Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Apr 1957, p. 7

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PatinarrfrOinirNT 323 Phata 0011 Alamull down loam Phoul PA um 154041 Aral and on single roont Paula PA I11 154141 Ill Housekeeptnl Room unkind rutInns Maple Ave 1541 Autism large mass Apply at Shirley Av Barrie 154041 ROOM unrurnistlut apartment around floorvrilh trig Phone PA 3311 154111 IMMID Apartment all convenien es tarnished Phone PA um 15041 HOUSSKEfllNfiLHfim PattiL ue hailinert one nail 154041 ROOMED heated and tillnilhod apartment Apply as John StPhone PAmsa 1541 VACANT April 15 roomlurnlshcd sclteontainedupnrtment Phone PA ROOM Apartment Electric stove and trig Phone PA Ema 154043 FURNISHED room bungalow mm May 10 or month period Phone PA 832M 15411 on 61111 to share lower duplex Central Reasonable Phone PA 3545 after pm 153941 noohiApartmeot private entrance bathroom Renaonnbi Phone PA 195 alter 530 pm 1541 WA tater Joanna genius and WI Adult PhanoPA baa 15 uorrr Houses tag loom rd m1 Plato supplied Isolated honlo elm to editorial and Arena suitable tor mnldddh naei socialist normal er Barrio examiner ill444 APARratm modern rooms roll roataiaed boating buntin hitches cupboards flu nowL decorind Laundry lullnlu Av his rii is Adults AW ounlop st LAnGl ucdoiillag room with kmch cite tarnished centrally located tro mediate possession Aiao large Himmic lshcd apartment bedrooms road noralev space immediate possession Apply Owen 3t PA Ml mentors PA um 15 urrltlr Duerx Elsa ltaad district Oli heat private driveway and en trance garden and storage aeiiitiu large bedrooms living room hitched Splece bathroom Irshly decanted ltcnt Wper month helereacu rt ouired its or phone Po Box 15 uarrie PA mu Available April irh mediatciy IHHI MORTGAGES 41 NEW GOVEIINMENI approved Lite Jackets MOBILE HOMES son IIDUSB Trailer Ior sale in Ban lie All convenient fully Illmuhetl Mortgalle arranged Phone 17 Local an Eimvair uHt BOOM untumished heated nparh ment and bath Separate entrance Phone PA am 154H BEDROOM Apartment most modern Available May Falquirc Superinten dent PAWI 154042 M0 Aparlmcrll and bath heated uplnie entrance One child welcome oAppiy Anne loilm FURNISHED Rooms and bath Adults only Ahstaincrs Apply 81 lnnlslli St Phone PA 796 its4141 natural Apartmont private antralloo lrid bath Close to downtown ply Home Harrie Examiner MI APARIMENT heated one child welt eorne Also chrome chairs for Sale Phoho PA 87740 altcr pm 1541 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS HO collection No In Credit Bureau OI Bard PoohPA 047 all It 11 GARDENS PLOUGHED custohr larm work alanure black loam asllvcrcd Lawhsrut Flower litd worked Landscaping minutes rrcc PHONE PA 89387 541 PUnNIsHEn bedsitting room with rangeila and use or trig and Bendix Central PhoncPA 032 15404 DLMvAL large room apartment uniurnishc private hath heavy duty wiring Phonc llw Elmvalc 151414 MODERN Easement Apartment rooms and bath unlurnishcd near bus hust nels oupie Phonc PA $5241 154141 0M unlurnishld ment private bath Phone PA 001 alter 530 pm 154041 H0011 sell contained heated Ipurl men with bath Very ecnlrai Phone PAMoss Evenings PA 81167 154141 SELF CONTAINED newly decorated room not piece bathroom rangctte Adults Phone PA pussor PA 515332 154m LARGE bright orriec downtown arch Teinphane answering can he arrunxed Reasonable Box Barrie Examincr lsimr nunlroolil cottage with electric stove and space heater ltuhnlng waicrAp ply Truncc CedarPurk LitticLairc 154041 nEnRooHwlntcriled cottage Little Lake with buiitin cupboards Also can age in Barrie Phona PA 1145 154041 RooMEn uniurnished apartment private entrance and bathroom hitchcn cupboards and sink Phone PA mm 154142 SMALL turnished rooms Kitchcn dinette and bedsitting room central Adults 812 weekly Phone PA 34058 154042 ROOM Apartment with kltchenel Private Entrance and bathroom Uni furnished Adults prdenfll Napier St lsoul BRIGHT clean housekeeping rooms all conveniences including washing nlachin Now available Phone PA 1541 fig HODM Apartment and bath Real on water supplied Central Available May Adults Apply Dundonaid st Barrie 154041 uNEunNIslnln healed apartment rooms and shared bath separate en trance Grondfloor Phone PA H290 Tier pan 15il MEfig MODERN roomapdnmeni private milsth gfrlfleman or business gr on cry included 61 Mary St MOMED tumuhcd apartment built in cupboards heavy duty stovcirlg Adults central Available end or April Phone PA osaaz lHoll ROOM ulppcr apartment newly de corated vats entrance seir con tained can be seen at 21 Clappcrioa or phone PA 31067 lStl PARTMBNT liars rooms heated ewly decorated unlu hcd Kitchen ud Slmndhath Centr 54Mary st Phone PA Msal 154143 Mm ROOM Housekee in artm ht heludnjenirnl SuitEhlE torpbusllies couple Phone PA 05272 alter pan or ly 71 High St EACHELouApsrtmoat cit contain unnuniabed heated continuous IIIt water private bath Available unmodi stely Phone PA heist 151045 apartment hard Soldicr latworking Adults only Also cabin large Apply121 Henry st 1541 Irooms and bath heuiedj upmmen SEW No objection to one PArwos isle JROOM unfurnished apartment with private bath and entrance Call at 19 Cumberland sh orpltane PA D5852 between pan and pm 154941 BOOM Apartment +pieccbath sell conllined storage space healed Vlly pentral Phone PA 49 ii nan to PABItut utter pm 154041 41112132 rds 5a cury st Apply doNapisr st 15740 2H larfl bright retinal Hm 153641 ROTC TILUNG PLOWING as SODDING PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW RAHDER LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PA 849 lifter pm SH El ecirjcMoiorsfl 16 Ross Sh Harm PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Var New Mata NW Rewind ludvndpllfl gt 520 HAROLD HART Earns Electric loion 53 Owen 8t Ph PA 82206 54 FLOOR4COVERING Arinstronga Floor covering Rubhu and ASPIIIIITII Hndliilmsn OPlastlc Wall 111 Ilateilals Supplied wid F116 Him WOLFENDEN Tarot PAuus no nos Pans HOMESERVICE OCisternS Pumped Out and Cleaned OCellhTs Ciedned nlld TrashRe movpd oEavesiroughs Cleaned and Re paired Por péompt service PHONE COOKSTOWN cant slosl now is THE TIME To TlllNiiAllouT GETTING YOUR HOME REDECORATED FUR REASONABLE RATES CALI LAKESIMCOE PAINTING DECORATING co EXPERT 1N STAINING BLONDINO ELEACIHN PnEE ESTIMATES ATALI TIMES Phone PA 87170 JOHN BOUIUS Vzalnhyxieldsstusflaule 53547 WE VLSDUGgtTILEDV onuswnugs RECONDITIONED wcu culverts storm Sewers wcspihg ills TANKDNITS MADE AND INSTALLED Air compressor work PUMP SALES SERVICE Whitney Concrete Ploductsl Aftervltotin xdial PM tom RR N0 ORILLIA WOULD TRADE up on flow apiece bath nibble rii 15 Hell HEM Witter milled duita Apply all Henry lsamtddaanl APARTMENT main floor room sell contained heavy wiring hosted Av 11 abich ru Apply Dunlap or phone thnind 157 Eaai may cwmarlret UBNISHED Calllgl inside convznl riser year round one chii so vmohllliy Phone in Wasca or apply laclr Michelson do Sissysaga Beach Him in MODERN unturnth av roonl partnrcht Queens Park ares Sep lace liltid wl ll picture floor IlilollxhoutNew r1 vs rig dra luvnilld Avatiab any Plltmr PA 2894 tlHtHl and Dilcllls 28 wit eI bicycle Or one sulublel for 10 yelflfild 0058 Mt NOTICE In Puller Brush costume wowresound by your dealer on his iar calls lease phouaAPAi Emir oil 1554111 112761 GAIID Rblofllied ilxol Plowed EN Cull nnw lél spring Realonlble rated Sid Wodil all sblle filled St PA gemtmcnow why dlvltlendn to and plncr sine tartlondcnso or Cam PattiIn ormatitm wlte he 505111 Grlfdit Aaaocinfltlgs oiuga AVE gl Tilmm Male bathroom 1954Mdrcury Tudor Trade Ternjis MOTORS l9 win Soclhlicreriit prole GOOD USEDcant i948 FordSedOn nuns $150 gt i9SQ7Pohtioc Sedan New motor $250 1950mm Custom Nadia $250 i950 Monarch Sedori Overdrive tnrluuLulOn One owner $550 951 Meteor Coach Heater $595 195 FordCoach Ono owner $5951 1952 Ford Sedan Overdrive $375 1952 Plymouth Sedan One OWIICIv Low mileRe $750 1952 Chevrolet Coach Custom radlo healer $825 i953 Pontiac Hardtop Fully equipped $1095 i956 Ford Sedan $1 75 1952 Stude V2 ton Pickup $550 Operation Demonstration Th0 heatplace to buy used car behlnd the whuel We invite you or demonstration ride lnono thorn late modercals i956 Ford CuSrom Coach Tinted lilss Air conditioned hnier One owner $1 895 1955 Hudson Rambler 20000 Aorlglnnl miles $l425 11955 DOdge Regent It June1e Ont owner Sedan $1 450 H954 MeteorSedarl Custom radlopnlr conditioned healer ao new throughoutr $1375 tonewhite and green custom radio sun vlsor white mil tires $1495 ii95$Ci1eyrqlei TwOidunt Custom built radio sun visor S975 £9531Pol1tioc Llurentlln Sedan custom builtradio ulterior and exterlor new sill9500 JBSEiiMeleor Stadcln Original iacit Ilnishoneoyyner lowc mllaxe $1050 These lte moddclra m1n hrst elm III p0 Ind Inlay have VIIIIIIII and attractive extras Thsyare priced tradeinli llndir elitirely new ownership showroom MARREI sultan DAltitiE HONEPA alkali WeiOI illnnADPono 51 TRENCH MOTORS 119514 1949CUSTOM DODGE 1950 CHEV SED Motor overhtluledt to sell ad welwlli allow acucroua PHONE PA lml Mannie iioschpAngf USED cAlts All BEST gt see YOUR DEPENDABLEi DEALERS 75 Bradford Street Bowie Now ia the lime to get organized for trouble tree Spring and Summer mhtnring We have good selection of line umd Cars all in first class condition why nttl bring in your present car and get aurradeiu alter all one of tiles selected autlis 1950 Dodge Coach Motor overhauled finished in black Has fog lamp 1950 Pontiac SiIVer Streak cyl model equipped hydramalic radio sun visor turn signals dash clock seat covers Very cietin car finished in spartan gray 57rllccnso plates gt gt 1951 Plymouth Sedan This Cranhruok Sedan has air conditioned heating seat covers sun vizor 57 plates and its original surl blue finish is silll bright and clean 1953 Dodge CrUsaderi Pitcairn Blue Sedan equipped all heating electric wipersand In very nice condition 1953 Plymouth Seda llns custom radio wheel discs seat covers and plates New tires Gleaming black finish 1953lDodge Regent Sedah New tires reconditioned motor tone paint i953 Dodge Regent Sedan Vcrmont green finish Equipped turn Signals air conditioned heating Licensed or 1953 Pontiac Sedan Dusk gray finish Turn Signals and good tires 1955 DodgeRegent Sedan Equipped air conditioned heating windshield washers wheel discs turn signals chrome trim Licensed for 57 1955 Dodge Suburban Popular Crusader model Station Wagon nicely equipped with ra dio air conditioned heating windshield washers wheel covers and finished in delightfultwo tone gulf green and sandstone beige Spptlessiy clean inside and out 57 license piatcsa 1955 Mayfair V8 One of the best in the Dodge range of fine Cars Turn signals ac heating and other attractive features Choice of two one im ishod in turquoise and the other two tone Laureniinn Blueand Black top 1955 Pymoui Savoy one owner Sedan equipped in true 55style including signals aC heating and wheel covers Colored Laurentian Blue gt 1955 Chevrolet Bel Alr Very popular infidel with powerful V8 motor his turn signals all heating etc Finishedinsmari two tone blue 1954 Dodge Roya Powerilite trans radio solexglass ac heating turn signals hack up lights Ohd equipped now cs 51 plates Dddge iICrusdde Finished in San PedroBlue and has turn signals seat covers wheeldiscsetc Exceptionallruleanjlaintrlookrhndhaudlef like new Licensed on 57 GOOD TRANSPORTATION IN SPRING SEE iAiss V1947PLYMOIUTH SEDAN i949 CHEVROLETCOACH 14900 39900 29900 44500 GODDUSEDTRUCKS 1954 Mercu IétOnExpless 1951 Dodge ton Special 1291 Factoryirehulltimotorysieel dump body 900x20 tires 1949 Izeiton Fargo DodgeDeSOto Carsalid dialii Street Dodge lituclta Barrie dueloutlaws DOWN PAYMENT 1PLYIIOUTECLU1 COUPE needs body work runavvell 5125 No DOWN PAYMENT Palm COACH looks good runs dandy $395 NO DOWN PAYMENT monuAm CHAMPION COACH garsaving Overdrive good runnan car $250 NO DOWN PAYMENT 50 PONTIAC DELUXE COAcn radio and heater special $495 NO Dow PAYM ENT 50 CHEVROLET DELUXE COACH good looking green car very very clean $595 3NOI DOWN PAYMENT 50 PLYMOUTH anNllnoox COACH an exceptionally good running car smart flppelnanca $595 No DOWN PAYMENT 51 PLYMOUTH CONCORD SEDANEI dark blue outstanding onmlwnel car $695 No DOWN PAYMENT 51 limo CUSTOM TUDORIIOW mmou paint Job runs Ind hnndlu beauiimlly $695 51 PLYMOUTH CHANERQDKSonc door nos door both premium cars with around homo miles Only ltyon arc waiting lor somethlniz real choice see these 5995 N0 DOWN PAYMENT NO DOWN PAYMENT sr CHEVROLETS coach and sedan either one standout car $895 NO DOWN PAYMENT 53 NASH STATESMAN SEDAN com letely rebuilt motor or good as new we $1295 No DOWN PAYMENT 53 PLYMOUTH EELVEDERE SEDAN 240119 brown radio semiautomatic transmission Aboauty $1295 NO DOWN PAYMENT tat PLYMOUTH PLAm COUPE all gloamlng black runs beautuuuy $1295 NO DOWNPAYMENT AUSTIN SOMERSEH SEDAN black WILII OIL FlawYall very smart maucar is extremely pleasing con dition NO DOWN PAYMENT Si CHEVROLET DELUXE coaéh line handsome black car in tip too condition $1395 NO DOWN PAYMENT TOJhOSLWhCLCDn Qualify On These HILLTOR VALUES MANX QEHER BEAUTIFUL CARS LANDAiFEW ANELS DEMONsTRA JON THENEW TEVENsoN ALL TYPE 01 INSUIANCI PHONE pA 85201 DUNW Flt LAST 1955 DODGE STATION WAGON nu lppetly IIIII numernul Malaria Pluczn nlClrr FOR QUICK SALE TllADDiN chslnEnzD PA 84454 1541 no HiLLiliAN door nul ear eonditihu or limit Niuara door st METEOR Mainline Pardon FORD Customiine ovcrdrlvoand radio 51 HUDSON door 51HILLMAN door 60 OLDSMOHILE it door 50 DODGE door 50 IULLMAN door 111 STUDEBAKER t7 F0111 Tudor leu MOTORS HUDSON HILLMAN BAILES AND SERVICE l7 GOWAN ST PHONE PA DQLLAR YOU CANT BEAT HALWIG DEAL ldltatri lstl ciiEv Coach good running order Phone 21 hlinesing 1950 DODGE like new 15000 miles can he soon at zoo Tillin St 1341 195 Form Mainline ztonc aedun pri vately owned in good condition Phone PA Motiz 134141 195 STUDEEAHEH twotone good can Jliilnrl $300 cash APPIN Box Eur rio Examiner 134041 1951 FORD Coach 55000 miles top co diuon Can finance with slot down Phone PA 81851 lSdotl 1955 HUDSON Rambler Sedan ono owner 20000 miles No clown payment Phone 551 1H4 CHEVROLET Army Vehicle 15 ew twheci drive Apply to Albert strachan Uro Station Phone Oro 810 134041 1355 PONTIAC Hardtop tone auto matic radiowhitc walls Toms ar ranged Phone PA Btnillmllyfllxne 51 PLYMOUTH Suburban 50 Ford Sedan 49 Monarch Sedan Apply 101 Victoria St hone PA 111474 134041 19flh1ETEOR Coach two tone winds shield washers undorcoated low mile age Pricedai 31050 Phone Ivy 15rd lstlsz 1519 PLYMOUTH Coach good mcch teal conditionvery clean inside and out good on pressure Phona PA 114502 134142 55 STuplannliElt Champion Deluxe overdrive cxccllcnt condition $1400 or best arrcr Terms Phone PA anion fOrrappnintment 134541 loss DELUXE Runch Wagon Tully soulppcdlowinulcagc set or new snowutlrcs xccllcht condition Prlv atcly owned 335w Wuaga Beach 134143 1549 FORD Coach wllhnew navyblue finish saodtireshcate and defroslt ter good runnlnl engine May be seen at Graves Bros Suportcst StlliorlCultlt dies or phone PA 37593 1H 5t 1551 PACKARD sedan automatic whitewsiis custom radio backup rights etc Motor excellent Body re nnished lilrancw tone 3750 Will lolrc lscp in trade VMartin box 174 ltCAP Camp norden or phone laasw afiel 5la 135541 Phonc Accomrilodoritln Wonlfed filW ltooM WANTEDIIOI cidcriylady Pra ter unlurnlshed Phone PA nodalu ll n2Illtoorilillorrimrrlnsideéihr town units close to school for and llrli occupancy Phone PA ems iidw APARTMENT llnusa1equlred by sovcmmcnt employee transferred to harrie by May Thleaamall chlld rcn heierehces available Would eonu widermnllluwujlosenot misrPhone PA your ileiosi FARMireu staalcy sinto Service Dr now werme soon on baled hay tor sale 134042 drive shed vu on mr AGENTS WANT All lull to cl 30 mint per Week In telling door to flour our 21 Inflated h1 iwahmc cwmwfies GI 96 lllllilll IILWIIHL wdldlenflmv 111 your neilhborh mo Dept Cl Etullubcfl Holian H14 V0 100 can make money but murky Ind an ill but II II Quentin to have in hand all the esury olenulls to aim otter you toll presently we need good so moutlvu In Barrie and mm TO avoid din polnlullnl ut the rtant pen Mm Pox details lsoo Delorlmlcr to stain Montreal Hutu SEED AND FEED sow hlALlINO Harley on contract or cash crop ivy Seed Mill phone rare loalsu SEEDSclun bought and midi Plum Or write Williams Bradlord phone 11m ill4041 march OATSmr seed Torsis Apprf Roslynsir Con 11 inntsni Phone stroud am iii4144 HAY AND amw or sale We do llvuA ply XIII Gillord Phone Lefroy rim lolfll Ulnar QUANTITY ol good lquaro Phone PA Hm Walter Smith Corr Vesprs loutl sum oAas tor sale heaver and Erhau also Feed Oau Harold Braley vol 22 can to Phone zrlt Ivy loatxuam QUANTITY OF Choice Mixed Hay square bales or sale Robert Castes phahc mwx Crccmora littoil uRDEn YOUR clover and anne early consult us for your Hay and Future Mlqurcs Ivy Scii1 Mill phund 25rd 104148 EBUSIIELSflI PEAS tor sale alaoa quantily or good grain Apply Mr nos Amber Elmvals RR phon lam 104042 loconusrlubs ucavcr Oats or sale 31 bushar in tons Mixed Haysquaro halos Lochhart Thornton Phuna ivy rm Iwnl cAsH cltOP Growers Wanted New varlclica Dal and Barley Smilhl Feed and Seed Phone 10 Queen ville OM 10414440 so uUsnELs OP Sirncoc No Conn Inertial Ouu ulcarlcd and inatedlor sale Batu supplied Sam Neilly phone Lolroy 16m 1041 OAT srltaw square bales lol sale IISO Mixed Grlilll 01 Iced Notnrb llsrleyand Beaver Datapaisn itodnay Oats Phone PA 55751 litMl BAhEn or saic mlxtltroror Timothy Ailllita Bromc Ladlno and llcd clover Apply Saturday afternoon only Duncan Campbell Outhria I041 LARGE QUANTITY alvked Pontiac Po taiocs Canada No smau torsalc For rlrcs contact Ha Gowmau st eorge or plIOituS Gemgnaw 104541 EARLY MEDIUM Strawed Chanecuor ens sown on sod Good sOli builder and excellent fur tnlxlnl with Rodney and Garry Oats Ivy Seed ittiiia phone 25rd 104148 FOR SALE 500 bushels Montcalm Seed Barley Ernie No control certiiicats No 4641392 germination was Also quantity or Rodney Oats Phono evenings 721 Minesing Maurice Schaer HR itiinesing 1073150 FARMS FOR SALE ELLWOOD BLACK PARM 1mde Ill SHANTY BAY Ph BARRIE sum 75 acres Mldlahd raucs close to school and highway seven roomllouse with hot water heating piece bath hardwood floors large sun porch new two car gnflgE barn lflx70 Staci stab iing and water bnwll milk house can cooler price only 511000 175 acres Eimvaic district one or the hurt clay loam tarrns in the district eight room house two largehip 100 bums 10 acres bush Looking 101 real bargain see this one whores on payed highway close to large village and famoiusummu rc sart au lcvei splendid clay loam and all under cuitlvatloh Willa stucco house with modemk1tchen and bath Hip roar barn is all goodstablina large drivc shed silo rooting is steel and aluminum This ideal land or only 516000 90 acres seven miles north of Barrie close it highWIy School and stores Idealclay loamsoil house has lum ace and bath and one or the finest kitchens In the district Large blimp good stabiihg and large hog pen silo just new lovely location only $18000 all acres smiics south of Barrie in the strand area This is very line dairyvnrm seven room brick house water system and lace bath ban has stcci stoblihg wth water bowls milk house and cooler silo drive shed some truit trees Price $18000 Owner will sell dairy herd and contract It desired lac acres on country road close to two iurge towns and villas This is an ideal stock ram with abundance as water and shade sugar bush and some sort wood splendid house witbhrrnaes andbaih two hams ralr siahung new two car garage The hm time altered Tor sale and the price only $22000 with very low taxes loo acres all level rich clay learn and about 85 acres under cultivation 1mm bush balance pasture excellent 11 roomhoussrtwonargs arns silo drlvsT shed and garage beaultrul lawn with plenty shade This splendid Oldrhome stead hashever been altered lot sale before ahdls well located closeto school church and highway Must be seen to bcapprrciatod By lppolnb nightohiy dimmers uLStrou ndolnis No iiighway all level lplenlllll land all workable oha brick house in and Shadetrees blproos barn 40x75 find silbllul orgdnlrylng separate hog pun and chicken house It shop and broodcr houses This 111 vary flue dairy farm and 1101 loo rcs ah hhrd top road south NBlrrIu goud brickhuiLm twobarna acres idemwork lullilnd hilllice bush 1112mm Alumna additional 150 roger withcpourc buildings desired La llavc cry nevillm homrfor Ialo togethe with egulpmeii in areal Air eat piecobith two piccavlllfll Lu it Gain and wall3 hu furnaceloom Thawcellar and worksllop new gar macho thiator aiilrle hompnnd lpiundl mchta 11111 innpl everywhere in reasonablo

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