Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1957, p. 1

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MAYOR NATHAN PHILLIPS Torontor today appeared beiore the Lidns lnterna tionai spring board meeting at Chicago and presentedan oliicioi invitationto hold the 1952Lions convention in Toronto national Director Bill Garner was there to introduce the official party to the board The Lions International convention is the largest of its kind and requires accom modation at 8000 hotelrodms and ltorium with seating capacity for 18000 Toronto expects by 1962 to thrive adequate hotel accommodation and Lions Interna Inter aud CClOl Barrie it tde APresidénts tinv °lightningT9urSee CampeBorden Farces Zero hour or the tour of Camp Borden by the Dominion and Pro vin ial presidents oi the Canadian Le on was oclock Monday morning and at am thcolticial party of ten was being introduced to Col Perron ED Camp commander at Army Headquar ters For the next seven and halt hours the party carried out pre cision tour oi ArmyandRCAF installations atthgpampgtAs Pat nclrliggs Secretary of Provincial Commandldcscribed later The time table was excellent Everything was done numbers with 30 seconds for his and 3t gscconds or that Col Perron described to the party briefly the organization of the military campand its in was taken by bus to visit various units Medical School The first stop was the Medical School where the party had the opportunity of seeing courscol training in progress and lingering or all too short period in thu nedlcal museum As the bus took them on to thc RCAC School they were able to see greater part of thergencral layout of the campthe married quarters the schools and the like acne School Cut away working models of iianks partic larly that of Cen It turion tank the indoor tank range and convincing demonstra tion of the ellect oi the stabilizer cillors tionol will be offered CNE Grandstand tor the auditorium No decision can be made by this 1957 board and nothing detinlte will be known until the spring i959 This years convention is at San Francisco 1958 at Chicago and 1959 in New York Above left to right Dudley Simms second vicepresident Lions international irom Charleston west Virginia HarryA Newman QC past International president Torontor Bill Garner International Dir Mayor Nathan Phillips Probable Election Elmvale Monday It is almost certain there will be an election at Elmvale for the oliicc oi Reeve and two coun Qn Monday night tour nominations were received for Reeve and nine or the two we ant council seats Nominated or rccvc were liar old Nash George Law lred Web sler and lcrcy Frnnkcom Nominations for two vacancies on council were Alec McAuley George Law Harold Nash Rich ard Columbus Archie Train James Rawn Harry Rowley Bernie Pilon and William Mr Faddcn Those nominated had until last night to quality Both Harold Nash and George Law have ind tested that they would like to rim foi rcevc and would therefore have to withdraw their names from the list for Council Election if necessary willlnke place next Monday from am to pm at the Community Hall Elmvale Nomination and election were brought about through the recent death at the late Reeve Lawson Robinson and the resignation of Councillors George Law and Percy Frankcom at last Wednes on the Centurion tank were the Turn to page three please days meeting ot the village council misuse size and then the party 10 1957 elu er munI mum mm Junu lwwkua anréSSionOf confidence lhge Canadian Legit it Leg on headquarters Monday night ipcr Tom Kerr led the gion colors and Ihc dominion and provincial presidents to their seats on the dais in accordance with custom be fore proceeding with thebusincss Jf the evening the audience oh liciais andgucsts observed two minutes silence The hall lights were dimmed and the Last Post and Reveille wcrc sounded The ceremony was chaired by the immediate past prcsidcnt oi ihevbrnnch Cccll McMulkirf who called upon past president Wally Smith to introduce the official guests among whom was the Burton in the audience wercprcprescn tativcs from all the branehes in District An otliciai lguest was the District Commander Distric Towns Appreciation HisWorship Mayor Willard Kinzie who accompanied by ed town counciltold the branch how much the work of the Legion was appreciated by council and the town Goldwater Council COLDWATER $7000 fire last night gutted the 10ltroom twostorey cobblestone home of Mr and Mrs RWhite and Ihcir two children at Moonstone four miles southwest cl here Mr White is Iormer clerk of Medonte Township No one was injured The Coldwater Volunteer Fire Brigade fought the blaze more than an hour It was be lieved to have started in awood shed The fire siren broke up meeting of the Goldwater council which was discussing the monthly meeting of the Simcoé County Mutual Fire ightors Association to be held ere One 02 the councillors is volunteer fireman Council Seeks Assurqnée On Barrie Town Council are to seek the assurance of Hon Clare Mapledoram Minister of Lands and Forests that all the pccics in the zoological cxh it at Springwater Park areto remain the rear of ear driven by Jo or Barrie The 1mm tootembankment while the truckrolled oulevard throwing its contents In sentthe or over Aldermen at the rcgular meet ing at Council on Monday night voiced their concernover the re peated rumors and at times con tradictory statements regarding the dispersalof someof the birds film thisparl ayor when he hadspoken tothe mi lster last fall hehad been assured that all wild life inthe ark would be kept Alder an Pratt intormcd Council an Dcvelopm iation was also going to take the matter up with the minister Mayor Kinzie undertook to per sonally contact the mini ter on theapparcnt urgency of the uation Alderman Paddison opinion that as strong protest as possible shbuldbe voiced now Alderman Harnny wondered if ters had not gone far enough fora deputation to wait onthe uty Reeve Cooke contact 5the ministe by phone it necessay deputa tion romcouncil could wait on the minister to spank to Land ad Forests PIPER LEADS PRESENTS INTO HALi FQRCEREMONY Through the two packed halls lirst president oi the branch Harold Eaton Alderman Morrow represent Fire Bgn gop for Park Question the matter by phone ini View of agreed that the Mayor should on who day Hierorshiphopes Deputy Minister We appreciate the work you do with our children We ap preciate the work you are doing or our more senior citizens dont know what your other branches are like Mr President but do know our branch is the tops Speaking on behalf of the Wt mens Auxiliary Branch 147 Mrs Diamond president said the women were very proudoi being the auxiliary of this branch An Excellent Job Henry Harvey provincial pres dent brought greetings irom all the branches in Ontario and com plimented HL Harris on the cxccllentwork he was doing as chairman cf the provincial com mand public relations commlttcc Hc remarked that Ontario took great pride in the fact that they hadrdrafted David Burgess for do nlon president We were looking or someone to bring us utror the Wilderness of mis understanding There is more unity in counc now than there has been in lot oi years To mark this great occasion past president Norb Moran on hour the branch presented be presidents with electric cotw lee percoliitorsé 125 Yin the close of the bit ceremony Dominion fpresident David Burgess presented our 25 year pins high honorin Leg ion fiirclcs Three of these pins were earned by members of the Vera Bristow Lottiel Pringle and parity King The fourth pin was presented to Comrade Eddic James FLAG FLIES HALFMAST IN RESPECT if The nng on Barrie Town Hall flew at hallmast yesterday as mark oPrespoct Herbcrt Norman Canadian am bassador to Egypt and not asa proicst against the act of senior United States po which led to his death as was originally suggestedin tovm coun cil meeting Monday ht Alderman ard motion to this etlect stat mg there isvnothing behind these accusations Council agreed that it wasin as mark of respect but all rel deletedfrom the motion on the rWOmcns Auxiliary Comrades to thelatc order to fly the nug at halfmast ierence to foreign power was Alter day which had begun soon alter om when he and tin Provincial president Henry Harvey had arrived in Barrie day filled with an exacting pro gram of visits and ceremony Mr Burgess tackled this lastimport ant unctlon with lreshness which was disarming Legion Sadness in his address he traced the re msrltablc story oi Legion success Theblrth ot the Legion out at the chaos whichfollowed the end at World War One broyght many aids to the Veterans It was re sponsible iorvsuch legislation as the War Veterans Allowance Act the maintenanccct soldiers prol crenceundo the Civil Service Act andiheproision of tree hospital treatment for indigent pensioners lnl939 the Legion went to war It secured the names at some60000 volunt ers who were prepared to serve he country in any capacity Planning Ahead Thedbéiore the war had ended as early as wailthe Legion vasstudying the problems which would confront the returning vet erans gt Many veteransot the Second World War am even today una ware that the package oi benefits whichthey received upon dis charge was largely duo to early planning at Legion members said the Dominion president Third Phase With the end of World War Two came the thirdphasc in the Legion history concerned largely with improving on the proposals which by then had become part of the veterans reestablishmcnt program Looking to the future lllr Bur gess said More and more members are realizing thatthcir service to their country did not end when they took ofi the uniform They rcal ize that as Canadians they have duty to their country to their community and particularly to their iuturc The president pointed out that the traditional responsibility to the veterans and dependents of veterans was still the chions primcpurpose on this line the Service Bureau atDominion Com mand had never worked harder Thisbulldlxig is an expression of your confidence in the Legions future said Dominion president 01 Canadian Leg ion bavld Burgess speaking at the opening of the new Mem orial Hall at Collier Street on Monday night Members and guests who tilled to capacity the two large halls in thishuild ins gaVe him an ovation which adequately expressed their coniidence and pride in such president Presidents Meet Town Council And Sign Book Alderman Morrow intro duced Dominion Legion president DavidBurgess and Provincial presidents Henry Harvey to His Worship Mayor Willard Kinzlc at town council Monday night His Worship welcomed the vis xtors nudlnvitcd lhcm to accom pany himon the dais He said the town had been greatly hon rcdin this double visit Lam surc We shall be much richer or having you here We take great pride in our local branch and the work ey accomplish in lhc community Mruhurgcsslsaid this visit to council was the highlight of his carccrvns Dominion president He wasglndi 19 hear so much good about the Barrie branch of the Legion liar It was his belief that it would be through com munity work thnl the Legion would be sustained Mr Harvey remarked that the ivisit had been great occasion for both of them and both were grateful for the hospitality they had beenraecorded The two visitors sighed the distinguished visitors book bciorc lcavingtor théccremnny at the Hersey put for if he wascleared bythe RCMP you can rcstassuredltthat grounds international fracas wasoutside theljurisyietion of municipal government Worshl TWO DISTINGUISHED VISITORS signed thcfiowmot Bartie visitors book in the Council on Mbnday night From left His MvayorVWiliard KinzieDL Bur Turnto page three please Legion Hall glass MBE MC bonun Canadian Legion Henr cia President of the Legion bythe Legiop padre Shérring MG VD one the wins

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