1957 MoDELSLAREdN DELUXE WASHER mm raunzcrurwswmm mugs Vihere is dazzling neï¬heouly to IflisCoflield usher the gleaming while coatenamel finish Epon éosei resists rust the lavish chrome trim odds Ioits luxury appearance The larger deeper bowl bottom porcelain enamel tub with outer casing of auto body steel features doubie wall tub construction to keep hot water hot Holds 910 lbs dry clothes or more The new upfront ShriltoAMotic control panel groups all controls for easier and roster operation The new composition phenolic larger agitator safe with soap or detergents The full hp rubber mohnted motor isshock prooi and features new improved suspension sell lubricating bearings All moving parts are encased in both of oil or grease Convenient cord winding rack and casters toin sure iree moving of machine now CHECK THE LIST on THE RIGHT FOR Moms 1956 oELs Musr Here no the improved exclusive Coliield Feltureyto give you quality plus nowr horrom run Irma ssomeur new REDUCES WASHING TIME Ilcavy so set ties to the bottom and slides lotofthereccssod Sedimcnt Zane located well below the gyntor dirt is not continuallyv moved back ind 0th through the clothes Tub is easier t0cleantool rllwridvilY Aurouarlc whirrth WbNDERFUL OF IHIS AMAZING LOW PRIch comm WASHER 1Nsrmcrivzov SAFE morons xton gt gt automntlcnliywhen ciqlhln or handsbccolue and on these wonderiui ieotures are backed by on all Canadian company caught in the wringcr that has over 36 years of experience in the exclusive menuiocture of home COFEIELD IMPROVED laundry equipmentl POINT InausulsSIou MAoe or CAST smeoon mathematician New Centre post design eliminates water leaks this is lifetime ornament heciauseWhI speed from the motor is reduced by means 91 pulleys and belt all gears run sigvger thus wcar longer AUTOMATIC pump So strong it will puhip Witter to heightoivï¬ icet empties thebe large tliii in 805 TRADE INS onds M99 93 niculAR TERMS AIIIOMAIIC TIMER us pnlcE 5239 95 Just set mt dial of thejnushjyp mel switc gt Washer shuts itself offautoniaticany when You justwont find better value anywhere come in today and inspect this machine Well be was hisdone pleased to give you all the details no ornen whsum orrrns so much row human amen WASHER AiJ ToMATICFPUMP men tinished in gleaming chrome that resists rust highlighted with attractive color trim Here is washer to bireryou topvolue lools over this list of features come into the store and let our trained stat give Ir kwyoufuudetalIS v2 1314 31W 7imamgustmay As FIAT Automatic Timer iv gt gt gt Automatic Pump empties tub in 80 seconds Porcelain Endmel Bowl Bottom Tub copacity89 tbs dry gt clothes Soeciai Horssw wan on the coificldngitator coupled withfthe bovl sha ed forces water through theciothes move the gt gt leptohéttom flcentretogilcl Front Grouped Contro for easier operatioh thehmrvmqnop Fail to on clothing because they Love Wringer chrome trim full Lsetglever Coffieldirhprov dTionsrnission Recessedï¬watqf ond Sedlnlenthneia Special feature Costers to Insurefree rolling ovcï¬von bneiYenr Guarantee ini or Worknranship