrrir aulnrlo Solicitor lor the Administrator 45w NOTICE TO EREDITORS Ngtlco is hereby given that all per sons hnvlllg claims nulnst the estate or THOMAS llllWELl nANnNG late ol the Town of Barrie in the County of Slmcoe Gentlcmln donned who died on or nboui the ichlh any or October 1956 are required to send Particulars or their claims to the undeisi ed on or union the lath day at Ap l957 llter which date the Executoro will distribute the nrsets or the estntc hlvlng record only in those claims oi which they shall then how noilee Ind will not he respon sible for any others DATED It nnrrin this 21nd dny oi March i957 iinnLAnnN 84 WILSON to street narr Ontario Soilcllors lor the urecutors oHaW IN APFREciATION We wish to thank all neighbors and iricndn or all their kindness during the time of our trouble and or nil their help Amos and Letty Lloyd IN MEMORIAM ABAPllln loving memory my wife Dscsiil who plsscq away April 12 Pepectuiiy sleeping resting nt last The worlds weary troubles nnd trilis In basis In suence she suitered in patience sun bore Tiu God called her home to iuiier no more wt1i ever he remembered hyher husband Norman Asnph ti flsvrwsmhlmln and and iovloc memory oi dear husband and nth er Richard licppleston who passed away April ll ma Alter youve gone life will go on Time will he tenderly melting our tents Yet we will ï¬nd you In our minds Beekonlng over the years Sndly missed by dlilglilen Non and Alice son Jack uuwnehln loving memory of David liggéiwelr who passed Vlwny April There is link death eonnoi sever prc and rcmcmbrhncc inst torevcr tLovlng remembered by brother John and amlly lmsorlln loving memory of Allen Nelson Johnsonwho passed nwny Aprli 1955 done dear son gone iorever How we miss your smiling me But you leit us to remember hone on unit can take your pines Illppy home we once enjoyed How sweet the memory still nut dcnth has leit loneliness The world con never lill Evcr remembered by Dad 42 AUCTION SALE 16 nd Houselliglti furniture GRAVESiGARAGE Cundles SATURDAY APRILlS Till FOLLOWING tsn wagon Chesterneld with on Stiidio Couch Piano nelnio very good Conditionltug pro otoly 9x11 norrlgerator Leo era ondiuon Iinltgctte like no Loo tch Wilhhinl Machine ninan ltopm Suite buiiei chin cabinet chairs orsssers nnd Vain Desk Little Tani Drapes KitchonCupbuanl Kitchen ChnmDtshesgtPnrl Guideli Tools Pair of Skis Conl and Wood stove Lampstd steeiaeds mntirtss compiel and monyothefmnller lrtl clcl monumarous mus cAsri Nortiacrve Is umlshed rlmcli Delbert Coleclerlr Jerry Coug lin mloneer Mahala ls in To guest at tile lirsA Adnmsoh ionto this Week Park Plaza Earl Davis publisher of The Core Bay Recorder Manitoulin island former stall member oi The Barrie Examiner called at the oiilce last week to renew ae qunintlincc He was returning home from Florida holiday ac companied by Lou Knowles oi Banin Three iiarric men Ross Cowan Pat Coomhs and John Murphy attended the Canadian Civil Doicnce College litArnprior last week Mr Murphy who is with Barrie Civil Dcicncc took an administrative course Com muniutions couises were studied by Mr Coombs communications coordinator ior Ontario and Mr Cowon communications of licer for Region Four Chici lcc turer at the courses was Jack Wallace formerly oi Barrie BORN lunnitsAi lioan Victoria ilospi nth hnrrie an April lo 57 to Mr lmd Mn Earl hrydges 9i sunnidnlc iiond snn Gnhhm Enri DEKLEYNBAt lioyni Victoria llos tni hnrrie on April i951 to and IiiI Dcchynci ml Utoplt son lionnitl Edward GARDNErtAt lioan Vlctorln Hospital Barrie on April 51 to Cpl nnd Mrs Gardner vii Codrlngtoll Sti rim HANDYAt Royal Victoria linspitnl linrrle an ru issl to Mr um hiss Harold nndy till Battle dau htcr ArugulaAt rinan Viclflrllt liospitnl Barrie on April 11957 to lilr and Mrs John it Mnrquls RR strnud duuxlitor noACliAt lioyll Victoria llospiirl honto on April low to lilr and Mrs John Roach lili siroud daughter lShIrtm lsahei BOYCEAt Penetanauishene hospital on liiondy April 1m limes Ar mnnd loseph Boyce wasan Beach beloved husband oi Sarah Evelyn Srlcley dear other at Samuel or xapusnasine Edmond and Mel vin or St oathrims lilarion Hill Roy Waldnck or Part Dhlhtiu sie Lawrence oi wungt Belch Alida ilrs William Upteprovep oi Dundas Charlotte ern lium oi Monieeello Utah USA in his lath year lusting oi the home ot his son Larry lilver lioad East WISgin Be is tor linerl service on Wednesdy April lo at pm in torment Eimvole Cemetery neuronAl Pcnetnnlzulshcno Gener ai hospital Mondity cvnloz April is lss7 Annie Bunoll or Einwnle lic loved doughtcr ol the late Charles sto lien and Annie Paterson Burton andp deni sister oi Mrs Shaw JoIll and Mrs Stephenson lillicc And the ton all or Elmvn posting at her late residence Queen Elmvalc until Wednesday noon then to Elmvllc Presbyterinn Church or service at 319 pm interment Elm vale Cemetery Casket will ho open in enuren irom noon until time or service in lieu oiiiowcn lionltions to the Cancer Society would no up NCIIan DalmatiaAt lioan Victoria Hospital Harrie on Wednesdny April 10 751 Joseph Dumond retired bridge contractor In his Bali Be loved husband at Annie Hose dear ratheron Joseph Jr and Ge 1d at hrnntwood liev sister Ana Clot oi Estevan kaichewan May Mrs Eugene Melirl is and ransom lohn Austin at Toronto Helen tins lcd Winter oi Barrie and the lots liev Sister Consultn and the inte ionn Anthony Dumond protoor or Jilurgnrul MrsLGeidld Trucn Rest ing at Lloyd and Sienliicy ninesl llorne Barrio Funeral on Friday April l2 nt 315 and to st Marys cuureh ureniwooa or requiem mass ain Temporary entomo merit at St Ma Cemetery nan with our int ment at Brent wood iiAnvitv Stevenson Memorial Hos pital Alliston on Monday April it lil57 Ernest Ellsworth liarvoy hr loved husband oi Mnniie Robson Ind dear brother ot Amanda Mrs Robert liurda Mnrznlet Mrs lrvin ile diu ellie Din George Gluhrmi Ginoviile Jills lsnru Thompson tn his 75th your hosting It the Thomas Funeral Chapel Ailiston until it Lillr Wednesday April in thento st Johns Church Cookstuwn irlr service or para Interment st Johns Csmoiery Cookstown The scrvic under the direction of 101 No ova Thompsanvilie Cndketvyllli be open in the church until tinse oi service in Robert Eurv This your rightyat the slut oi the season talc the backbraking work out of cutting min with one oi these feature special Fire Itone mowers cosystarting iamous ClinJ tun engine or oilsot wheel suspcrlsionior onsicr operation Otwotscction handle is cos lcr storage lihti muvtllg direct drivcno gears or bolts replaceable up type blade heavy drown steel housing iorlongcr lift and other features to help make lawn cnre real picn silre lAwN Sprinkler Strongly constructed sprinkler covers 330 iontrhdiusAlts special value This low priced model features the popular Clins tan cycle motor As above but withClinion cycle motor MAKE lAWll can ptEAsunEi lMAYFAIR 18 ROTARY MOWER ChOose either model both utter outstanding value This quality mullo mower cuts iorwnrtls and backwards gets in close to flow or beds trees Ind shrubs Adjustable Cutting Range from rr to Outstanding value right at the start the season Come in lodny let us give you full dclnils oi this wonderful mower 541975 6850 YOU ARE INVITED TO VIEW 6UR SVELECTION 0i own liuiden Supplies Quality Seeds and Fertilizers hand cultivators spading forks garden sphdés grass clippers hand mowers edgers priming sheors lent rakes garden rhites wheelbarrows ulcolnplete selection of oil your garden needs Well Hold Your Selection On Our LilyAway Plan TIME To IMP hove voun IiITcliEil ToOl cubic loot modcis COMPLETE AUTOMATIc COOKING ChefMaster 30Range Finished in gleaming white enamel that will not go olicolor the ChelMnstef pliers you top range value Come in and see It today The Cth Master ily Firestone brings you such outstanding icatures list is full 24 oven with completely uutomdiic controls three burners each with Tindividuaily colored push button switches andonc burner with the revolutionary Thermal eye that hrings food to the required temperature and then holds heat to prevent boilovers Alleiemenis swing up for easy clean ing The attractive fluorescent light extends full width oi the brick panel All controls time appliance outlet ihilindieaior lights that show red when switch is on are attractively mounted on the gleaming chrome back panel NOW 10 cubic foot reiriger alol that is actually prided no high er titansmost comparative and requires nomorc floorspace ihan urine and cubic loot models Bound newexinrior dcslgg new Mist lei gtGlecn and Glacier interiors highlightedwith anodized gold ul uminumr irlm The Full Width Freezer has over 40 lbs duplicity 16 His capacity glass covered maul chest and rapid chiller dozens of ntherviepturosr RightpowV ctore the warm weather starts isthe proper tillig to nowrefrigerutor easilyuonout can plan nudgeiienn Model Tvf MODEL 2V17T Smart cabinets DI walnut mar hogany or llmed oak Thc Waverley fcdture new rPushButton0NOFE sw Eprget Volume Control and many bther vnnced feature Limitedselizctiori hu how Strongly made with oil metal case its special value Twolcstt rtAshtlsuT COMPLETE WliII BATTERIES 79c gt so PlEC sociiET AND SCREWDRIVEIt SEI WITH llS NEW SLIDEPAK KIT Hur dencd tempered tool steel blades alloy steel sockets nlckei plated or long life Shockproof unbreakable nbn plastic handles SPECIAL inflammable wince cusmous Leatherette covers in striking color comhinutiohs Handy carrying handle SPECIAL VALUE screwdriver 89° Tvillil noon MAT sET Smart rubbermals make itcosinr to keep our floor clean prptccis original mat srnclAl PAIR IlAllov nuroéu was nnusll ideal for auto truck wlmtowts The spraiy action rinses and cleans Cuts auto washing time in half Fits any standard garden hose