ms 195 PACKARD curred nounnoon snnnn was displayed at the New York Automobile ShowDec It wlli be introduced 39 and dealers in midJanuary along with fourdoor station wagon The new and ditierent Packard Clipper is twodnches lower300 Pounds light er arid 20 per centbetter in acceleration ondvpertormnnce thnnp vious Packard Clipper ears Engineering details are beingwithheld until dea ership introduction time Representing major move toward parts For Parents enIi 1111mm cllliiSiMiiS sins II we had taken chance and left our two little children in their cribs We would have lost them as well as our home mother in Northern Ontario said to the lied Cross visitor after If you have not had bus hip in the last year or two there is real treat in store for you The airsuspem sion ride Is standélti Efflulpg meni ooall the Highway Travele and Seencruisers ihat long distance routes to give you smoothenide than the ï¬nest autoinoblle See your agent for wlde choice of attractive Pack age Tours WEREME ranesvnnsrow ST LOUIS MONTREAL MIAMi ypooroooloo $1985 $6865 JACKSONVILLE $55jzo NEW ORLEANS $54d Tickets andlius Travel Intormatinn At BARRIE cus TERMINAL Corner Maple Ave Simcoe St moxie era 85511 ablaze container fille tollow the practi with electric $3415 01 werevlnot ll By Nancy Cleaver Christmas Eve blaze She and her husband had gone out in the car for short drive and had left the lightson the Christmas tree All the presents still unopened were spread out on the floor he ncath it While they were away suddenly the Christmastree was Possibly defective wir ing started the tire They lost all theirChristmas giftsand their home was burned to the ground The insurance covered small iraction oi the cost Could this kind at accident hap pen in your home this Decems her What practical steps can you take to avoid Christmas tire Some households purchase or dig up on their wood lot small tree with its roots on and lateï¬plantritlnuidr yard Aon yciit green tree is riot fire hazard but it dries out quickly in heated room Thus it isonly common senseito use as re cently cut tree as possible Placerit in cooltpart of the room far away from stove or fireplace it possibletum off any nearbyradiator Put the base of the trunk in water towbieh hasboen added plant food and keep the water Some families otfirst of all standing the treeina solution at animoniummhosphate in cool room for three or four days Enough ammonium phosphate is needed to equal one fourth the weight otthe tree and one pound of the chemical shouldbe used to every on and half pints of water othe experts do not re commend treating trees through their trunks or sprayimg them with iireproot solution instead they advise making sure that they are erpt outsideuntil ready to install and taking xtra care bulb nd other trimmings Fortunately lighted candles as decorations belongto day that is past They caused all together toomanyA tiresl But strings of colored lights are not entirely above suspicion Make sure there is no faulty wiring lit iuses are oi the proper rating too many lights may blow them out fire might be started in wall tram an overloadedcircuit Sometimes tissue paper or cotton batting or other inflammable decorations are placed too near or even touching thï¬ï¬colored bulbs and thisstarts own change the posi cord ould be fewer colored lights for longer thanbnlt an hour it one ï¬rth Theylights should rim itthe needlesnear End Christmas tree wrapping vfll nny other waste material 11 boxes ctc should not be stowedaway out sight at the hack of the tree but re moved and burned be heavy andgstrong enough to prevent the tree to fling over second lineof dei co to prevent this disaster is simpleldcvlce of inconspicuou wire which hold the tree must the won it ucb that themxit rum easilyrca be Sometimes mokcrnJeavcs cigarette end urgp ashesin stand and shortiyniterwutl small child knocks the stand over on tissuepaper This mediatciyignites 1A toy electric train around or data tree may cause tire iftba wiring is dc iective or the trainis out at good running order Accidents do main in homes where care has been taken Thus it is good plan to post up the number at the fire department near the phone or write it on the med action The holder tor the tree should 4101 thetreeshoul fii its position Christmas ppti outyouneli ï¬eepwtire erting isher equipment ready or dse nn hing itvlherp quic found and onhose the kitchen top snt ldeisnd an ordinary arge kept near tap or pump is another excellent plan Safety precautions tire equipment plus presence of mindand quick ac tion might make the ditterence between small mire or raging ust ï¬nish the the hazards in Aï¬gué yonr home which might turn our Christnias merriment possi ility onttalic any chances thisiDeccmber with your pinnstor your celeb tinn of Christmas Heresto SAFE as well as Me Copyright arc mvnsrunm United States private invest MRS sons nusnn viliej Alberta mixes th which won first prize in add wide baking contest spa or condo Packeiï¬s Mrs phone cover book 1311 this ments in South Africa reached mother of number immediately tire on 5157300900 in 1958 compared tor ller curs even it you think you can with$86000000 in 1943 Theyll bless you or gins tromour wonv dertul selection oi travellersnids Ladies line it 91 Skim Lug smart tinisbes of woriderfnll gt scuffproot mg The Wardrobe Lightweight holiday bag inch size gt The Overnight gt So handy torwcekendmjps 21 inch size The Train can Handy to tak or car llas mirrored inside lid elasticizedpocket for 05131 ics you in train on coraseal cover green blue or whi 21 1195 1195 Pieces For ONLY of ct complete matching or individual bag Choose tinesciention osuiters Aémpakn and oi available iii or Seaates fo gain is was Angus Wumens Amelation and Womens Minionary Society met derrdoyevening Dec 13 at eight oclock It the church Meet ing opened with hymniollowed by candlelight service with the ladl taking part Mrs Taylor nng avsclo and two carols were 5an rho president gave an interest in reading Siitcen members and tour visitors answered roll call Mrs ll Robinson will be in charge at the devotions in Janu ary Willipm Kirby invited thola es to vbcr home next month Viea was served in thebasc meat ihe eiec on at 195701ï¬ccrs conducted by Rev Paul Field rc sulted as follows President Mrs Lewis isl vicepresident Mrs Taylor secretary Mrs Roso recording secretary Mrs Latimer tren surersMrs Hodgins sick and visiting committee Mrs Lat imerMrsl Kirby Mrs EHam mqnd Mrs Wilkinsonj man ngement committee Mrs Me Master Mrs Dexter blrs Kerilodge Has Ladies Night Christmas Party tots70 l75lincmbers wives lady friends and visitors enjoyed evening last Thursday when Kerr Lodge No 230 AF and AM held its annual ladics night and Christmas party From nineiuntil 1130 oclock thernembers and thelr guests taxi3 either danced to the music of Mrs Williamdhsman and her band or played euchre and bridge Everyone joined in delicious midnight turkey supper served buffet style The evei1t took place in the Masonietnanquet Hall on Owen Street and was organized by Kerr Lodge lunior Warden Frank Craig and his committee Many prizes were distributed for spot dances and elimination dances and to winners pt euchre and bridgé In Wilkinson um Caller parsonage committee Mrs Rose Mrs McMaster Mrs Wilkinson punts L1 Mrs West Mrs Allason The meeting closed with prayer led by Mr Field SLEEPING VOIERS The decay in notintl1e men who stand year after year or oili ces they dont particularly wsnl to hold for they do what they can Yet the people the island pay scant attention except tocrlilclre They willingly re i11quirh their franchise for local attain noon sums um su NM You dont have to sticlc out your tongue everyum Irma Gm mwmqfl you see the doctor dear MensiGorse leatherspdorublé and triple soles on sinnan sizes T0 12 Alnsting gift Bench anode customshoes known the longest in wear 54 no Moons snors 1211 PA 115315 IiSPECIAL Viiur won VAliiiiSTAiiLE MULTIPLE manur TilEE incurs 33311 nndgddyn 7Llwht0ntfl 15mm Onlai Sor wt 7un3iuii 15min own any 01111111011 TiiEE ucms wmmw buldoor ï¬rm In savored carcinomas sum danish ismomit IIthwalxpon mmcsnowo abscissa may 639 41 mwduwuxnbbu how or holly may ran TOE all uranium with Inn uy smooth or xtxn 9th Id Pl NOMA BUBBLE lIGHTS Hing olnnrod cnndln uni huh on th iru Sui 2m Nude bulbs ionu cord and oddqn Non ham to ssh Céupld s9 glllllMlNATED MUSlBAL VILLAGE CHURL turmoil 5115 tho decorationan nunr1 nlohi 1111 WWIred with