mbaammmnnwanflésou Linen Lilian Jarvis one of the lovev lies stars with the National Bal let of Canada will have prom inent role In the companys pro duction of Offenbach inrthe Un derivorld included in the rcpcn toirc for the groups pcrtormancc April 29 at Barrie Arena The ballerina will be watched with great interest by several former pupils who attended her classes here in recent yiars Usually identified with the charming role of theSugar Plum Fairy in the production of The Nutcracker the attractive fair haircd Miss Jarvis starred this season in two additional ballets presented by the National Ballet She had the feminine lead in the dramatic ballet The Fishermiin and His Soulwhich had its world premiere during the sixth international touring season Born in Toronto of Finnish descent Lilian qarvis made her professional debut in London musical before returningto Can ada and has been with the Nation val Ballet of Canada since its be ginning in 1951 She has ap JARVIS pcarcd in leading dance rolesin number of successful produc tions notahly the title roleof Barbara Allen which attracted the approval of New York critics two seasons ago classical dancer with flair for the dramatic Miss Jarvis daiiccs principal solos in Swan Lake Sylphide Giselle as We as The Nutcracker This season she starred also in the delicate and poetic Apres Midi dun Faun choreographed by Celia Franca artistic director of the National Ballet to music by Debussy Miss Jarvis portray ed the leading nymph opposite Grant Stratc The role of the debutante in the comedy Offenbach in the Underworld is prominent one for Miss Jarvis On occasion for change of pace she portrays the more sophisticated Queen of the Carriage Trado in the satirical work by Antony Tudor Tickets are now on sale for the companys onenight performance All seats are reserved LOANS TO PA Bis NEEDCASII FDR tHE oiiisvouowe LOAN HERE PAYS BILSIHAT ARE DUE AND LEAVES MORE M5 EACH MONTH FORYOU on riiieuoixiwau ma YOUR OWII WAVJUS PHONE 0R SEE THE MANAGER TQDAY Lon up to $25504in to months to rep yo In IAIRll15 In Sheet Flu MlLLIAn also SING Em2nd Floor new NAME ENEFlClAL FIN or canons ANCE C0 iomm vmomu mauu to Mrs Ritchies assistance 71244242 kstown United Church wosthesetttnglor wedding of wide interest when Miss BorbaraAnnvMllter daughter of Mrs Miller and the late Dr Miller of Cookstownuwns married to Donald Boyce Kirkup son of Mr and Mrs Dalton Kirkup of Toronto Rev Lewis of Penethn assisted by RevVFNeWeli of Cookstown officiated at the ceremony and wedding music was played by Arnold who also accompaniedthc soloist Donald Miller at Toronto in theatngtngpf Thé Lords Given in marriage by her bra ther James Miller of Ottawa the bride was wearing an Era pirestyle sheath of white French velvet made with aabrina neck line and long pointed sleeves satinslincd panel fell gracefully from tailored bewhclow the Vneeitline at the back of the gown widening into cathedral train VHcr shoulderlength veil Mission Band Members Donate Toys and Books Coronation Mission Band of Collier Street United Church held its March meeting last Wedness day with Peggy Hall in the chair Thirtyfour children including two Visitors were present to an swcr the roll call ijSusan ltodg ers Peggy Churchill gave the treasurcrs report The childcm had brought along wonderful supply of used toys andbooks fortitc use of the WMS worker Miss Empey in the Kirk land Lake area Mrs Lloyd Smith led the wor ship service which was based on Acts 1726 God hath mode of one blood all nations ofmen for to dwell on all the face of the earth Donna field read the scripture nndtho collection was received by Heather Campbell and Ian Postnikoff Happy Birthdayvwas song to Joanne Smith and Philip Walker The children vicarneil new Easter song tLittie Breezes Soft ly Blow and Mrs Ritchie led them in game in the absence throughillness of speaker Mrs Heath Mrs Westerman explained about the thankoffering envelopes the chlls dren would soon be receiving and how their pennies would help to provide children with Bibles they would not have otherwise She also spoke on the missionary for prayer Miss Annie McIvor of made during the meeting with are to be sent to Miss McIvor for use among her charges The final chapters of the study hoolr Kc Sooni were read by Mrs Westerman They concerned the Grandmothers hankap or sist birthdaythe most important birthday in Koreans whole life and how Ke Soonis worrisome problem is finally solved by her grandmothers change of heart and attendance at church The point was brought out that Ke Soonis own Christian behavior throughout must have had its in fluence on her grandmothers de cision The meeting closed withthe children joining in the Mission Band Credo SARONG BRA ln claim and embroidered nyion with all elastic back ndiuit modam ncli yoir mokepertenlsr living Woihca and driesquicllyneoda no ironing Bandeau and Longlliio styles saadue GIRDLE tho aiu an girdle tho slim it trims9 xtuyr in pine whllher you ill walk band complete range of iiylu FUR poor sneermesa thaw tut prvvo mars An mi from mimic ow Mbtut im ladIn vii imm mia mania Stélierton NS and asked them to include her in their prayers Easter cards which the children Prayer andAt Dawning during thesigning of the register of tulle illusion was caught to crown of white velvet and tear drop pearls andshe carried calla lilies and orchids She wore the diamond brooch and earrings her grandmother had worn onher wedding day Her attendants were her als ter Mrs Bartiiorman of Brace brldgc asmatron of honor and Miss Joyce Christianof Chur chill Mrs Kelly of Beeton and Mrs Kirkup ofioronto as bridesma The junior bridesmand was Miss Wanda Kirkup sister of the groom The attendants were gowncd in regal red velvet and wear wearing bandeanx of veiling and white baby mums The matron oft hon or and the three bridesmaids can ricd bouquets of white gardeniasé and narcisstis and the lunior bridesmaid carried anoscgoy of white baby mums Dick Kirkup of Jeronto was groomsman for hishrotber and the usherswere Bert Harman brothervinvlaw of tho bridcMur ray Miller of Toronto eousln of the bride and David Head and Kevin Shaughncssy of Toronto At thereceptionJhat followed at the MasonicHall themothcrl of the bride received the guests wearing sapphire blue velvet wit pale beige hat and gloves an mink stole The grooms mother who assisted was in navy blue crepe and was wearing matching hat and gloves Guests were present from To ronto Beeton Braoebridge Ban rie Streetsville Bellevilio New market Ottawa and Churchill For travelling the bride wore arminktrimmed turquoise taffeta ensemble with brow hat trim med with mink tails and brown fur jacket Her accessories were brown Florida Mr and Mrs Kirkup will be makingrthcir home in Toronto CHANGE OF lIFE HOTFLUSHES Iv Why aufler fro flushes ner vuna tension in bility weak near loan of appetite aches and pains aim 1e anemia during change of Remember in Clinical Tau the uni of women enjoyed striking relief with New Formula Pinkham Tobieu or Compound Most likely you he helped too So onw 30oavs rm murmur It you an not helped InntgetPinkhlmafromyourDrn Score Take for 30 days nadirec to tunhemmcoyouroompluiut puao not experience striking relic Voend us the crnptywlrmn for cheerful refund ofyour money We have thousands of mmnon iala on ï¬lefmm satisï¬ed aim Join them today Try our safe norisk plgfl Get our magicnee New Formula an to khan Tablets with Compound PINKIQAMSc anuno ONTARIO day tings After weddlng trip to ééed The worka of CE lion artists in theNatibnai rGalleiys graphic artexhibit hung in the Library Mullen Monday areas follow The Elephant enwonJoha If Amen Cock and Hen lithof graph in color Moiyroll Bates The HarkeLHeadchceaetcenta Aba Bayefiky Frornst Pauls ciderwoodcutinltstair8eil Les Argonautes ink Men VBcllé tleuii Blrd in Grosses lino arena prak Autumn etching Janie Boyd lemaiejNudcteon te The Hunted Bu stand ieit Charlcs ngtonrAftcr Swimming sen imp wax Colville Figure Stu conte Grahm Coughtry Hidiourize fclt print iiody Kennycofirtice George tskwitz mate on wash Er miteld The Atti Bc graying rty woodcut Frederick Mlguel Watetllole cr llarris divides lithograph tisJiiiesfflhcGoldcni Laird twe color lino Eran Iona Sltting Flghre crayonWlliinmKlnnis PontfrNequ Paris etchlng George Kuthaï¬ Polynesian Night lithï¬pencii Print MacDoth Curious chalk Mochizulij ï¬ceflnlngNude pea and wax drawing Leuls Mahl stoek feitt Caterpillarsjtlino and in An Elevator softgraund iairi eiia£s Effective Apriiizsimm mama flloinrumnti BARillE AND ALLANDALE srATioN About By Popula =TomdjHadgson Storm Comi itinerantMW Mdnotype Harley Parker Mon Are Backlnyilh Rota FruitVeg Demand 3KGRQCE tlltilitiiscontl soilsavoigwiiiip wacannvacommm am or Ian nuns Size and Dar iquotiat heinbhttp Vanni pcngnd inks niacin Nev nudie ink Ronald Satok Boulv dc Km Ind lnkClrlSChncfer Birds in New Snow ink wash Shldbolt nine Bonitcoior iitho John Snow Buildings Mc Gill University aerlmph Fred erick Taylor We Are All Ban ners hot press Gerald Trotlt tier Ott Refinery Night char1 coal John Walsh Loaned by The Toronto Tele grain the travelling exhibition at the Canadian Society of Graphic Art is the first National Gallery exhibit to be shown in Barrie it will hang in the Library Hall for three weeks and residents are cordiallanvited to take the op portunity of seeing these works of outstanding artists during library hours he show was brought to town under the auspices of the Barrie an Club GROWING FAST Veneztjelaoltrlch South Amen leanrepublic hadah estimated population of 6500 in 1956 CORNER curaoanoT1 BAKERY IDELicArEsSEN isnunwrmenr SCHNEIDERS COLD CIII MEAIS Salami Bologna nm country Styie Pork Sausage cameosrage cheese IMPORTED ffEltlthG arm sanomas Featuring full line ii rumours EASTER ooonms shunnies chickens eggs srnawagnnv shameurn lI ASSORTED PIES COOKIES BARBIE on Special FIRST GRADE BUTTER 59 Hot Cross against 3600000 inj1940 lovely spring wool snilslinl idHaï¬eflhg new silhouettes ISaIé 199 USUALLY 3993 10 4998 Eeautiful fashion suits in the newest spring silhouettes sale priced at the beginning of the suit season when you want them Some are reduced from our stock many are stunning Special purchases all are wonderful buys Heres everything you want in spring suit and the suit you want Be here early hack interest suits dressmaker styles pleated skirt suits cape styles boxed and fitted styles IM SKMPZE ltfax Factors lTALlAN mow LIPSTICK to all our customers Pick up your free sample at our store and see our new spring clothes 13 DUNLOP ST Extra Large annotation and wools in wool tcigafgabardine flannel imported and domestic twecds textured wools silks navy black grey beige blue pink green mauve in group suss 0PElliilttf0M0ltlith an dll=llr RETAIL WHOlESALE Extra Fancy Macintosh APPLES qt Basket regular and petite sizes to 20 MANTi etobleb Grocery Business ToVSVerveYResidentstf tiarrie Brought RYSPEGI Lsr 33 HinzeInn ape snazscciiiiiiiiiioii Mini WErCARRY coMrLsrE LINEOF crocsaiés vacationsgsiraciiiisv we can consume LINE or meanness